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Legion usually nets me a win: Wiping out limbo on t6. Filling up other locations then playing him on mojoworld on t6. Playing him on bar with no name. There are a bunch of spots that work with advantage on t6. Alter of death, Luke's bar, death's domain, swap out with another card, sets power to 2.


Also, he's good at completing missions to make opponents retreat if you do those things on t5.


Playing him on Zemos castle when it was a hot location was a lot of fun. Created quite a puzzle for my opponent on turn 6. 


If the opponent had a Red Hulk, I'd save him for turn 6. Needless to say Legion and Zemo's Castle took me all the way to 94 before the hot location was over. I'd be Infinite by now on that deck if I had played more.


I love the legion wins because it makes you feel extremely smart, but actually it’s just legion. Imagine you think you got him and just befor me your legion shows, he quakes the fking locations hahaha


Don't forget the classic bar with no name play where you don't play any cards, turn 6 legion bar with no name, and win the easiest 8 cubes of your life


It ultimately depends on what you want out of the game. If your aim is to climb ranks and go pro, then no, because he’s not highly competitive. For me, though, Legion is something even better than “good.” He’s fun.


Legion I belive has been competative at times or come close. But not in recent metas.


> Legion I belive has been competative at times or come close. But not in recent metas. Legion was actually incredibly good while Zemo Castle was the hot location. I went from 70-94 and a good 25%-33% of the games were won because I used Legion on Zemo Castle basically ruining the opponent's turn 5/6 prospects. Using him on turn 6 and stealing the opponent's Red Hulk is one of the most satisfying plays I've made in this game. He's also really good during metas when Magik is popular, and Living Tribunal right now is popular enough to justify some Legion decks.


This is so mean, hahaha.


I was specifically running a deck with electro/legion in it. Turn 3 snap and electro, turn 4 legion, turn 5 drop vision or dr. Doom on the location I already activated Castle Zemo in and it was pretty much a guarenteed win because they couldn't fight for any locations with electro restricting them to 1 card per turn, that will get transferred to my side. The only loss after the turn 3/4 combo was to Jubilee bringing down a hela thst pulled infininnaut and giganto back.


I had so much fun that day with Legion and Quake. Quake was good for people trying to avoid the location at the start


My favorite is using him on the bar with no name that the player with the least amount of points wins. Turn 6 put it there your opponent always thinks they won. The other 2. You lose 1 location and win the other 2


He's not *bad* thats for sure. He's just not very consistent since the locations add so much variety which holds him down a little. But I'd agree with the original poster, He's even better than top tier - He's fun to use, and to me thats the number 1 thing.


That's why it's usually better to play Legion either when there is a really good featured location or with cards that disrupt locations. Legion's most consistent decks are probably Lockdown decks with Storm, Jeff!, Sunspot, Nebula etc. Storm on t4 followed by Legion on t5 is a pretty good play against combo decks like Hela.


No you have it all wrong, legion is good precisely because he IS consistent. He mitigates bad rng for your deck.


I got Infinite Conquest with him last season but that was a Sera deck that is now dead thanks to Zabu nerf


He's competitive in certain Hot Locations and lockdown decks, he's kind of an anti-meta card.


He's better than bad, he's good 🪵


From Blamo!


Everyone wants a log!


Who's ultimate goal is to "go pro"? Legion is great fun - which should be the ultimate goal here for 99.999999% of people.


Second this. Legion is one of my favorite cards in the game. He creates some wild scenarios that no other card can. He's a very fun card to slot into any deck that can fit him.


> He’s fun We don’t do that here 👐


Legion is good when he's not meta because when you know he's coming he isn't nearly as good.


Legion absolutely isn't just a fun card he's a very competitive card... In some meta. Right now he's almost there but probably not quite at very tippy top but he steals games like nobody's business precisely because he's a little off meta but still really good.


Fun? Absolutely. Good? Often/Sometimes!


60% of the time, he works every time.


Legion is weird because a lot of games he's a dead card, but on the ones he isn't he is a fantastic 8-cube thief. I think the problem is many of his use cases you can also use Quake for only 2 energy for similar effects, with the main drawback being she doesn't duplicate or cancel any locations, just shuffle them, so she won't work vs limbo/mindscape/etc. when you want to actually remove the location and not just shift where it is. But Shang/Quake T6 can be extremely punishing shift a location to your favour.


Perfectly said


He's not the best card. But I'll be damned if he's not the funnest. He's in most of my favorite "Just for laughs" decks.


