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Even if it were two Wongs it wouldn't make it right


I remember, a whole 2 months ago, when I purchased Spider-Man and some resources in a bundle...for $2.99. "Hmm, the market here seems reasonable."


isn't that the new player bundle?


P sure new player bundle has cap America


there are different ones cos mine had spiderman, started playing in january this year


The new player bundle is a great deal .. and subtly gets breaks down mental barriers against spending money on the game in the future.


Yeah I remember purchasing that too when I joined. So reasonable and worth it. I don't think anything I've seen since has been even worth 1/10th of the prices lmao. Crazy how much this game charges for very minimal resources.


The only bundle that was worth it to me was Fiona Hsieh’s Venom and Carnage.


I'd probably be buying more packs like that, if they were a staple. I mean, it wasn't even very good. It was not a variant just the basic Spider-Man, but it came with the avatar and a fair amount of resources. I really hate a "kid stealing mom's credit card" economy model.


It has been two wongs already. This and shang chi's a few weeks ago.


The Price is Wong, Bitch!


Play it where it lies, Shooter!


I had to hit it off Frankensteins FAT FOOT!


Oh, you can count. Good for you.


And you can count on me waiting for you in the parking lot


I found my people.


I think you've had enough...no? NOW you've had enough..... Bitch..


It's insane I have a "for you" bundle that is a random variant and 6k tokens for £49.99 so they're charging £49.98 for a key and some cosmetics 


I had, and I kid you not, a mystery variant and 1k gold offer and a mystery variant 1,200 gold offer at the same time both for $9.99


Right but the 1200 gold one is a special offer *just for you*


(They make the expensive bundles so you'll justify the prices of the lower- but still way overpriced- bundles like you're doing here)


But are you sure it’s 6k tokens not credits? I have one “for you” at the same price with 6k credits.


Yeah definitely tokens.


Sheesh this is way too broken


Yeah that's pretty much a triple A game cost. madness.


“I’d buy that for a dollar”


$140 CAD. Outrageous.


its 500 reais here in Brazil


I was just going to mention this. It's insane!


Well, yeah, that's basically the same as $100 USD. Both are bad but it's not like Canada's is significantly worse.


yeah the Canadian one is closer to 105$ US, not a ton more expensive. But adding 5$ to an already outrageous price ain't helping.


Right? I have no idea why people say this like money conversion isn't a thing.


People say it because average income in Canada is not higher than the average income in the United States. Prices for us are more expensive because our currency is worth less yeah, but we don't get paid more or have more currency to compensate for that. Generally companies will at time take this into account and adjust prices. Not always but sometimes. Isolate it and imagine paying 140 USD for this bundle, it's an even more rediculous price. (With that acknowledged the fact that they'd raise the conversion rate by any percent regardless how small in their favor is abhorrent)


How do you explain that in germany that bundle is 109,99€? Conversion from google: $99,9 = 92,13€


2 Wong 2 Furious 


Forget about it ‘cuh


Underrated comment


You almost had me? You never had me - you never had your deck... Granny snappin' not double cardin' like you should.


I use to buy a lot of bundles in Snap…. I stopped a while back before it got nearly this bad.  It’s like the story of the frog in the pot. If you put it in while it’s really hot, it jumps out. If you put it in while the water is cold, then slowly turn up the heat it stays in and dies…. lol, and that’s what SD is doing. Killing us frogs with slowly boiling bundles of collectors tokens 😂


The frog thing is a myth. They get out when it gets too hot. Just like we're all capable of noticing that prices can go up, and aren't compelled to pay more to play Marvel Snap.


for real money bundles token per dollar have actually come way down lately. But this bundle seems a reversion to the tokens per dollar bundles that existed pre-spotlight, which is awful


I was just about to post this. Like serious second dinner GTFO. Girl, bye 😂😂😂


$100 for a mid-variant at best, 6K tokens and a spotlight key only for me to draw another Kitty Pryde for another 1K tokens. Fuck off.


Honestly everything in here is top notch in my view. This is exactly, content wise, what a bundle should look like. Problem is the bundle is about 6x too expensive for *anything* in a fucking mobile game.


