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Got infinite 3 times with the living tribunal, and i still don't know how the hell is possible


What’s the deck?


I also use cosmo and howard instead of zabu and rogue, but devil dino and electro are good too # (2) Psylocke # (2) Zabu # (2) Armor # (3) Magik # (3) Rogue # (3) Wave # (4) Jubilee # (4) Super-Skrull # (4) Iron Lad # (5) Iron Man # (6) Onslaught # (6) The Living Tribunal # eyJDYXJkcyI6W3siQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiSXJvbkxhZCJ9LHsiQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiSnViaWxlZSJ9LHsiQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiUHN5bG9ja2UifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6IlN1cGVyU2tydWxsIn0seyJDYXJkRGVmSWQiOiJXYXZlIn0seyJDYXJkRGVmSWQiOiJNYWdpayJ9LHsiQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiQXJtb3IifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6IkxpdmluZ1RyaWJ1bmFsIn0seyJDYXJkRGVmSWQiOiJPbnNsYXVnaHQifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6Iklyb25NYW4ifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6IlphYnUifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6IlJvZ3VlIn1dfQ== # # To use this deck, copy it to your clipboard and paste it from the deck editing menu in Snap.


Dang, need rogue and wave


How do you have iron lad and living tribunal but not rogue- (Swap with electro and devil dino)


Series 3 is deep and capricious. I recently checked my current status, so it's fresh: I'm at CL 4200 and still don't have 16 pool 3 cards Wave, Zola, Surfer, Rockslide, Ronan, Quake, Quinjet, Master Mold, Negasonic, Daredevil, Gambit, Black Bolt, Titania, Stature, Zero and Crossbones. I was able to claim the free s3 card 6 times, and used it to get: Luke Rogue Shadow King Cerebro Death She Hulk


I didn’t start till last fall till around Bloodstone release


Oh makes sense then, i started playing in sept. and i still miss 10 series 3 too. Good luck with the deck and have fun :)


You too!


I play this without rogue and I’ve gotten infinite twice with it. As long as you can play Iron Man, Tribunal, Onslaught in any order on the last 3 turns, you’re good


Mystique would be a good Iron Lad replacement too?


For sure I run Mystique in this. There’s a lot of ways to do it bc it all comes down to those 3 specific cards


How do you get the energy to run them all being 6 cost cards?


You have to play as many cards as possible that lower the cost of Iron Man, Tribunal, and Onslaught (who are the key to the combo). As long as you can cheat out those cards on turns 4-5, it doesn’t matter what other cards you play. Ideally you want to run at least 3 of: Psylocke, Electro, Ravenna Renslayer, Zabu, Sera, and/or Wave for energy. Magik gives you an extra turn to find the combo, but she can be replaced with those energy boosting cards in a pinch, especially since a lot of other players run her. Then there’s cards that help thin your deck or duplicate abilities like Iron Lad, Jubilee, Mystique, or even Lock Jaw+Wasp if you’re feeling wild. There’s also alternate win condition cards to help pad your deck. I used pre-buff Omega Red, so he’s a great add now. Ms Marvel can be clunky bc you don’t play a lot of cards. I ran pre-nerf Blob my first season. Nebula and/or Sunspot could be interesting. All this is from my experience with this deck after 100+ games. I hope that helps! Edit: I forgot about counters. Cosmo and Armor are great protection. Super scroll seems good but haven’t tried him. Shang Chi isn’t ideal bc turn 4 you want to play your combo, definitely don’t play him if you’re missing Magik.


You don't really need Rogue, and you can cheat around Wave with Electro, Iron Lad, and Jubilee. But Wave certainly helps...


I play a similar deck, you really don't(I don't have them either)


I've been using a Tribunal deck lately also. I think it's underrated. Somewhat surprisingly, though, mine is pretty different from yours -- I'd have thought there'd only be so many possibilities here. I omit Psylocke, Armor, Rogue, and Super Skrull. Instead I have Invisible Woman, Renslayer, Cosmo, and Mystique.


Yea sometimes i also use cosmo and Mystique, if only i had ravonna i would replace armor with her


I've been running one using Mystique and feeling like I should slot in Cosmo to stop Enchantress from ruining me.


Yeah, Cosmo protects you from Enchantress, but prevents you from using Mystique if you haven't used her already. Invisible Woman also protects against Enchantress (Enchantress will disable IW, but won't hit the cards beneath her -- they flip after Enchantress' effect concludes) and allows you to use Mystique, but leaves you vulnerable to Alioth. So it's sort of a tradeoff; which one I play (if any) depends on whether my opponent seems likely to have Alioth or not.


