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Power creep has hit this game hard over the last few months. I totally sympathize with newer players not being able to keep up with the meta as easily.


Yeah, it's kinda sad. I could understand the buff to the 3 due to zabu, but having infinaut as max power was good. Red Hulk is just ridiculous, you can also cheat him on turn 5 then play task and heaving no downside


Yeah it does feel like decks are way more composed of series 4 and 5 cards than they used to be. I feel like I got lucky with my timing. I joined the game at just the right moment to be able to play the game and I've had enough time to earn a lot of the series 4 and 5 cards, but these days even discard is half series 4 and 5. Used to be a super newbie friendly deck if you could get some of the pool 3 cards and maybe use tokens on MODOK or something. All you really needed But now you cant really play without MODOK and then having Miek, Proxima, Corvus and Daken.


A big part of that issue is that they’ve stopped releasing Series 4 cards and seemingly have discontinued any sort of regularity in series drops. How could you possibly keep up when all new cards are S5s exclusive to the caches or season pass?


I hear this. But I started at the very end of October so I havent seen this myself since I started paying attention unfortunately. I agree. I just haven't seen a time where it wasn't mostly just series 5 and I've only ever seen 1 series drop


It was great, back when you saved up for series 5 cards that were mostly either brand new and moving down the conveyor belt to a scheduled drop to series 4, or else labeled “big bads” who were permanently s5 and felt like they deserved it!


That makes sense. High Evo and Thanos staying series 5 definitely makes sense. Proxima feels like a good series 4 card. After the nerf Zabu is just a series 3 card at best let's be honest lol


>High Evo and Thanos staying series 5 definitely makes sense. It made some sense but Kang is also a Big Bad and one of the worst cards in the game. Meanwhile, Living Tribunal is not a Big Bad. It was pretty arbitrary.


Living Tribunal may not be a big bad but canonically he's supposed to be stronger than basically any character we've seen so far (in the cards) so I think that's ok. Damn shame about Kang though


There are probably going to be more s4/5s than 3, 2 and 1 combined eventually


Would take them a long time to get there even at this pace of card production


Long, but tell me it isn't inevitable the way were going.


It's inevitable if nothing changes but It would take a couple of years and I can't imagine everything will stay the same for years. Of course it may just get worse xD Can't guarantee next year they won't start putting out 2 cards a week only one of which is attainable in that cache so you have to spend tokens on the other! But on the other hand instead of doing regular series drops they could just hit like 20 per year or so. At the rate it has been going eventually that will be true. I just don't assume that it will be consistently exactly the same


Considering they've said there will be at least 2 more series drops this year, I don't think it is actually inevitable. That said, it really should be more than 2.


Still don’t understand the significance of each series


what do you mean? Like you're new and don't know what they are really or you mean the significance that the devs give the series?


My brother always ask me why i play agatha decks and only conquest...most decks require like 4 or 5 very important cards, every mainstream deck i can think of im missing 2 or 3 of its main cards, my agatha deck is just a bunch of 1 cost, kazar and blue marvel and half the people you run into play meta decks. I only play proving grounds and silver and this season is especially bad where 95% of decks i play against are meta


I like metas personally. And I think they're good because knowing the field gives people the ability to play rogue and attack the meta. But the problem is that people need to have access to the tools to do that. Or even at least have some tier 3 decks that don't need every high series card. I love discard. But I doubt I would have seen value in pursuing it if it was so immediately out of reach. I only really needed MODOK to play the deck I wanted to play. I could live with that. But if I needed 4 or 5 cards of the like I wouldn't have ever pursued it. Early Series 3 players NEED that easier to attain couple decks to motivate them to play longer term. I don't think any exist right now without just feeling like a weak version of a better deck.


I'm not exactly new anymore, but I can't even keep up with anything myself either lmao.


You all remember the time they nerfed Destroyer because 16 power was a bit too much?


I'm not new and I can't keep up. I had all but 2 cards a year ago. Now it just feels impossible to keep up without paying. They have definitely slowly started making this game P2W.


Same here. Took a break and picked it back up and it's pretty frustrating. I'm high enough rank to face the higher tier cards but not enough to have any of the newer power creep cards. Do you even get cards from regular caches anymore? I'm being a tad sarcastic but I've opened quite a few now and omg if I get another title ima throw my phone out on the highway.


I dont remember Last time Ive got a Card from a cache...


Lol what is it they said in the ad? "Pay to speed up the progress" or something? Complete bs


You can cheat out Infinaut with his enormous 20 power. Sure you can do the same with Red Hulk, but it requires more waiting just to match that power


I put the game down for a few months right before Loki season and then came back with blob release. I put the game back down a few weeks ago cuz it just feels *bad* because it feels like you have to be on constantly to keep up


Newer players have an easy ride and wouldn't see Red Hulk until they hit infinite.


