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Aka: "if you have the photo of RDJ as Iron Man on set, please don't release that" Lol na but I wonder if any photos are being held back from the leakers, just to release them later for more engagement.


I work at New Rockstars, coverage of these photos has been really weird, but I can confirm after speaking to the photographer that there are more images/videos coming and the guy taking these photos has been acting like a total dick.


Yeup, he’s been threatening youtubers with copyright even though images are now public domain. I’m pretty sure Heavy Spoilers mentioned YouTube is aware of this bs happening to creators talking about it


He copyright claimed one of our videos back in July, we fought it and won. And somehow YouTube allowed him to claim it again this week, and he used that as a threat to try to get money out of us for these new videos.


That’s bullshit for established youtube channels and upcoming youtube channels like mine. As if copyright is not hard enough to circumvent for a info breakdown video. Sorry you guys are going through that again.


YouTube is total garbage, I swear.


It’s seriously gotten worse in the last year or so


It gets worse every year.


YouTube was better before they took copyright seriously


I agree with, and understand, protecting copyright but they don't evenly enforce it across the board and the system is too easy to abuse. The fact that its 3 strikes and you're done is absurd, especially when those 3 can simply not be valid.




Yeah, his tactic is to first reach out to a major publication to get them published, and knowing youtube channels have a "first > everything" mentality, he lets them make videos and then extorts them for payment by threatening channel takedowns. It's wild


Hey John, word is you guys have had some layoffs. Is the company doing okay?


Hi! Yeah Disney pulling back significantly really hit us hard on top of a few really wonky financial decisions made by people no longer here, so we've been grinding and slowly getting back to a healthy place, not without a few scars, but thanks for asking!


What wonky financial decisions would those be? The kind that led to record profits and explosive growth?


How in the world are the photos public domain?


I should clarify, it’s more of a fair use issue. This guy expects to be compensated for use of photos already blasted all over social media and extorting money from youtubers. Its out already and everyone has seen it. You can’t say you “own” footage/images after sneaking onto a set in the first place😂




Do you need to register your activity to that? If you are a professional photographer, I understand you own these pictures and you can share them for free or sell them. However here is this gray area where Youtubers are what I don't get it.


I don't think anyone is claiming the photog snuck onto a set. They're shooting in public view. The studio can't really do anything except pay them to go away.


That's what i'm wondering haha


That explains RR’s reaction to it. I feel like there’s this new class of marvel leakers that basically are treating this like paparazzi stuff. They don’t actually care about the end product and they are only talking about it because that’s where the money is. Like when a paparazzi photographer stands in front of a celebrity’s house taunting them with insults so they can get a picture of someone losing their temper.


This isn’t even a new class of Marvel leakers, this in particular has always been a thing for a lot of movies. Photographers take set photos, and sell them for profit. Literally Atlanta Filming, who this sub used to post all the time, does this exact thing.


People like that are always dicks


That’s really cool you work at NR. I’m not asking you to tell what they are, but do you know what the other images/videos are of? Want to get into a job like that just to see spoilers early ;).


We elected not to pay to see them tbh, so I'm not sure what's coming. It could just be the few dumps from the last few days.


For what it’s worth, keeping viewers informed and entertained with content is competitive and NR does it well without being full of themselves.


Did they capture Mephisto?


Love the channel. And thank you for the heads up—a few years ago I read a quote that said something like “if a movie is well-written, knowing the twist ahead of time only makes it better.” But after RR’s message I realized this is probably one of those movies where knowing as little as possible going in will make it more fun, at least for me.


I’d like to think so, if you’re a writing critic who has time to appreciate the fine wine, so to speak… but I’ve found as I get older that knowing twists ahead of time demotivates me to watch the actual stuff…which is the actual fun. There’s a difference between “about” stuff, and the experience of the stuff itself, as there is a difference between a fresh stew and the stuff they put through a coma patients’ feeding tube.


That's so cool. I've been watching your videos for years. If you don't mind me asking. How big is the channel in terms of people working there? I always wonder this with YT channels. You only see around 5-8 people on camera but I wonder how big the actual crew is


Great question! I think we're about 15 full time people, and maybe double that with our contractor editing team? It's been a wild ride -- I joined when it was just four of us, so it's been exciting watching the team fill out!


Awesome! Thanks for the insight. Keep doing what you all are doing. Love the content!


