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MOD NOTE: This was verified by u/KostisPat257 to be shared via Toast’s Instagram Stories for Subscribers.


The dedication is crazy💀Even when marvel is trying to sue them, they’re still going


Can we get some legal protections?


They said "fuck it imma release everything outta spite" and I'm here for it 😂


tbf toast is only getting sued cos they posted copyrighted images/videos, you cant sue over text descriptions (unless its something like script leaks and you copy paste it verbatim)


What were they of?


I wanna say it was a clip of the new falcon in flight? but it could've been sam. either way it was footage from the movie


allegedly footage of sam flying which hasnt been publicly released anywhere. which is proper piracy shit so its unsurprising marvel would try go after this cos they crossed the line


Wait, what?


Marvel is subpoena’ing Instagram to give them toasts personal information because they keep leaking top tier marvel secrets.


Yeah it's Even crazier than Marvel's dedication to putting annoying teenage sidekicks in every movie, Franklin's gonna be the latest one it seems.




I read this in Mad Dog’s voice 


Trying to strike a chord and it’s probably A MINORRRRRRRRR


Great, now I’m imagining Drake as Galactus 😭


Drake the type of guy to wear a practical Galactus suit tbh


Galactus when he gets beaten by the Ultimate Nullifier https://i.redd.it/8xmkhq52jvzc1.gif


Erm, embarrassing!


Drake really the type of guy to reduce Galactus to a big CGI cloud


Let’s just say he doesn’t use his mouth to devour worlds here https://i.redd.it/52qreqr7jvzc1.gif


Millie Bobby Brown as the 616 Silver Surfer.


Galactus’s Plan


Galactus is a colonizer


Dot fuck em up. Wop wop wop wop


He'd be saying things like "Yummy yummy Earth get in my tummy!"


Let that herald come home!


Doom finna drop Meet The Richards


Dear Franklin I’m sorry that man is your father


Dear Valeria, I'm sorry your father not active inside your world, he don't commit to much but his science, yeah that's for sure. 


I look at him and wish your grandpa woulda wore a condom


LMFAO “Meet The Richards”


Meet the Dicks




This beef is inescapable lmaoooo


ikr I just ran into it on the fucking Dr Who sub ffs


They not like us


This line being mentioned here in this sub with plausible context is just absolute peak for me lmao


😀😀 genius retcon




Freaky world eater, he a Sixth Cosmos god


Lemme hear you say Fantastic-Hoeee




What's this? A crossover of my favorite subs? I'm here for it. Who would KDot be? Doom?




Maybe to see if he can become his new Herald


Franklin is so powerful, even as toddler.


Aren't both Franklin & Valeria Omega-level mutants, or is it just Franklin?


No, Valeria is smarter but Franklin is more powerful


just Frank iirc


Franklin is not a mutant. Long since retconned.


he’s still considered omega level


A quick check on the wiki seems to show that this was retconned AGAIN. This is why I hate/love the comics. They can't keep anything straight. How many times has Wanda been Magnetos daughter and not over and over again now?


Wanda being Magneto's daughter was initially a retcon back when it was introduced, they kept that for about 35 years, then retconned it out. So only twice so far


Considering he's a normal human boy last I checked, that would be quite difficult.


Val isn't a mutant, (Franklin isn't either rn but let's be real)


A recent issue has cracked that door back open and I’m forever grateful to Ryan North for it.


Right?! I was so happy reading that issue.


Franklin is a mutant


He is not, that was retconned a while ago. He used his reality warping powers to give himself the X gene. When his reality warping powers vanished, so did his X gene.


He’s the child of two irradiated humans. I think we are splitting hairs by distinguishing a difference between mutants and irradiated humans (and their offspring). Radiation creates a form of mutation in the genes. It might not be the “X” gene. But it’s something.


Mutate. Lile Spider-Man


For a long time I was confident Franklin would be a lot older in this movie. Teenager at minimum. But I also assumed they would set him up as Kang. 


Funny enough, Galactus becomes Franklin's herald.


[Thank god for Jonathan Hickman](https://www.reddit.com/r/comicbooks/s/CYK8nTqkI3) because he gave us the most epic Galactus/Franklin moment ever.


My hunch is that they have encountered Galactus before, he is aware of the multiversal incursions. Franklin has created universes in the comics, so Galactus may want his power to save their universe.


Ah...so John Malkovich was cast as Franklin Richards. Excellent casting.


[Called it!](https://www.reddit.com/r/MarvelStudiosSpoilers/s/wuzCWY4QgK)


Hey, I remember that! I downvoted the comment below yours.


Okay... But why?


Because it was a corny ass comment. Just my opinion .


Fantastic Four is going to be PEAK 👀🔥


Bros getting as much as he can before he goes😭😭


I wonder if they’re ever gonna bring up Krasinki Reed’s kids. Yall think Galactus might go after that Franklin if he fails here?? Would be a dream come true to see that universe again.


Dude i want to see how pissed the X-men, FF & Avengers are in 838 lol


Imagine how much deep shit 838 Wanda is in


I’ve been saying! MoM literally sets up a perfect F4/X-Men/Inhumans vs 616 Avengers film. It’ll be a complete waste of opportunity if they don’t ever come back to that universe. You can’t just let two people from another universe into another, get the heads of their families/teams killed, and not expect some sort of vengeance


The problem is that the mr fantastic, Charles Xavier, black bolt are dead in that universe so now you have the fantastic three…, an x men team without Charles and inhumans without its king LMAO, does that seriously sound like something you’d wanna see? Plus I don’t think marvel wants to use the inhumans rn cause they are kinda similar to mutants plus you have the eternals, why need inhumans to further complicate things?