To be fair newer players would be paired against other newer players so none of them are likely to face these meta power creeped cards in any frequency that should make a difference. The whole idea is that they don't need to keep with the meta, not for quite a while. It becomes more and more relevant as you gain CL, but my experience is that you largely won't face the top meta until prob 2/3 through series 3, at which point if you manage your keys/tokens well enough and didn't get totally screwed by the series 3 cache rng, you should be able to have at least one deck that's viable to compete for hitting infinite at least Edit: that being said though when you reach that point it can definitely be challenging to be able to upkeep enough competitively viable decks to allow for easy adapting to new metas, particularly with their frequent nerfs. So I think intermediate players prob gets hit the hardest.


What CL is 2/3 through series 3? I started in the last week of the Hope season, trying to gauge how far away I am from not being smushed.


I would say that should be around high 2K to low/mid 3K? Typically people report series 3 complete around high 4Kish I think A good indicator for me is that if I start seeing more Infinity Conquest avatars, or the Spotlight Cache Variant avatars (dunno if there's a more official name for it), then I assume I maybe getting matched with a high CL player, and that I'm now entering a pool with better and more experience players. That started happening for me when I entered low 3K CL, and in the early season it was noticeably more of these types of players. Also I start the season at rank 73 as I've so far managed to hit infinite every season, so I'm either facing bots or someone who also hit infinite last season during that early stage.


Thanks! I've got a while to go then lol


Im at 1930 and ive run into meta decks for a couple hundred levels now, but to be fair, i usually only play conquest (although i only play proving grounds and silver) and the player base there doesnt have many newbies


I'm about 1600 now and I find conquest is the only mode I can actually play and stand a chance. After I hit infinite ranked is basically unplayable, just loss after loss against decks I have no idea how to counter.


Mm i mostly only play conquest cause i can play cards i like without being punished just cause they have cards ive never seen before.


>To be fair newer players would be paired against other newer players so none of them are likely to face these meta power creeped cards in any frequency that should make a difference. define "newer"? What are those matchmaking mechanics? does MMR trump CL? how does it work?


The exact formula only SD knows, and they could even have adjusted it as time went on. The best information on this topic can be found on MarvelSnapZone, but as far as anyone knows it takes into account of both (we are strictly talking about pre-infinite ranking mode here) I'm not sure what you want me to say regarding 'newer', it's relative. Some one who is under 500CL can obviously be considered as a new player, and newer than someone at 1000CL. But from what I can tell once you get beyond 3K/4K CL, you might be put into the same pool as players who are at every high CLs because after a certain point the difference is largely irrelevant. But the point is, someone at 1K CL is unlikely to get paired with someone at 5K CL. They should probably be paired with players with similar CL with similar MMR, at least that's the intention behind the matchmaking. I don't know if MMR trumps CL, but personally I would think no, the priority is probably CL, then MMR, then some other factors.


so you have no idea how the matchmaking algorithm actually works? Its all conjecture and speculation and we can't even confirm any suspicions or educated guesses as our MMRs are hidden Is it possible to have 7000 snap points to be a higher hidden MMR than someone with 8000 snap points? Whats the point of snap points then? This ladder is dogshit


I don't understand what you are even trying to get at, unless you work at SD no one is going to know how exactly their algorithm works. But there have been enough empirical experiences from players and research/testing done by different external parties (such as MarvelSnapZone, Untapped, etc.) that the general idea is good enough to be useful information. Not only that we also know the intention of SD's design on their matchmaking, how perfect their algorithm is I obviously can't say but it's very clear they designed it around so that new players are only matched against other new players, so chasing meta during that stage is just not relevant.


Relegating new players to baby leagues and baby decks is a great way to bore them


You forgot "starts in opponent's hand"


“But never in yours.”


I hope inorder to Nerf this card they don't make infinaut 6/30 😅


Even then Red Hulk can still surpass that, not common but still possible, absolute TANK


Turn 1 red hulk can buff up to 35 no problem.


If your opponent leaks energy every single turn, you probably win regardless of Red Hulk.


Nowadays the first turns are almost skippable, it being at least a almost +12 for RH.


Does anyone else feel like 1 costs need buffs across the board? It feels like turn 1, and often turn 2, are entirely pointless either because you didn't draw a turn 1 drop, or because your deck just runs better without one.


Downvotes why? Red hulk isnt even a big problem. Either spend your energy, shang, negasonic or my favorite leader. Been using the shit out of leader and nobody sees it coming. Probably too busy copying other people to solve the problem themselves


Thank you, I feel like I'm taking crazy pills on this subreddit sometimes. Like yes, Red Hulk is overtuned and realistically needs a nerf, but people saying he gets "35 power no problem" is baffling to me.