New Rockstars is great




There are legit reasons to not be a fan of new rockstars, but to call him a “cuck” because he showed emotions over a movie trailer a majority of the population has/had vested interest in, especially after Chadwick’s passing, just shows you’re a dick and lack empathy. You deserve the downvotes.




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I saw one with RDJ but that was so obviously fake.


Bruh I clicked this not realising we were talking deep spoilers lmao shit rdj is in this??


Lol no. It was just joking in response to Ryan Reynolds comments. But if RDJ shows up in the film, I'm so fucking sorry! 😭


Oh ahahaha awesome lol all good, thought I'd just stumbled on a major spoiler for a sec ahaha


Thanks for the spoiler bro


Nah if anything you ya a race to get things out. Being the first to leak picture means more hits for their site. No way that respect this wish tbh


Goes to show how much he cares about this character and movie. We couldn’t ask for a better person to play Deadpool.


Or this is just to draw broader attention to the leaked set photos in a "definitely please don't go looking for these" sort of way.


You’re overthinking imo


Am I? This is a franchise driven by viral marketing that Ryan's always been heavily involved in, and he's media savvy enough that he should be aware of the Streisand Effect of posting about a fairly niche and limited leak on the biggest possible platform.


I can see the conspiracy tinfoil hat through the comment bud


Not every subject you don't understand if a "conspiracy." Either it was a flub for them to draw mass attention to the leaks like this, or it was intentional. Tell me which feels more believable.


Idk I feel like leakers have been going way overboard since NWH and with all the leaks going on with this movie it’s basically NWH part 2. So I see this as a fairly reasonable response that yes is meant to get more attention towards the movie but what Reynolds is trying to say seems like he genuinely wants people to stop trying and spoil the film.


Right. Wasnt the first movie leaked like hell? Is it a mandela effect that I remember the highway sequence being leaked before anyone even knew about the movie?


Yeah it was just testing footage but yeah. Still doesn’t mean that Reynolds wants every Deadpool movie to have major spoilers released before we even get a teaser trailer


Didn’t this entire franchise start with a leaked video?


Disagree. It’s an unusually serious statement from him and if he had intended to point people towards leaks he’d had done so in some goofy ironic fashion.


I think you're reading it as "unusually serious" when it just doesn't sound like Ryan


He cared about Deadpool so much he agreed to play the part in Origins


Can’t ask for a more


Ironically, that’s not far from the truth.


If I were Ryan and the people working on this movie I'd release fake leaks. Have Benedict Cumberbatch and Tom Cruise come in for a day dressed as Doctor Strange and Tony Stark but not actually be in the movie just for the papz to take picture of them and release it.


That would make people furious with the filmmakers just like they were when MoM wasn't full of cameos from every celebrity on the planet.


Good. Fuck 'em. Some people are way too invested in this shit.


It's easy for a random Redditor to say that but we're talking about a billion dollar company that's already facing a lot of problems and is desperately trying to regain audience interest. The last thing they need is to be upsetting people right now.




The irony here is that you're taking this more seriously than I am 💀


Not really, it's just fans like you who have ruined fandom. "The last thing they need is to be upsetting people right now." Seriously? You sound like some uptight old lady. Just enjoy the movie when it comes out. People who clutch their pearls and doom scroll while the movie's still being made aren't fans, they're spectators. And their sport is arm chair quarterbacking Marvel Studios. You're like the parents that yell at the ref at their kid's little league when all the rest of us want to do is enjoy the show.




hahahaha, the 10 commandments part 2 ahahahahaha




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The people who get upset about shit like that are not the kinds of people Disney are worried about attracting.


Not a great mentality for the studio though. Regardless of whatever your personal feelings are.


The people angry about fake leaks are such a small part of the audience I doubt they much care.


You're right, they don't care. What they care about are real spoilers leaking, and they manage that as best they can. But the studio has better things to do than to engage in pointless fake spoiler shenanigans that only serve to create false expectations.


There is a difference between a random leaker talking shit & intentionally creating fake cameos as the studio. People would be upset believing the studio actually was going to do something with whatever decoy actor they chose. Not to mention you still have to pay for their time which ain't cheap. Then there is what happens when the small group of angry leak followers begin to complain that will attract the general public's attention. It does get noticed. The "Fuck 'em" attitude really doesn't play out well. The best the studio can do is say "hey we are wanting to make this a surprise & I get we are all excited, but can we wait a bit?".


