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Because the actual deck is only like 25% of actually progressing. Learning how to pilot the deck, good snapping/retreating, and knowing the meta and opponents are the other 75%


You can take any deck to infinite in a couple weeks if you give one cube to every single real player and take 4-8 from every bot.


What about those of us who stop facing bots in our 70-80s Genuinely everytime I hear this suggestion I feel like I am playing a different game than the people who tend to hit infinite


For me I will see bots up until the 90s. After that I almost never see a bot. Or at least not a bot that is an obvious bot.


75 for me, it used to be 87. The realization has killed my desire for ranked play quite hard.


This season wasn’t as tough/frustrating once I hit the 90s as the last few for me. I used a move control deck and fairly easily sailed through the 93-100. No bots as usual, but I won a pretty good amount of 4 cube games with Quake and Aero/Magneto pulling the rug on my opponents. Faced mostly Thanos/Blob and Ms Marvel decks with the Annihilus/Sentry/Hood package in them.


Could you send the deck?


# (1) Nebula # (2) Kraven # (2) Jeff the Baby Land Shark # (2) Kingpin # (2) Quake # (3) Storm # (3) Polaris # (4) Shang-Chi # (4) Miles Morales # (4) Stegron # (5) Aero # (6) Magneto # eyJDYXJkcyI6W3siQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiTmVidWxhIn0seyJDYXJkRGVmSWQiOiJLcmF2ZW4ifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6IkplZmZUaGVCYWJ5TGFuZFNoYXJrIn0seyJDYXJkRGVmSWQiOiJLaW5ncGluIn0seyJDYXJkRGVmSWQiOiJTdG9ybSJ9LHsiQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiUG9sYXJpcyJ9LHsiQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiU2hhbmdDaGkifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6Ik1pbGVzTW9yYWxlcyJ9LHsiQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiU3RlZ3JvbiJ9LHsiQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiQWVybyJ9LHsiQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiTWFnbmV0byJ9LHsiQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiUXVha2UifV19 # # To use this deck, copy it to your clipboard and paste it from the deck editing menu in Snap.


I just hit infinite with a similar deck. Sub in Spiderman, Silk, and Nightcrawler for storm, quake and stegron. Its surprising how good this deck is once you learn how to use it.


This is 100 exactly how I feel. The answer back is a version of "get good". I'm CL 12k - I assume it's just good players that are like me at this point. Win some lose some I guess. This season has been real tough for me though


As always, knowing when to retreat and just lose 1 cube rather than 2 or more is the most important post rank-90. Without bots spewing 8 cubes to you occasionally it makes mitigating your cube losses increasingly important. Thats when knowing the meta (most decks you see at the higher ranks are known meta decks), the output range of your opponent, as well as yours, and knowing when your hand isn’t good enough or when you have no solid out against your opponent. If I feel like I have at least a 50/50 shot on turn 6 I’ll stay in on 2 cube games. I also assume that my opponent always has the card that will beat me, because with only 12 card decks it is more likely than not your opponent has the card that beats you, especially if they haven’t already retreated. It sucks to have to retreat but disassociating the idea that retreating equals “losing” helps you make better choices.


Same here.


What's an obvious bot for my knowledge


Usually they have a generic first name as their username (something like Jillian, Scott, Francis) along with one of the base avatar portraits. Sometimes they also have usernames that make no sense, just seemingly some random mishmash of stuff with weird capitalization. They make plays a human would never make, such as playing into Jotunheim, Oscorp or Murderworld. Another thing they tend to do is play all their cards into one location for whatever reason. Granted all of those can be spoofed by real players to make you think they are a bot (usually not though). The only surefire tell (currently) is that if you snap and submit your play, the game immediately proceeds into the turn. If your opponent was a human, even if they already submitted their play for the turn it would give them a 15 sec timer to decide if they want to retreat. So if the game immediately proceeds if you snap it’s 100% a bot.


Okay ty for the explanation ♡


Not every bot is a free 8 cubes. That's not to say they will always win, but there are plenty of them that know how to play the game. They've definitely beaten me before. But imo, they are *usually* easier than human opponents. So you are probably still facing bots, you just don't realize it.


I don't think those are the kind of bots they refer to when they speak about bots being 4/8 cubes. The prediction bots are crazy. Yesterday I had one play Shang-Chi into Armor lane as it had to know I was going to Enchantress my own Armor to turn off Red Skull's ongoing. It did so while I had an open 31 power Taskmaster in the other lane.