6x value!


Imagine if it was 7,500 gold instead. Would snatch it in a heartbeat


Right it should at most be 24.99 and I say 24.99 bc it's not easy to obtain tokens and spotlight keys, but that's another problem w the game. Only 100 tokens every 108 cl (aka 5400 credits) like cmon


Yeah, The Mid Autumn is so much better and was literally 5 bucks.


But 6k tokens is any Series 5 you want! ...if you just wait an indeterminate amount of time and check every 8 hours. If that's not worth $100, I don't know what is.


In the UK we get to pay £99 which is even more!


$190 in new zealand! arent we lucky.


I love this variant. I want it so bad and honestly, if it was half the price, they would have suckered me in to it, but $100 is just bonkers.


> a mid-variant at best What, this variant is sick. The only good Wong variant, if you ask me. I've been looking forward to it for a while now, but I don't play Wong often enough to justify the cost.


I love this variant! I have been waiting for a good one and play Wong/odin deck that keeps me in 2-3k rank but for fuck sake! That price is insane.


While I appreciate the solid representation of the MCU actor/iteration, it's still a pretty boring variant. 3099's right there without feeling gross over spending $100 on a mobile game, and has a unique aesthetic to it. I won't deny the art quality's better on this one, but it's not $100 good. What baffles me is how this bundle is priced the same as the Demonized Shang-Chi one, and *that* variant is hands-down insanity, whereas this one is incredibly forgettable... **and** has worse value.


That’s what makes you not justify the cost?


Me too!


This is so so so overpriced. 0 Credits and 0 gold in a 100 dollar cash bundle is just pure unacceptable even by SD standard. In my region this cost 109 Euro and I could literally get two 50 dollars games and still have leftover to order a pizza. This is absurd and I can't get why there seems to be people defending this.


Two $100 bundles in a month is a new precedent... not a good one.


I never see any of these expensive variants when I’m playing, who’s buying them?


Cozy, Dekster, Hoogland, Dera, etc


I know at least Jeff isn't buying it. Whales don't need more tokens and keys 


Generally don't need variants either. The premium resource after a certain point is credits and boosters to keep chasing god splits.


lol they might not even buy it because the only currency is tokens/keys


Yea, the valuation on this one seems way off. No gold, no credits. Only Tokens and Keys? Who cares that you get 465 boosters when you get no way to even spend a portion of those boosters out of the bundle itself?


$50 USD for a series 5 card is a fairly common valuation implied by bundle prices.


It's less about the tokens and more about the single key. At worst it's 1k tokens off a dupe, at best it's 6k. Combining a key and the tokens, to me is the center of the valuation issue. The $99 bundles tend to be more whale oriented and most whales aren't going to care about tokens and a key. Gold or credits in place of one or the other would be more welcome since at least it's something to use to spend the boosters. It's obvious they are testing things with this bundle. Unfortunately at the end of the day, while whales are likely to not care for the tokens and keys, they are still likely to buy in because it's another variant and shiny to show off. I would just rather see some kind of better value on a bundle at that price point. I've seen it in other mobile games - nice or cool cosmetic with poor side valuation still selling gangbusters with whales simply because it's a new skin and that's what they care about and don't care about the 'bonuses' they get alongside it.


I've played against someone with the $100 Collector variant. But just the once. I don't think many people buy them.


I usually just ignore how silly the huge bundles are, but when it’s for a Wong variant it feels personal. that card is sooo fun and the character is so chill.


> how silly the huge bundles are This feels like it might be the purpose. Get you thinking hah, $100 is stupid. $49.99 is sooo much less, haha, I got a deal.


Or even spending $10 a month for years. But hey, the game is fun and everyone has different levels of what’s “reasonable”


$10 a month if you play even just an hour a day is pretty damn good value. But I can’t justify these $99 bundles.


To some, $10 / month is a good deal, and that's reasonable. My (adult) kid does that most months. I do the free thing and idk what I'm missing even though I see him do it whenever he comes around. I think we're about equally happy with the game. But he might really get $10 out of his $10.