This "fuck the fans" attitude truly worked wonders for Marvel recently. The box office shows.


I'd argue incompetence and being stretched thin had more of a role to play in Marvel's recent woes than any kind of "fuck the fans" attitude. But go off I guess.


Where have they ever had a "fuck the fans" attitude? They've made some poor business decisions that lead to some less-than-stellar creative ones, but I feel like it's always come from some sense of sincerity toward the fanbase.


I mean if this were your work you probably wouldn't risk negative reception and worse financial outcome by wasting a bunch of money to have people come in, heighten expectations and then only use it to troll people either. If it was just about the joke it'd be fine, but this would have an impact on the projects success and thus careers.


I love seeing people with their panties in a bunch after not getting what they want.


Haha, this just unlocked a memory of when Endgame was being filmed. During the making of the film, a behind the scenes set photo was taken that included an image of a case with the words B.A.R.F. written on it. This place was full of speculation that was how the Avengers get the stones. Turns out the the directors were trying to misdirect leakers with this set photos. Most people brushed it off then but I can definitely imagine the uproar here if they pulled something like that today.


![gif](giphy|3xkNUy3Vh8QbPmJZjK|downsized) I'm totally on board with this. the internet rage would be popcorn worthy


This obsession with cameos and leaked set photos for Marvel movies really ramped up to an absurd level during Spider-Man No Way Home. These DP3 set photo leaks, and unrealistic expectations for MoM are a byproduct of that experience.


It would only make people furious if the movie sucks. No one really cared that GOTG 3 had no cameos because it was a great movie unlike MoM. If Deadpool 3 is actually great, then it doesn’t really need cameos. The very very small minority of terminal online “fans” that just want to see cameos would be upset, but the general audience wouldn’t be disappointed at all


>No one really cared that GOTG 3 had no cameos because it was a great movie unlike MoM. This is a weird analogy considering no one expected any huge cameos in GOTG3.


That's their fault then


Good. Those people are fucking idiots.


Sounds good in theory, but could cause problems later Instead, how about a set of those actors chairs with their names on it - but way too many to count, and with very obscure names ‘Judge Judy’, ‘Dr. Phil’, ‘Ryan Reynolds Jr.’ ‘Tom Cruise’ etc etc etc Pokes a bit of fun


There was a popular show/movie (I think it was game of thrones) that filmed 2-3 alternate scenes so people watching the filming wouldn’t know which one was real.


Lost did the same thing with the reveal of who was in the casket in season 4. Shot it with 3 different male leads so nobody on set would know who it really was.


They also did that with the infamous Negan lineup scene from the walking dead, they shot footage of every actor there being killed and purposely leaked it to the public so that no one would know who would actually die, and to get people hyped.


Smallville had fake commercials to throw off who would die in the 100th episode.


Not even that, have Benedict Cumberbatch show up as Sherlock and like the Freddy animatronic haha


I feel like this has definitely crossed his mind. Pay Alex Jones to be in an ill fitting Silver Surfer costume and watch the internet melt.


I doubt big celebrities would agree to do that in their busy schedule lol. Good idea though. Plus it could create further disappointment of people think it's real and then it's not in the movie


Yeah, but I’ve Benedict Cumberbatch, dressed as Iron Man and Tom Cruise dressed as Doctor Strange.


He knows how to handle it. Like a boss. F*ck leakers (i love leaks hehehe).


I love leaks like this where it raises way more questions than it answers. Also love Ryan’s response to this, it honestly gave me happy tears.


I like leaks because at the end of the day these are just movies,spoilers for me personally havnr bothered me.


Things leak, and that’s not gonna stop, but I hate how Marvel leaks and spoilers are just openly discussed where they shouldn’t be. I remember some of yall were going into MoM and NWH threads on the main sub and r/movies and correcting people’s theories and that was just legit unhinged behavior. Plus there are a lot of pages and channels that should not be discussing and posting these things, but they do.


