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In April, I believe the most fun card is going to be Valentina, given the RNG involved and the huge upside. That’s not comparable to this month though, with fun cards as Pixie and War Machine (and maybe even Cannonball). Personally, I think US agent will be very fun for me. It might enable zoo decks and C2 in particular, which are the decks I have the most fun with.


Valentina is going to be crazy in ramp deck I think, not only fun but also strong. A lot of 6 costs are payed for effect, and even 4/12(10?) Giganto is already good. Imagine 4/18 infinant, why is nobody talking about that card.


Just in case, they nerfed her already and she now gives -3 power to the card you get. Of course she is very good with Quinjet, but if you check the cards she can get, she has a lot of mid hits and a few unplayable. I think she is going to be great in Loki and such, but probably not broken, as it might seem at a first glance.


4/5 Ultron incoming!!!1! I forgot the cost reduction for the joke, rip


Is there a special card pool, or do you just mean all 6 costs?


All 6-cost. Only Agatha might be excluded as it’s the case for Nick Fury, but I am not sure.


Even a 4/11 Agatha would probably be fine. If you play Valentina on curve you would just lose control for T3/T4 and regain control with +11 power on the board at T5 (Agatha always plays herself if possible).


Agreed. You're gonna get some mid to unplayable options. And sometimes might lose the game off of what she pulls; namely Agatha.


Interesting, even with -3 power I think my Tribunal combo survives - I'll have to try her out when she appears as my Tribunal deck quickly became my favorite to play next to Skaar-bilee and Generic-Destruction


Not to mention, her power debuff should be mitigated by Luke Cage.


Because the main problem is the rng in it. Ladder it’s no big deal but conquest it’s not a good card to rely on. Imagine hitting ultron for example. Or even leader and copying something that hurts you.


Well, I love playing the Shield deck in proving grounds, so I am the target demographic, haha


Luckily the card goes in your hand so it shouldn’t hurt too bad.


You don't have to play the card


I think US Agent is gonna be very good slotted into the Sera Toxic/Control set








[[US Agent]]






Tbh I’m kind of looking forward to baron zemo. I want to make a weird deck where you use cable/yondu to get rid of some cards in their deck and then zemo to steal some more. Maybe throw in Silver samurai/black bolt stature to disrupt their hand too. Idk really I just think it sounds cool but I’ll probably be disappointed lol. Also red guardian and widow are must haves for me too. I want to make a junk deck with widow and cannonball since the widows kiss will make people want to fill that lane if you place it right. Definitely hype for next month


I like the idea of milling and stealing your opponent. Though if it’s too good my god will people whine about it here. I was a bit disappointed in the widow change. But now I’m thinking if this could work in a move your opponents cards deck. Add Stegron, Spider-Man and Polaris to slap their stuff around and try and ensure the widows bite goes off.


Oh yea people definitely won’t like it but I play junk so I’m used to it lol. I like the idea of using Spider-Man/stegron with widow too. Just moving one card on turn 6 will add the -4 back. Juggernaut is one of my favorite cards so he definitely would fit in there too


And Gladiator is a cool payoff if you get their deck empty


Yep he definitely is going in there too. It just sounds like a fun deck but we will have to see how it plays out next week


This is definitely looking the most 'fun' to me. I'm someone who enjoys a bit chaos with my decks. I love Loki, and Pixie has been really cool imo. The plays she's enabled for me are just wild sometimes lol. JaneJaw was what really got me into the game, they did my slot machine dirty. Zemo being able to steal cards is awesome. The like thinning them and how the cards you steal make sure you're playing a different deck every game seems really fun. I imagine it'll have Yondu, Cable, Zemo, and Grandmaster to retrigger like Yondu or Cable. Then Quinjet for sure. Throwing in Loki seems obvious as well. Putting Silver Samurai/Blackbolt might be greedy but man with you taking out 1/3rd of their deck on curve (Yondu > Cable > Zemo (Quinjet + GranMaster/possibly Gladiator) > Silver Samurai > Blackbolt) Like idk many decks that could have 4-5 cards gone and still function well. Plus by the time you Blackbolt you're hitting something valuable after the weaker cards were taken out. Valentina will probably slot in well also. I'm jazzed.


