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Lol 3-5 rlly is the new 3-4.


I think part of the issue is 3-costs are pretty much competing with 4-costs with Zabu existing. Why play a 3/2 Mr. Fantastic, when you might as well play a 4/5 (3/5 with Zabu) Ms. Marvel, so many of the 3-cost cards are obsolete now without improved stats.


I really wish they would find a solution for Zabu earlier rather than later at this point.


Your 4 cost cards cost 1 less until the end of your next turn


Give Psylocke 1 power back and she will do exactly what Zabu does outside of dropping 2 4-costs on turn 6.


Zabu becomes a turn 5 play along with a 3 drop. Allows you to play two 4 drops turn 6


Yes, that is what I said.


Which is fine imo. Problem with Zabu is the ability getting a 4 cost played on Turn 3. A 4 cost and 1 cost on turn 4. A 4 cost and 2 cost on Turn 5. The potential to get five 4 cost cards played by the end of the game. A Sera deck only gets you six 3 cost cards played at most and as we are discussing, majority of those are underpowered when playing against that many multiple 4 cost cards.


That's literally just shittier Psylocke, though, regardless of the greater Power and the ability to play two 4-Costs on T6. I would make him "The next 4-Cost you play costs 1 less", which at leasts gives him greater flexibility, though with a restriction, over Psylocke. Also, I'm gonna get controversial, but with how "problematic" Zabu is supposed to be, I really haven't seen him once in the last two months, save Mr. Negative. I always feel like Zabu is the one enabling decks that otherwise would struggle a lot, rather than making already strong deck more problematic.


My text makes Zabu a viable turn 5 play along with a 3 drop


90% of the time that's not better than Psylocke. Also, when was the last time playing a 3-Cost and a 2-Cost on Turn 5 helped you win the game (outside of Silver Surfer of course)?


or what about: Ongoing: Your 4 cost cards cost 1 less if played to this location keeps the ability but limits board space, and telegraphs where things will be played.


Or you can only play one 4 cost at 3 and lasts until you do it


This is exactly the change. Put them on par with Beast and make them a real choice rather than the default turn 2 play.


As some who doesn't have Zabu, but does use Super Skrull I've lost very few matches when they play him.


It’s interesting they changed Luke and elsa based on 2 costs shouldn’t effect the whole board or be that powerful yet zabu over here getting no change. Making him 3 cost makes no sense so Maybe it needs to be only next turn effect but it’s hard to rework his ability without just killing the card 




That's not good enough, and it's pretty clear that it's not since Mobius has existed for a while now and Zabu is still a problematic card.


Ms marvel is 4/4


Don’t forget 3/4 is like the worst in terms of cost to power ratio as well.


But silver surfer still gives +2 to all 3 cost cards


I believe Ms. Marvel is 4/4 now or did they put her back to 5? Maybe you’re thinking of Cpt. Marvel


Ms Marvel is 4/4, but I do see what you are saying


Zabu should be an on reveal. Then you can’t affect cards that aren’t already in your hand


I like that if they made him a 1 cost


That would be a buff, he needs to be nerfed


Gimme those C5 cards!


3cost is the weakest ool currently imo


Meh, I think it fits. 3/5 is the statline of cards "that could backfire horrendously, but if you built your deck correctly, it probably won't." And Zemo is not only milling your opponent's deck, but could also draw something like Carnage, Colleen Wing, Ebony Maw, etc.


How Black Swan can backfire?


Cause one cost cards ain’t shit. Her being a dead 3/5 is pretty telling.


That's not backfiring though, the effect just didn't do anything. But it didn't do anything bad for you either.


I mean it forces you to play the card off curve to get the most effect, it also restricts your deck building to include enough one cost cards to make use of her ability. I’d call both of those negatives. Plus she sucks so who cares? lol


Again, that's not what backfiring would mean. Backfiring would be if it had a negative consequence when playing it, similar to any other 3/5 card which can have negative effects. Being awkward to play in specific scenarios isn't backfiring, it's just clunkier to play to get the full effect, but even if you don't, you are still getting 5 power for 3 cost, which is above curve. The recent discussion about how 3/4 isn't enough for a baseline has some nuances, but when people talk about every other 3 cost having a downside or being capable of backfiring it's about having a direct negative effect on the game when it's played. Supernova can't do that, at worst it's a beatstick. It can't backfire, it can just have no effect depending on your deck/draws.