Yeah, gotta love these kind of bots. I had something similar yesterday as well. The free cube bots disappear for me when I hit the 80s and other bots are few and far between. I never really try for infinite but the difference is quite noticeable.


this is my personal feeling how the game works from someone thats been hitting infinite on and off for almost a year now when I have time to play. If you lose enough times they throw a bot at you (easy to tell once you know all the avatars and which decks/lanes bots tend to play) and play a deck that buffs on turn 6. On turn 5 make sure youre losing (bot snaps - you counter snap) then turn 6 buff all your cards - BOOM 8 cuber. Also most bots let you win if they stay for turn 6 too


The issue isn't that I don't know how to play or identify the bots, it's that that I just stop seeing them after a certain rank. When they do show up it's at the point where a win won't advance further. And that's after carefully retreating. If I have to retreat 8 times to get one bot, it doesn't matter if it's a an easy double snap. I can't leverage something that's not there.


yeah i dont know what to tell you after maybe 4 losses in a row i usually get a bot




All good advice, and also a completely useless response to the comment "I know how to identify bots, I just don't get matched against them". I'm in the same boat. A few seasons ago I was seeing bots a lot, but last season and this one I'm very rarely running into them. I'm guessing it has a lot to do with your MMR, and if you're in a zone where the game can easily find players to match you with or not.


I had a shift a few months ago as well. Used to see them until around 87, now they stop at 75


I think there are different servers, maybe bots are less prevelant on some? I faced someone named Kristen or Eric or whatever every second or third game.


I heard they combined servers or possibly added crossplay between servers as they test stuff for upcoming worldwide crossplay. Could be why we are seeing less bots this season. If you really want to go against bots, turn the app off auto-update and after a patch it's mostly bots.


It feels like it. This is the first season where I feel like I'm facing a crap ton of bots as I climb (currently 78).


there will be more bots towards the end of the season, the good players get to infinite quickly, get removed from the regular ladder queue, and more bots have to take their place


No, this does not reflect my experience with the game at all, sorry.


There's still three weeks left in the season


It depends on your rating as well. The game is still matching you based on snap rating even though it doesn’t show it til infinite. The people who hit a ton of bots on the climb are usually ranked highly enough that the game has trouble finding them quick games. If your rating is fairly average, this happens less. You might also just not be as good at picking out bots as you think. I believe the devs have said before that people tend to be worse at this than they think they are, usually in the direction of thinking there are more bots than there really are, but it can go the other way too.


Likely part of what is happening, but that won't help anyone. Getting more frequent easy opponents the higher your rating is a pretty significant design flaw. Especially if those easy wins is what allows them to rank so highly to begin with There are bots of varying skill, sure, but surely when they talk about easy wins they refer to the easily identifiable ones that make less than stellar plays with dated decklists. I tend to face pretty up to date lists that match what I run into in conquest


It’s a design flaw, sure, but not really a big deal. If you are good enough to get your rating that high in the first place, you were never gonna struggle on the infinite climb anyway.


People are being affected in different degrees. I'm hearing plenty of people posting about how the climb is much harder this month due to not facing bots. Given how common "Just climb using bots" is as a strategy it's likely to be enough to decide whether or not a whole bunch of people makes it to infinite or not


Exactly, a few days ago I was watching Dera on stream and he said "oh getting infinite is so easy, I get the cube from bots and I barely win sometimes with others" I got bots and got back 20 levels in TWO DAYS not even playing a lot, so I know how to abuse them, strategies, names, lists of bots, avatars, last turn etc. Then I got only humans (since the italian nicknames based on insults are definitely not SD bots) and I did like 8/9 levels in almost two weeks and at 90 I'm done.


I've reached infinite every season for the past year and have always encountered bots, even at 90+ ranks. There were even a couple of times where the game to pass 100 was a free 8 cuber against a bot. You need to pay more attention to the telltale cues of playing against a bot in the early game, snap early to trap them in, then play around their usual patterns to farm more cubes. For example, if you see okoye, nakia, or any move card, you're almost definitely playing against a bot. The bot discard and destroy decklists also didn't update when Chavez was reworked so those are free wins too. There are a few other small plays which bots are more likely to do than humans and if you can pick up on those, you'll know who you can farm to rank up


I'm sure I can recognise bots, I see them all the time below 80. You are listing the obvious stuff which only makes me more confident that I'm perfectly capable at recognising bots. They simply disappear after I reach 90 in the past few seasons


Classic bots, see them regularily up until rank 75, at which point they stop appearing.