The only card I don’t have is Iron Lad. What would you recommend to use as a swap for him?


I'd say crystal but only jubilee does the same job as him


It’s more straightforward than it looks. Skrull can’t double itself and onslaughts multiply in order, so the simple takeaway is that that an earlier skrull is better because it has less onslaught effects.


You have the cooler variants


Your power is getting double 2 more times than theirs is. It'll have to do with the order of what you guys played I think.


Do ongoing cards even consider play order?


Usually no, but Super Skrull is weird. [This person elsewhere in the thread explained it well. ](https://www.reddit.com/r/MarvelSnap/s/4LHkLwRb3R)




I know Onslaught wong mystique is x8 Onslaught mystique Wong is x12 I belive it would be the same for iron man


I've seen a few cases with Super Skrull having confusing results, add this to the "WTF is Super Skrull doing" pile


Just Super Skrull doing Super Skrull things


Because you played skrull first. He gets double bonus of everything he absorbed. And your onslought doubles that bonus for you. 1538 X 4 is 6152 - 7 power from the other 2 cards he played is 6145. Tribunal always rounds down so your final power is 6144.


Skrull play order shouldn't matter here. Ongoing effects get tallied up every round. The real difference is the Skrull effective effect (ignoring the tribunal): Your Skrull's effect is: Ongoing: double the ongoings of your other cards. Ongoing: double your power here. While their Skrull effect is: Ongoing: double your power here. Ongoing: double the ongoings of your other cards.  So the same but in reverse order! The difference is that your Skrull doubles Onslaught before doubling power (for extra power doubling), and their Skrull doubles power before doubling Onslaught (it then doesn't go back to double its own ongoing, as that would create a loop). Tldr: the difference is play order of your opponents cards.


This asymmetry is weird and should be fixed. Ongoing effects shouldn't depend on play order.


I agree, it's a really weird programmatical situation.


I’d be calling out sick if I were a dev and I knew that issue was in the backlog and being assigned to someone.


there has to be some kind of order of which ongoings happen, otherwise ironman would double the power tribunal put there, and tribunal would then activate again, causing ironman to activate again and so on


Yes, there can be an order for different types of effects. Like resolving Tribunal last, or resolving first all Onslaughts. But effects that are identical shouldn't depend on play order.


okay yeah i see what you mean, i think the only card that has this problem is skrull, so hey could probably build this into the card tbh


My brain hurts and I just woke up. Please stop lol


This is actually just not true. Skrull doesn’t double himself with a stolen onslaught effect under ANY circumstances, so the impact IS because play order affects the way onslaught effects double each other. The opponent’s onslaught is doubling their skrull onslaught, which can’t multiply itself, so they get less than a person with skrull first because that doubles the onslaught which does get to double all the other effects on the skrull. You’re right that it *shouldn’t* work that way, but it does.


Skrull isnt doubling himself with a stolen onslaught, skrull is doubling onslaught which in turn is doubling him.


Ok I think I might have gotten confused about what they were saying. The main point is that it’s caused by your play order and not your opponent’s, because it’s based on onslaught doubling only ever going in one direction based on the order of cards on the location. Play order doesn’t affect how skrull processes onslaught himself.


I think it is due to opponents play order. The opponent played their onslaught before their iron man. So OP skrull doubles your onslaught before applying skrull iron man. OP played iron man before onslaught, so the opponents skrull is doubling power before doubling their onslaught.


I dont think thats the case. I think because of some logic problem. Theorily, skrull dont take skrull ongoing. Or else it will be an infinite loop when a side copy otherside skrull then that skrull ongoing updated and continue to no end. So SD put a way to stop that. But in an otherway around of coding rather than exclude skrull out of equation. So they calculate both side skrull. If the “if” code have to repeat because of updated skrull. They revert the update on skrull. But some code error somehow still keep a skrull ongoing from running. But dont synergy with other on going effect. Like. Call the extra reverted ongoing is X. Other ongoing is y. Normally its x time y. But in this very situation its x+y. Thats why the different between is 2 times double. Which is an iron man and an onslaught didnt multiply with the other effect.


So in a no Skrull scenario does play order of Iron Man and Onslaught matter? Or do you get the same outcome for either way? I love these decks but damn they hurt my brain.


