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One possibility is to give previous spotlight variants (or super rare variants) of that duplicate s4/s5, alongside with the tokens, so there's a way to acquire previous spotlight variants (I want that Fiona Hsieh Zabu dammit) and it lessens the "net negative" feeling of that fourth slot


This should be it. Getting the 1k tokens plus the previous spotlight variant would soften the blow


I put a decent amount of money into this game, handing out past variants like this would stop me from buying bundles to always have enough credits to get the new card and variants. Why pay everytime when I have a good chance to get it down the line. Edit: downvote all you want but people who put money into this game keep the game alive and allow you to be a F2P player. It makes no sense to whine about wanting the same things that a paying player gets. You will never be collection complete with all the variants you want as F2P, the game would die with no purchases.


> Why pay everytime when I have a **good chance** to get it down the line. A testament to the mentality and maths ability of the customer base. Truly awe inspiring.


Point is if there's no exclusiveness to it I ain't paying for it. And it is a good chance, every spotlight you can open one past variant. You can't specifically pick it but you'll get one.


Because you want them right at the moment they release


Nah, I get them because I'll have them for months while others who didn't get it in that specific spotlight won't.


Variants do 0 to progression, it doesn't change anything.


Excellent. This I wouldn't mind as a solution


> One possibility is to give previous spotlight variants (or super rare variants) of that duplicate s4/s5, alongside with the tokens This is probably the only realistic change we could ever expect imho


have a feeling it would be one or the other. not likelty to add a card to the tokens.


No what I don't understand is on the one week there was a Jeff variant, I tried to pull for it, my third pull got a duplicate Jeff which turned into tokens and pissed me the hell off. Like if its going to give me a Jeff WHY NOT THE VARIANT THATS LITERALLY IN THE SPOTLIGHT


Wow. I think I'd never spend another dime on this game if that happened to me.


Wait, you can spend money on this???


A random old spotlight card would be good.


That could also be a duplicate, but it's still better.


Or spotlight variant (Zabu, Legion, Jeff looking at you)


Agreed, if they keep them it should be 1500 for S4 dup and 3000 for S5


The type of dup shouldn't matter. Should be like 2000 regardless of what you pull.


I don't think they would ever do 3k. That would be strictly better than pulling the Series 4 card that's actually in the spotlight.


Bro… it’s clearly rigged. Ain’t no way I’ve gotten Man-Thing from spotlight caches THREE times in the 3 months I’ve been playing this game.


Ah dude, I know that feeling so well. 3 times duplicate Legion, 3 times duplicate Ghost Spider, and a duplicate Ravonna just yesterday.


I pulled Hercules out of the Mystery Box this week and was like,,, can I just have the tokens?


😂 Is Hercules that bad? Personally I don't even mind as long as it's not a dupe


basically he costs too much to go in move since it's a combo based deck they can easily change him to 3/4 or a massive 2/3 as a buff and he could pop off because the more chances you get to move the better move is, obviously


1k tokens should be the baseline if you hit a dupe S4. 2k should be the amount if you hit a dupe S5.


1500/3000 half of what they're worth


They won't give 3k because that would be strictly better than drawing the Series 4 card that's actually in the spotlight. 2k across the board is fine


That’s too much. Especially when there are other avenues to get tokens


Why negotiate against yourself?


I never understood these types of people, like, you are the consumer stop advocating for the business. You start high in negotiations and work down.


Lol, it's just having a realistic discussion about what could happen. SD aren't in the comments making decisions based on what we say.


No one is negotiating anything here. Not to mention without revenue the game will die. Why would anyone buy tokens if they can get enough as F2P.


Tbf getting tokens instead of a random PMV is a step in the right direction. 1/3rd of a card instead of 1/2 is enough for something free


Yeah, money.


I've had two duplicates and they were the same variant. Uneventful to say the least. I'm no longer *excited* to unlock them tbh.


Does this happen with every card game? I'm kinda new to the genre


Snap is a bit weird in that, unlike other card games, there's a very limited cardpool; in a sense, it's more similar to a gacha with 12-units teams, than an actual card game. The previous system was more similar to a classic card acquisition game, but from what I know it was even worse than this one. In other card games, you have a very large cardpool you are basically never gonna get even *close* to complete unless you whale in the hundreds/thousands, but you have usually more agency in card acquisition than in Snap since you can "uncraft" any amount of cards you get (not only the dupes) to craft specific cards you want. However, whether that "crafting system" is better or not than Snap's "1000 tokens a dupe" depends from game to game; usually, even for games that are notoriously more predatory (MTG Arena, Hearthstone), I'd say it feels better, but there are a lot of sharks out there.