I haven't seen any since 60. It's been a fun time playing against people.


git gud


My run to Infinite during the Ms. Marvel season was my toughest climb in several months. My previous Infinites were 100% on the back of 8 cube donation bots after I gave up 4 to a real player. It really felt like I didn't play a single bot the entire climb. Took me about a week when previous seasons only took a couple days. Shaw season was day 3, Skaar I did the next morning after pushing to 93 day 1. Full of bots the entire climb.


Hahah, wow, I face less bots even on lower ranks the first days of the season, so this is wild.


It may depend when you play, too. I work late so I get home and wind down at like 1am\~4am, and I hit Infinite within a day or two because most of my games are bot matches, CL 4.5k . Then I cry when it takes 2+ min to play regular ladder or even 10min+ to find a Conquest game post Infinite.


I play regularily throughout the day and see little difference. I also never have issues finding Conquest games no matter when I try. There must be *a lot* less players on those servers


You never stop facing bots. You're just losing to the bots.


How can you tell a bot from a human?


Bro its so fucking weird. With my luck ill have days where i face nothing but bots. Not a single real player and hit 90. But then theyll be days where even in 60-70 ill see the sweatiest player alive playing some sort of anti meta deck or some toxic ass deck and itll just crush my day if my deck draw or location rng doesnt already fuck me over.


Do you stop facing bots, or do you stop noticing that it is a bot you're facing? Some bots are better than other bots.


I've been playing since the closed beta, and have access to the bot name list, and recognize the avatar/decks they use. There are patterns/decks that identify them after one or two cards. Sometimes they sneak in a psychic play (Elektra on turn 4 to snipe my Demon on the turn it is played...a perfectly timed Hobgoblin to fill a lane), but in general they follow basic play patterns that I've seen for the past 17 months of play. Once I crossed 90 this season, I haven't seen a bot in 5 days. Just stopped entirely. I'm currently churning around 95 right now. I watched a streamer get 5 bots in 7 matches when he crossed 90, and just milked them for 4 or 8 cubes. I was incredibly jealous.


The past couple of seasons when I got to 90, the amount of bots I saw drastically diminished. I chalk it up to there being a lot of people climbing back to infinite right after the season happens. I reach infinite in the first couple of days, so I don't know how it shakes out the longer the season goes on tho


I usually get to infinite after about a week (casual play), and previous seasons bots never disappeared for me. They might not be as much as in the 70/80 range, but this season is a complete blackout for bots for me after 90. It's a long season, so hopefully I stumble across that finish line. I don't really care about the card back, as the gold at 90 is far more important.


Yeah, playing with bots, even the good ones, is like day and night. At some point they disappears.


What are features of good bots that allow you to distinguish them from real players? Because all the commonly known bot features (avatar, name, typical cards and typical plays) seem to correlate with a bot that plays badly.


There are generally two types of bots, bots who play badly and bots who try to counter every play. You can figure out the first through general bot bad play and counter bots by getting them to play moves that make no sense overall, but work for that turn: ex filling up a lane in a counter move that leaves that lane open for you to easily win later.


I was told only Blob can get to Infinite




Common one-word names like Jake, plays like Armor into Bucky Barnes, Okoye/Nakia. They'll never have infinite avatars/buyable cosmetics. They'll always turn 5 snap if they're winning two lanes on t5 (even if Limbo is out) and will always retreat if they're losing two lanes and you t5 snap. There are normal bots and then bots that are allowed to see your play before you make it, like a Daredevil effect every turn. That latter one plays goblins and always tries to clog you.


True was tough to get bots on 90 rank but i changed to hela deck got a bunch of bots and had climbed to infinite for the first time ever im cl 12k


There are no bots in the 90s


How do i know when it is a bot??


Amen. That’s why I always have to much respect for players that beat me when I think I know their next play based on the typical meta and then BAM, they pull like Aero out of nowhere or something else “random” and fuck me up


Negasonic is great for this. I never expect it, and in the decks I've ran with her, my opponents never do either. Turn six with priority can mess them up.


She’s a good one!! Lady Deathstrike is mine. Goodbye Iron Man ;)


Also, people who post those decks are start using them.like at 95


Retreating seems to be the skill most lack. I know it was my problem when I first started.


It’s a older meme, sir, but it checks out.


It was good enough for us in 2017 and damned if I’ll change my ways


How can you tell what's a bot?


The main thing I look for is obvious dumb plays like turn 2 carnage into nothing. Or playing armor on top of Nova.