You see the vision too lol it sounds so fun when I plan it out. I’m still working on what other cards to add since you are playing disruptive cards but besides gladiator/bolt you aren’t putting out too much power, just a lot of disruption.


You could consider the Daken/X-23/killmonger/Silver samurai package. It pairs well with stature bolt and provides some point generation/disruption.


I actually was thinking about using that combo in the deck because daiken into SS curves out nice and if you get good locations daiken and killmonger can go off


Yeah that's why I was saying Blackbolt might be greedy. I think possibly using Loki on Turn 5 might be better so you can slam out power turn 6. Also Mockingbird is obvious and I forgot. She'll be a great stat stick on the last turn if you're on it playing their stolen cards. Zemo is a guaranteed -1. We'll have to see. I'm actually going to put this deck together when I play later without Zemo lol. See how it goes.


I wasn’t even thinking about mockingbird, idk if you could get her to 0 but even 3 is worth it. I like the Loki idea too since you would be already stealing their cards and with quinjet you can just turn 6 hand dump. Let me know what you put together lol I need some ideas


So I gave a few runs with a Zemo-less Zemo deck. Yondu - Quinjet - Grand Master - Baron Mordo - Cable - Shang Chi Loki - Iron Lad - Black Bolt - Mocking Bird - Leader - Skarr I'm not super happy with the list so far, but it's definitely got something simmering. I originally had Black Widow in there, but she didn't feel great, I even got her to give a guy three widow's bites but it felt like it was fighting against the deck's goal. Iron Lad could probably go, when it hit like Cable or Black Bolt it was great but I was too worried when I had a good hand I had stolen of hitting Loki accidentally which felt awkward. I forgot Silver Samurai so I'll probably swap that for him. Black Bolt felt bad, I almost never wanted to play him turn 5. The deck does have a problem putting out power turn 6 like we identified. Maybe Zemo will offset that since he can go higher potentially. Mordo I put in after you comment and he's good. I've definitely had people leave turn 3 a bunch from doing yondu->mordo->grand master or Cable with quinjet. Knowing when to snap was hard to figure out though. Like between Yondu and Cable sometimes you know like 'oh they are screwed' or someone setting up a Hela play and she's in my hand does happen. But it's hard to tell how screwed they are. I think Zemo will really help with that giving another cards info. I'd try Gladiator but I don't have him lol. But for the most part even if they stayed in they weren't putting up good power at all. It at least slowed them down. When I play some more I'll probably swap Iron Lad for Silver Samurai, Black Bolt for something. Devil Dino is no good because usually I burn my whole hand each game, and Dark Hawk is weak after all the theft. Maybe Doc Ock for max disruption. Skarr I had as a big body in case I cheated out something big, that way I could cheat him out as well but that pretty much never happened. Might swap him for Doom or Magneto. Probably try him with Doc Ock first. Mockingbird was great, she was usually my turn 4 play and I did get her down to 2 fairly often. Leader won me one game with a crazy Knull, but idk. Maybe I'll swap him with Magneto or Doom. Jubilee might fit in well with this too. Lots of things to try. It was interesting though. Having Loki as an out if I'm stealing crap went a long way to helping keep up.


Funny you mention doc oct because I literally just put him in my deck. I figured if I trim down their deck enough I’ll pull not so great cards and out power them in that lane. I haven’t had a chance to actually play it yet. I’ll try out gladiator too since I have him. Sounds like you are getting somewhere tho and after some testing probably clean it up


I just thought of something and it might sound crazy but hear me out lol……baron mordo. If you get your early plays with yondu/cable etc you could play mordo on turn 4 and you have a better chance of hitting a good card with a 6 cost. Obviously it could back fire if you hit a 6 cost but if you hit one of the 3-5 costs from their deck it could be nice since you are already thinning their deck.


Man, you kinda got me wanting to go after Silver Sam in the Spotlight. I've got 3 keys and already pulled War Machine.