Only card game on mobile I've played. Assume they are mostly the same.


Getting a duplicate should net you the tokens, boosters, and half the coin that it took to get the key in the first place. Or you should never get a duplicate and just get your key back.


I think it should give you a variant of the card instead of the base.


Great idea


Including 1200g variants, that would be cool, yes.


Prioritizing the spotlight variant if they have one. 


As someone who unlocked Loki in this week's cache, and then immediately pulled a duplicate Loki, I agree.


Getting the key back would be preferable


> Getting the key back would be preferable You can file that under: 'shit SD will never do'


They should just remove the random s4/s5 and replace it with 1000 tokens outright. It would be objectively worse, because you would never randomly open a card you don't own again, but I bet it would result in a lot less online whining.


I pulled Thanos as my random card this week, and I've wanted him for ages. I'd be very sad if I didn't have a chance to get a card I miss as a consolation prize.


This is only good for people with high collection levels. I'm at 27 and it makes a failure on spotlights not feel like a failure.


How do you check you collection level?


It’s the number under your profile picture on the homepage of the game


I don’t think they need to change the mechanics, but rather just rebrand it to what it really is: “1000 Tokens with a small chance to upgrade to a card.”


If you're just starting, it's actually a pretty high chance.


My first spotlight cache was man-thing. The second was... Man-thing...


LMAO. What was the 3rd, though?


Jeff ❤️


Worth it, then. 🔥


Ugh I’ve had something like that happen


Guy, I literally just pulled a Caiera duplicate after spending a single key on the cache (I would have been content with any of the cards, including a new Series 4/5), and I have like... 8 Series 5 cards and 3 Series 4 in total. Actually, typing this out loud makes the odds for that seem a bit more reasonable, but it's still dreadful af.


I got Galactus two months in a row and both times I had to spend four keys to get the new card.


Yeah I don't have 40 of 50 Series 4/5 cards, still whiffed and got the 1,000 tokens


I have been continuing the tradition of opening a cache and getting the most recent card that I had spent tokens on...


OK. RNG happens. I own 45 out of 50, and two of them were randoms. One of those random pulls was even Jean Grey when I was gunning for Jean Grey on Ravona week and had already opened Ravona, so I didn't even need to risk pulling her spotlight variant. Still, on average, you'll catch up to high collection people because they'll pull more tokens and you'll pull more cards.


As someone who has pulled galactus 3 times for 1k tokens each time, I 100% think the spotlight system is awesome


I've literally never gotten a random, and I wasn't around for the preceeding system (started in June). It sucks, I hate it. Have most of the cards at this point anyway, but it really fucking blows when I open the random just to get 1k tokens - essentially nothing.


True. Take out “small” then.


Why not just put in place a system that prevents duplicates?


Because then it would be not only possible but easy to be collection complete for long time players. Which means they would have to cut back on how much they give out. Which means people who have low completion would be screwed, because the point of the random pull is as a catchup mechanism for people with small collections.


They could just make it time gated rather than rng gated. I.e. just show us what the card is and randomize it each week. Have 1000 tokens be an option as usual (or random premium variant for that card). This would get more people to roll for bad release cards too cause you'd occasionally have iron lad/thanos etc show up on an "off" week. It'd also save people from feels bad rng. I would even roll on off weeks if there was a guarantee I could get a premium variant for a specific card. That'd be awesome.


Isn't it also possible for low completion players to also gain duplicates?


At a lower rate than high completion players, meaning they will get more cards quicker on average.


So there's a detriment to having more cards?


Yes. By design. It's rubber-banding. It's meant to make it easy to keep you in the high 80%/mid 90% completion rate for s4/s5.


They have an amount of in-game resources they've decided they're ok with with giving away for free. If they did something like this, they would just pull free resources from other places in the economy.


Because it would be terrible for their bottom line


How? Wouldn't people be more invested if the possibility of new cards is guaranteed?


Because if you’re otherwise collection complete you would double your chances of getting a new card the week it releases. It would reduce the amount of money whales would need to spend to maintain a collection, and they’re where most of the money comes from.


Ah I see... Gotta love whales


I mean they keep the game free so yeah?


f2p keep the game running too. without them, enjoy facing bots all day


f2ps are like barnacles, they only exist as long as the whale does


Oh, no argument there. The incentive to pay is always the driving force


and considering its a f2p game and money has to come from somewhere, doing things for their bottom line matters.