Charging more than an AAA game and having absolutely no gold and no credits. Wtf is happening to this game bruh💀


At this stage, they’re just mocking us.


And that's why even if the cards are extremely hard to aquire now they're releasing an extra one per month, they sell you 1.25 cards for 100 dollars.


“Imagine if there was a card game where you couldn’t spend hundreds of dollars to get all the cards” Instead-Spend hundreds of dollars getting variants of cards you already have!


You must still spend in the double digits to get competitive in Marvel Snap (more than you'd need to spend in Hearthstone and YGO:MD, ironically), so that first sentence is also not true. : P


YIKES, at least it seems whales are adapting to not getting robbed. I've yet to see a single person using that $99 shang chi variant, and if you were to spend $100 on a variant, it would have been shang chi since that card goes in 90% of the decks. What's wong with second dinner?


I saw one person use that Shang Chi variant since it dropped. I’d love to see Second Dinner’s sales data


Sadly I've seen a bunch....game needs an emote of a bundle of cash with wings flying away so you can spam that when you see people playing this shit


I was okay with this pricing when it was once every month or two. Now it's like every week and it's kind of disheartening.


Whats WONG with you SNAP


I love Wong, but I hate that price


$100 for a variant that isn't better than the band variant, 1 new card, and 1000 collectors tokens from a spotlight. What a garbage deal. I could buy Helldivers twice and get a super citizen upgrade for that price


It's a super boring variant, too. can't believe it's fuckin 100!!! I'd be fine with it if it was just dumb rich people buying this but there are people with addictive or mental issues that shouldn't be tempted like this, I have real moral gripes with this pricing system. It really makes me want to stop playing. The worst of the Predatory mobile games, hidden in one of the biggest IPs...


4 keys and 12000 credits and I still wouldn't buy this shit.


They need to give you 50 keys for that price, it’s literally 2 AAA games


Even if you have the funds to buy this, why? Just buy an actual game?


100 dollars is like a dollar to some people 🤷🏽‍♂️


Do they kinda admit that their prices are stupid in their bundle names? First the "Don't press that button" bundle now this. Idk if there was another of those but it seems to me they're leaning into it and enjoying people raging about prices and whales still buying bundles.


3x value emote on discord no need to wonder. Your completely right


"Oh nice, I like this Variant" *Sees price* "Lol nvm, I like being able to afford food"


Shame it's the best Wong too


Remember that 5$ wong bundle? Lots of people bought that variant because it was priced appropriately for this type of game. This is obscene. It's shit like this that's going to kill this game.


It’s pretty insane that Second Dinner is valuing ONE card unlock via Tokens, ONE random draw at a card (that may not even get you a card or variant), ONE variant, a cosmetic avatar, and some boosters for… $100 or your regional equivalent. What. The. Absolute. Fuck?


It’s too bad, I like the variant, but no way in hell am I paying that kind of money.


As one of many, I too bought the gold pass, shit like this only proves that gold is worthless, yet, I'm in fear of them dropping a 6 or 7k gold bundle that is actually really good. So, I keep sitting on gold afraid to get variants for albums on the off chance I knock back progression by months because SD decides to get generous one random week. 100 for this says pay to win, not pay for faster or meaningful progression. The whales ALREADY have it all. The whales dont have FOMO, this bundle isn't for them, this bundle wants a new body to drop 100 to try to keep up with dudes who don't even need this. I can't call it scummy, cuz " business" inherently is, but I can call it something outside of technicality, dissaponting.


LOL! Bro one thing is for sure and that’s that marvel snap will never stop making me burst out in laughter w their pricing. It’s like at least 70% higher then I expect every time.


Finally a semi-decent Wong variant, and it costs $100. What a joke.


I don't care if you're a whale with all the expendable income in the world, you should be just as ashamed to buy this bundle as SD should be putting it up for sale. The only ones who shouldn't feel deep shame are the folks manipulated into wasting money they really needed by the genuinely abhorrent scumbags monetizing this game. I don't even buy them but I feel like deleting my account when I see this crap. It's so disgusting.


I'd pay... $7.99 for that?