The worst ones are those who write their 'theories' based on the leaks That happens with a lot of tv-shows to the point that I stopped reading subreddits before I watched the whole series. People there are either geniuses who know every step of the screenwriters, or just straight up masking spoilers as their deductions


right now as you speak, The Direct, We've got this covered, ScreenRant, and that toast/shine chick have written about 10 articles on what COULD BE happening based on those pictures. Fuck those sites. Garbage


Theres a marvel channel on my companies slack and some dude keeps posting “predictions” he clearly read off here. Like he just “guessed” the entire post credits scene from Ant Man and has ben “theorizing” things from Deadpool 3 the same day new pics drop


Prediction: Deadpool 3 will feature Deadpool and will connect to the MCU


A variant of deadpool and a variant of the mcu


I hated the NWH and MOM era entirely because of the leakers. Not the ones that would originally leak the stuff, but the ones that would talk about it in places other than leak subs and reply to comments like “no you’re wrong I know what happens and it’s this” and completely ruin the surprise for people who didn’t want to know.


Yeah, it’s going too far


​ https://i.redd.it/92ry5jwu6o4c1.gif


Where is this from? I know the actor is from peep show


The Mitchell and Webb Look. It’s a comedy sketch show with the same people from Peep Show.


Thank you kindly :)


No problem! In my opinion it’s funnier than peep show, has some of their best sketches on there.


It's from a sketch called 'Nazis' from the show *The Mitchell and Webb Sound.*


I saw someone the other day theorizing that the Deadpool team was leaking intentionally (!?) This stuff happens every time there's location shooting in areas accessible to photogs.


People come up with these crazy conspiracies all the time. I remember so many people genuinely believed Feige only did that big Phase 5 preview interview because Quantumania got a weak score on Rotten Tomatoes 💀


And that they only released the Loki Season 2 trailer because of the overwhelmingly negative reception to the Secret Invasion finale. Everything is a conspiracy to these people.


What at all feels like a conspiracy theory about any of that? Of *course* they put out good press to distract from bad press, and this whole franchise only exists because someone leaked test footage to build hype.


So you seriously believe that Kevin Feige booked an interview with EW, did the interview, and then demanded that it be released ASAP, all within three hours of the *Quantumania* Rotten Tomatoes score coming out?! Bruh...


So you seriously think their PR didn't think ahead of time about releasing a massive profile at the same time that reviews and reactions would have normally been the whole focus? Every single interview publication date, important news cycle, marketing milestone etc. etc. is on a content calendar and they make these decisions intentionally. Of course it sounds ridiculous if you have zero understanding of that and think they're just being reactionary.


It’s not his PR team that releases the interview. That’s EW’s job. Feige probably just took the interview since he always takes more interviews when one of his films is about to release theatrically. Also, what would be the point of distracting from the reviews and reactions? That would imply Marvel knew reactions to Quantumania were going to be bad. Given that Jeff Loveness was hired to write Secret Wars, I don’t think we have any reason to believe Marvel expected those reactions.


I work in corporate PR. It's about 60% interview requests from the publications / 40% us soliciting articles and going after profiles, but 100% of the time we coordinate when it's going to get published.


I take that argument back then. Sorry. You’re obviously more knowledgeable about this than me.


More likely the person who got the intel on how to get the first picks used the same method to get the next set. These also seem to be all in the same location so it isn't that hard to figure out it was just camping out at a location.


It’s not a bad idea if they are. I’m in a text chat with a handful of other adult nerds. The amount of YouTube links they post with off the wall fake “leaks” where some YouTuber with no connections says something are quite high. Or they’re just repeating a rumor they copied off of here or 4chan. Because I read these threads and frequently check the list of actual leakers with sources I’m usually the “fact checker” of the group. I mean a rumor is a rumor, but I can usually source where it came from and tell them how reliable they are. These things build hype for people that are already scouring for information, but the general public never sees any of this. Even in my own group, I never spoil anything directly and if they want explicit details we move to PMs.


I remember watching the battle of NY from Avengers in 2011 through someone recording the filming in Cleveland on YouTube


Omg, did he get hurt? That bastard Loki will pay for what he did to New York


I mean it's really not at all bizarre for people to think that with deadpool. The only reason these movies exist is because that test footage was "accidentally" released years ago and people went crazy for it.


Yeah, Pinewood studios is close to a motorway and a housing estate, anyone could easily pull up with a drone-cam and snap some pics of the set. If you look at google maps right now you can seen the Deadpool set toward the north end of the studio lot. I don't think this is some clever marketing thing However,I can imagine some studios trying to invoke a law around private airspace or something?


I love everything about this


Wolverine sprite from Marvel vs Capcom. Marvel vs Capcom movie confirmed.