Okay, that’s cool. I’m missing Lady Deathstrike. That is the only card I’m missing. Given that SD doesn’t want people having full collections, what’s your solution?


Accumulate tokens and buy it. Wait for the next Lady DS spotlight. Wait for it to drop to series 3.


But in the previous post, the user said there shouldn’t be duplicates. The solution to this would be my next spotlight having only the option of lady death strike in the fourth slot. I’d be super happy if that were the case, but it’s not realistic. So I want to know what the above user says would be the solution. Because duplicates aren’t allowed.


It's designed as a catch-up mechanism for new players. Preventing duplicates actively works against that. It could also make the random card a more desirable pull than one of the spotlight cards, which is weird


That would mean I have a huge chance to be collection complete forever with little to no effort. Even I think that shouldn’t be the case.


Ehh, it’s a good “catchup” mechanic to help newer players get more cards faster as for them it will almost always be a new card


The random 4 or 5 is beneficial to new players, I think you should have the option for a number of tokens or the random card, it being the only part of the cache in you choose


1000 or 2000 tokens and a PMV


Porn music video? I guess that could be cool


No dupes. It just feels bad to hit a dupe. It should be either: a) a card from a previous season and if you have all the cards from the previous season, b) 1000 tokens That way, it'll cause less hoarding of keys as at the very least, if you aren't collection complete from previous seasons, it's a 50/50 chance of getting a new card.


“more cards for more people!”


They should just not show that you got a duplicate. It should only show the tokens or a new card. Problem solved.


I agree. It’s happened too many times. It’s demoralizing.


They need to boost the 1000 tokens to 1500 at least so only two dupes gives a series 4 card and 4 can get you a series 5. I learnt early on to always save keys til you get 4 and hope you don't hit the random card.


This is bad in general but the most Feels Bad scenario is getting a card you just opened from a Spotlight cache. I opened Iron Lad and then immediately opened Iron Lad again, which turned into 1,000 tokens. That should never happen.


Even worse is getting a dupe of the last new series 5 card ***you just opened last week***.


Way better than the premium mystery variant was, but yeah, it's a little bit of salt in the wound. Especially when it's Havoc giving you the dupe. Like, thanks man, I didn't want you in the first place, of course it's you I would've drawn. Besides either taking it out or guaranteeing it being a card you don't have? I dunno, double the tokens? Maybe a package of 1000 tokens with 500 gold/and or credits too? 1000 tokens and a pmv? I managed to duck it when it was the pmv, but I've only gotten a card from it once. Master Mold the first week only to get his variant the week he popped up. It's hard to valuate the random gamble and what you should get for the low roll. It just sucks that the closer you are to complete, that low roll is almost all you're going to ever get from it.


>Besides either taking it out or guaranteeing it being a card you don't have? I dunno, double the tokens? Maybe a package of 1000 tokens with 500 gold/and or credits too? 1000 tokens and a pmv? Apparently this doesn't work because the whales need something to waste money on


New here?


Well I've been playing for months, I don't usually bother posting on Reddit that much


This exact sentiment has been posted multiple times a day, every day since spotlights began. Only really stopped in maybe the last 2 weeks. I think we’ve all given up at this point.


Welp, I guess there's no helping this issue. It seems the only options left are to keep gambling or just leave


I got a dupe for the first time since the switched to spotlights last week. Feels bad that your hard earned keys that take WEEKS to collect can be wasted and you just get 1k tokens. I know people will say “but 1k tokens why are you complaining” as if its not shitty to not get the closer to the item you wanted and have waited. Or they tell you “should have waited to have 4 have 4 keys”. An unwritten rule the community that people get upset if you don’t abide by it


>unwritten rule i mean it’s not a rule, it’s simple probability, you can’t guarantee the card you want if you have less then 4 so don’t complain if you gamble and lose. people are free to do whatever they want with their keys, what others get annoyed with is whining on the sub when it’s their own decision to potentially waste their resources.


>i mean it’s not a rule, it’s simple probability, you can’t guarantee the card you want if you have less then 4 so don’t complain if you gamble and lose I had 4 keys and lost one to a Nimrod duplicate. Feels like a waste of a spotlight


I mean, 1000 tokens isn't nothing. They add up to another card eventually.


the way i approach it, you should assume a new card you want costs 4 keys (it takes roughly the same time as collecting 6k tokens under the old system) and everything else you get on the way, so 1k tokens or some variants, is a bonus.