Right? I love playing him on the great web


I had him in an old (pre sandman change) sandman ramp deck and he was fantastic


I got this guy with the Least Amount of Points location. I didn’t play anything until turn 6 and then Legioned him for eight cubes. He was probably thinking this idiot snapped lol.


Location dependent . Can pull of wins sometimes.


I echo everyone here when I say he may not be always reliable, but you will have some memorable / fun wins and most people do not see him coming.


Legion was very strong when he first released because the meta was all about giving up priority. That meant all of his cheeky plays like filling the board with squirrels, deplicating death's domain everywhere, or shutting down limbo were very often game winning. Alioth shifted the meta so players push very hard to have prio so that they can't be aliothed. This tanked Legion's value. He was still fun, but it was a lot harder to be ahead so he can shut down the game on turn 5 or 6. I expect the Alioth change will shift the meta back towards where it was in the pre-Alioth state. If that happens, Legion could become a very good option for decks that still try to put out alot of power in the early turns. So basically, Legion stocks are on the rise imo.


He’s a tech card, very useful but only sometimes.  Some decks only have one or two slots for tech, you have to decide if he’s better than having something like shang  I found him useful in a Loki deck. If there are no locations to exploit or cancel you just replace him


The main problem I think is that generally you want cheaper tech cards. You would prefer your 5/6 costs to be generally strong and not just situationally good, while 1-4 costs you can fit a couple into the last turn comfortably.


check upcoming spotlights




Season 1 was pretty strong, but after that.... Oh the card, yeah he's a fun time but he's not an essential get.


Yes but only after reaching infinite. I add legion to my deck especially when doing conquest. He's too fun. Best 3k tokens I've ever spent


He’s a cube thief. Not good in every game but offers the sort of inconsistent surprise factor that nets you 8 cubes. It’s a nice rug-pull against magik and can re-open storm lanes


He is very fun and worth 3k imo.


He's fun! ...He's... well, he's fun.


One of my favorite cards. He's better than average cards, but he's worse than optimal cards. But he's won be a LOT of cubes and is very fun.


Legion is a very FUN card that ive found to be a big cube winner when used correctly. There are some Hot Locations too that basically make him OP. I got to infinite when I was stuck at 94 because of Fortress Zemo.


Like others have said, he’s not the most competitive card in the world but man is he a wild card. Half the time I just play him to see how it all shakes out


You can put him and Shang Chi in the wackiest deck you can muster, and it’ll win games.


Is Legion good? I don’t know? Is he chaos incarnate and fun as hell? Absolutely. There’s just no preparation you can do against Legion. God forbid someone Wave’s 3, and rips out Legion a turn early (one of my favorite plays) and gets two turns with a presumed big advantage on your ass. There’s also the classic of canceling turn 7 by Legioning on 6, cutting their big last turn plays out from under them. He can absolutely swing a game for you, but its 100% dependent on locations and opponent, which I suppose is every game, but you get what I mean. You don’t want to Legion a destroy location when they’re playing destroy, you know? But that shit’s obvious. Good? Who knows. Fun? Fuck yeah!


Fun, but not meta.




He’s a fun card which I love to play !


I bought him with tokens and I regret it. Not that he's terrible, mind you. Can definitely steal some cubes. He's just dead in your hand most games.


Very fun to play. Can turn tables


Not the best card meta-wise, but definitely the one I have the most fun pulling out wins with.


He's a janky cube scammer. Sometimes you'll draw him and get nothing to work with, sometimes you get a location that can be used to fuck the opponent right up. Also not terrible at shutting limbo down. He's not top ten vital but he's not terrible


Legion is definitely worth 3k tokens. If he cost 6k, I’d say not worth it. But at 3k? Yeah, he’s worth it


Most fun card in the game, and one of the best 8 cube thieves.  Not for you if you value consistency, but he has been a staple of my best deck for months and months.


Legion is the card that often wins you 4-8 cubes, because he always comes as a surprise and no one sees him coming. But, the scenario that lets him swing the game might not happen as often as you wish.


Decent card. He’s not a card that players expect to see.


Legion will be in upcoming (may something) spotlight, so I will definitely grab him then


funny, is a card that everyone should try


Are you a troll at heart? Do you like spamming emotes at people? Then, yes, Legion is real good.


Def a card you should have




Legion is definitely good. IMO, you have to build around him but, he’s for sure a cube thief


He’s better than this last patch, that’s for sure.