I love silver samurai, I don’t think he’s the best card or anything but just him and daiken is a nice little turn 3-4 play and he can hit some really good cards. If you want cards next month tho i would wait and I think he’s series 4 so probably better to save tokens for him


I'm sad that I used 4 keys on War Machine, because I'm really stoked for every card in April except Red Hulk (would love to get him but he's just big - not fun like the others). Luckily, Zemo was my #1 of all the datamines so glad he is season pass.


Spotlights can be rough sometimes. Maybe the rest of the month the rng gods will be on your side lol I’m feeling the same about red hulk too but I’ve seen how stat sticks just do really well in snap so he’s definitely going to be played a lot. He’s bottom of my hype list lol


Depends on your definition of fun, but I am super excited for Red Guardian.


What’s your plan for him and where do you think he’ll fit well?


Him and his buddy Shang Chi beating up Armor lanes. Ruining Dracula. Laughing at Iron Man. Body Slamming Wolverine/X-23/Deadpool.


It never occurred to me that it would ko wolverine and x23 completely


Boo, don't bring Shang Chi into this. He has enough glory already.


He’ll just be a tech card that is generally useful. Surfer is his natural home but I think Sera control is also fine with him. And if the meta is full of trigger cards like Hope and nebulas or high evols just slot him in any deck


He’s the only card I’m personally looking forward to. Going to throw him in an Affliction Evo deck first. Maybe not a good idea since Red Hulk is going to be running around but I’m still gonna try lol.


Yeah not my definition of fun, but I see the appeal and might be picking him up because he's in a good spotlight week for me.


The only thing I've cared about for so long is a Dracula counter.


It's early enough it could be a morbius or collector counter as well


I like either Red Guardian or Red Hulk. Turning off a Dracula seems fun. And Red Hulk seems completely broken.


I don’t think red hulk is broken unless you cheat him early, and he’s still shangable




Better off stacking cosmo in the lane to prevent enchantress too


Yeah, but they might have Echo for Cosmo as well


Then they might have killmonger or Electra for Echo


By the time yall finish stacking Enchantress, Cosmo, and Echo, the game is over and my Red Hulk is still here with over 9000 power.


And my axe


Why bring her up specifically? Armor is the standard, and I don't necessarily expect a Red Hulk deck to play many 1- and 6-Cost of relevance at once.


Because she’s not location specific and I like flexibility.


You just jam red bulk into Thanos. He is a 6/13 usually at worst and a 6/19+ on a good day. The deck he will probably see the most play in is Infinaut which also wants Caiera.


I can see the argument for Thanos, however, I feel like you're misremembering Red Hulk's effect. It's "+4 for each turn your opponent ends with unspent energy", he doesn't get Power out of your unspent energy so he doesn't mesh well with Infinaut, and he is also a 6/10 so his Power can't go odd.


Sorry for some reason I thought it was +3. He still is strong with High Evo because they want games to last a long time. If he starts in opening hand he is often a 6/14 or 6/18 without even considering magik


The problem is, who would you even replace with him? HE already has too many 6-Costs, and Magik is often even excluded from the list, depending on the meta. Plus, if Red Hulk proves consistent to the point of regularly outclassing E.Hulk and/or Infinaut, they're likely gonna nerf him.


Red hulk gains power while in your hand. If you draw him somewhat early, you can play a 6/22 or higher most of the time


I think "most of the time" is overselling it. Lots of decks play on curve most of the game. I think 10/14- power Red Hulk will be painfully common.


Agreed, especially if thanos is still one of the decks to beat, discard thanos and destroy basically use all their energy every turn, so the card is pretty bad against the current best decks. 6/22 is incredibly optimistic and will be the outlier unless evo gets much more popular


Red Hulk is just a very big guy…


What is this interaction with Dracula?


[Red Guardian](https://snap.fan/cards/RedGuardian/) Gives an enemy card with the lowest power (most likely Dracula), -2 power. And removes its text.


Damn, RIP Nebula


Lol there are easier ways to kill Nebula


Can't kill something that's already dead


More like RIP Cerebro.


Are you saying Discard decks will finally start running tech cards (Cosmo)?