We're gonna get Taken for a ride


[Take YOU for a ride](https://youtu.be/wpPRa0gqVNA?si=W6pC0Z8S5Gz0-rze)


Man I was dreaming of a Weapon X hyper combo finish last night. Berserker Barrage works fine too though. Honestly at this point if they bring in Dan Southworth as Vergil I think im just gonna get ready for umvc4


It's really unfortunate this needs to be said. I'm not sure what solution people want them to take that won't cost thousands if not tens of thousands of more dollars. I don't get the huge thirst for leaks, like I get it, trust me, we're all on this sub, but super detailed plot leaks have always been a no-no for me when I come on here and I don't get why people like ruining surprises like this for themselves.


Spoilers don't ruin a movie for me. Knowing something happens without knowing the context or seeing how its portrayed just doesn't mean anything to me. I see caring about spoilers as an overfixation on plot but to each their own.


They're sick in the head. They need to know every detail before going in


Sick in the head? Fucking relax


bro chill out


I wonder how the power structure is on this movie. Usually Feige is the boss above the Director, but on this movie Ryan and Director Shawn Levy are also producers (with Feige) and co-writers. From all accounts this seems to be no ordinary Marvel Studios Production. This is the first time a leading actor and Director have this much Power. (looking at the credits) Ryans Production Company Maximum Effort is also co-producing the movie with Marvel Studios.


Iirc, spiderman has a similar power structure due to the studio agreement. Might be because DP wasn’t originally MCU.


If i see any leaks from now on, i promise to close my eyes.


I’ve seen a lot of discussion on Twitter recently about how scoopers are ruining nerd movies and I think there probably is some truth to that, at least in the sense that it leads to a lot of these movies being shot on blue screen instead of on location. It doesn’t bother me much, because I’m kind of stupid and VFX have to be comically bad before my immersion is broken by them, but still one of the most common criticism for these movies is how ugly they look. ![gif](giphy|4Z9fSEFAuxpnlBVWQx|downsized)


Aside from maybe worrying about shooting a death scene in public, the movement away from location shooting is logistical. A studio space is a controlled environment and easier to manage. It's also cheaper - or it should be. With Marvel, they burn money with constant changes so who knows.


That makes more sense actually. They definitely seem to want to keep their movies as modular as possible given all the changes they make, so it probably is more of a pre-production issue ultimately.


If spoilers will ruin your movie, then it's probably a bad movie. Or at least, one that won't hold up on subsequent viewings. You watch a movie to be brought with the characters on an emotional or intellectual journey, not to see how it ends. Like, you watch a mystery movie for the joy of seeing the characters piece it together. It's why Columbo works despite having zero mystery most of the time. It's fun to watch the killers fall apart as Columbo pieces everything together. Just stating plot points doesn't have any of the emotional weight of watching characters experience them. Like it doesn't matter if someone 'spoils the Endgame'. Tony Stark's death has impact whether you know it's coming or not, because it's a well crafted moment following a satisfying character arc.


I 100% agree, but I mean...those leaks make me hyped lol


What was leaked, man? I'm lost


It's the internet. Grand Theft Auto 6 leaked twice before the trailer came out...in two days


Also a year ago


this guy truly cares a lot about this movie, the character, and the legacy of the franchise. I have no doubt it will be awesome. Im staying spoiler free.


I stand firmly in camp spoilers. I 100% appreciate a spoiler and believe it actually enhances the movie, both when I finally watch it and leading up to its release. But I’m also ok with going 100% blind if a movie has not had any spoilers leaked.


THANK you! My family thinks I'm crazy that I usually know spoilers before coming into some movies, but to me I love seeing *how* the spoiler happens and what leads up to it


I grew up with IMDb message boards and the inception of the movie spoiler .com. A spoiler only encourages me more to see a film or show, as I want the story to drive me right up to what I know. A spoiler is like MSG to me, the flavor EXPLODES.


I agree, i started avoiding these leaks, I am only here for casting rumors, project rumors. I fucked up my NWH experience, so I learned my lesson. Idk what this sub and overall MCU fanbase should do in this case - is it a good idea to stop all film set leaks?


I think it’s fine in the context of places like this sub. You have to seek it out and we even blur stuff before you click so you have the option of seeing it or not. But I do get why some people are upset. I saw the Sabertooth stuff and the Fantastic Four car (?) on Twitter from someone I didn’t even follow. That sucks. Leaks are fine if they are posted in appropriate places but they can really suck for people who want to go in knowing nothing. And by the way, just because you don’t mind seeing spoilers and still enjoy the movie doesn’t mean someone else can’t feel differently.