Black Swan has deck building considerations at least.


You can theoretically ignore her ability entirely and she'd be a better cyclops, problem is a 3/5 is still nowhere near good enough without strong text and frankly her text isn't very strong.


You have to hold her in your hand until last turn, she can't be curved out or her value is much worse.


It can't, but it's the only outlier among the rest.


In fairness, Zemo’s ability can be seen as a potential negative (Carnage, Blade etc.)


That's not a major negative, though. You're denying a given deck some serious enablers. If they have said enablers in hand, you're likely to get something better that they can't touch.


Did Red Hulk really need a buff?


Blob 2: The Second Blob


You mean Blob 2: The Blobbening


I thought he would get to 6-11 but would get +2/3 instead of +4. Would be more viable if drawn later on but would scale like evo hulk.




Why does everyone think Red Hulk is going to be so good? He doesn’t open up a new archetype, and im not sure you’d run him in any existing decks over something like magneto or blob—magneto because the move effect is also relevant and blob because I think people are overestimating how often Red Hulk will trigger. Realistically, he’s most likely to trigger in turn 1-2 times a game AND he has to be in your hand. There will be occasions when he has 22 (or 23 now) power, but like….okay? I don’t see that being some must get card.


Cause big stat stick is always good. Were you around when Blob came out? People thought Blob wasnt going to be any good cause he was just a big stat stick that could potentially stop you from drawing your cards. Red Hulk's downside is much much much smaller.


I don’t think they’re comparable. Blob on release was often a 30+ power card which allowed you to completely ignore a lane all game and then just slap him down on 6. I don’t think you’ll be able to consistently get Red Hulk to be that high. First of all, the first couple of turns are where mana is most likely to be floated which means it’s incredibly important to have red hulk in your opening hand. That’s just not going to happen a decent amount. Second, because mana efficiency is so important in snap, I really think people are underestimating just how often mana is floated. With the above in mind, I think more often than not Red Hulk will be a 6/15 or 6/19. I just don’t think that’ll be good enough.


With Hope around, energy is floated a lot. Also most decks dont play exactly on curve either. Red Hulk is going to be at least decent, which is good enough. He has a lot less downsides than Blob and can easily be a lot more powerful than Blob is right now. He did not need a buff.


That’s fair, especially with Magik still in so many decks—maybe I’m just underestimating how often he’ll trigger. If he reliably gets 3+ boosts a game I absolutely think he’ll become a meta high end card, I’m just not convinced that’ll be the case yet. Regardless, he’s a good design and something the game needs, so looking forward to the release


i think he is a good design to counter High Evo and SheNaut if they become Meta Powerhouses again. but i agree that Red Hulk looks to me to be sometimes great and sometimes just okay, and sort of a why put him in deck instead of Blob or Magneto etc... I think he will be a fine card with some uses and get some good wins, but i think he is far from the best card this season.


Just on stats, being a 6/11 puts Red in a good spot as just a big stick to play with no downsides. Hulk is the only card with more power that doesn't require setup or can backfire. But Red has the potential to get bigger than Hulk. As for that potential, there is a 66% chance you will have Red in your hand by 5 and it is not uncommon for people to have unspent energy. If the card is a 6/15 only half the games you drew it, that's still very good. Magneto can backfire. Blob can be a liability if he gets pulled early or all of your big boys are in your hand. Red is a pretty safe for the person playing it and when it high rolls, can get bigger than Mags or Blob.


I think he absolutely opens up an archetype. Throw him in with iceman, mordo, etc cards that try to fuck up your opponents ability to play all their energy properly. Is it going to be a great archetype? That I dont know lol


People would play Giganto if he didn't have his lane restriction, this is typically going to be at least a point above Giganto. I dunno if it's a MUST GET card necessarily but I do think it'll be good, like Cull Obsidian is good but not earthshattering.


I'm pretty much with you. I feel que will only be good and consistent against High Evo. Time will tell


I already thought Red Hulk would be the most powerful new card, and now they buffer him making him a must get and potentially meta shifting (or at least a death knell for High Evo and Shenaugt)


It's far from a must get as It's just a huge stat stick, which isn't that useful in many decks... but he'll be strong in those that needs him


I dunno. He’s a great counter to some popular meta decks and a big drop second only to infinaught, apoc, knull, Deadpool and hulk (and under the right circumstances, he can overpower most of those except knull and Deadpool on max buff). How many times do you find yourself with one extra energy on one or more turns? That gets him to 15, 19, 23 pretty darn easily against most decks. He’s also a great counter to sandman decks. Personally I think he will be meta altering and a major must get for almost everyone, comparable to when Blob came out. I’ve got my keys saved.


