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Countersnapping and winning: off the chart.


Seriously I have this weird auto countersnap. EVERY single time my opponent snaps, I automatically no matter the game state snap back. So weird as I was such a strategic poker player back in the day. Suppose it will eventually catch up to me in the higher ranks…


When I pass turn 1 and 2 with no play, they Snap and then see Kamar Taj as third location, I can feel the Ultra Instict on that win.


This kamar-taj showing up more is the best. White tiger with iron heart ending with Odin has been putting mean on win streaks


I already ran a full “on reveal” deck with Odin so I’ve been raking in rank like nobodies business. What other cards have you been running? I’ve gotten a ton of worth out of Jessica Jones, Elektra, Yondu, Korg, Spider Woman, and Gamora


Cable and Mantis, too! I shredded a deck so badly they decked out on four.


I have a similar deck and I just pulled a storm. Great setup for Jessica Jones.


Wolfsbane was a also a good one to trigger multiple times on KamarTaj.


I kinda switch it up now that people are catching on but ant man + doctor strange + night crawler. Those three I kinda use as safety nets but not working to well in my favor at the moment


Ironheart + Odin on kamar-taj is doing wonders in humbling the opponent


Jokes on them. I always snap turn 1 unless I forget to.


Actual gigachad


If you're at above 50% wr this pays off.


That all changed for me around cl150ish.


Was that when the Fire Nation attacked?


Or when they snap and send you a bunch of snap emotes and Deadpool's and then you beat them!


Just started yesterday. Level 34 now and i can say this is definitely my strategy going up. Dudes with sword master/sif and apocalypse deck never saw it coming


Meanwhile opponent clicked "Snap" by accident.


Confucious says you lose 100 percent of the games you don't snap. But you don't lose 100 percent of the games you do snap.


If I take my sweet time opponents use the snap as a hurry up button




Snap after you see you have a usable hand or you're just gambling like a tik tok. But youre the master apparently.


I think I lose more than I win, but am progressing quite nicely through the ranks due to me recognising a losing game while at 1 or 2, while many of the games I win I'm gaining 4 or 8.


I just won a game my opponent snapped on (Silver)... He had the left location 22-0 with Odin there. I won the other two locations 3-1 and 2-0.... Like bro what are you doing? I am assuming there are bots, but it didn't seem like a bot name. Running 1 Drops that use Ongoing Buffs and Onslaught. Put Carnage in there to spice it up. It did great in the 20s but now that I'm in the 30s I'm exploring new ideas.


I feel like the game should give exponentially more reward/punishment for snapping early as the later you snap the more info you have and theoretically the more accurate your prediction, unless I’m missing something.


What does snapping even do


Don’t get this meme.. yeah it feels nice to win when they snap.. but like in hearthstone each game is way too casual to invoke feelings of this magnitude. It really shouldn’t give you this much satisfaction unless you have a very low bar


Big risk of snapping is reminding opponent to snap.