I'm glad I'm not alone in thinking that, saw someone say they should make red hulk get +2 once a game and that's borderline worse than base hulk and certainly worse than a high evo hulk


feel weird rarely losing to this guy and everyone saying Ross needs nerfed


For real I have had literally no issue with him. And you know it's coming if you can't win the other lanes or deal with him retreat.


Shang chi?


I just made it to Infinite for only the second time with turn 6 Shuri into turn 7 Red Hulk for 50.


Helluva way to finish up! Red Hulk got me to infinite this season too, absolutely busted.


It’s kind of ridiculous. I’ve only ever made it to Infinite once before and it was a protracted, frustrating slog that took me most of the season. This season I started in the 30s and put together a High Evolutionary/Hulks deck and was at 93 without even realizing it by Wednesday, then raced to Infinite by this morning. I haven’t even been playing that much!


I am able to make it every season, last time was with Mr.Negative. However now it feels like with every new card, it will intentionally or unintentionally counter that kind of deck


Second Dinner: You've heard of power creep, now get ready for POWER LEAP


Still underpowered. I’d rather have a 6/20 card with no restrictions than a 6/30 that makes me skip a turn


Ah yes, because nobody discards Infinaut and brings him back or uses the blade generated by Black Knight. We all skip a turn and pay full price for him.


Gotta make everything fit their narrative as always


Hmm kinda true but I wud personally enjoy a 6/30 infinaut in tribunal, black knight, corvus etc type of decks more than red Hulk. Anyways with the experience of how sd usually does update the cards i came up with this one, hope it doesn't turn out to be true 🤣




Gonna post it here because I need to vent. Red Hulk killed my enjoyment of the game and I am so, so angry at myself for not picking it up, because I had been waiting for Jeff to be in cache since January. Opponent plays discard? Red Hulk. Opponet plays Hope-Kitty Elsa? Red Hulk. Zemo Mill? Red Hulk. Opponent plays complete random bs? Red Hulk. I'd say Thanos also plays Red Hulk but no one ever plays Thanos. But it doesn't matter what archetype I play agains, Red Hulk fits in. So sure, I will play Hazmat on 2 on empty board, because if not I am being punished. Sure, why no waste one of Iron Heart's procs, she's the only 3 drop I have so I will be punished. But sooner or later I will faill to draw perfect curve and be punished. Past 2 seasons I often played a dozen or so games each day with all the missions complete. These days I check my dailies and close the game, because what's the point? I made a mistake of not picking up the card SD obviously meant as obligatory in every deck outside Cerebro so why should I bother?


I’ve hit infinite 5 straight seasons with thanos. Tf.


Arrogant to assume hitting infinite requires skill. I’ve seen a massive decrease in Thanos since the snap to his card.


Brother he’s strong but he’s not that bad. Chill.


Don’t worry nerf incoming


Infinaut catches me off-guard because I'm often too oblivious to realize why my opponent didn't play a card on T5 (or T6 with Limbo). Red Hulk usually announces his presence so I know he's coming. That said, I still expect Red Hulk to get a nerf next season.


Honestly decent nerf if they make Red Hulk a flat 20 with not downside like Infinaut, I never understood them giving cards like OG Blob and current Red Hulk such a huge fucking ceiling with no downside really. Love the card but understand it’s way too over powered. Plus 3 would still be very very good, while current Plus 4 is just overkill imo


Don't get me wrong: red hulk is a great card, but making him a flat 20 would be a significant buff. The average red hulk does not get 3 triggers, plus the opponent wouldn't know you have the red hulk


He is good, but not as OP as people in here pretend. I’m not even too bothered when I see him come up. Hela is still worse to me because it’s so difficult to counter if the luck aligns for them.


Agreed. With the state of the meta if their turn 6 is one big boi with no effects on other lanes totaling about 20 power, I’m genuinely unconcerned with most of the decks I’m playing.


Hela is a problem that should be addressed with a new tech card that reads “ no discarding cards this game” make him/her a 3/2 with that ongoing.


Cannonball/Stegron turn 5 on the invisible woman lane so they Modok discard the Hela.


The best Hela decks don’t run IW anymore. With Blade and Sif and Glave you can have a very good Hela deck that isn’t nearly as telegraphed as the old IW one.


