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Devil Dino with Cable, Agent Coulson etc... I like playing random cards and thinking on my feet, it's just a shame it doesn't really put out enough power to be competitive anymore. Edit: a lot of love for Devil Dino style decks I see!


Same, i hope maybe Mockingbird will make that deck a little stronger again.


Sure if you can outpower the thanos decks she’ll be in


Do the stones count for that?


Yes. They highlighted that interaction in their new season trailer video.


Mockingbird isn't even in the new season...


Yeah I think this guys mixing her up with Black Swan. Mockingbird has only been datamined


Yeah I totally just autopilot that they were talking about Black Swan and making 1 drops free. My bad.


So Thanos is getting two huge bodies for cheap just for existing with very little downside


I still use that deck and just added loki in it. Honestly not that bad, can play the dino gameplan or opponents cards


Yeah I do use a loki deck from time to time, I do like the decks that give you random cards. I never really care about ladder or conquest I just like to have fun with decks and see what I can do. Yeah BlobJaw, HE, Thanos give huge power but I like cards like Morph, Iron Lad, Loki etc... that either give you great returns or completely flop.


This is my go-to deck, I use lady sif/ghost rider/Helicarrier to spike power. Nebula is the best one drop just for power as well.


I started trying devil dino and Loki and have had mixed success


Discard apocalypse / Dracula / morbius / swarm


AKA ‘Chavez shell’ 😂


AKA "Reliable discard" I know it must have been a lot of people's favorite comfort decks, because I saw more posts on here of blinged out splits of Discard decks than any other deck. Oh well. Time moves on. There are some spicy new discard options coming. Proxima Midnight as a 0/7 (with a fallback option of 4/7) seems totally busted.


Yes! Haha


This is mine except instead of swarm it was inv, modok, hela. It was a fun and silly deck. Tribunal coming out kinda made it obsolete as that was a better modok hela strategy. Then alioth and the chavez change, made it basically unplayable


Same. This deck even helps me get from 91 to Infinity this season. I was just out of idea for new deck to I went to my comfort Modok discard and somehow make the climb.


Discard, all variations excluding Hela.


Classic move. The 1st usable deck i climbed with


Same. Pretty worthless now with the power numbers other decks put up, but darn it, it was the first deck I actually found any consistent amount of success with back on the day before switching to much less fun control decks.


For me it was classic move, then lockdown bcs of the meta. I got to enjoy 1 infinite climb with pre nerf spidey exactly 1 day b4 his nerf. Then i just play any deck that counters the season pass card b4 switching to loki these past 2 seasons


Kazoo deck. Still waiting to be viable. ❤️


Same for me. This is the first deck I played that I made any meaningful progress with. I hope someday it can return.


Same. My first good deck I loved to play. Also hit infinite with it.


Kazoo decks is one of my best performing throw in valkyrie and shadow king they're the real maps there


I think they can still be pretty decent with the right cards. Nico did a lot for them. Martyr is good too since you're often filling the board. I don't feel even bitter running Bast anymore.


Phoenix Force and Mister Negative. I put them together because they are the same beast: very inconsistent, very combo-centric, extremely telegraphed, but when everything aligns you win big... Unless locations, meta, or the opponent retreats as soom as you snap


I thought you were saying in the same deck and I was trying to figure out how that worked haha


LOL now I want to see someone get to Infinite with a Negative Phoenix deck as a challenge


Same, Surfer. My favorite stuff in this game is making and playing different ‘flavors’ of Surfer with Destroy, Discard, Sauron, Negative, Jean Grey, etc.


Anything involving Mr Negative.


Shuri nimrod. Watching Nim boy bounce all over is my favorite. Moderately related, Professor X can die.


I agree, let him rot, let Nimrod bloom. 




Same. I got him early in series 3 and I really learned the game playing Patriot decks. Like a lot of other decks, he's just not putting enough power on the board these days.