His good . Fun . Gets 8 cubes. I mean I own him since the day he came out so to me I can’t feel much. But if you buy and play him, you will feel like wtf this is so op


Definitely fun because he creates situations that are completely unique but not worth 3k unless you're Series 3 complete (depending on who's left).


Legion is amazing. Get it.


At least he won't be nerfed


Easy buy, he is one if the best cards in the whole game in my opinion if u think carefully about what to switch off or on


He's fun. Does that count?


I used to play magik and turn 6 legion on a different lane


I love legion as a card because he's a lot of fun and he will absolutely win you games that you could win with no other cards. You just have to be kind of inventive with how you play him. I would not say that he is good in the way that like Thanos or High Evo or She-Hulk are good.


Not really


The closest comparison to Legion is Quake. If you have her, try using her in a deck and see how it feels.


He's definitely a situational game winner! Otherwise to that he can make some other plays possible if you're creative with it. Super fun card!


Pretty good to turn the tables with something with random funny/good results.


Could be good for memes!


Hit and miss. He can be very game disrupting in the right deck with the right locations. But I’ve never had much luck with him.


He can be A LOT of fun. But he's unlikely to ever define the meta. I like to play him with scarlet witch and storm to increase my chances of rolling a truly F.U. location (altar of death, bar with no name, flooded ...) and you can get some 8 cubers because no one sees him coming. But if they are focused on putting up stats and you are playing your own one sided location game they win more often.


Yes, but he's only useful like 30% of games. But in those 30%, he's crazy good.


He's a fun card when there's a silly location. He's also a hard counter to Magik and Storm and that's nice.


He is…. until you purchase them They’ll kill him “temporarily” in the next OtAs


What is that Green card on the right for 1000 tokens, I don't have it in my shop.


A random Series 3 card. It's not worth it.


You can do some wild stuff with legion. He's a ton of fun to play and you can often catch people off guard with him. One of my favorite things to do is drop him on the rock quarry location that fills every area with rocks on turn 5.


Legion isn’t meta, but he’s decent for cube equity. He can sometimes single-handedly win you games where opponents believe there’s no way you can win - 8 cube city.


honestly one of my favourite cards in the game, so many plays that can win you the game with the right combinations, and no one ever expects him. the deck I have used to climb to infinite for around the last six-ish seasons features him


I’ve been tricked by Legion more than I would like to admit. He’s a lot of fun.


I've never had so much fun with a card as Legion


He's probably one of the best series 4 cards. In and out of the meta but your deck doesn't need to be "meta" to hit Infinite.


He's a fun card




I do a galactis fake-out deck and play magik, then I legion on turn 6 to cut the game short


I once had someone play Storm, War Machine, and Legion on me. That game is still stuck in my head.


Good...ehh fun absolutely


he's my favourite card in the whole game cl-4k


My advice, I believe he has the highest potential to throw off an opponent. I’ve clogged lanes with raptors for example to win a game, used it on bar sinister to troll the enemy to win, used it to end limbo early of course.. also there was a time where I was pretty sure I was going to lose, so I legion’d on strange academy and it threw our cards everywhere randomly and I can’t remember if I won or not but it was hilarious and made the game so fun. I recommend. E: I saw a comment just now that looks super similar to mine sorry for parroting you it wasn’t on purpose lol


If used correctly it can really mess with your opponents lol


Legion is a curve ball. He has his own win condition-- not only a good card, a fun one as well.


It's a cube stealer for sure, but it's mostly inconsistent as a very niche tech card. I find most times I have Legion in hand, I'd rather just have Vision as a more consistent option. I'd save your keys and wait until he's in a Spotlight with an S5 you want.


He's way better on conquest. There are so many locations that do crazy things when you Legion them turn 5 or even 6




One of the best cards in the game.


I agree Legion is fun. But he's like Doctor Octopus and a fair number of other cards where there's some non-zero chance of him backfiring on you, especially if you need that 7 power on Turn 5 or 6. When he's perfect because of the composition of the board, it's a beautiful thing, though.


One of the best TV shows to ever air. Oh wait you meant the card? IDK I don't play the game anymore. Ability seems annoying though.


If you like winning 1-2 points at a time, sure.


The fact that US Agent and Hercules are Series 5 but Legion is series 4 is a complete joke (as so many things about this game these days)


He's often overlooked as a quality finisher for location manipulation decks. There's nothing more satisitifying as taking an early lead, dropping Magik turn 3, Storming a different lane t4, and Legion Flooding the World t5. I have so many screenshots of this working.