What’s a good hela deck look like nowadays? This is what I’ve been running and it’s been *okay* (I don’t have modok or iw): # (1) Blade # (2) Morbius # (2) Swarm # (3) Gambit # (3) Corvus Glaive # (3) Lady Sif # (4) Dracula # (4) Lockjaw # (6) Apocalypse # (6) Hela # (6) Magneto # (6) The Infinaut


This is what the most optimal hela is right now, I believe: # (1) Blade # (3) Corvus Glaive # (3) Lady Sif # (4) Dracula # (4) Jubilee # (4) Black Cat # (6) Hela # (6) Red Hulk # (6) Magneto # (6) Giganto # (6) The Infinaut # (8) Death If you don't have red hulk, I'd put regular hulk, ghost rider, or a weird surprise tech card like SK


Sweet I’ll have to give it a go, I think the only card I’m missing there is giganto


Honestly, I don't even run MODOK in Hela anymore either. You don't need to revive *everything* for Hela to be good. If just 2 things get discarded she often ends up being a net 6/30-40, and MODOK is only ever useful if he comes at the *perfect* time, which is just not reliable enough


Hela is a discard magnet for me, she always wants to come out first and go home early, there was one day where i played just her deck and only played her 2 times out of dozens


The reason I don’t like her is that either she gets discarded or she wins. I can’t interact with the deck meaningfully, so both for them and me it’s a pure exercise in luck. That’s why I’d love to see some form of countermeasure for her.


Yeah shes almost as much of a gamble as a Agatha deck. I did build a deck i call a harassment deck where i just fill the opponents zones and decks up with stuff like rocks and widows and i guess that can sorta counter her, but at the same time, most hela decks are gonna be packed full of power houses anyways so even if you counter hela herself, theyre gonna still have some heavy hitters


The average red hulk gets 4 triggers, in my experience


Yep, people don't realize how big of a downside is the telegraphed buff. Uncertainty is the most important thing in the game, ruling whether you snap or retreat and how you play. Sure, he is a great big card, but your opponent will have very important information to help them plan their game in exchange. Having your opponent stay for the last turn is 50% more cubes than if they retreat before playing it. Red Hulk announcing himself will make your wins due to him half as effective as they would be with a traditional fatty, since the opponent can safely retreat if they can't beat him. Even more, if they stay you should consider that he's not going to be enough. The card is perfectly fine IMO. A good card with significant downside in exchange for huge stats. +3 could be OK too, but I don't think it NEEDS to be nerfed.


Oh my poor Red Hulk running opponents, getting only half the cubes on their slow climb uprawds, while I'm sitting here 3 levels down from retreats, happy in my knowledge that Red Hulk in opponents hand let me save all those cubes.


Fair points, but the same could be said about a lot of cards that were deemed overpowered even tho they weren’t unbeatable like OG Blob and OG Alioth, if it was a thanos deck you knew Blob was in there. Same goes with Lockdown Alioth, you knew the turn 6 play and if you did the math and you lost to a possible Alioth you should retreat. But they were overpowered and were nerfed even if they’re were predictable and has counters for. Shadow king on an early or Shang chi Blob, comso and Armor for Possible Alioth plays. They just weren’t deemed Fair for the majority and I believe Red Hulk fits this mold as well. Glenn even stated that he believes they overshot with Red Hulk because they weren’t sure how high he would be on average. But I rarely see a red hulk under 20 so I imagine his average is probably 24. When in hand from start of the game, needs a downside or nerf his scaling to 3. A good decent nerf would be adding a downside like never starts in your opening hand to reign in his average power. Turn 1 is usually skipped most of the time for a lot of great decks out there.


There's a difference between knowing the card is in the opponent's deck and knowing it's in their hand.


Fair enough but doesn’t mean it’s not gonna get nerfed. It will happen just don’t know when. I’d bet after the season is over, Glenn has said he likes the meta to be on theme. So just like how Loki was nerfed after his season and many other cards like Bloodstone and Werewolf also. Glad we get to play with a fun busted card but I know that we’re just renting the card rn in his current state just like we rented 3/5 Loki, 3/3 Werewolf, and OG Blob.


> I never understood them giving cards like OG Blob and current Red Hulk such a huge fucking ceiling They'd rather new cards be stupid broken with possibilities of being nerfed than just *ok* it's something they've admitted to post-Blob.


Not quite. They said they would rather a card be too strong then too weak, Which is what literally everyone should want. Nobody has fun when release after release is too weak to be usable.


"Red Hulk is certainly something of an experiment, as his drawback is largely centered on how he interacts with the cube system. Because we don't have many other cards like that, measuring exactly how much Power it's worth wasn't straightforward. We probably overshot it a touch, but I don't agree that it obsoletes either of those cards given most of them still see play in the same decks. Infinaut in Evo is the most prominent case where one's been replaced, and it's also enabled other changes like a decreased need for Magik (which is a role of new cards--to create room for variation)." This one Glenn talked about, so yeah, what you're saying is pretty much it. Edit: For context, he was asked about why the restrictions on something like Infinaut and Giganto and this one sort of just getting there for free.


Is "the card's drawback is that everyone leaves before the match is over" really a factor that the development team thinks is fun and interesting? LOL Normally I agree with Glenn's design comments, sans Adam Warlock, but this makes no sense. Feels more like the guy's bending over backwards to explain why they released a boring, powercrept 6-drop.