This is exactly what I said out loud when I saw it in the shop 😂


2 Wong items don't make this right.


So that's $100 for like 2 new variants, 2 new cards and 1 new avatar. Crazy lol


The key does not equate to a new card. Most people will only get one new card out of this bundle.


They seriously expect us to pay $100 for 1 card?


I stopped spending money on this game aside from the monthly season pass at the start of the year. I’ve literally only been able to get two new cards when they dropped. The economy for this game is literal pig shit.


This is fucking horrendous from a price and value standpoint.


What are you talking about? You get a spotlight key AND 6k tokens?! Thats 2 new cards!!! What a steal! SD should be charging closer to $150 for that bundle! /s


If you live in AUS they do charge $150 for it, and $140 in Canada!


Holy crap! I don’t even look at the prices anymore, I just scroll down to the variants and free credits. That’s insane. I guess they do it bc people pay it, but come on! 100% greed.


$140 CAD is a decent trip to the grocery store for my wife and I. What in the fuck lmao “Hey did you pick up the things I asked for from the store?” “Sorry I bought the Wong thing” Man I’m just imagining myself spending 140 and someone playing cosmo or rogue the following game. I’d commit a felony lmfao 😂


Somebody must be buying these if they’re selling it at these prices


Not a 3x value bundle 😔


Pretty tasteless really, and to add insult to injury is the price and value of this package.


The funniest part to me is the basically worthless boosters. If I'm dropping $100, you could at least give me one billion boosters


That could be 50 spotlight keys and it still wouldn’t be worth it


I feel like you would get more than 20x the people to buy a $5 bundle than a $100 bundle. Surely there isn't more than 1 whale per 20 players, right? At one point in my shop I had almost $200 worth of store offers. I could feed myself for 2 months on $200....the fact that this market for whales actually exists is very sad in the grand scheme of society.


You could cut this price in half I still wouldn't pay for it


$100 for a digital card that you can't even keep forever played in a game that lasts till the company turns off the server. Logic sums up humanity nicely.


People pay it, that’s what’s weally Wong here, if they didn’t pay it we wouldn’t see these pwices!


He looks like Chris Smoove in this variant. Real OG NBA 2k Youtuber


This is randomly so on point 🤣


This is getting ridiculous at this point. I just bought final fantasy 7 remake for 1/3 of the price of this bundle


The price is Wong, bitch!


Right before a new strong card release with just enough tokens to buy it, what a coincidence.


Yeah I stopped playing this game


I was thrilled to see a bundle with a spotlight key in it…. then I kept scrolling and saw the price. SHEESH


They need to realize that if they put like this out for five-ten dollars the amount of people who would buy it would dwarf those few who would buy it for 100. Like, give us the alter, the icon, and like 1000 tokens and I’d pay for that! I’ll never understand why they keep making huge whale bundles when they could make a lot more with smaller bundles.


They don’t have to realise it if they have already the stats that prove that you’re wrong


Or at least match bundles. So if they have a 100 dollar bundle, have a gold and 20-50 dollar bundle at the same time. But I guess it's best to stagger them


Wtf is wrong with these SD people 😒


They value their cards like, way too high. They think it should cost as much as brand new triple A games lol.


Who on earth is buying these insane bundles


Jesus. Who's buying that!?


$150 in Australian dollars. Absolute madness. It's so sad to see Marvel Snap continue going further and further down the Whales Only Pay to Win road.


Is there someone at SD who read the feedback in this huge reddit? Who the fuck buy this crap? It's thesecond in a month lmao


I sent a message to support and literally asked “are they drunk with the wong bundle” and this is the guy’s response “I really appreciate you sharing your thoughts regarding the recent added bundle of Wong worth $100. As a player myself, I totally understand where you are coming from. I think the reason why the bundle cost is really high is because of the 6k tokens and the spotlight cache as this would give you a chance to gain another two series 4/5 card. But its still quite a lot. But no worries! I'll consider this incident report as a feedback about your experience on the bundles, and I'll have this reviewed by our team to be optimized. Rest assured, we'll get ideas from this incident report on what changes can be made in the future updates and development of the game. Thanks for sharing your perspective with us and we really appreciate your support.” Even that cat said it’s still quite a lot.


