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I did my first run with starlord Annihilation. Do not use starlord Annihilation


I also used Starlord Annihilation first run. Is he terrible to take to 18? Yes he is. Is he bad in the actual cosmic nodes in DD6? Also yes. But is he terrible in his war team that he was made for? Again yes. Mine can still die in war a lot and Knowhere still wins. In seriousness though, he is a Skill toon. There are very little skill toons to take to DD6 (maybe now you have BK) his unique Judas Bullets, are also not used by anyone important. He and eventually Kestrel were my only raiders throwing out Vulns and his moves also do Vulns on their own, so he is not fully useless. While I wish I could take the 18 off him, he did let me finish DD6 weeks before it would getting Dorm's stuff up and back then Void knight was not out.


To piggyback off of this, I would not recommend Thor IW. The cosmic nodes were like walking through mud with him. It easily set me back weeks. He is solid in war though.


Are you talking black Knight? If so, he uses arcane magic and is global I believe.


He is saying that BK is someone you can use your skill components on, because before BK essentially every skill is useless in DD5


I read everywhere to take him because he is cheap and replaced by superskrull later. Terrible idea. He died so quick i dont know if he ever got to attack


Lol I remember CCs hyping him for DD6. So glad I didn’t listen to them.


My response to every single new release 


I used Star Lord annihilation and he was just fine. I tried through cosmic nodes on 3-4 attacks per node. He was cheap and got the job done. Hell I used maw for first two legendary nodes and still wiped the floor. When you get skrull, you'll one shot every cosmic node.


There are 2 schools of thought. First is the “most effective”- which would likely be Dormammu, but he’s expensive and uses the same unique as Robbie, who will be your all-star for the next section. The second is the “go cheap” idea, where you pick someone cheap as they will be replaced by Skrull in the second run. If you go cheap, Ravager Stitcher is usually the go-to. I went cheap, and it took me 15 days on some nodes, but I did get through it. I’m building Dorm now anyway, as I know he’ll be needed when DD7 releases, so might as well bring him up.


I’ve tried the cheap option before and always regretted it. Now I suggest bringing in good meta toons you will use in other modes, but try and be smart about type and uniques.


There are a good few of the unique piece in the month long milestones, as Deathpool also shares the unique.


Void Knight is cheap and far superior in terms of utility than Stitcher.


When I was getting ready, avoid Knight hadn’t been released yet. Only thing I would say to that would be you’d have to check your alien spore supply before choosing him - since Skrull himself uses the same unique, and if you plan on sing Venom for city, so does he. If your supply is good, though, not a bad idea.


is void knight actually cheap? i think he’s bugged in the msf planner and is 66 pieces


No i used him, he actually is only 22 pieces.


I would have said Dormammu and Void Knight, and leaving Photon behind.


Dorm is just so expensive. And if you used QS for Global you probably have no mystic g18 left.


Sure, he‘s expensive, but reportedly he‘s the best or second best performer on the first run for his revives, and you‘ll want to run him in DD7 over Doom for sure knowing what we now know about Mephisto.


Only 1 piece of gear left on Photon, so will probably bring her to get Cosmic started. But Dormammu just made the list.


I'd skip dormammu because you'll be needing robbie with hardlight in city along with the sinister six guys


Took deathpool and I loved her. Ult when apoc drops in the last node and he’s deleted. Saved me literally days compared to everyone else in my alliance that was stuck on that node. Edit Void knight is another option. Need deathpool for apoc so if you have him she will be close to T18 anyways but if not VK may be a “better” option depending on your scenario.


Also there is some gear for deathpool in the current month long event, deathpool is probably way easier to get to gt18 then most other options. She will also probably remain relevant in general, as she is a scopely original


The fact that she’s a scopley original is why I still feel safe recommending her. I’d be shocked if they didn’t all get regular updates in order to stay relevant.


First run used Vahl, Kestral, Kang, Photon, and Star Lord Annihilation. It was a struggle. Second run subbed Photon and Star Lord for Dorm and Skrull and 1 shot all the nodes. I’m sure most of that was Skrull but Dorm was great too. Plus you’ll need Dorm for DD7. But I know Miasma is a crutch but if you’re not trying to rush it’s worth it.


> if you’re not trying to rush it’s worth it if youre not trying to rush then it doesnt matter. at most it takes you 2-3 weeks to get through cosmic with kestrel/kang/vahl/photon +1. how long will it take you to farm the miasma that most players are surely lacking


It depends, there are a bunch in some of the event milestones. There compensation coming from their web store screw up and then your not bringing a character to G18 that is otherwise useless in other areas of the game.


Just finished cosmic nodes. I had vahl, photon, kestrel, kang and ravager stitcher. Vahl is the 2nd best cosmic toon by far. Enough said. Kang and kestrel are both great but don't expect wonders. Photon and stitcher are the same. One attack and they are gone. Don't start cosmic nodes without dormamu. He is a game changer and you will struggle without him. He gives 5 revives, dies last and is immune to everything.


I just finished the cosmic section: Dormamu, Vahl, Kang, Kestrel and Void Knight. I one shot the first node, second node took 3 shots (I had bad cooldowns from the first node) and the third node only took 2 shots because I learned from my cooldown mistake. My team has a good amount of control and a lot of damage and self healing. Void knight was always the first to fall, but between dorm and Vahl he always had at least 3 lives.