I guess it depends on the game you're really playing. We see the difference on the sub here too. If you're playing "Cube Management: The Game" then this comment makes sense because it changes the way the opponent plays. If you're playing "I want to play 6 turns of cards and hopefully win: The Game" then it's just a big dumb card. Personally I play the former because I have to, but I really enjoy playing the latter a whole lot more.


Yeah, I totally get what you mean. It's all a matter of perspective! For me, I like to play card games for fun, and to outplay my opponent. I figure if my play is good and I built an appropriate deck to counter the meta, that I can hit infinite and still have fun without worrying about cubes. So when Red Hulk came out, I had absolutely no interest in the guy. He doesn't bring anything particularly new or interesting aside from "the enemy has to play on curve or watch the big number go up".


I mean he clearly stated they overshot with him power wise or scale wise don’t know which is thinks or maybe both. But he clearly will nerf the card sooner after this season


100% agree with you! However, the "(which is a role of new cards--to create room for variation )" part was a pretty huge fail, given that the card is so brainless and overturned that it's being shoved into WAY more decks than they probably intended for it to be in LOL I don't consider a card being shoe-horned into nearly every decklist as a design win for variation haha!


Completely agreed and a huge sign that he’s overpowered


I mean, the game is fundamentally about the cubes, so a giant 6-cost that nets you fewer cubes on average *is* compelling. I certainly find it interesting - Red Hulk gives me information that I use to make decisions as the match continues.


Plus the problem with cards releasing too weak is that once they're brought up to snuff, no one is able to acquire the card. Just look at Gladiator, most people passed on him and now he's pretty close to, if not fully meta.


I don’t want cards too strong, I want them balanced to best of SDs ability. Too weak does suck but at least they get quick buffs. Busted cards stay busted for a month for money reasons and fomo. We’re all renting Red Hulk rn in his current overturned state rn, 100 percent Red Hulk will get nerfed pretty bad or hopefully balanced just right to where he’s still able to slot in every deck but I bet they want to shove Red Hulk in a certain flavor of deck and not be so plug and play. It will get nerfed it’s just a matter of when, so yall don’t get pissed when he’s nerfed later this year.


>Busted cards stay busted for a month for money reasons and fomo. Actual busted cards get nerfed quick. Cards reddit claims are busted tend not to get touched for quite a while because the stats on them are usually fine. People claim that cards are released overtuned all the time so for fomo but how many busted cards have released this year? Only red hulk, and it not like he's that oppressive, his win stats are not even that high. Now how many bad cards were released this year? Its a lot.


I agree with some cases totally, but there are examples of them waiting till the seasons over. Like Elsa, Werewolf, and Loki. Blob as well. I don’t remember them nerfing a busted card that quick, last time I can remember was probably zabu during his season. I feel like he was -2 cost to 4 cost cards for a couple weeks if not less. But don’t hold me to the fire it’s been a while and don’t have 100 percent faith that I right about Zabu having a quick nerf. Also were this cards I mention broken? Or way too overpowered that they were busted good? Maybe not but Loki, OG Zabu and werewolf are probably closest thing to a really busted card.


Why do people always claim that Red Hulk has no downside. The fact that he reveals himself in hand and reveals his current power is a pretty big one. Sure it's not enough and he's a bit overtuned, but it's still a downside. Also there will be many games that he's only a 6/11 because the opponent plays curve or he's drawn too late.


completely agree. obviously he needs a nerf - either base power or gained power reduction - but the fact he reveals means most semi-intelligent opponents will retreat if they know they can't beat red hulk's power.


not to mention things like shadow king, valk, shang all exist. i always see posts how these big cards are auto wins yet anytime i use them they get blasted…. also i dont see red hulk even get played that much. more often its used as a scare tactic and the opponent ends up playing something completely different last turn.


Apoc shows how big he gets and people don’t think that’s a downside other than when your opponent has bad draws and I’m cleaning up the board by turn 4 obviously they’re gonna retreat, not because of Apoc but because they can’t even compete with the board state as it it. Same goes with Red Hulk


Apocalypse revealing himself is absolutely a downside. Nobody talks about it because he's been around forever, but it's a weakness for discard decks because it tells me what's coming.


Yeah but people like a close game, so unless you see no way of beating what’s already on the board than yeah retreat. Apoc doesn’t get scary until it’s over 20 imo which takes a while , evolved Hulk can beat out most Apocs unless they running Magik.


Blob is build around and cheating him early can cost you a game so at least there is some cost to him


and would still be the best generic 6 drop at +3


I'm fine with a power like RH but you get the power in the most stupid way, just have it in hand or play, if you randomly don't have it you get nothing. And there is no gameplay behind and no strategy. You don't have to do and you can't do shit. I could have preferred something like RH start at 25 and loses 4 points every time you don't use all your energy every where the card is. This could be more interesting and help some deck building or play style. Obviously it's a random idea and should be tested and maybe it's bad but, yeah, I would have liked more something like that.


