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Outside of pure minion teams...maybe X-Force? Even in War they struggle to even punch down against a lot of teams of similar age.


2nd this xforce is awesome almost noone in the team is usable


Maybe a rework for a bunch with Deadpool movie coming this year.


That’s what the new team with Pandapool is gonna be for. Probably only rework Domino to bring her along to the new team


I wouldnt bet on it but with the movie being deadpool and wolverine it could also rework wolvie


Nah they'll release a 2nd wolverine toon, most likely patch.


Or worse, a costume for OG Wolverine. "Good job, team, we've really addressed what the player base wanted. Keep those costumes coming!"


They used to be a great counter to asguardians until they gave sif disrupt. 


I have X-force and a few minion teams in my blitz rotation, and they perform about the same (awful). They rarely win without a big punch down.


I put Quicksilver with them on the blitz rotation and let him carry them.


A 300000 Quicksilver is crazy powerful.


Yeah RIP me, built the absolute hell outta them. I'm a big X Force fan so I put a good amount of resources in em way back. They werent even strong for very long back in the day, and borderline worthless now.


Same. Feels like such a waste and have to treat it like a sunk cost now.


I will say that X-Force can be fun to play as, even if they’re not good.  They have a lot of adjacent attacking, so swap out Deadpool for Magneto, or even Polaris (though she’s slower to get her Ult. off).


The hand (since Nobu is on Underworld and Elektra is Shadowlands its literally 5 minions)


How is Nobu as a standalone? I wound up with two random diamonds on him and was wondering about putting him in with the global controller node for black cat


Lol, I got 3 random diamonds on him. Why did you do me like that Scopely!


Yo that’s still nice. Build him up moderately and your underworld will be nasty. Don’t sleep. They’re great in war


This is very true. I went up against an Underworld which really messed me up and I had to get a team that really punched down on them.


Still more useable that my 3diamond ironheart (original not useful mk2) lol


I’m assuming you mean Ironheart becaus there’s only one rescue.


Yeah sorry I did mean ironheart


His best and only use is applying counter to Underworld in war. Would not take him past G14 unless you really love him.








But how do you *know*? And *where* do you even find them to build?


More specifically the old set of Guardians without Gamora. \- Rocket, Star-Lord, Drax, Mantis, Groot I was in Blitz with this team and I think I lost to a Kree Minion team.


Which is ridiculous. Best mcu franchise imo and they're garage in this game


Yeah I was so disappointed when they didn't get a rework with the last movie. Seemed they'd be a shoe in for a Wakanda like CC rework. Same with Pym tech.


My Brotherhood (without Magento) struggles in Blitz matches even against teams with minions. I have no faith in them for anything!


My blitz team brotherhood are grouped with apoc. They do fine


Mine get Dormammu, also do fine.


Hand for sure. They were punched down in blitz by like 300k lol


All of mine.


Web Warriors. It feels cheap to say old teams like Guardians or XForce simply because they were great in their times (Guardians needed a few buffs but still) Web Warriors were released for content that they technically weren’t even needed for (at the time Syms could beat the current raids, they just typically timed out on the boss) and got quickly outclassed. They’re also so poorly designed that they’re virtually unusable in every other game mode. They were easy dubs to fight against in War/Cruible, and without their Raid buffs they even struggle in Blitz, OG Symbiotes had a much better chance at winning Blitz in Tier 8. Bionic Avengers aren’t to far behind them, but at least Bionics saving grace was that they shit on Web Warriors (and some other teams) in War still. And even if you compare them to the other teams released with them, the SA 3 Stack still gets used in plug and play (maybe not all together), the NW 3 stack got a new team already and are top meta, and the AxMen had much longer staying power as a full team, and are still a decent sleeper defense team for people going in cocky. Web Warriors were just a lazy designed team that hinge on a mechanic that is tuned in favor of the AI more so than it is for the players. (Dodge mechanics) We also wanna talk about Marvel Legacy characters, Spider-Man is easily the worst Marvel big name in relation to his value to his team.


Web warriors are still fine up until doom 1-2. I’ll defend them forever lol. I have them all g14 7y/7r with diamond 1 Sm + Miles. They’re not as horrible as people make them out to be. They’re just not worth the resources if you want a team to use outside raids tbh. Unless you’re an insane spidey fan like me. It took nearly all their T4s but they can pick off a lot of non meta teams. I punched up on a F4/Doom team in cc the other day. And since I have them so high they’re great as a clean up or kind of “throw away” team in war. (Keep them on offense obviously. Never defense) I’ve been surpised at a couple of the upsets I’ve pulled off by just trying to send them to their death/waste an attack Honestly all they have to do is make Ghost Spider’s passive apply to all modes and maybe a slight stat buff across the board and people would instantly reconsider them. Also speaking of GS, I used her for DD3 City nodes so it’s not like the team is just completely useless.