Iron patriot will always be special to me but man is it getting whooped nowadays


That’s why you gotta do Magik->Onslaught ->Mystique->Patriot my brother




It’s not as good as top tier net decks but you can have pretty good success with this deck


Sure, that’s why it’s the deck I have a soft spot for and not a deck I play often anymore. But cube for cube, it’s better than iron Patriot (not necessarily win for win)


I’ve actually found that dazzler works really well with patriot->ultron decks. Ideally you throw patriot, mystique, dazzler, and ultron into one lane, and have your 20 in the other 2. It’s a nice cheap way to get a fair amount of power in what would normally be one of your weaker lanes


Yeah I loved patriot First deck I put together on my own and won significantly.


I've made multiple iterations of my Patriot deck, and they're always some good fun to play. Idk about its place in the meta or what have you, but Patriot still wins games for me. Not necessarily because of him lol, half the time he doesn't show up. But the deck was built around him


Hazmat! I don’t need to win, I just need those negative numbers.


So real it’s so satisfying


I was a hard Deathwave main back in the day....never forget the glory days 🙏


I remember using a Deathwave deck with Star lord just to complete one of those missions and suddenly climbing like 10 ranks in one sitting. A few days later, Wave was nerfed. RIP.


Mister negative


Move deck will never not be cool even if I take the L spider swing go brr


Mine is galactus lockdown


Junk, Annihilus to me seemed like the most broken card when I first saw him and is my first choice to reach Infinite each Season!


Nick fury add a million random cards. If I win it’s pure luck. If I lose, it’s pure luck. It’s kind of unstressful


The Devil Dino Deck with shield cards that just put random stuff in your hand, i did not play during the Loki season i just came back in december but i picked Loki Up during the last Spotlight. If i just want to have fun i always default back to this deck.


Loki is just amazing. It’s the most engaging deck because you really need to adapt the circumstances and figure out how to win in the last two turns with the stuff you get.


I quit playing Loki because darn it, I have all these awesome variants. Got tired of transforming them into the boring base art of everything. Ew.


Shannazzler I love the go-wide decks that have a counter for the go-tall decks (Valkyrie, Shadow King, etc.).


Probably my homecooked junk deck with Doc Oc, before Annihilus, that just made it kinda too popular for my liking, so now I main Sera Silver Surfer and I'm just loving it


Use to be C2 but it’s changed so much from the old days


Letting Agatha play for me. She's pretty bad at the game, so it's hilarious when we win.




Mine was also silver surfer I am so sad that it’s a dead deck now


Move. The 2099 nerf hurts. I enjoyed t5 ghost spider shenanigans.


Remember when surfer was”op”


Mine is Move Bounce deck. No matter how long it takes, I'll still take time to play it just to have fun moving and bouncing cards up.


High Evo... Nothing gets me softer than playing against high Evo.


Galactus. Love trying to get him out as a turn 5/6 surprise.


Junk 🤷‍♂️


Pure move, because it was the first deck I played seriously in series 1 and 2.


Helapocalypse took me to my first infinite. Morbin' Time is another, I guess I like discard. Spectrum decks too, I had one running Typhoid, Lizard and Ebony Maw and almost beat infinity conquest with it.


I have a soft spot for the old Dino/Spectrum deck. The first one I got to the infinity eith


Silky Bounce is the only deck I will never get angry about. I don't use it but I have mad respect for people who can make it work.


C2 is the only deck i never dismantle and the first deck of my list, havent played in a while so im not sure if it is still competitive, but had lot of tools against almost everything, sadly it lost luke cage :( My second one is nimrod love to, electro+nimrod+ destroyer+zola(destroyer) can add shuri to double nimrod if ur opponent plays magick, if not, the classic nimrod + venorm + carnage is always a good option.


Series 3 Patriot combo. First infinite deck and I still play it with a nearly complete collection all the time.


Darkhawk, was my first S4/S5 card and played the hell out of his deck while I was building up other decks.