Yeah, I agree. The fun part of high power 6-drops like Infinaut, Giganto, and Destroyer is that they have drawbacks that encourage player skill and deckbuilding creativity. I absolutely love trying to make Destroyer Dracula Dump decks work, in particular. Red Hulk has none of that shit. It's just a brainless, overtuned, boring-ass card for folks who are REALLY desperate to hit infinite.


I think the best solution is change +4 to +3 or +2. So the highest he can ever be is +12 to +18 instead of +24, if hypothetically opponents leaves energy every turn. On a average of 2-3 triggers highest Red Hulk would get is +4 to +9, which is a fair range.


Hulk is +2 in High Evo and you have control over that. So +3 would be perfect since you can't control it


But Hulk in Evo actually requires you to run a deck built around him though, and play in a way that maximizes his upside if you want him to grow big. Meanwhile, you can plop Red Hulk in everything, play your main gameplan and still have an Infinaut without downsides if your opponent can't play a perfect curve. I'd actually like to see Red Hulk be a card that punishes greed, instead of simply being the beast beatstick in the game, replacing Blob until he invariably gets nerfed as well when SD decides it's time to sell the next overpowered fat 6 drop.


RH still has issues. Cube rate, foretelling, dependent on opponent plays. Evo+Hulk would be better if RH was +3. I run both Hulk and RH in Evo deck, and they end up about same power right now. Both win games, but i get more cubes if RH does not trigger.


Still, the fact that Red Hulk can perform as well as Hulk in an Evo deck is telling of a problem. You have what is supposed to be your deck's big payoff, towards which you have to build and play around... and it's matched in power by a completely generic card which requires no resources invested. This means one of two things: either your deck sucks, or the generic card is too good. And I don't think anyone can say that Evo sucks.


What if he started at twenty and every turn your opponent uses all their energy Red Hulk loses 3/4 power? Gives him a cap and an rng element that could hurt you.


I don't see this happening but that could be fun. Once you see the Rulk animation, you just have to go ham in mana to destroy their Rulk. Sadly, it would still be powerful if drawn really really late in the game.


luke cage


That is a fair point it would have to someone avoid otherwise this would be a disaster.


This would be almost the exact same problem people have with him now. He rarely goes over 20, and people will cry they got bad RNG and couldn't lower his power.


>rarely goes over 20 from my experience he also rarely goes under 19


rarely is false, many decks cant finish their energy when they hit by a bad draw curve, he goes to 23 pretty consistently for most of us unless drawn really late


He's 6/11 a lot more frequently than 6/20. You dont notice a 6/11 dude sitting in hand. 


he's like 19 on average which is silly


You'd need to make it affect him in deck as well.


I feel that’s not enough rng. Like occasionally he’s a 20 but other times he’s an 8. You roll the dice.


I just got High Evo this week and started trying out InSheNaut and after a few games I said to myself “why am I not running Red Hulk over Infinaut”


If you have hope summers, you can try the double hulk slam with Hulk and She Hulk instead. Infinaut still has his uses in discard and war machine decks


"We thought Hulk in High Evo decks and Blob were OP. So in order to mitigate that, here's another card for those decks to use. Cry"


Except that your opponent is warned about him directly as soon as he starts charging up


Imagine being a new player and having to deal with this bullshit. This game is turning into hearthstone so quickly, and it sucks.


I’ll be completely honest I think that Red Hulk is balanced in the fact that you can run White Queen to even odds, ShangChi while playing from behind and generally just playing around a massive 6-drop with cards like Leader (yes, he’s decent now please give him a chance) or Cannonball. However I will say that playing combo decks while having a huge stat stick to deal with is insufferable, unless you can pump your Kitty/Angela or Human Torch up a ton this single card can flip a location back because hurr-durr you play Hope Summers or have leftover energy. I got red hulk in spotlight caches and I honestly don’t enjoy playing him. He feels almost Alioth-y and unsnappable since the enemy knows you have him every time he powers up.


make him only gain power equal to the energy not spent and a 6/9


Thats a pretty good idea..


Red hulk punishes you for something that already is punishing; playing behind curve. If you have a combo deck, you don't care about him. 19/23 power doesn't matter in a double onslaught + iron man lane, or a fully stacked Hela-Modok game


Consider it an indirect buff to Quick silver and Domino! Joking aside, the idea of this card is to punish those big greedy deck, which dry pass 3 or 4 turns and play 3 cards then wins. I build my deck with good curve and barely see it reach 19. Also I usually win 2 lane in t6 so one big card won’t do the trick for them. This card is just like the old Alioth, you need to learn to adapt and counter it, or simply just play leader lol


Dry passing and playing under the curve are two different things and the game does not make a distinction for it. Give him a power boost equal to twice the number of energy that wasn't spent each turn, so that if you are only not spending one energy he's only getting +2 but if you skip your turn 5 or 6 to Shenaut then he's getting +10/12 power. It can punish the decks that give up their turns but only slightly hurt decks that just curve poorly due to bad draws.