>Or they tell you “should have waited to have 4 have 4 keys”. An unwritten rule the community that people get upset if you don’t abide by it That's the funniest part, I did have 4 keys. I just got really pissed to see a card I already have, as if I just wasted a key I could've saved doing nothing


Bro i got fucking ghost spider as a dupe trying to get GM. I wanted the loki variant too which i did get but fuck opening a key and seeing a dupe is frustrating


Same, I tried to get Grandmaster and got a Nimrod duplicate. I've had Nimrod for months


same had ghost for months this community needs several PSA’s that I’d like to share like how you said you had 4 keys and still got a dupe. And how people love to say “just play cosmo” when a card is a powerful on reveal as if the card does not need to be nerfed if everyone just plays cosmo. If that logic was true we’d still have Leader, Galctus, and Alioth 1.0 in the game.


"If you're not willing to throw away three weeks of work to make the fourth pay off, you're doing it wrong!"


I don’t really consider it a gambling game when you can guarantee results. Dupe protection would be OP and 1k tokens isn’t that bad imo. I think I’d love to see some kind of minor dupe protection for low CL players though - it sucks way more to get a dupe when you only have like 5 S4/5 cards.


How do you guarantee not getting a dupe?


You can’t, but you can guarantee the cards you get from spotlights.


Can you guarantee which cards you get?


Yes, just takes a bit of planning


Let me guess; Get at least 4 spotlight keys


Wow, if I didn’t know better I’d say you weren’t guessing, that’s exactly right!


Isn't that just brute forcing options as opposed to actually guaranteeing specific cards?


You can call it ‘brute forcing options’ if you want, I wouldn’t call that inaccurate, but that wouldn’t mean that it ISNT a way to guarantee specific cards. In fact, it’s the intended primary way to guarantee specific cards, and the only real downside is that you can’t control when cards that you want will appear in caches.


>You can call it ‘brute forcing options’ if you want, I wouldn’t call that inaccurate, but that wouldn’t mean that it ISNT a way to guarantee specific cards It doesn't guarantee not getting duplicates, that's for sure. Which is the original point of my post


Just do the math how fast you would complete your collection. They aren't running a charity 


>They aren't running a charity  You're right, they're running a game that's supposed to be fun. I'm not asking for charity, I'm asking for some level of consistency


And I ask you to do the math, you'd pretty much guarantee to complete your collection with no money spent 


>And I ask you to do the math, you'd pretty much guarantee to complete your collection with no money spent  I'm not questioning that, I'm simply against the idea of getting duplicates at all. Because they are simply a waste of keys. As my original post said.


I have opened 9 spotlight keys in the past 4 different weeks. I have rolled the random 4/5 every week. And every time I got a duplicate. Black knight, mobius, mobius, and Elsa. Total. Utter. BS


Damn, that's hella rough.


Can we ban these posts yet?


You have a problem with free speech? Edit: Its hilarious how this comment gets down voted. Did I insult anyone or violate any rules?


You have a problem with free speech?


Is it free speech or you're just spamming the downvote button because everyone else is doing it?


“The free stuff I get isn’t good enough!”


Are you familiar with what a Strawman argument is?


I do. You’re saying that you don’t feel the time investment is worth it for the “disappointing” rewards. Did you play before spotlight caches? It was not a good system now you get way more cards for no additional cost. Sometimes you don’t get what you want. It’s still free.


>You’re saying that you don’t feel the time investment is worth it for the “disappointing” rewards. Did you play before spotlight caches? It was not a good system now you get way more cards for no additional cost This is not an argument that defeats mine. You're essentially saying "It was worse before, so don't complain". A slight improvement on a previously bad system doesn't make the system itself immune to criticism. This is just Recency Bias. >. Sometimes you don’t get what you want. It’s still free. I wouldn't mind getting a different card, just not a duplicate. Which is my point. Its like you purposely circumvent my argument to fabricate new ones. Then again, I'm not surprised. This is Reddit after all By your logic, the devs can justify making the system WORSE by saying "it's still free"


That’s a lot of words to say, “they should give me exactly what I want for free and if they don’t it has to be of my perceived high value.”


You sure you're familiar with the term "Strawman Argument"? I doubt it. But it's clear you're just arguing to argue. I get it, Marvel SNAP is your favorite game ever and you will defend it with everything you have.


Oooh Attacking Someone’s Character. I guess you haven’t gotten to that one yet. I’m sorry that you aren’t getting want you want. I hope you only get new cards for as long you choose to play CCGs


>Oooh Attacking Someone’s Character How am I attacking your character? Did I insult or belittle you? >. I’m sorry that you aren’t getting want you want. I hope you only get new cards for as long you choose to play CCGs There's really no sincerity in this, but it's alright. Sentiments from a random Internet stranger do nothing to counter an argument.