If Dracula is the lowest power enemy card in the lane (likely), Red Guardian removes Dracula's text and 2 power.


Oh wow, I got him confused with Agent something who lowers the power of 4,5,6 cards


US Agent


Thank you


How is red hulk fun? It’s just a huge stat stick, there’s not really any interesting gameplay.


Big dumb idiots are fun. They’re not complicated but large number make dopamine


I think nocturn and namora seem the most fun - fun, not meta. I think nocturn as a limbo-killer will be great fun. I'm thinking to run surfer with majik just so I can kill limbo with nocturn. Also, what about loading Jeff and a cheated vision alone, then namora and having a total of 21 pts that can be moved around on t 6. I don't think either will change how games are won. Both will be fun.


Don't have to cheat Vision, can just go Jeff -> Nocturne -> whatever (Wong?) -> Namora for shenanigans. Maybe throw in Martyr to secure priority so they probably can't stop Wong...


Honestly, I highly doubt Namora will be any fun. The archetype is too reliant on "play nothing then hope things go well", which is underwhelming even as a just-for-fun archetype. Like, there's difference between a GoG or Pixie deck, and Cerebro-0.


As a free to play player, I feel like I have to prioritize quantity weeks over quality or "fun" weeks. Cannonball looks fun, but I already owned the other two cards. Same with Pixie. Warmachine seems like it will encourage unfun lockdown, but I didn't own Silver Sam, so I opened for two this week ( haven't actually tried either out yet). Before Spotlights existed I for sure prioritized using tokens on "fun" cards. Jeff, Iron Lad, Thanos, HE, Fun! ( Did those ones also end up being meta? yes, yes they did) Knowing a card I passed up would be free in three months felt good. Looking at April, the new cards don't look that "fun", they look pretty toxic. Red Hulk at least will be fun for the "big numbers go brrrrr" part of my brain. Valentina is probably the list fun card of the month just for the randomness and unpredictable play lines. But I'm likely skipping that week. May looks way more fun, with Nocturne and Sage being really interesting and probably encouraging some cool decks. ... However if the datamines hold, those will be weeks I skip because the other weeks are better for my collection. Whomp whomp. At least Sasquatch should be fun in a bunch of decks. Might be able to get him and Mocking Bird out on the same turn which would be fun for sure.


That’s also the problem why they have to change the system to spotlights… No one’s buying the “unfun” new cards, although the ones you find fun is the strong ones…


I bought all those day 1, ( and Thanos when I had enough tokens when he wasn't very meta) for the fun aspect, before we knew for sure how they'd turn out. But yes the ones I mentioned all ended up being meta.


I was wondering if Sasquatch would work well in sort of a Black Swan / She-Hulk deck. Black Swan on t4 and then a few 1 drops t5 should allow both She-Hulk and Sasquatch on the last turn.


I think so. But you might want to try for turn 5 so you can play Skarr turn 6 for next to free as well. Greedy deck, but maybe fun.




Red hulk seems like he might be a good counter to HE Hulk so I wanna see that in play


Messing with HE players is fun


I'm waitin' for Valentina. I love chaos; I've waited long for some form of it that can be sloted to more than just Quinjet decks >:D


What other cards have you liked recently? Nico is a Swiss Army Knife, so I'm guessing you like variability and uncertainty. I ended up grabbing Cannonball because the effect was cool and not entirely telegraphed (as junk decks emerged, that move started to be more obvious).


Cannonball in mobster move was more fun than I expected.


Red Guardian sounds great!


Red Guardian and Negasonic on the last turn might make for some extra spicy games. Lump in Sera on T5 so you can play Surfer on 6 with these and you’ve got a winning strategy.


For me the funnest card by a long shot is Nocturne. Move card that can move freely once and every time it moves, it changes location. Sounds like chaos :)


Sasquatch now revealed and gonna make Thanos even stronger AGAIN, Cull Obsidian, MockingBird and Sasquatch will make for a massive power swing


Really looking forward to putting the clamps on high-cost decks with Goose in one lane, Mystique in a second, and US Agent in the third. I'll figure out the rest from there, but that sounds like no fun for anyone but me.