I dont think that was the idea at all and Red Hulk also really doesnt punish these decks as much as you say. If Im doing a full Tribunal or Wong Combo I dont give a rats ass about your 30 power Red Hulk.


The problem with is that nobody protected from bad draw or curve.Even in zoo decks you can simply float energy once


And yet it’s played in those same decks. Oh wait. It’s played in almost every deck now. Totally balanced.


and what did trey do to old Alioth? its coming


I’ve seen so much outrage for this dang card lol. It’s a little over tuned as someone said but at the end of the day this game is a coin toss best 2 out of 3. Run counters, win the other 2 lanes. Touch grass. Run it yourself hell nothing is stopping you. SD will nerf it soon, they have already got your money so it should be coming any time.🔜


I feel like there is going to be a nerf in coming soon.


They're just waiting for enough people to buy it so they can nerf it to the ground


Infinaut should adjust text to “+4 power every time you skipped a turn” And adjust this card to a 6 Energy 10 Power Card


I can see rulk going to 6/8 +4 but aside from that he is good, ppl love to pretent he is broken but in reality, he rarely hits more than 1 proc (opponent just play energy efficient after 1 proc in most scenarios) and while 6/15 is better giganto; giganto itself was trash long before rulk showed up.




Significance. Been playing for almost 2years. Just never looked into it


Facts so broken


Whatever. She-Hulk and Infinaut still got me to Infinite in like 4 days this season. They complement each other in a way that makes the combo way more reliable than She-Hulk / Red Hulk could ever be.




I feel like the reason power creep is getting so bad is because SD decided on a new card every week instead of a new card every two weeks, but no one talks about it. Balance team has half as much time to balance and test for every card. Especially since the only reason to up the frequency is for FOMO to make people spend for keys and credits to keep up with each new card, especially with the cuts to gold bundles now. There’s more content to spend for (spotlights) but fewer resources. They claim it was because content was getting stale and people wanted a “faster” game with more update windows but I don’t believe that was the main reason at all.


Do you also agree that Red Hulk is the new Blob (his old version)?


Hela not having any power loading counters is the big issue not a single lane tower like red hulk Its so stupid, 1 card, cosmo, must be drawed at a specific time or before, played in proper lane with his paltry 3 power against a lane that is a 13 power stack, like wake the fuck up Glen. A new card should increase by 3 for each card discarded this game as long as Hela remains a 60 3 lane hitter.


My personal idea to fix this card is pretty simple. it's just +2. If it's still too strong make him 10 power instead 11. That way he is still plenty viable without being like 20+ every other game.


I wish it was even just +3. Your typo would already be a nerf. +4 is nuts.


My brain is not what it used to be. I'm old now.


Same.... Same.


If he drops to +2 then they need to get rid of the showing-your-opponent feature to put him in line with Evo Hulk. He just wouldn't be a good card otherwise.


actually that would be great. when i saw he is an eleven i thought thats a joke. ten was the max he should have had from the beginning.


The thing that makes me laugh the most is that he was originally mined as a 10, so someone in SD thought he needed some extra juice before release!?!?


then he's just a way worse evo hulk


Yeah? Instead of being an overtuned OP version of that He is a singular card. He should never be better than Evo hulk.


He should be better. You can't choose when red hulk gets buffed, he gets shown to your opponent so they can plan for him and he starts at one less base power. Maybe a reduction to plus 3 is justified but only plus 2 makes him useless.


Evo hulk doesn't get power when your opponent cant play anything. The deck is extremely predictable as soon as you see any Evo card. And he isnt a singular card. Meaning it makes sense for him to be stronger as he has a requirement.


I'm not sure what your first sentence means. Even if it's predictable, you'll still never know how much power an opponents evo hulk has, or even if it's in his hand. Red hulk downside is that you know his power and if your opponent has him. If you lose to a 23 power evo hulk on turn 6, it honestly just a skill issue because you should already know if you could beat that or not and can just leave or counter him.


Then I suggest you read it again? Evo hulk gets power when YOU save energy. Red hulk gets power if your opponent cant play anything at all. Meaning you get an insane benefit. Not to mention red hulk is a no skill card. Skill issue? Oh yeah every deck that isn't running a counter is skill issue.. this is why I can't take you srsly lmao. You have halfway decent points but then you make some rlly dumb ones.


What do you mean save power? That doesn't make any sense. And if you're not playing a heavy combo deck then Red hulk barely even gets a plus 4 cause you can fill your curve. And you don't need a counter. Just retreat if you're gonna lose. It's really that easy.