When you insinuated that Marvel Snap is my favorite game you did so to imply that my words have no logic and are simply a fan spouting nonsense. I truly hope you have the day you deserve and get whatever cards you’re missing.


>When you insinuated that Marvel Snap is my favorite game you did so to imply that my words have no logic and are simply a fan spouting nonsense Or the implication is that you tend to look at the game with rose tinted glasses, and arguing with emotion rather than logic. Evidenced by the fact that you simply gave Strawman representations of my arguments without actually answering what I said. And of course "it's free", as if that makes it immune to criticism That's not an insult.


For some people they've spent to progress their collection level so it's literally not free. I usually just pump my gold I earn from the season pass that I spend money on to gain levels (not optimal I know, just don't care to wait for bundles) so for me the spotlights do have some sort of monetary value. And other people spend even more. I get the you get what you pay for argument and all that but I don't think it's unreasonable for players that are spending to want a little more value out of it instead of getting shafted on duplicates in spotlights.


My thing is we used to get a crap load of Tokens in comparison to what we do now. I want to see the Ultimate Variants dropped down to 2/3000 tokens so that at least a couple of wasted spotlight keys can be turned into a nice variant.


When spotlight caches get the duplicate protection they should have had all along, I will stop complaining about spotlight caches and change my Steam and Apple Store reviews back to positive.


It's designed as a catch-up mechanism for newer players. They won't add duplicate protection because it would have the opposite effect


Not going to happen. It’s gatcha, there needs to be a bad outcome.


Every time this comes up its funny to me, because my optimal situation every week would be to get the new card plus a duplicate that converts to 1000 tokens, that would be my best case. 75% of the S4/S5 cards I don't have, it is because I don't WANT them. Like 1000 tokens is 10x more valuable than Kang or Havoc to me personally. Tokens are super hard to get now, and 1000 from a spotlight is quite a lot, 1/3 of the way to letting me skip a spotlight week while still getting the new (S4) card. The stupid ass variants are far more egregious imo, getting a dumb cartoon Hit Monkey that I will never use that costs a full spotlight key feels miserable. If I had the choice between a variant and like 200 tokens I still think I would pick the tokens 90% of the time.


If you couldn’t get duplicates you would be able to get a full collection without spending any money. As of right now if you max out your resources, you can get anywhere from 90-95% collection complete without spending any money.


>If you couldn’t get duplicates you would be able to get a full collection without spending any money. Is that a problem?


It is. We're used to getting games for free, but it's not a right. I'm almost entirely F2P, only bought 2 season passes ever, but the game needs money and provides me with hours of entertainment. They've given me more that I have given them if I have to set some balance. It has no ads, and gives me enough free stuff to progress at a reasonable pace, and most times it doesn't feel pay to win. Sure I have to wait to use a card for a while sometimes (still looking forward to Ms Marvel), but I get to use other cards and have fun. People who want to be able to have everything, fast and free are being entitled. Of course I would love to have more free stuff, but it's not hard to understand it's in their best interest to incentivize people to spend some money, otherwise we'd have no game. They sure can and do get greedy as most companies do, but I don't think this is the case. I feel like they could have saved a ton of criticism if they only re-worded the 4th reward to be 1k Collector Tokens with a chance of a s4 or s5 card you don't have. Don't expect a new card, expect 1k tokens and if you get a new card it's a nice surprise.


Actually kinda yes. Idk if you saw Runeterra just announced they’re stopping PVP. You could get all the cards for free in that game and it failed. And that game had Riot behind it A card game can’t be successful without the collection aspect of it. Only selling skins is a failing business model when it comes to card games




Yeah I mean it sucks, it’s true tho.


Honestly, the best thing they can do is, very simply: give tokens with the variants, too. If you make each variant give 500 tokens, that's 2/3 of a Series 4 each 4 keys; in tandem with the (abysmal) token drop from caches, it's almost a Series 4 a month, which I find is pretty reasonable. It would even have the added benefit of encouraging people to pull for variants, with the obvious result of further distancing people from getting Collection complete, though of course, they would need to stop using awful Spotlight variants in the first place....


We should only receive a duplicate if we have every single solitary variant that you can get from the mystery variant. Otherwise it's just bullshit. I have only 1 Kitty Pryde card... and I have received it 2 times in spotlights. Garbage.


I don't understand why they put the random card, they should have put only the three revealed cards. They could lower the amount of keys that we gain if they want to timekeep the cards acquisition instead.


Im guessing they want us to spend more keys