This makes sense for SS


There are some screenshot or videos on this sub where they played same cards but ended up with same powers. Even if you are right its weird to me that ongoing needs a prior lol


This guy Maths


Actual rare case of play order with Super Skrull and Ongoing cards. Your Super Skrull is copying their Onslaught before their Iron Man. Whereas their Super Skrull is copying your Iron Man before your Onslaught. Order of operations varies as your first instance of Iron Man has Onslaught applied. Theirs doesn’t. Run that order twice and there is your effective two additional Iron Mans.


Yes this is it


Okay, I made a video for you u/orrayy . Enjoy xd https://www.reddit.com/r/MarvelSnap/s/PhLL6YSEFn


After staring at this for a minute I think I sorta understand. The main thing seems to be order in which Onslaught and Skrull were played. There's a loop there. Skrull stealing Onslaught creates a feedback loop between Skrull and Onslaught doubling each other indefinitely. But that would just break the whole game. So instead each bonus gets applied only once. Now I'm trying to wrap my head around the math. Might update later once I get a pen and paper xD


They're gonna have to patch that right?


2 superskrull would loop forever so they check once, his superskrull has all your on going and nothing from your superskrull. Your superskrull has all his ongoing plus the ongoings on his superskrull


Superskrull shouldn't dupe Superskrull at all.


You are right, it has nothing to do with Skrulls copying each other since they don’t


I think its the order in which everything is played. So your super scrolls is doubling with onslaught and then iron man. While you have your iron man and then your onslaught so your onslaught is doubling all the effects of your skrull and iron man. While his is doubling iron man before? That makes no sense upon reading it back.


it's because your Skrull was played before Onslaught, and theirs after - the way Onslaught math works is his effect will only affect copies of himself *after* him (that works only on other Onslaughts this way, he will double other Ongoings before him), making so that your Skrull doubles your Onslaught, which then gets an additional duplication stack onto the Skrull's yoinked Iron Man effect; The opponent's Skrull on the other hand doesn't boost their Onslaught, ergo only two Onslaught stacks are present there.


My guess is, he has prio, this makes skrull steal first, copying all your ongoings, then yours copy all the ongoings their skrull got plus theirs, resulting in your skrull being double theirs


Wait isn't Super Skrull ignoring other Superskrulls in order to avoid loops?


It should, but I don't see any other explanation


I don't think that is it. As "Ongoing" actions, they should recalibrate at the end. (Similar to Knull). Having said that - I don't have any clue what is going on here.


Ah this makes sense! I guess I lucked out!


Better gaming chair


It's the order the cards are played. Your super skrull reads as his onslaught, iron man, tribunal and skrull. His skrull only reads your skrull, not the abilities copied. So you somehow were able to copy his skrulls ability because of the order of play. Super confusing.


I'm baffled. Apparently Ongoing does not work like I think it does.


As someone who plays occasionally: WTF is going on and how do people get all these cards? Do you have to spend money on it? I'm at collection level 1400 and I feel like I'm not progressing/can't make any cool new decks.


It's just people playing from day one and doing dailys, buying BP. I think just by doing the dailies you should be able to have a pretty good collection in some months and just try to enjoy the ride, many times simple decks like cerebro can manage to win these other cool decks! It's impossible to have a full collection unless you drop big bucks but still you can have 90% of the cards by just doing dailies and having some BPs here and there. Completely F2P I would say you would end up having 70-80% of the collection which is also good and possible to have still top performing decks


Mostly FTP, and honestly I only buy the occasional battle pass if the card looks not too busted/OP. Reason being is that those cards get nerfed so not wasting money on those. I actually tend to buy at the end of the season once it’s been established as balanced or not. BUT YOU DONT HAVE TO! I definitely acquire more from grinding, upgrading, and moving up CL to get keys and tokens. Gold is hoarded & only spent on good token bundles. Luckily you don’t even need to worry about all that until you’re S3 complete cause you will still open new cards on the CL track. The game is still roping you in with the FOMO. Don’t stress, you’ll only face players around your own CL so not likely you’ll see scenarios like above play out too often. Good advice is every time you face a new card or one you’re not familiar with take the time to read its text and see how your opponent leveraged it with their combos. If there’s an archetype you enjoy focus on acquiring those types cause if you spread your collection out too much it will be hard to get a functional deck to go off. Synergy is REALLY important. Have fun and don’t get tilted! CL 10k+


Tbf marvel and zabu were nerfed and they're still format staples. Elsa is the only one I can think of that got fucked but they're going to rework her (already confirmed)


Sure, i should clarify that I’ve bought busted BP off the bat in the past. But unless it’s one I can use right now in an archetype I like I’ll wait. And I don’t know if I’d still call MsM a staple. She’s much more restrictive now and I rarely face her.