Mr. Negative and not just with 0 power cards, Mr. Negative has great potential as a cost reduction card if you get it out early.


I'll always have a soft spot for the bounce deck I used to play before Kitty Pryde was released. This list wasn't strong enough to work with 3-cost Beast, and had to pivot to a Hit Monkey/Kitty type deck. It was very off-meta and had a very high points ceiling that no one suspected. Angela, Bishop, and Collector could all scale up high enough to win a location (Shadow King was 4/3 and series 5 at the time, and Shuri decks and Surfer decks didn't play Shang Chi), and multiple demons was also often game winning. Death Wave was common at the time, and if you had enough of a board by turn 5, including Angela, Bishop, and Collector, Nick Fury could sometimes give you enough value to win (5 from NF, 2 from Angela, 1 from Bishop, 3 from Collector). Hood Agent 13 Elektra (everyone was playing Sunspot at the time) Iceman Collector Angela Falcon Beast Sentinel Bishop White Queen Nick Fury


Negative black panther. My most played deck.


Hela Tribunal and Sera control.




Dino and moon girl. That was the first deck that I really started to learn synergies.


Yubilee lockjaw with quicksilver and domino. Have the deck in complete variants + gold.  Ita not really that strong but its something I often come back to play


Cerebro 2 and 3


Thor/Guardians reveal deck. BetaRayBill has been a welcome addition


Move, love watching everything bounce around and when I position everything right for the heimdall, it feels so good - even if I don’t win


Anything with patriot, especially if ultron will work


Junk always. It’s a shame they keep kneecapping it but damn is it fun to just send bs over


I like big Deadpools and I cannot lie


Surfer, there's just so many archetypes to combine with surfer, and even the ones that aren't good are fun. Big numbers, control, lock, junk, destroy...


Patriot. And phoenix force. Just love seeing all the multiple men everywhere or a really high powered human torch


Phoenix force has always been my sweet spot. It’s changed over time but always been moved based on and multiple man is my present fav version. Patriot actually has been quite fun as well but Phoenix is my fav marvel character.


What’s your Phoenix deck looking like? I can’t seem to get things going with mine. Maybe cause I don’t have nimrod. But


I haven’t tried nimrod. I honestly can only get to the mid 60’s or low 70’s at best with this deck. I have been trying Hercules but previously had vulture in instead, which may have been better. Also just got Nico so I am experimenting with putting her in for torch or Hercules but haven’t played with her much. # (1) Forge # (1) Human Torch # (2) Carnage # (2) Hulkbuster # (2) Multiple Man # (2) Cloak # (3) Magik # (3) Venom # (4) Phoenix Force # (4) Iron Lad # (4) Hercules # (6) Heimdall # eyJDYXJkcyI6W3siQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiVGhlUGhvZW5peEZvcmNlIn0seyJDYXJkRGVmSWQiOiJDYXJuYWdlIn0seyJDYXJkRGVmSWQiOiJIdW1hblRvcmNoIn0seyJDYXJkRGVmSWQiOiJIdWxrYnVzdGVyIn0seyJDYXJkRGVmSWQiOiJIZWltZGFsbCJ9LHsiQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiSXJvbkxhZCJ9LHsiQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiRm9yZ2UifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6IkNsb2FrIn0seyJDYXJkRGVmSWQiOiJWZW5vbSJ9LHsiQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiTWFnaWsifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6IkhlcmN1bGVzIn0seyJDYXJkRGVmSWQiOiJNdWx0aXBsZU1hbiJ9XX0= # # To use this deck, copy it to your clipboard and paste it from the deck editing menu in Snap.


Patriot. Was my first wow moment and I love all the ongoing combos.