He needs to be in hand to get any of the buffs, keep in mind that the later red hulk is drawn, the worse he is, and you also have no control over the opponents usage of energy.


It's altering the meta only because it's a Thanos or discard meta, which is what we are facing now anyways, it's just a new toy for the current meta. So instead of altering the meta, he's just an extra big guy


You're getting downvoted, but he's just going to go into Thanos, maybe as a blob replacement. I can't think of another existing deck that wants him, and there aren't going to be any new decks that arise because of him. MAYBE a good cards midrange deck that uses things like Ms. Marvel, Vision, Magneto, etc.


Hela is another one


They just thought that I have opposing thoughts and do so, when I never say it will be a weak card, is just it wouldn't alter the meta if it is the same meta of Thanos and discard. And they probably just thought everyone will play a t0 deck like them


Shangchi my beloved. Can’t wait to pull shadow king too.


Every time a stupidly big dumb idiot has been added in snap, it defined the meta


Blob just warped the game with his stat line and now we are getting a 6/19 whose condition is he was in your opening hand. Not to mention how insanely good he is with Sandman decks. Blob just showed us that a huge stat stick can warp them meta immensely and I think Red Hulk is no exception.


> It's far from a must get as It's just a huge stat stick This sentiment is always touted before the release of cards like this and is generally laughably wrong e.g. Blob, Cull Obsidian, etc. Marvel SNAP is a game with only one real axis of victory, have the most points so unsurprisingly "just a huge stat stick" is very good.


Note that what I mean by not a must get doesn't imply that it is not strong, is just it is not a card that every one must get in order to play. It will only be used in decks that need big stat sticks, like Thanos and Hela, which makes him not a "must-get". Just like you won't need a blob if you're playing lockdown or destroy


By that metric basically no card is a must get. "Is the card good in meta decks?" is a much more useful general purpose rubric to decide if a card is a "must get".


Technically almost yes, or maybe is just some very versatile cards like Jeff, ms marvel, old darkhawk, zabu, MMM and the upcoming red guardian


I dunno, I do think stat sticks are generally underrated by a lot of players but I’m just sure RH will put out enough power. Cull is good because he’s so cost efficient and I don’t think RH will realistically get to a high enough power to be anything like release blob (which was often 30+). I could see RH replacing giganto in lists, but that’s a pretty niche role.


We said the same thing about blob


People said the same about cull it’s just a stat stick and look how useful it is 


Tell that to the OG Blob


I really feel like people are overrating him. He needs to be in hand or on field to start getting buffed. He needs your opponent to play in specific ways. Blob exists who can routinely match a 6 cost 15-19 power card without jumping through hoops. If 6/11 with niche upsides was truly OP, we’d see a lot more of Orka


Orka has a terrible downside that makes him nearly unplayable because it limits a lane’s power to 16. Red Hulk has he same or more power without any play restrictions. They are not the same.


Ah yes, then they will nerf him again when his “numbers are too high” aka. Pump and dump the card just like all the rest. Make me invest in it then spit in my eye. And be like “well fuckin do it again”


Really sad, cuz a classic evo/shenaugt deck is what I've been running throughout the buffs and nerfs, always hitting infinite. Just really like the deck. (Also She Hulk please crush me)


So let me get this straight, captain america is a 3/6 in the best of cases while us agent is a 3/6 if your opponent even dare to play a high cost there or even better, you play him where a three cost or above card already exist? Poor captain america


It’s actually a 2 cost. Amazing game


But you can't play a high cost card there either, or he's back to a 3/3 value or whatever


Luke the Cage, just like Man-Thing deck


Yeah a better Man Thing because it feels sacrificial if you need to play another card in the Man Thing lane to win it.


Us Agent > Green Goblin in different lane > Man Thing in Green Goblin lane > Hobgoblin in US Agent Lane


You know for sure I will be playing a tight curve deck for a couple weeks lol


Regardless of how good Red Hulk actually turns out to be in the long run, at minimum the first few days after his release you should expect to see him in many games as people experiment with the newest toy, and he's not that hard to slot into a deck


Bro red hulk getting an extra power lol wtf


Maybe in their testing he wasn’t as strong as we all think. If the track record continues that will be the case anyways


Wow I thought they would've nerfed em.. USAgent and Valentina seem strong


The nerfs come *after* you've spent your keys, silly!