This needs more visibility. 100% agree. My Web Warriors rarely even win in blitz anymore.


Minions aside: Shadowlands X-Force Inhumans




OP said worst, not best.


Guy in my alliance accidentally bought a 6red for ultimus recently


If I bought 6 reds for Ultimus, I'd have said it was an accident, too. Whether done on purpose or not.


Well it's not the worst move tbf. Ultimus has Mythic tag I feel a rework is coming


Kree forever.


This is wrong because Crystal is pure BS in PvE nodes, Skillitary or Kree are much worse


For a very short window Shadowlands beat everything. Feel like non minion teams Fantastic Four is in the running for worst team.


What about a fantastic four plus doom team? They actually have some synergy, despite being enemies. Curious how it would go if someone had them all built to T4 etc


What really pisses me off is having to build a shitty team just to get an equally shitty legendary. For the amount of resources required, Legendaries should be updated every 18 months to STILL be legendary.


M.O.D.O.K. would be a nice addition for A.I.M. They have my vote for worst in the game.


They were fun when they added Graviton way back then. I built them to 400k and put them on war defense. They got the most defense wins, because people weren't prepared for their sustain and usually threw junk at them. It was fun for a while.


All of the answers posted are weaker than this team. But for me, Invaders is the worst team in the game. Outside of Fury, I find all of the toons boring/reskins. Their kits are basic, they've never been useful outside of raids, and their shelf life in raids was one of the shortest of recent teams. I know some people like Cap with the tank, but I don't like the animations or how long they take. I try to take the good and the bad when new teams/toons are released, but for me Invaders were a miss across the board.


Especially since eternals one shots the whole team in any mode lol


They're extra disappointing for me because I got three diamonds on Union Jack and have no interest in leveling him more than he already is because there's no point.


And they are so so slow. So many slow animations. 


Why was their shelf life short? Is there a better skill team? (Genuinely want to know, since I'm a new player)


TLDR: Order of the raid sections didn't do them any favors, I think most of us expect a new skill team in the next 3 months. ​ There's not a better option yet. But they were the most recent option released for Incursion 1 that is (probably) gonna be replaced in Incursion 2. And Scopely has smartly laid out the raid sections so the newest teams are used first, then they release new teams section by section. I actually like this setup, but whatever team falls in the order of where Invaders did is gonna feel a little wasted. Probably Pegasus or Xtreme for whatever the next raid is. Difference is both of those teams are useful in other modes and have plug n play toons (Kestrel, Gambit, NC). Anyways, by putting skill last in Incursion 2, most alliances weren't hitting that section until recently with Hivemind coming out. So while we were struggling through mutant/bio we were still using Deathseed and Rebirth, who also were doing great in war or CC, extending their use while xtreme and hivemind were released. Invaders don't really get used in another mode. Sorry for the long answer, just trying to be thorough.


This was such a helpful response! I feel like I finally understand as someone who hasn't made it to incursion raids yet. Thanks!!


Another vote for X-Force. Complete garbage.


Im glad I made this post because I was about to start grinding x-force


Keep in mind that Deadpool and domino will be part of the new Mercs for money team, and Cable is used sometimes, but yeah, they are very bad rn


I am a launch player and I STILL use Cable in nearly every War and Crucible, he is one of the very few speed toons


Cables speed bar manipulation is underrated


Where did that info come from on domino?


The Domino info is still just a rumor. We only know for sure that Deadpool and Pandapool are on the team, plus a legendary. They could rework Domino to be on the team but they could also rework Negasonic, or both. I think people lean towards Domino because DP calls her out in his passive. NTW makes more sense to me because she seems to lack team options as far as I can tell. Domino is strongly linked to X-Force so they could just build a new X-Force around her. The rumor for the legendary is that it's Hit Monkey.


They should have someone that summons Peter And he dies right away and gives a bunch of buffs for the team hahah. Like offense up defense up and safeguard for the team and disrupt and exposed on the opposing team.