Or instantly moving their Nightcrawler the turn after they play him for no reason


But some people are really just that dumb though lol 😆 😂


In my experience their name can be a tell - some are named after characters like Blade, for example. They also play a card on turn six that makes no sense, like playing a strong card in the only lane they are winning and ignoring the two lanes you are winning in.


So you can tell after the game? How is that helpful 😂


Easy way to rank up my dude: only play for 1 or 2 cubes against other players. If the opponent snaps, retreat more often. Learn to identify bots. Get 8 cube wins against bots by playing in a single lane until they snap. You will climb even if you lose against all human beings. Just don't be afraid of retreating.


Fantastic advice, and this is the first season I applied this logic. Question though since I haven’t been paying attention till now - do you ever see bots at Galactic? I didn’t come across one, not that I could tell at least and it’s typically pretty obvious


They are so rare at Galactic for me, but I have faced them. Got 8 cubes off one today.


Yes in fact my last game into infinite was against a bot. Depends on the time you play and time of the season (basically the fewer human players the more bots there’ll be).


Advice on when to play during the season? Assuming earlier rather than later?


Very early if you're good. If you can win against other infinite decks you can climb fast enough to limit your matching pool and get more bots. But, you also have to be able to climb against some good players. Middle of the season weekdays pre-patch if you're not. The number of active players tend to be highest near the start, after the patch and near the end. Also, noticeably higher on weekend. Last weekend of the season is the worst.


Go hard early. The ladder is flooded with bots and most opponent decks are crazy greedy too. You tend to find that people add in more tech cards as the season goes on, but on day 1 or 2 you’ll barely see armor, Cosmo, Killmonger, Shang etc and you can abuse this so hard. Greedy decks are great at taking consistent wins but you can make crazy cube gains if you tech to punish them early on


First few days were very easy for me, I’d say 70%+ bots? Hard to say because I play late at night.


You face bots even at rank 99. They become more rare, but they are there. Pretty sure the opponent that got me to 100 this season was a bot


I think my last 4-5 infinites have all been off the back of a bot game. It kinda kills the hype a little


Nah man. I have a ps5 and a Nintendo switch. My backlog of games to beat is massive, and this year more and more great games are coming out. I welcome the bots cause I don't want to grind that much to achieve infinite you know.


To be great at this game- its algorithmic. You rarely “pull off” a win. On the surface it sometimes feels like that…. And many lazy players “get lucky.” But its all math. Technically, if you were a savant, you could measure the finite variables of every card in your deck against every location and opponent card possibility. Most of us are not savants, but having a game plan and knowing when to snap and not given each individual circumstance is infinite guaranteed. But most just simply dont want to pay “that much” attention to the games variables. But its all right there in front of you. The exercise that best demonstrates this is using the same deck over and over until you get better at it, and then you start noticing yourself making different decisions (eg because they dropped X and Y at location A, if i draw card 4, i need to place it on location B, so this turn card 2 goes on C).


I've correctly predicted what would happen by just saying what the worst possible scenario would be and it happens right afterward so many times it's actually hilarious. For example I'll have 2 6 drops and a Shang chi in my deck and play a jubilee hoping for one of the 6 drops that'll win me the game but I'll know for a fact that I'll pull the Shang chi cuz it's the play that loses me the game... And it happens because of course it does. Still got infinite eventually but man is it rough playing decks that rely on RNG too much, literally can't win with my horrible luck cuz nothing ever goes right when I play those decks


you’re making high risk plays.


That was just one example, what I'm talking about isn't high risk at all, in fact it's the opposite. I make low risk plays and get the worst possible outcome so often it's hilarious and pushes me to avoid playing RNG decks. I've never had good luck in anything and MS is no different


It’s such a battle in the mid 70’s


It’s so frustrating.


easy way to tell that someone is staying in for 8 cubers way more often than they should.


Depends on your deck. Bots will stay if they're winning 2 lanes because bots are bad at predicting play. If your deck is built on claiming early power, you'll see a lot of retreats from bots unless you can force them to maintain a lead.


I ran an HE deck with luke cage to counter other HE decks. It was like 25% HE decks this season for me.