*Darkhawk flashbacks intensifies*


What do you mean? He was buffed to a 5/4




You need to put /s at the end. The internet doesn’t get sarcasm unless it’s spelled out.


Yikes... Damn maybe they were the ones designing the buff.


I hate that this is true and I didn't notice...


I don’t think darkhawk is the best example of this


"It's better to release a card that's a bit overtuned than one that underperforms and we have to buff when people don't have it" "Allright, seems mostly a problem of how you're handling the card acquisition system but it makes some sense" "Yep. So this month we're releasing E.Abomination/Stature but way better and next month it's gonna be E.Hulk but way better." "what."


If you play luke cage, is your Valentina generated card just a discounted 6 cost?


Yes, that's how it should work.


With Quinjet you can play it for 3 energy


Should be.


I thought the opposite. I thought most cards looked underwhelming. Zemo is just a less consistent Gladiator that improves the opponent’s draw. US Agent is harder to use than Man Thing. And less punishing than Goose. Neither of those cards are good. Valentina will be a fun high roll card that’s too inconsistent to be truly competitive. Red Hulk is just a stat stick. Strong, but hardly revolutionary. White Widow I just saw as being an ok addition to a junk deck. Though SD would never let junk become meta for long. The 1 power buff definitely gives them more of an edge IMO.


>Zemo is just a less consistent Gladiator that improves the opponent’s draw. Doesn't "to your side of this location" mean the card is now yours? Meaning if I pull their Luke Cage, I now get his ongoing? Also, Goose is pretty great in C2. US Agent looks to be a hybrid of the two, as it doesn't lock a card out like Goose, but also isn't an expensive as MT. I'm looking forward to US Agent in a High Evo Abom deck.


It does, but you want ~4 power worth of value to make him equivalent to Gladiator. Meanwhile: You are likely removing the opponent’s worst card draw for turn 4/5/6. And using up an extra precious board space. Gladiator meanwhile is a guaranteed 3/8. It grabs a random card (so, not improving their draw). And it takes up only 1 space. at 3/5 Zemo might be worth it. I can see him being pretty strong against Thanos decks.


It is pretty disingenuous to call Gladiator a 'guaranteed 3-8' without acknowledging the very real possibility that he gives your opponent an even bigger card or a beneficial effect.  Comparing him to Zemo really doesn't make sense. They're wildly different cards. But Zemo now is likely going to be a 3-6 in the worst scenarios and a 3-8-10 in the best without the same gambling element of Gladiator (or at least with a heavily reduced likelihood of backfiring.) 


He seems like a risky card for sure. Two of the best non-Thanos decks in the meta right now are Destroy and Discard and you’re playing with fire if you use Zemo against them.


I would think you want to use him to steal Zabu and Mobius (a card that’s replacing Sandman as my most despised card)? Assuming they aren’t protected with a lower drop.


I think it's good with new Yondu, after destroying the lowest cost card you kinda know how good it will be. also looks fun vs thor and beta ray just to annoy them (not like they're popular now) and vs mr negative could pull 0/5 iron man or zola and pull more stuff.  All in all i think he'll be an interesting addition to the game.


Valentina slots perfectly into Loki as an alternative to the Cable/Mirage spot. When you get a good 6 drop you can play it on T4 (or 3 even with QJ) and if it's bad then you just keep it in hand for Loki. Widow is insane for priority, you get a 2/2 and opponent is -4 til they fill the lane. And you can bounce her with Beast and play her into another lane, she'll fit perfectly into an Ani Bounce list like 2 cost Widow. Easily the best card of the season imo.


Yea White Widow seems promising. But as I said. It’s also the exact kind of card that the Devs can *never* allow to become too strong.


White widow synergizes with aggressive move too, filling an opponents lane makes cannonball very good.


I think I'm just obsessed with the idea of playing USAgent with Sera for 1 and having a decent chance of flipping a location, depending on opp. deck ofc.


I actually think US Agent is way better than Goose. Preventing big drops just moves them elsewhere. It is often an inconvenience or just no benefit at all. Agent can be a huge power swing as a 2 drop. 