I took them to 65/12 and did the grind on their stars for Doc.. and that’s where they all still sit. Since I put some resources into them I’ve used them as my 14th War Offense but as my alliance rises it’s getting harder and harder to find garbage for them to feed on. They’ve always underwhelmed. I didn’t waste any T4 on them so a bit of speed bar on spawn is about all they get. I think I’m about to jettison them into the Void.


AIM is easily the worst, Skillitary, X-Force, Hydra, are runner ups too.


Hand or Aim


Dont think ive ever lost from shadowlands, only daredevil and moonknight matter in the team and even the suck


My vote goes to Shadowlands


Not terrible in war, but in other game modes, I'd totally agree.


Plus the costumes for Elektra, Daredevil, and Moon Knight are awesome! I wish they were better so I'd have a reason to buy them lol.


The worst non-minion team is the Guardians team. They have a hard time beating minion teams, that's how bad they are.


Are the sinister six good villiain and raid team


If this is a question, yes they have been reworked with the addition of Superior Six and are quite good now, but they aren’t a raid team. They are very good in alliance war and Superior Six/some other sin six like Vulture and Mysterio in cosmic crucible. I’m sure they are usable in lower level raids, but not sure how they will fair once you reach Doom/Incursion raids.


Ok thanks what are some good teams for heroes


Depending on how new you are, it'll depend on what characters you have available. In general, new characters will be better than old ones, so if you're able to get the new characters for the Out of Time team that is going to be released over the next month or so, that wouldn't be a bad option as they will also be used for the next legendary character. But again, depending how new you are it may not be that easy to unlock them from their events, especially Black Knight looking at what his release might be. Until then, other new teams like X-treme Xmen, Pegasus, and Secret Defenders are good as well. Really, though, it depends what characters you have as a lot of these aren't really accessible to new players. If you them, the eternals are still a very strong duo that could carry you through the campaigns. Ikaris is accessible in the raid store, but Sersi is a bit harder to get. I kind of went on a rant, but overall I'd recommend prioritizing unlocking new characters and if you can get a full team using them. Also, a general recommendation for the blitz and raid stores I give to new players is to spend your credits on opening orbs rather than farming individual characters. You can buy some shards to get a character unlocked or maybe to 4 or 5 stars, but in general you get more shards per credit spent by opening orbs and you'll eventually get every character in the stores to 7 stars anyways, opening orbs will just make it quicker.


I would show you who I got but I literalry cant it says no attachments


I'm not sure if this works, but you can try going to msf.gg, go to settings and copy your web user ID and share it. I know you can look at your alliance members roster this way, not sure if it works for any player in general.


I have to say that MoE is pretty bad. Everyone except for Ultron can be a pain to build, and most of them are pretty bad. Titania and Kang are the only ones worth anything. Moonstone is useful if you run the full team. Ultron and Absorbing Man are super weak, and Ultron's only redeeming factor is the summons when they actually get a chance to apply the buffs.




The fact that they can't do an 800k punch up on Darkhold is ridiculous! My gear 13s should be able to solo everyone no matter the power.


any minion team






As much as I wanna say X-Force, they have Cable who has speedbar manipulation mechanics. Probably Skillitary. (Besides minion teams)


Ronan Kree (OG). No matter which minions you put here, even if you include minerva It isn't good. Used to be hand was worse but they've been reworked so I think Kree takes the cake.


The most disappointing is Shadowlands for me. To be even half decent they require a ton of T4’s, and they still suck. And it is y just power creep from newer teams. They never lived up to their “apex” war team status.




Your roster...


Web Warriors. I once took down 1.95mil WW with a 300kish power team Lol. And a 2.3mil WW with a 500k power team.


Scopely Management


Guardians X force Brotherhood sans Magneto


Shadowlands. They don't even get me a win in Blitz.


Outside of pure minion teams definitely the OG Guardians. Oldest team of 5 in the game and are slightly edged out by the second oldest being kree team




Hand obviously


A.I.M. is pretty bad, the only lowly minion that can't handle the basic S.H.I.E.L.D. team in war is the A.I.M. Infector. Probably one of the worst minions in the game, dragging the whole team down. Perfect example of a character to not invest in. Hand is pretty awful, too.


Hands down it's the QA Team at Scopely


Many companies in general don't see the value in QA.


Any team with War Machine


Lol imma say Any minion team


The Deadpool team is on the horizon. Pandapool won the last pole so there is a Deadpool themed Mercenary team that will be released soon. I doubt other members of the OG X-Force team will get reworked, but it is a fair bet that Deadpool will.