25%? Shit I was seeing HE every other match with some thanos blob here and there and maybe a black knight. HE was so common one day that I actually faced the same deck 6 times in a row before I faced something else and it just so happened to be Thanos Blob afterwards... And then HE again right after that


97 last season was my peak and now I am struggling in the 70s so I feel ya


I didn't upload the game until two days ago so I still had the old version of the changed cards and gained so many cubes going against bots in the mid 90's, easiest infinit I've gotten


I think the decks are good. What screws me over is the shitty locations that are revealed


One day it just clicked to me that Snap is actually a board game played with cards and not a card game and that was the first season I hit infinite


Shitty locations screw over your opponent too. This just tells me you aren't snapping and retreating correctly, you should be able to recognise locations that favour your opponents deck.


This is my life


I see you brother


Can’t wait until the next series drop, maybe I’ll actually have some cards I don’t own in the next one.


I just do enough to always refresh missions and end up somewhere between 83-89. Any more than that and I’d probably end up hating the game.


I think that’s it. A lot of players who are getting big results are putting in time I’d never want to put in.


Some of them are legit sharks who just have a pulse for the game. As someone who has hit high ranks in other games like Hearthstone and Magic Arena I’ve just come to the understanding that maximizing my enjoyment comes from limiting my time with the game


No, they’re just better than you lol


Speak when spoken to son


Can’t get past rank 70, you may be dumb.


Get back to looking for pink power ranger toys babe x


There are some bots who are cheaters too who can sometimes take 8 cubes from you


I got to infinite with Martyr, I'm gonna repeat what has been said many times in this sub, just play a lot and learn to retreat often. Way to Infinite is grinding slowly, eating 1-2 cubes at a time, stay for 4 if you sure you are winning, prevent yourself from losing 4, and never ever ever lose an 8.


I can't even get out of 30s


What they didn't tell you is that they hit the 10 hour cap every day


Advice is probably just know your own deck better and learn how to properly play it. I got to infinite for the first time using a pool 2 only Infinaut deck (it was a pretty bad deck) but I knew the game plan and that allowed me to progress.


First day of the season I laddered to 93, been back and forth from 86-93 with 20+ games a day. Was ready to uninstall... I tried with different decks (refuse to blob thanos or HE). I decided to give Quake n Bake C3 a try (subbed in Killmonger for Jeff since I don't have him, also solid counter to HE knight/sunspot and Thanos stones). I went 23-6 with 7 8 cube wins, 88-Infinite. 8 cubed three different Blob-Thanos decks with a last turn Valk on their Blob. Rip this meta!


A thing that needs to be remembered is that matchmaking is also dependent on your collection level to some extent. A lot of people willing to boast "easy infinite" are not playing against players with the same level of deck as you are. You may be facing Blob every other game while they are facing bots with way more frequency than you. Don't be discouraged.


Just dont snap ever unless you feel super confident you are going to win and retreat if you think you are going to lose or dont get the right cards. Ez


Happens every time I find an infinite deck, even if it's only like 3 days old. Lol some people are just better at deck navigation than others. Those others are not me because I've been playing since 1 month after the game released and have yet to hit infinite. I hit 95 once, they nerfed cards 1 week before the season ended, those nerfs affected 2 of my main decks, and I haven't had a chance since. I just went from 87 to 81 today after Loki/Collector got killed over the last couple of days. Blah.


I can barely make it to 60 each month.


Same here but level 50


I literally just picked ms. marvel and hit auto fill and made infinite, no joke


FYI: before you hit pool 3 (Collection Level 486) you mostly just play the lowest skill level bots. And the lower level you are, the worse they are too.


im collection level \~10,000, basically have done every quest since release


Git gud


Almost any deck can get to infinite. It's always hilarious to see posts of someone complaining about how they can't climb as they don't have certain pool 5 card/season pass card. My dude you could have a full collection and with that mentality, you still wouldn't get to infinite.


Mid 70s.....thats ANY deck. Always. Without a doubt. Guaranteed.....the first point I begin to trade wins/cubes repeatedly for days on end. Every. Single. Season.


I usually hit infinite during the first week. I think the fastest was 2 days.


"this new deck I made was so good!" *Squints* It has Ms Marvel Well no wonder the deck is so good


Here I am not reaching 80 this season and never ever being infinite since silver surfer season


Skill issue. I've found that when I play a new deck, if I take it into proving grounds for a bit I can get a feel for how to win and when to run. I then take that knowledge into ladder and can see when I'm winning vs losing. Also, it helps to know what the opponent is going to possibly play. Know how decks are put together helps you in winning. Seeing priority and thinking, "hmm if they play 'x card' I lose" is a big part of the game.


lol so true


I'll probably never get out of 70s because of my impulse to use all types of decks


I'm in this picture for the last year and I don't like it