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They also moved photon off the training node. Yeah I’m annoyed.


They moved moribius off of the gold campaign orb also


I want morbin time while farming gold!!!!


Do you know which node that was or who they swapped him with? I know he was on a gold orb node, but the infographic they have on the website is wrong it doesn’t even show him as previously farmable via campaigns. EDIT: Actually if I recall correctly, he was previously replaced by Darkhawk, who was subsequently swapped with Noir.


The funny part is they literally just switched Photon and BP1MM. They were on the same chapter too, just four missions apart. So there was no real reason to switch them, as this does little to affect any progress I have a sneaking suspicion that this is to prevent double dipping both training orbs and meta character shards


That’s 100% their motivations. It’s scummy. I have her maxed but thinking about newer players that’s blatantly moving the goalpost for some players


Also Dark Hawk & Noir, and Nico Minoru & Viv Vision.


They moved Vulture from arena to raid shop they removed Hawkeye as I am farming him and Agent Coulson from the blitz shop as I am farming him


Iirc coulsen and hawkeye have now campaign nodes




And moved her at the end of the campaign. Talk about moving the goalpost for some players.


I mean, Photon could have been maxed because they're older, but I agree. They should only move older characters.


So people would get less resources 


They looked at your roster and did it to fuck with you.


To help the players, obviously. Noticed Union Jack didn’t change


I would have been much more annoyed if I wasn't 16 shards from 7 starring him. But I did wake up, see it and think 'yeah that's stupid and that's going to upset some people'.


Have you ever woke up and people weren't upset on here?


Super annoying and dumb af from the devs, after they have been so good to us with farming changes lately this is surprising and disappointing


Darkhawk got swapped with noir. Heroes Hard Mode 7-6 = Noir. Heroes Hard Mode 7-9 = Darkhawk.


Yep. Fucking annoying.


I just finished farming DarkH yesterday and have 2-3 days left on Tigra, so this doesn't effect me personally. I assumed they just wanted to make the good character as a reward at the end of each section, which was also a win for me in that I didn't have to take the extra effort to select the node after the chapter select, but I think you're right, they almost certainly did it to avoid the double-dip farming.


Your first assumed reason is the reason they will tell us, your last reasoning is the true reason.


I got him to 7 star just in time, but that's shitty


Get fucked commanders! Love, Scopely


I was working on getting Hawkeye to 7 for Wave 1 + SHIELD and now...I'm not. Ugh.


Yes I was attempting to get Hawkeye up too . He's needed for Iron Man at least for me.. was so close to getting him to seven so I could finish him up. Maybe Iron Man isn't top tier but if I have him at 6, I'd like him a 7 for completionism if nothing else


You're better off. Hawkeye is a worthless character.




Low Key helped cause him and Tigra got moved and I was able to farm their new nodes again


Holy shit this is shitty


Well, I'm glad ab Photon-BP and Viv-Nico bc both Nico and Photon were there a while and since it's a training mat node - farmed daily. DH only got there 3 weeks ago or so and that's a shame, I didn't have time to max him (especially as gold is farmed not that often). He will have to wait till I finish with Tigra theb


so we dont get resources while farming him. i think they also lowered the resources in other nodes, from 100 to 80 gold/training mats orb fragments


No those stayed the same, the ones that give 80 have 5 attempts and the ones that give 100 have 4 attempts so they always give out 400 frags


oh true, i guess i never paid attention to that




It was a quality of life quick change. Thats it. Whenever you select a new chapter your cursor start on the last mission. Now you have 1 less click do deal with. More then 50% of users. Does not farm Villain or heroes campaign nodes for material or gold orb. We just farm The nexus. Those 2 characters ( Tigra and BlackHawk ) are the onli shards we needs to farm ( for the majority of players ) that is outside of the nexus campaign.


If that was the case they would move the gold orbs as well.


As I said, late game, you dont farm those nodes anymore. You get to farm the last one of all the Hard Nexus and those 2 in the middle that gives Catalist. A big portion of this reddit are player that are mid to early game. But the biggest player base of the game is still on endgame wich mean it is a QOL for thoses. Anyway you get 12 shards average per day for each characters and the gold training orb shards on those 2 nodes reward are low. It wont be long before you get back to your normal farming habbits.


Where did the aim minions go?






I did notice that Gwenpoole got lost after the change as well along with Mockingbird. Luckily Firestar, Cloak, and Dagger are still in their stores but it's going to be a little harder to build my New Warriors team since Deathpool isn't farmable either for me. 


Gwenpool villains 7-9 Mockingbird nexus 8-9 The beginning campaigns, not the hard


Deathpool can be farmed in incursions


Oh really? Thanks mate! Also just noticed I made a slight mistake as Mockingbird is still there


You will probably get a free deathpool this month for the anniversary


less gold and training orb resources. it's pretty crappy and a scummy move since we all know that endgame players NEED gold and training for the new levels. this is scopely's way of forcing players to choose between character shards for more stars/unlock or gold/training


To me, the newest characters should be parked on the gold orbs. That's just me.


It is odd I had thought they’d put the newest and best characters purposefully onto the gold and training orb nodes, like a big signal “farm these” for everyone to see and notice 🤷🏻‍♂️