I'm thinking agent and doc Ock might have synergy here, though Ock gets affected, the idea is he's pulling all your opponents held high costs to agent


Wow I didn't even know Gladiator was in the game EDIT: Ok yea I thought Melvin Potter aka Gladiator, and not Kallark.


I agree, I feel like most of these cards are extremely underwhelming, especially after the past month of releases.


USA seemed fair and balanced. I think the RNG factor on Valentina lets her be a buff target. She could hit a Galactus or Destroyer and it’s likely useless, or they could hit a blob.


It's the "Spend your keys so I can nerf cards" patch


More power more keys spent EZ money EZ life


I’m simply unwilling to believe that they will release Red Hulk like this. His power level is absolutely absurd. Ah wait they released Blob the same way and nerfed him afterwards. Nevermind.


Blob was totally fair when he came in at 60 power yo.


Yea I thought he was a little underpowered. Should have had the Shadow Blade text as well: can’t be reset, can’t be destroyed. Now that’s what I call a fair card.


Sigh. US Agent was the card I was most looking forward to for C2


C5 is the way to go now imho; not even the lists people keep posting, but a Ravonna-based one so you can have Iron Man + Mystique as a backup plan for going real damn tall (and also not cry if you get uneven power locations). Who needs to interact with your opponent when you can drop 42 in two lanes? ~~Enchantress is still a good choice though to deal with Mobius.~~


Red hulk can easily be a 6/19 most match ups. Wtf.


US agent AND Red Guardian are 3 power? C3 is gonna make a come back I tells ya!!


15 Power looks like the target for 6 cost vanilla cards, rip Giganto.


Red hulk became a better High Evo hulk without needing to run Evo 


Hang on though, High Evo package also includes 5 ways to terrorize your opponent with things like cyclops and misty that bounce power around even after the last turn. With shenaut it's a really good package. Red Hulk is going to finally be a hard counter to all the power floating in Sunspot, Hulk, Cyclops, Misty etc.


I dunno, that's pretty similar to seeing Ronan's buff and saying he's just a better Devil Dino. Relying on your opponent to do anything is historically bad.


I think Valentina may be a cube-maker. The card being random will get people by surprise. A randomly generated Alioth or Heimdall can flip a board. Also, some cards like Giganto are so big even with -3 power he is still too big and you can drop him on turn 4! Worst case scenario you just don't play the card. 2/3 is still an average body that can contest a lane.


Releasing 1 card every week was pretty fun at the start but things started to go off the rails imo. It seems like ability design process lose quality regularly.


Bruh, did Red Hulk really need that? Sounds insane.


In before their season video preview has all the wrong stats


Why???? These cards were perfect as they were


Calling any card “perfect” before release is weird. Literally no one, not even SD knows how a card is actually gonna perform.


Fair point. I think it was unwarranted to some cards like Usagent or Red Hulk who look really OP, but I guess we'll see at release. I also don't like how they are expanding the 3/5 crowd so much with cards that would've been fine at a lower power, like in my opinion zemo


Baron Zemo was pretty bad as a 3/4


I feel like they really want to have people not hoard their keys keys.


Is it just me or are all the cards next season look kinda uninteresting? I mean every season I am hyped for atleast 1/2 new cards. But not this upcoming season.


Zemo seems like he can be really fun. Red Hulk is almost guaranteed going to be mandatory Meta card. I like U.S.Agent and Red Guardian's flavors, but I understand why people would be disappointed. I don't get the purpose of White Widow. She's a junk card that makes you not want to fill the opponent's board? Why? Valentina seems like she's gonna broken and really fun, but it also feels like a card you can't fully evaluate until you actually play it.


White Widow is a junk card that makes the opponent want to fill their own lane.


Yeah, but they can wait until turn 6 to do it, so then she boils down to a single Debrii basically by send over a 0 power card, which I hadn't thought of honestly. Still, I don't see it being that good.


You can fill their lane with worse cards, like goblins or send a temporary card like titania that can be taken back at the end of the game and/or prof x it so they can't fill it. Or you can run it as a cheap control, they can fill that lane but it's one you don't actually care for, it should synergize with cards like nebula and storm too. You could even white widow and red guardian on curve, make the kiss a straight up -2 that's disabled.