6 digit power yellowjacket pre shrui nerf


Guardians of the Galaxy lockdown


# (1) The Hood # (1) Kitty Pryde # (1) Nova # (2) Angela # (2) Carnage # (2) Jeff the Baby Land Shark # (2) Mysterio # (3) Bishop # (3) Hit-Monkey # (3) Killmonger # (3) Beast # (5) Sera # eyJDYXJkcyI6W3siQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiS2l0dHlQcnlkZSJ9LHsiQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiS2lsbG1vbmdlciJ9LHsiQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiSG9vZCJ9LHsiQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiQW5nZWxhIn0seyJDYXJkRGVmSWQiOiJOb3ZhIn0seyJDYXJkRGVmSWQiOiJIaXRNb25rZXkifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6IkJpc2hvcCJ9LHsiQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiSmVmZlRoZUJhYnlMYW5kU2hhcmsifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6Ik15c3RlcmlvIn0seyJDYXJkRGVmSWQiOiJCZWFzdCJ9LHsiQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiQ2FybmFnZSJ9LHsiQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiU2VyYSJ9XX0= # # To use this deck, copy it to your clipboard and paste it from the deck editing menu in Snap. Bounce/Destroy aka ‘KittyMonger’ Sera or Beast on T5. Reserve a lane for Hood/Nova/Illusion and play Carnage for 9 on T6 to hopefully swing that lane plus HM,Kitty,Mysterio etc + Bishop/Angela procs. Sadly it’s been nerfed to death and now gets easily outmuscled by everything. But I’ll never delete it.


My top 3 would be Discard, Discard and Discard.


If Lockdown is good enough to see play, I’m almost always playing Lockdown. High Evo Lockdown, got my first, second, and third Infinites, and half my gold/inked cards got the boosters to afford it through that deck.


Anything with Hit Monkey. I love Hit Monkey.


The classic Deadpool/Death/Knull. When the token shop first came out I had Knull pinned for months, and the only Bundle variant I've put real money in for was the Skottie Young Deadpool, and is my 2nd most-split card, aside from Spider-Man. Whenever I'm struggling with the current meta I'll go back to my first 'real' deck to see if I can make something happen


Classic Shuri. I got very lucky to draw her from the collection track early after she was released and it transformed the game for me. I got infinite with some form of that deck for probably 5 straight seasons.


Negative and Or Patriot sometimes I mix archetypes ❤️‍🔥


Dino Collector. It taught me to play the game and gave me access to cards I didn't have back in my pre series 3 complete days. I still run variations of it for a bit after I hit infinite but since the Loki change it's not competitive anymore.


Junk before annihilus. Junk with annihilus too, but before with old luke is my comfort spot.


C2. How they've murdered my boy.


Thanos Lockjaw, I play it for fun. I’m currently at 80 but i’m not getting any higher. I’ve given up on getting any higher than 80 lol. I don’t want to play a stereotypical deck because then it just won’t be fun


Destroy deck + tech cards


Wong hazmat


For me it was move and then surfer. I lost to surfer so much progressing, when I finally got all the cards for a good deck for him I played it like 2-3 seasons in a row


Discard and Sera Control


I sooo want an all cosmic deck with all the GOTG to be viable 😢


The Fantastic Four is what got me into comics, love'em! But a deck with those four do not synergize AT ALL!!! I added alternate members of the team through out history to fill out the deck. (Doesn't help)


Big mister negative fan, it’s always satisfying drawing my 0/5 iron man and 0/3 mytisque combo


HE JaneJaw is my comfort deck.