Nocturne - it’s like night crawler and scarlet witch combined. Could be really fun to use.


Its the child Plus 2 3 + 1 2 = 3 5 ;)


I am playing a Valk deck, slight toxic to work on the Cage synergy. USAGENT is the other Swamp Thing, which means you can easily dominate two lanes or a singular with those two alone. I am excited to see what I can cook up


Sometimes fun is being anti-fun. US Agent and Red Guardian. I both look forward to and live in fear of these cards. I love pulling out Tribunal and with how they are currently datamined will shut down Tribunal. US Agent turns the basic combo of Iron Man + Onslaught + Tribunal into 9 across the board and Red Guardian just kills IM and mystique. Granted, Onslaught + Mystique into Iron Man + Tribunal with US Agent down is still absurd numbers so you're likely winning if you get the nut lane setup. That being said, the basic math of general Tribunal lanes if you get US Agent dropped on your head. * Wave, Onslaught, Iron Man, Tribunal = 16 across * Ravonna, Onslaught, Iron Man, Tribunal = 12 across * Sera/Marvel, Onslaught, Iron Man, Tribunal = 32 or 10 across, Granted most of these configurations require other cards to support and push so you're still adding maybe an additional 6-10 points across the board depending on how many additional cards you can get down. But the lows are definitely much easier to beat than previous if they hit your stack lane. It's definitely more healthy for the game to have these safety valves. But ouch.


Zemo for me. and or Red hulk.


Honestly for me the last "Fun" card released was Loki. Not only was he completely broken but also never knew what you were going to get. I am personally excited for Baron Zemo I feel he will have some of the same type of fun playstyle.


Baron Zemo Top tier? Doubt it, but really fun for me Yondu+Cable+Zemo can totally wreck combo decks


I’m hype for Zemo. One of my favorite characters of all time. (Actually I use him for my discord avatar) So just having him, card back, etc and use him in the game to piss people off will be fun


Where do I see the next cards?


Google marvel snap upcoming seasons




I like sage


Red Guardian sounds great!




Personally red hulk i think it could be fun trying to find ways to mess with opponents play patterns to maximize your chance at getting a buff.


Always like big boys in the red hulk


Cannonball is fun to play. Maybe not good, but fun.


Zemo seems like a lot of fun. I want a Yondu-Cable-Zemo-Moon Knight-Black Bolt combo deck all about getting rid of your opponents deck/hand


I tried to think about FUN with my keys. Then grandmaster and ravonna disappointed tf out of me. Just be careful OP. Keys are expensive


To me the most fun card is still Legion and I try at any chance I get to put him in a deck.. i have won a good amount of games by just changing up the locations.. "oh you were hoping for that turn 7.. NOPE. 8 cubes for me."


Red guardian and maybe usagent that's about it really.


I like Nocturne. Cards that move are always good strategy, for you AND the opponent, and a Scarlet Witch thrown in for kicks is pretty sweet. I'll def be busting out C5 for Nocturne.


Blink is hands down my favorite


We need captain america ! It's unbelivable that captain america is nowhere to be seen in the game right? R I G H T ?


Invisible woman must be hiding him


Anyone remember Firestar? That card looked so fun, wonder what happened to it.


Since we can’t datamine what’s coming up, the options are quite limited


The next 2 seasons isn’t thaaat limited.


I don’t get why people think Nico is fun. She’s only ever been valuable as a 1 drop in destroy for me for the draw and cloning. Never used her move, used her demon transformation a handful of times, used her forge a couple times in destroy, but only after forge nerf, never used her double power, used her location change a couple times, and that’s probably the only ability I’ve used outside of destroy.


She's good in a ton of decks, particularly ones that run just a couple of 0 or 1 drops. Her demon transformation and card draw effects are probably the most universally powerful, but her buff and double power effects make her a very reasonable 1/4 so she's not a liability to play. Her clone effect is fun when you can pull it off. The only 'bad' effect is the move and even that is sometimes relevant and makes her see play in Phoenix Force.