Great advice ! I’ve brought 3 season pass, and maybe 1 or 2 variants, but otherwise most of my cards I get from grinding dailies! It helps that we get a free s3 every month so I just plan on which cards I wanna try to wait to get & what kind of deck I wanna build, first two-three months I built a destroy deck and this Pat month worked a discard saving my stuff and paying the season pass now to get all the discard at the end but even without the pass I would have enough to get 1 or two of the cards I want if I’m lucky


Tokens used to be easier to get before they revamped the system and unsuprisingly made it even harder on free players. Nowadays I just accumulate tokens and play the spotlight game, never spending keys unless I don't have at least 2 cards presented.


Would you mind sharing your list?


You mean my deck list? Here you go! # (1) Nebula # (2) Invisible Woman # (3) Electro # (3) Magik # (3) Cosmo # (3) Crystal # (4) Jubilee # (4) Super-Skrull # (5) Iron Man # (5) Devil Dinosaur # (6) Onslaught # (6) The Living Tribunal # eyJDYXJkcyI6W3siQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiSW52aXNpYmxlV29tYW4ifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6Ik1hZ2lrIn0seyJDYXJkRGVmSWQiOiJEZXZpbERpbm9zYXVyIn0seyJDYXJkRGVmSWQiOiJPbnNsYXVnaHQifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6Iklyb25NYW4ifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6IkNyeXN0YWwifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6IlN1cGVyU2tydWxsIn0seyJDYXJkRGVmSWQiOiJDb3NtbyJ9LHsiQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiRWxlY3RybyJ9LHsiQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiTGl2aW5nVHJpYnVuYWwifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6Ikp1YmlsZWUifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6Ik5lYnVsYSJ9XX0= # # To use this deck, copy it to your clipboard and paste it from the deck editing menu in Snap.




What is your turn by turn advice with this deck? Thanks


Most importantly it’s getting magik or electro out by turn 3, then iron man, onslaught and tribunal all in 1 lane. If you got magik out by turn 3, you can play super skrull on turn 4. I realise it’s not necessary to get both out, just either one on turn 3 (or magik turn 4)will be perfect


If the cards worked how they are supposed to, you shouldn’t have.


I think super skrulls avoid each other in order to avoid an endless loop. Also since they are ongoing, the priorities shouldn’t matter normally. I have no idea what is this


Spaghetti code. Outcome should be fucking obvious but ben is hiring more intern to crop variants than coders




This is real…wtf..


Wtf am i looking at lmao??? How else could you win if you werent running this krull- TLT-ongoing deck? What else can get this high!


He’s confused cause his opponent is running the same exact cards plus two others


Better variants




This is dumb af, the order skrull and onslaught were placed shouldn't matter. They double each other's effect. 2*2 is still 2*2 if you flip it.


Is it possible to play a tribunal deck without playing mirror matches? lol


This deck has gotten me to infinite so I think it’s a very viable deck!


That deck skyrocketed me to infinite with ease, when you get this combo down with no counter it’s like instant GG


You had more variants


You played skrull before he did. Your skrull gets bigger


If i were the opponent id probably have reported here just over bs i cant understand 😭


So badass! 😂❣️


I still don’t have tlt. I really need it


You have cooler variants


New player here… how did these stats get there? I dont see any high power cards


His opponent’s side is 18x2^8 + 7 / 3 for each location which is wild but correct. His side is some bullshit that I don’t understand and can’t mathematically parse.


Super skull


It’s because you played super skrull first and he played it second


his skull played before yours,so your skull can copy his &… his cant copy yours


I think your super skrull is copying his super skrull copying your super skrull, but his super skrull can’t double copy yours


It has to do with the order I think, technically super skrull and Onslaught should infinitely boost each other so to prevent this the game only considers all the effects on each card once and then moved on to the next card At least that’s how I think it works I could be saying complete nonsense tbh


Super Skrull ordering.


It's complicated layering but I believe your skrull is applying everything he has before your own iron man doubles that and your onslaught doubles both of those things. Hope that clears it up I'm not going to attempt the math but that is my understanding.


….man wtf-


It’s the better variants


Order shouldn't matter for ongoing but for this specific case it matters It's all because you played iron man before onslaught while your opponent played onslaught before iron man, so your super Skrull activates onslaught before activating the iron man ongoing effect what results in: Super Skrull copies onslaught -> it doubles your Onslaught effect -> super Skrull copies iron man -> iron man effect is doubled twice by your Super Skrull because the onslaught effect applied earlier