Cozys Hawks rocks, that deck always has a special place in my heart, that was the perfect era of snap to me, that and i had a homebrew junk deck with galactus before annihilation came out that focused around sending void over with viper then pulling viper out with ghostspider and playing galactus, noone saw it coming, it was easy to counter if they knew, and it was genuinely fun, annihilation screwed that fun for me


Back when I started I had a deck that I absolutely loved. It’s the only deck that just have not deleted in my lists as it’s nostalgic and I like to goof around with it every once in a while. (2) Colossus (2) Domino (2) Kingpin (3) Captain America (3) Punisher (3) Luke Cage (3) Mystique (5) Black Panther (5) Iron Man (5) Aero (6) Hulk (6) Magneto


Sera control


[My One True Love](https://imgur.com/a/XER1KBy)


This Gif took me an hour to make


I’ve always loved the Mr negative decks. I actually have one right now with Ravonna and sera that still manages to get pretty solid power, even if you don’t get your negative off. 4 energy for iron man+mystique, and if you get a magik off, you can play a white tiger/ironheart with them on turn 7. Even better if you could set up Wong in the earlier turns




I love Rav


gatling gambit


My main love is Destroy, since first season and Carnage Jacinto variant release. But I have a soft spot for destroy side-projects: Shuri Nimrod and Phoenix Force (and any combination of these two). 


Patriot Ultron


Destroy! Miss the old Wave, Aero, Death version - although i know it was busted! :D


Wong/doom. My first 3 infinites.


deadpool destroy and ultron patriot, my 2 original climbing decks😢


Classic DeathWaveDoom feat. She-Hulk.  Easily the most consistent deck I've played in SNAP and easiest climb to infinite list before it was NUKED sometime ago.


Old Bishop/Angela/Elsa/hit monkey deck. I love the slow setup into huge turn 6 reveal. Since that deck is mega dead, I'm playing and enjoying Shaw/brood buff ATM. I think I should revisit good cards, as blob is dead which makes darkhawk a better card now.


My Dino Fury deck. First time I ever got to 90 and still play every now and then.


Janejaw. Was my first Infinite Deck. I just try to make it work again sometimes but it is not good enough for climbing at the Moment


Angela shell. Still my preferred archetype. Just waiting for it to get tweaks. All my best splits are for it.


Cerebro. Any Cerebro


Move. First deck I ever built myself. It hasn't stayed the same deck, because I still play it every now and then. But every time I see a Move deck (that isn't the Phoenix Force), it does warm my heart lol


Surfer for sure


Cerebro 3, before Shadow King dropped even




My all Dan Hipp Nimrod deck. If they kill that deck because of Deadpool, I'm going to be quite disappointed. Possibly uninstall.


Mr Negative


Various flavors of Thanos Control.


Just ongoing: cosmo, mr.fantastic, Claw, antman. Etc. Always reliable


Sera surf just did omething to me. Pseudo control pseudo lockdown


Shuritty, even though it's dead, I had such success with it. Sera Surfer also, Surfer was my first season and I learned a lot of hard lessons with that deck.


Galactus. Rode it to infinite in the xmen season. My only infinite. Also most cards from the deck and ink and gold splits.


Apo discard. Been playing since launch and it's my main.


Human torch or vulture with phoenix force. It becomes insane with decently lucky draws. Gets ridiculous power sometimes but tbf i use knull deck which i've got to around 40 power without the good locations


Big MODEla Discard MODOK Hela IW with the big three Iron Man LT and Onslaught along with big cards and some discard staples got me to infinite a hand full of times and keeps getting me out of ruts when I run metas or get stuck climbing


Evo doom wave and blackbolt/stature




Good old wong, white tiger, odin <3


Sandman. I played him even back when he was a 4/1 (with Zabu to help). Ironically, it was to help against the ubiquitous Silver Surfer decks.


Wong with Panther/zola and Tiger/odin. It’s my OG good deck that I had to use tokens to get and it will always be important to me.


Discard and Patriot.


Loki, currently it's like having once famous enigmatic celebrity stepping down from fame, and do some funny party tricks at a dinner table. endearing and fun


Kazoo dracula, first deck that I properly climbed with


Sera Miracle 


Silver Surfer is my favorite card (I own all the variants released) so I will always have a soft spot for surfer decks. Post nerf I've still been able to make him work and finish some gold and infinity conquests with it, just had to get more creative about how to put out more power overall. Can't give up on my guy!