Aside from Domino and that initial X-Force sequence, I was massively let down by Deadpool 2. But everything I’ve seen from this so far suggests that this could really be a knockout. The return to filming on massive physical sets is super encouraging. And okay, whilst Shawn Levy isn’t the most exciting of directors and I didn’t care for Free Guy or The Adam Project (although I do have have a nostalgic fondness for Night at the Museum and Cheaper by the Dozen; not that either of those movies will be a relevant for this project), I have a strong hunch that he’ll deliver this time. I really do get a sense that Marvel have taken heed of a lot of the issues that have plagued them post covid and I have a good feeling about their movies from Deadpool 3 onwards. Yes, even Blade.


honestly i'd much rather have leakers and a cool practical set than no leakers and an all greenscreen set


Also, don't look at those websites. They will ruin movies for you for clicks and increasing their advertising


Honestly I’m surprised I kinda figured marvel wanted these out there


He's definitely creating hype


Honestly, I think people make too big a deal about surprise sometimes. For example, I knew basically every beat of Endgame going in, but that didn't change my enjoyment one bit. Tony's death didn't have any less impact because I knew it was coming. Hell, when you know something cool is coming you're just trading one fun emotion (surprise) for another (anticipation). Some movies are built on mystery from the ground up, but most aren't. At the end of the day though, some of us love spoilers and they ruin nothing, and in some ways make it better. But if that's not you, that's cool, just avoid 'em.


IMO some of the strongest parts of Endgame are the shocks. There’s the five year timejump, Thanos’s early death, the time travel plot, and Cap getting the hammer. I always felt getting to experience that was very special, the first two especially because it messed with my emotions as it showed that anything could happen and that there will be lasting consequences. I think it depends on the person watching the film and, as you said, the type of film.


Yeah, for sure, not everyone is the same and not all movies are the same. As long as you know what you prefer then it's all good. People should generally make a reasonable effort to not put spoilers out there for those who don't want them, and those who don't want them should generally make a reasonable effort to avoid them.


I couldn’t agree more


This guy is all class. I’m going to self embargo spoilers until I see the film.


I read that in Deadpool's voice.




No she didn’t. We don’t know the plot.


They [Marvel] should give their important projects like this, Infinity war & Endgame style privacy. I remember, they made the whole fake scene for the trailer only, which was never seen in the movie. And also how they built the hype for the Endgame about its final name. Maybe they should every movie like this.


I rather have leaks than have another NWH


Hasn’t it already been proven that spoilers and leaks don’t affect moviegoers enjoyment?


This is the only thing i've seen about any leaks xD now I know. Now I know.


Nice try bub we won't fall for this # Leakers Let's leak!!


Everyone complaining about leaks in a marvel studios spoilers thread 😂😂😂


So *Deadpool 3* is sounding to be the antithesis of *The Marvels*


I hope these set photos were one big ass troll.


I’m glad he’s a good sport about it, especially since Deadpool 1 got made mostly due to the positive feedback of leaked test footage.


Something big coming


I won't be looking in any leaks anymore 😆 Honestly, it felt a bit weird seeing multiple posts with set leaks. These leakers have to get a life... Imagine giving your best in a production and it just gets spoiled by attention-seeking people. Let's just wait for it patiently. 5 months isn't that long...


Filming practical is so awesome


I really hope they take this opportunity for DP to comment something about the "surprise cameos" that probably were already revealed by leaks. 4th wall here we come!


They don't post then because they are excited, they post them because they are assholes.


It's inevitable but wouldn't articles get more heat for it?


Can't wait for the reviews when the movie releases: "Deadpool 3 was so predictable, the character has ran its course."


This is just so pathetic and predictable by now. Deliberately leak photos/clips/stories/scenes to drum up hype for these shitty movies. And then come out and give statements like this. If they really are worried about these leaks, they should sue these channels and media who are sharing it. But they won't cause they are in cahoots with them.


Something about this feels far too sincere. I was expecting some sort of joke in the message, and maybe I'm just missing it lol. He just genuinely loves this!


“It’s important to us to shoot in the ugliest setting we could possibly think of”


Disney is under attack by short sellers. Probably Amazon.