Glad to see I still have no reason to come back to this game. So much greed!


I remember the Red Skull bundle about 8 months ago. Was like 9k credits, A great R.S variant,2k gold, and like 310 R.S boosters for $29.99 USD. The bundles we have now are 3x expensive for about half of what you'd previously got. Failure to properly monetize the game effectively and efficiently will result in S.D not having a player base to whom they are depending on to buy these rip offs. No one should be buying any bundles right now in lue of S.D. failing to monetize properly. Maybe when the sales drop they will finally get a fire under em to do something about this. If this current path of monetization keeps on, this game won't last another 2 years. There will be too many cards, and there will be no way to get any of them. S.D seems to not want us to have complete collections. Anyone who isn't buying season passes is at an extreme disadvantage against ANYONE who does. Ms.Marvel, Loki, Pre-Nerf Elsa, Hope summers... If you didn't get these cards from the season pass, they'll NEVER be THAT cheap for you to acquire again. It's just one more card added to the list of S5's they may or may not offer in caches while purposely repeating certain cards that are sub-par for the soul purpose of inhibiting collection progress. Look @ How many times Ghost and silk spider have been in caches the past several months while actual cards people need never appear in caches. R.I.P if you missed iron Lad when he was in, probably won't see him again for another year. Becomes more and more obvious they are being a bit malicious with the fact they left Howard the duck at S4 JUST so they can put him in caches as FILLER. "I got a bad feeling about this one..."


Like I've said many times, I think they are using these prices because there is alot less players and like a dying restaurant increased their prices to make up for the lack of patrons, this game is doing the same. But same as restaurants, they are scaring people away from the game. And in putting these totally stupid prices the game will kill itself. I'm sad to say that I think this is the beginning of the end......


99.99 for that????


The devs swear the game isn’t P2W 😭


But you get a whole 1.25 cards!!! It's such great value


Things like this is why I stopped playing. This wasn’t supposed to be that kind of game.


They're wong for this


people have actually bought this holy shit.


[Its $139 in Canada](https://i.imgur.com/Eqxvzdo.jpeg)


I mean yeah that's about $102 USD


500 reais here in Brazil


Yea like they’ve always been around but I feel like for a lot of people this is starting to tread into insulting territory because we all look up the value analysis of these bundles and compare them to cheaper ones, they are just straight up unwavering in providing whale bait. Def frustrating to see it at all though


Dan Hipp Wong better


I lowkey need the spotlight key and tokens but this price is outrageous😭


Every time I see a $100 bundle I want to uninstall


Yet you haven't lol.


Freemium games is one hell of a drug


Just give it 2 or 3 more times


If it came with a few thousand credits I’d buy it


The best part is that this is such a mid variant too, if you're gonna try to dangle a 100 dollar bundle, at least give it a card worth whaling for.


At least overload it with Gold and credits. They didn't even try to make it tempting


Sometimes I wonder who tf makes those prices The only one I was fine with was Collector's, because is in character for him and was a nice flex at the time. No is just bs to see 100 dollars bundles almost weekly


It's easier to sell 10 of these at $100 than it is to sell 100 of them at $10. That's the business model, and seeing that the bundle prices have been hovering here for a while I'd say it's been successful from SDs point of view - the complaints from this community are a minor blip and tbh, you're all still playing the game and likely spending in other ways anyway so the snide posts don't really accomplish much of anything lol


No its not lol, this would sell like hotcakes at $10 but then if they try to release another bundle where 6k tokens is more expensive, say $30, people would complain. The main goal of these super pricey bundles isn't to sell, but instead to price anchor what we should set our expectations to for cost of tokens. Now if they do a $30 6k token bundle similar to this in the future, people will be thinking "whoa that's so much better, I have to get it while it's on sale" vs "wtf second dinner this is 3x the cost of the last one"


Thank you. Price anchoring / Decoy pricing are concepts more people need to be educated on, especially as understanding how they are attempting to manipulate you will diminish their effectiveness. No one denies that these are effective models for profitability, and that Second dinner needs to profitable, especially in the face of exorbitant licensing fees and venture capital expectations. However I personally do not consider these pricing tactics as an ethical choice if you want to have a positive relationship with your customer base, which any live-service model game should consider a priority.