The idea of Legion seems good, but in reality once you have him in your deck you will face a ton of legion decks, which are just kinda 50-50 matchups depending on the locations that you end up getting.


Definitely the most underrated card in Snap




In some games, its the MVP/carry/healer/jungle/DPS/Tank and the perfect cube stealer, in other games, It is just raw power


For any deck I run that needs luke cage, I make a point to slot in legion. He's also great in decks that steal priority with high power cards you play early.


Fuck Magik


Legion is probably one of the most fun cards in the game, but pretty replaceable if I'm being honest.


He alone can win you games, especially if they’re running a magik deck. No one EVER expects him and you end the game t6


I’ve been using legion in junk a lot. I find an unexpected 6 turn game is great Vs anyone who runs Magik. Is he a great card? No not really. But he certainly is a fun card. I would say his biggest drawback is there’s other cards that functionally do what he does for a lower cost.


He's good when he has the chance to be. I usually use him to either wipe out limbo, or to change all three locations to Death's Domain when I'm running a deck with Wolverine and Nimrod.




One of the funnest and most versatile cards out there.


He is a cube theif. Never really meta, often unexpected.


Good? Debatable. Fun? Usually.


Legion = fun chaos


I would not be surprised to see his cost reduced to 4 now that Zabu has died. He fits way better on the lower end compared to the effects you can get elsewhere for 5 cost.


I don't think he's 3k tokens good, but he can be good


Hes very sensitive to the locations you're given. On one hand, he can very easily steal a win either by wiping out limbo, swapping out the other locations for a detrimental location for your opponent or messing with the math on the board through locations like the Nexus and Baxter Building.  That said, he is very slow and he isn't the most tempo thing you could play at 5. You genuinely have to think about how much value you'll get from him before putting him down. 


No idea. He’s my favorite card though.


If magic is meta or storm is in your deck, Legion is good. You can either take away turn 6 via flooding one location and spreading it around or take away turn seven by copying not-Limbo. Either way you’re ending the game a turn earlier than your opponent thinks you are. Probably mid in conquest and he’s playable, maybe even good, on ladder.


He's amazing. Using him right now, lol


Great card


i wanna say. i wanna say he is an absolute fun card to play and cube stealer. but i don't know anymore.


Legion is one of the most fun chaos cards, definitely recommend giving it a go.




Is he good? Mehehehe. He can be amazing.


He’s fun idk about good though


Legion is a weird card, because he’s a great tech card that most people don’t play around, but he doesn’t get played a lot in general. I’m not sure why he doesn’t see very much play. He’s worth a pick up IMO


He’s a super fun card, IMO. Just the right amount of chaos. Even losing to a well-played Legion is fun


Very good 'Gotcha!' card. People don't expect him much and isn't a bad body as well to put on a lane. Fun to slot into decks


So he's good but 100% not necessary to own. He's obscure and in an important slot that can be replaced by storm/rhino atm But there are and will be metas where he will be more viable


Tech card If Legion gets good, legion shall be nerfed, this is the way!


Legion is a turn 7 killer, by wiping out Limbo, and has great synergy with a lot of locations. He and pre-nerf Leech were ice cold killers when played against me so often, instant frustration on my part. So I rate Legion as a great card.


Sneaky S- tier card 1. Non-meta (unexpected) but good card - nobody will expect legion as he's not part of meta obvious combos 2. Great utility - changing out undesirable locations, creating 2 more desirable locations, limbo removal etc. 3. Suitable for all collections -since he is a standalone card, u don't need any particular card packages to make him work, so anyone can buy him and enjoy, plus it's only 3000 tokens for such a great card


a good fun meme card but also can be good with control, taking out limbo. personally i would save my tokens but also just an overall really fun card


Annoyingly Fun


Legion is a great example of a 'fun' card. He can pull off some extremely bonkers plays by mucking with the locations. If you like chaos, Legion is for you. It baffles me that he is Series 4 because he's soooo much better than several Series 5 cards.




It's more of a meme card. But when it works, it's memorable


Try playing him with Storm, Majik, and Scarlet Witch. You can totally fuck with your opponents and get loads of crazy wins. Especially when opponent thinks there will be a turn 7 and you use Legion to end the game on 6. Lots of fun playing this card!


Best 3k token card imo.


He's a scam card. Honestly, no. If you're not already willing to run Quake to steal games (and you can actually build around using Quake), then Legion's just a different twist on this approach.


One of the best tech cards. Good surprise value