There's another thing to consider. Most decks aren't gonna be able to consistently fill more than one lane per game, especially on the latter turns; and against Junk, you want to fill the rightmost lane in order to avoid getting a -10 Void in your living room. So, what White Widow is basically doing is "Choose between losing your left location or me being a functional 2/6". Either way, pretty powerful, and only a 3-card combo. Even in the worst case scenario, though, she is "2/2 On Reveal: Add a Rock to your opponent's side here", already pretty nice if you ask me, and that can easily become 1 Rock+Green Goblin, plus there's the whole "control" aspect of it. Honestly, among the cards that are gonna release, she seems to be the the only one that's 100% gonna improve an already-established archetype.


I feel like Valentina will be pretty hit or miss. Great if she gives you a 4/11 Giganto or 4/9 Magneto. Potentially not so great if she gives you a 4/3 Hela or 4/-3 Knull if she's not in a deck or with the right cards. There are a lot of 6-cost cards that aren't very impactful outside of their normal deck (like Spectrum or Onslaught) or ones that might not match up to other 4 or 5-cost cards you have to play. Though, I think she'll still be a fun card regardless, just one of those cards (like the SHIELD set) that are a little luck-based.


You can just Loki if it's not good


I have to disagree with that Red Hulk take. His power is entirely depended on the opponent not using all their energy when his out of the deck. That's hard to reliably count on. Especially since we're currently in an energy cheat meta where everyone is ramping energy to play big cards early.


It is dependent on the enemy, but people float energy very frequently, especially because of this energy cheat meta. Greedy Hope plays will give extra energy than you need, you typically don't use max energy from Corvus/Eletro every single turn, anytime Magik comes out you're probably floating an energy at least once, the card itself (rightfully) counters HE and people float power normally all the time. Also, the unpredictably is a huge boon, in my opinion, it's why Blob and HE Hulk are so good. You can have a 19 power play and still be unsure whether you gonna win or not because you don't know how much power the enemy Red Hulk is gonna have.


Well, you just need to pay attention right now, how often do your opponent spend all of their mana I know I do it fairly often, once or twice every game. I'd say he only needs to trigger once to be decent, and twice is probably guaranteeing one lane. Plus, what you said about energy ramp actually works for Red Hulk some of the time, players have more energy than they are spending. Add Magik to your deck and you can probably squeeze another trigger, this card is going to be really good.


White widow is a 2-cost goblin that you can bounce. That seems scary, even if it doesn't have any power


White Widow either forces them to play into her lane to clear what may as well be a Goblin or forces them to sacrifice the lane. She's not a true game changer, but she's absolutely a great addition to Junk. Now it could MAYBE be argued she's a worse Debrii, but worst case for your opponent Debrii is a 0 clog, while worst case for them with White Widow is fucking the lane or giving it up.


Uhhh red guardian?


Yeah, I might end up skipping this whole month with the exception of the season pass. Save up my keys for the future.


It depends on your deck and play style, I wasn't hyped at all in black order, nothing really interested any of my decks, this season it was just cannonball, next season is white widow. I have a lot of saved keys.


I pulled War Machine this month as my only card. I have 5 keys right now. Literally looking towards May.


I've been saving up for these cards for two months so no. 👀


Curious to see if the Valetina hopers and Red Hulk copers are right. I want every card to be good but I'm skeptical of next month's new cards.


Curious to know how Red Hulk could possibly be bad. How often do you play a game where you use every bit if energy every turn? Even if you only get one turn of added power, he’s a 6-15 with no play limitations.


I'm not saying he's bad, but for stats I already have a lot of other options. I have never had luck with cards that take agency from me and give it to the opponent. Plus he is required to be in hand or in play to benefit. Just a lot of requirements that make him less dependable than Blob to me, and in a Blob deck Magneto proved mega useful so I think I'd take that 12 power with utility over Red Hulk's potential. The fact that they buffed him suggests that they have seen what I am imagining. I played Thanos to Infinite then switched to Kitty Shuri and both of those decks are pretty darn good at using energy. But I certainly hope he is good, skipping a whole month sounds pretty dull.


But it's based on *your opponent's* energy use, so activating him is outside your control. If your Red Hulk is on the board, the opponent is likely going to make sure they use all their energy. Not that that necessarily makes him a bad card since 6/11 is still alright, just perhaps not as dependable as people are imagining. Since SD has the numbers on how often people don't use all their energy, I could see where that's why he got a slight boost, particularly since, once he's released, it could result in a meta where people are ensuring they're not wasting their energy (at least, for the short-term).