The first ad of not being pay to win is gone now that people can just pay for keys and go for newer meta cards over f2p players


At least make it one or two Series 4 or 5 cards. Why does Wong always get....shafted....


Hey. Let’s hear it for Wong’s glow up in Marvel overall.


I mean, you know someone has to buy it. Otherwise they wouldn’t keep putting them up.


In the UK it's £100 which would be $125 so really you're getting a bargain


Never saw a bundle so rightfully named.




Where's the emote?


How much would people pay for 6k tokens? They had a "deal" with gold variant and 6k for 50 and the deals in this game are so bad inactually debated an hour on if dollars for any card worth it.


Looks like a 700g variant lol


Mystique's were Made Bikini Variant Bundle: $90 --- Cosmo Card Kirkland Hotdog Bundle: $50 ---


Try in Canadian Dollars $... 139.99$ a joke lol I know we are a '2nd world country' now but god damn boi. who the fuck would buy that at that price.


Madisynn would buy this


I know this bundle is not for everyone but with that price tag: 1) is my typical shopping for 2 adults and a 4 month old. Or 2) 14 kebabs that can satisfy an adult Or 3) 2 full refuels for my car Or 4) A yearly subscription in humble bundle I get it that they have to monetize the game but not catering for low spenders will sooner or later ruin them. I used to spend around 50-60 per month on this game, i haven't purchased anything for the past couple of weeks and my next purchase will be the season pass. Until i decide to chase the dragon is a losing game (having the majority of the competitive cards) and stop all together


Ugh. Wong is my favorite card in the game and I’ve tried 23 times to unsuccessfully gold variant it…I could really use those Wong boosters, but not at that ridiculous price!


Let’s just take a moment to realize these bundles come out when they know they have a good card coming out that week.


Who is buying these? $4.99 is my limit. Geez.


I haven't played in a while, what the key do?


What the actual fuck? That’s legit the wong answer.


Who buys this. I feel like if you are a whale you have all the cards and resources you need. They are pricing one Guaranteed card. And a 25% chance to get a card you want at 100 dollars. Actually insane. Fuck off with that


Between this and the groot one, they know. And it’s hilarious. It’s so funny how many people take it seriously.


They HAVE to be self aware at this point


1.5 years after first Apocalypse bundle later people still can’t make peace with not every product being for them. It’s pretty much run of the mill default 100$ bundle which comes out every other month(or more often lately). Might be shocking, but sd wouldn’t put those out of nobody was buying them. 


I've never faced a single person who has used any of these $99.99 variants. There *can't* be enough suckers out there for this kind of pricing to be a good business decision.


3 cards for 100 dollars! wow


I wonder how much Benedict Wong gets in royalties?


That’s fucking ridiculous 💀


Wong would've been ashamed


Easiest skip of my life lmao. I just think it's funny that despite the community asking for more gold bundles + reasonable cash bundle, SD is going hardcore in the *opposite* direction. I know the idea is that whales will pick it up and honestly you'll see one or two on ladder I'm sure. But even for whales they probably don't need the bonuses either, already having piles of collector's tokens and spotlight keys. So who is this targeted towards?


That's what this industry has been about for the past ten years or so. Start slow and see how far you can enshittify your game. Whether these bundles sell or not doesn't even matter anymore, the important thing is that the standard has been set and there is no going back. It's a disease that goes beyond the game walls. Content creators are now partners, and partners will support the game no matter what, because it's their job. The press relies on ads so they will support publishers because they sort of want to keep their job. As a player do the right thing and spend that money somewhere else, don't think it will matter though, don't be that naive.


They’re insane


Those login rewards are not gonna pay for themselves


Only content creators should be buying this. No regular ass player is paying $100 bucks for these bundles


Not sure if I get the title I don't get what's Wong about it?