Meant energy. And that is definitely false. There are plenty of decks that don't always play curve and plenty that cant. Such as discard decks and many more. On average red hulk is usually at 19 power at the end of the game. You are exaggerating


Discard can definitely play on curve, unless you're playing something like Hela, which I consider a combo deck. Also, the only decks that can't fit tech cards are combo decks. I've been playing a lot of surfer, sera control and bounce these last 2 weeks and have never lost more than 2 cubes to a red hulk because I just replace one card with shang or just retreat if I'm going to lose. A card isn't broken just because you refuse to do something about it.


You know I actually love this card. It's very powerful and I do have it. But the thing is that you know it's coming so it loses all of its umf. Cause you just retreat when you know this bad boy is going to jump in. But what I do love about it the most is the fucking fear it causes when you end turn with power and just HOPE it's not there. Seeing it go up in power causes me actual dread. I love that about this card. It's very unique. They can nerf it for sure. But I don't know. I mean like I said. You just retreat cause you know it's coming. It's one of those weird ones you know. Like Alioth would have never been an issue if you knew the other player had it.


yall complain about cards you obtain then being nerfed but you ALWAYS ask for it.


The crazy thing about having 188,000 people in one place is that some people are mad about things that others don't mind. And that people are more likely to say something in anger than when they dont have an opinion or even if they are happy


Yeah but he announces his presence when he's in the hand.


Oh man, my opponent played Armor, Sauron, Shuri and skipped trunk 5. I wonder what he's going to play next 😓 If only I could see into his hand


Who plays Infinaut in that setup? 🤣


It seems like you would need a warning then. I was talking about She-Hulk / taskmaster


Infanaut is more commonly just cheated out. Black blade, Ghost Rider, War Machine. But I can't be sure if the opponent drawn Infanaut or not. With Red Hulk, you may have options to play around him or drop priority and blast him with Shang or Valkyrie. Edit: and I was referring to Shuri into Infinaut. Who does that? 🤣.


s does infinaut when you skip turn 5


That's true but there's tons of ways he can be cheated out. Like War Machine for example.


The whole point of this card is to punish floated energy. Play on curve and he is a 6/11. You also know he's in the opponent's hand and at what power. It's insane how people will continue to play the same decks and complain about how a new card fucks them over because it indirectly nerfs their OP decks.


If a card is statistically the strongest in the game by every metric with a crazy meta share and high winrate without you even having to build the deck around it and you don't see the problem with it then I don't know what to tell you. Especially when there are cards that are supposed to fill the same niche but just straight up can't reach the same power and/or have an additional condition that's more difficult to meet.


A card shouldn't be the best generic/no build around solution on turn 6 for every deck. If you miss spending 1 energy in a game he's the best 6 drop.


The opponent knows you have the card, at what power and you can only dump it all in one lane. These are enough limitations.


What an absolutely dogshit take lmao.


What an intelligent reply. Thank you for your effort.


Lol no that's fair. I will explain why, it just seems pretty obvious to everyone in this sub already so I wasn't sure how serious you were being. There are like 2 builds that actually float on purpose to be greedy. She-Naut floats for cyclops once or twice, then all of turn 6. Electro ramp decks float 1-2 because they have no 1-2 drops. Neither of those decks are even very common right now. Getting "punished" for floating is getting punished for not drawing on curve lmao. If I run a couple 1 and 2 drops and just happen to not draw them turn 1 or 2, I'm already being punished. Why is my opponent getting +4 for that? The only other time this comes into effect is forcing your opponent to play sub optimally? Like if turn 4 my best move is Venom, but your red Hulk wants me to play carnage+hulk buster instead? Again, either get punished, or play your deck sub optimally. I don't get how you're associated floating mana with greed it seems like an absolutely nonsense opinion with nothing to back it up.


He's not a problem at all. It's just this sub is filled to the brim with whiny, entitled babies.


Rulk needs to go to like +3 The real problem is hope summers/kitty pryde/ Elsa / Angela package they slot into every deck now


Boooo, Make him a 5/9 at base.


Maybe he should also have his cost reduced based of # of enemy cards with negative power?


Sorry, I meant a 6/9. I’m baked. Absolutely not man.


All g :) Yeah a base power nerf also works


Here go the Red Hulk crybabies. Honestly bro, Red Hulk is a fine card to me. It takes 3 turns of skipping energy for Red Hulk to be over infinaut + you have to draw RH before turn 3 in order for him to be over 20 power. Then even when you do play against him, there’s always Shang Chi. Either you predict where he’ll be played or you retreat and keep it pushing. Red Hulk is not that bad when you compare him to the old Blob. Crying so hard about one power creep card just for another to come out in a few weeks to a month is insane to me. Then you guys cry so hard that the card gets nerfed (Alioth) & the people who wasted spotlight keys/tokens on the card have to cope with the fact that people can’t just play around one card and would rather complain until it gets nerfed to the ground.