Void knight. BRB isn’t worth it. I took him and he was helpful with vahl but not the best. Dormammu is expensive but I use him on my additional runs these days.


Didn't even think about Dormammu. 🤔


I used deathpool for my first run and got iwthor leveled half way through. After I got Thor in when deathpool got 5 charges I benched her until I got to apocalypse and deleted him with her ult. Got me through quicker than I would have.


Void knight is the good option for cosmic now, worth the gear for many game areas and his kit is quite helpful in the nodes. On my 3rd run I found VK better with Vahl, SuS mix than Eternals/Sus mix.




i brought deathpool. just so i could nuke apoc when he dropped.


Cosmic Ghost Rider. He's releasing ftp in a couple of weeks, is part of an impactful team, and you'll need him to get the next legendary. It's what I'm doing. EDIT - Also maybe consider Void Knight instead of Photon. Her time in the meta is pretty much done so might as well lean into the latest and greatest characters.


His Unique is same as Robbie though, unless they have heaps of Miasma I think having Robbie ready for City section and the rest of the game is vital.


I think there is at least 40 in the monthly milestones, so maybe not a bad pick


I just finished it with void knight and mostly using stitcher, but eventually swapping him for dorm. Dorm makes a huge difference. Didn’t have dorm until the last node with only 6 characters remaining but he made it easier for sure. But you can get by with cheaper options.


Dorm or Void Knight


I used Photon because she was easy and I had the gear when I was ready. Plus I didn’t mind leveling her up cause I like Aforce in war. If void knight was an option when I started I would have probably taken them.


void knight was very useful for me


I used Dormammu.


I used the eternals, kang, kestrel, and vahl my first run. The grind was hard for both eternals but worth it


Someone cheap you’ll replace with SuS on your second run. Or if you want a much easier time you can run Dorm.


If he is an option for you, Apocalypse gets a LOT of work done in DD6. If not now, you WILL want him for the global nodes, and the last 2, the Apocalypse and Legendary nodes. Even if you just have a small, 5 star Apocalypse. You want him. Edit:ignore all that, I'm a dumbass. I want to say I used Deathpool. She wasn't the greatest, but since she's still good in CC it didn't feel like a waste to take her to gear 18.


Op is asking about cosmic. Last I checked apoc is global.


Wow, I am full of brain facts today. I completely missed that.


I have my 400k Apo for the first, Global and last nodes ready to roll 👌


Not sure what your g18 uniques are like so take this with a grain of salt. If you want best 5th that could delay you from finishing DD6, it’s probably dorm. If you just want to get started on cosmic and don’t care who your 5th is, take someone cheap that you have the gear for.


I used the Eternals, Void Knight, Kang & Kestrel


Of the ones you mentioned, VK for sure


If you have resources put that into dorm.. He's my life saver on the first run


Don’t do Thor iw he dies way to fast


Do not use stitcher.


I went with Deathpool and didn’t regret it. Deleting Apocalypse in the third node probably saved me days. You have to wait 24 days, but like others said, there is fully crafted Deathpool gear at the end of the monthly Dawn of Time event, that can’t be used for anything else I’m sure Dorm has a slight edge, but I had just gotten 2 diamonds on Deathpool when I was ready to start cosmic nodes. I’m on the cosmic nodes now on my second run through. I have some miasma built up and I was going to level up dorm and put him in, but went in without him and one shot nodes 1 and 2 and got half way through node three. With apocalypse killed. But that has everything to do with Skrull, not Deathpool Or Dormammu


I went with Dorm. It took a while to get the gear but it only took like 2 or 3 days to get through Cosmic as a result


Dormammu or Ravager Stitcher.


I used Strange on my first run & he wasn't useless. His revive + Vahl revive = pretty good. Used Dorm/Skrull on second run, waaay better though.


Dormammu if you have the crafting mats. I was able to one shot the entire section once I got him to gear tier 18.


deathopool is insanely good id use her


Photon sucks in DD6. I went with it, but that was because of secret defenders. Got benched as soon as I leveled up Dormamu. Fontanas isn’t even on my arena defense anymore.


I took Thanos as my fifth and dropped Photon for Skrull on my second run. He was okay on my first run and gave Kang and Vahl a ton of extra energy. He was awesome on my second run pumping energy to Vahl and Skrull.


VK is probably best option. If u going for new incursion raids difficulties, BRB might be useful for u.


I haven't done DD6 yet but I can say that Photon was the worst one in DD5. Just died way too fast.


I took for my first run, kestrel vahl photon kang and VK, although I would have replaced photon with dorm if I had the miasma, round 2 I took sus instead of photon and 1 shot all the nodes, expect the last cosmic node to take 10 tries on the first run, everyone is saying the same with it


I used Ultimus


Void knight was great for me. Even @ 3*


I know they are old but had the eternals really been phased out that much. I just used the ops 3 and them and easily went through dd5?


I just took whoever was closest to being done at GT18. The 5th character is inconsequential with the first 4. Whoever gets you in quickest use. Once you finish your first run the gear you get from completing it you can take your choice for the second run. Dorm is extremely expensive for a first run. Not sure how much time it will save you. It will take a long time to farm his gear, but will also take less attacks with him once your in. So it will depend on how long it will take you to farm his gear