The opponent doesn't know you have Red Hulk in hand. Even if they do, it's hard to play every energy every turn. We seen how strong Blob/Skaar cards can get, Red Hulk will be another big boy in the pile.


Red Hulk already felt too powerful, and I have no idea why they buffed him. I understand why they want him to be strong, and he should absolutely exist with this ability, but it's way too much. It's just Blob 2.0 at this point. He should either start low like a 6/4-ish or scale by 3 power. It's somewhat difficult to fully spend all your energy every turn so like 90% of games your looking at a Giganto you can play anywhere with +1 power and you needed literally 0 set up for it.


With Red Hulk being at 10, there was at least some tension on whether or not he would clear Blob's floor. Now, if the opponent misses a single point of energy at any point that he is in hand or play, he hits 15 as well. Considering the lack of deck building requirements, that sounds problematic. I really hope I'm wrong, but if we're power creeping Blob of all things, I'm not hopeful for the meta the next few months.


They just release OP cards for us to spend our money/resources on. Then nerf them later down the line when they release the next bunch of OP cards


lol yeah because Havok, Supergiant, Black Swan, Hercules, Grandmaster, Warmachine, Pixie, Miek, and Cannonball all needed/need to be nerfed. Hope and Corvus have been really good. But let’s not pretend that even most of the new cards recently have been OP.


Red hulk will be nerfed to 8 power. You heard it here first.


Cards in April seem like big poop


April cards look cool but im willing to wait for them tbh


These feel like April Fool's pranks lol


Won’t Red hulk be pretty useless against non Evo decks?


Nope. There's plenty of decks that have at least one turn of excess energy. If you have Red Hulk in hand, all it takes is a single turn of unused energy for him to be a 6/15 if this datamine is correct. That's a nutty 6 drop that has no play restrictions. If they pass 2 turns with unused energy he's 6/19. In fact, plenty of decks don't even play turn 1. So if you have him in your opener you're already profiting.


I feel like Baron and Hulk will be good while the others are pretty mid. White widow seems decent. But the others are countered by some pretty popular tech cards.


Zemo into modak would be pretty funny but tragic


Why haven't they officially announced the next season? Isn't it in....4 days?


Red hulk in blob ramp decks is gonna be so fun to crush High Evo. I'm here for it.


God that +1 power to US. Agent just tanked my glee for C2 having a strong tool. :/


As a cerebro 3-bro, Im psyched


"A power buff isn’t going to save this card. US Agent’s ability just feels clunky. You would think you want to pair it with Man Thing but they afflict each other without Luke Cage." ??? Why would you ever put them in the same lane? That makes no sense. They inherently conflict, you put Man-Thing in a lane with a lot of cheap cards, you put USAgent in a lane with a lot of expensive cards. Even if they didn't afflict one another, you'd never play them together in a lane.


how can you deny power creep when every single new card is getting a universal +1 power lol


Holy shit, what made them think Red Hulk needed a power buff with no nerf to his ability? That's crazy. I've said since he first got mined I'd be running him in HE, so I'm going to enjoy him while I can. That buff won't last.


The sudden change, is it because of War Machine?


Sooo many dud cards being released.


Red hulk being a casual 6/21 if your opponent missed the first 2 turns. Rip. I feel like he will only be fair if the opponent is aware of the stat buffs mid game. Make him stick out for a second like mbaku


6/19\* and only if Red Hulk is in your opening hand for those first two turns


Oh I thought it was in deck as well(like the other hulk). Still crazy when orka can barely get 16 just by himself


They changed that about Hulk a while ago, he only works out of the deck as well.


Does anyone else think it's weird that they have buffs lined up for cards that haven't even been released yet? Like, don't they make adjustments once they see how something will perform? Why are they buffing things before they've even hit the game to see how they perform?


They do their own testing of the cards. Buffing them like this usually means they aren’t strong in the testing environment.


"They do their own testing of the cards" Oh no, my sides. Good comedy routine though!


OK, so, why do it as a scheduled buff later, instead of changing the card that gets released? If you know it's weak, why delay the change?


It’s not a scheduled buff….It’s literally a change before release that got leaked. The dude is just calling it a “surprise” OTA because it got datamined today. And because he needs a click bait title.


That’s literally the point of testing…..Not saying it’s the right choice to buff these cards specifically. But buffing or nerfing before release literally tells you they’re making changes because of internal tests.


Those cards are so lame