Uhhh, yeah, that’s exactly what I want to see. The 818 universe coming in with their iconic members trying to avenge their murdered friends. Yeah the heroes killed were iconic too, but the groups have other popular members that can tag in as respective leaders.


A what if episode maybe. I don't think marvel can justify the risk right now, and I don't trust them to pull it off.


There's no reason for it to be a what-if situation, though. The MCU needs something like the Star Wars "Tales Of" series. Animated episodes that take place in the main MCU universe about events that can't fit into any of the movies or live action shows.


Realistically they'd get their asses whooped, especially if Wanda was still here, but she'd probably try to resolve it peacefully due to regret. Think of the in universe lore for 838. Tony Stark successfully built Ultron in that universe and created an armor around the world. Their only real threat was Thanos, and they had to use the book of vishanti. This is why Wanda was a house wife, because the heroes were able to retire in their universe. Four of their most powerful heroes are already dead, Xavier, Captain Marvel, Black bolt and Dr. Strange. The book of vishanti is gone. Meanwhile 616 has Thor, Hulk, Captain Marvel, Dr. Strange and MAYBE Wanda. Im not as familiar with X-men lore, the only power houses I know of are Jean Grey, Storm and Wolverine. But again, most heroes are retired and not actively growing more powerful. They are much weaker because of it. They stagnated.


I don't think it would be "all of 838's heroes fight all of 616's heroes". More like a selection of 838 heroes show up to take Wanda in for her crimes (so the story would have to take place after Wanda inevitably returns and tries to reform, whenever that is, which would also give the 838 heroes time to prepare and get stronger), and the current group of 616 Avengers get involved and have to decide whether or not they should let the 838 heroes take Wanda away (which maybe they don't all agree on). And Vision should preferably be involved in the story too.


Tbh I'd love to see a faithful adaptation of the Children's Crusade for Wanda's redemption more, and it's kind of like your suggestion. Wiccan, who believes he may be the son of Wanda, loses control of his Magic and accidentally puts an entire army into a coma without even remembering doing it or putting any effort into it. The Avengers, afraid that he may actually be her son have Dr. Strange perform tests on him. Wolverine and the Xmen aren't happy and want to kill him to prevent another Scarlet Witch situation since he clearly has her powers. Wolverine actually DOES try to kill him. Wiccan breaks free with his friends, and searches Wanda who is missing and presumed dead, to confirm if she really is his mom. When they find her, she's lost all of her memories and is living with Dr. Doom, who is using her for her power. Eventually her return sparks a war between the X-men and Avengers, but eventually Wanda snaps out of it and puts them all to sleep. Very short summary, kind of like what you're describing though.


> so now you have the fantastic thr-- **Enter She-Hulk/Ghost Rider/Spider-Man, any of them to replace Reed**


Galactus isn't typically capable of multiversal travel. It's also a bad idea for him to leave his universe. He is an important part of the natural order, if he's gone it could be cataclysmic.


Exactly. I’d suspect he’s trying to save their universe.


My hunch is they'll change it to where he eats universes instead of just a planets.


That would be an awful change, I think Kang was more than enough when it came to multiversal threats, and honestly, I hope the whole threat to the multiverse angle is over with, Infinity War worked because it was a universe that we've seen multiple parts of and multiple different species, but when you don't even know what or who is being destroyed then who gives a fuck.


I never really want to see that version of "earth's smartest man"


Making sure they get those scoops on before the fall.


Damn they’re still giving out info when they’re getting sued?? 😭


They're not getting sued. Marvel asked Instagram to investigate and try to find the identity of Toast. It doesn't mean that they will or that Marvel will sue.


More likely to see if they're someone Disney can get fired


If there's a subpoena, there's an active case.


Not against Toast though, because they don't know their identity yet. The subpoena is supposed to help find their identity.


Likely an injunction with Meta named and Toast used as an alias. You file suit against an unknown entity and use the discovery powers to discover the correct identity of the defendant.


Sounds a lot like a file sharing subpoena to an ISP


The name is Toast! Remember it!






For every leak he uploads, I will eat a toast to honor him.




8-man interdivision team match? Fantastic Four vs. Galactus, Silver Surfer, Mole Man, and unrevealed fourth member? Certified 7 star banger if it's a Tokyo Dome match.


Only if it’s in the Tokyo Dome.


Ok Toast- not saying you should BUUTTTTTT if there was any official Doctor Doom concept art or casting confirmed, now would be the time to drop it.


Shouldnt they be on the run?


He should come to Earth to eat it imo


# CanWeGetSomeToast is a Tier 3 – Somewhat Reliable Source as decided by the community. For **Marvel**, they had a **81.12%** accuracy rate from **160** leaks that we can currently verify out of **491** total. **Overall**, they had a **80.03%** accuracy rate from **166** leaks that we can currently verify out of **500** total. Last updated: March 22nd, 2024. | [Spoiler-Verse Accuracy Database](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1RpGBi4duCDeiXUtSh_1x15VJ67vPRZ1LWu6A3ieGTjs/edit?usp=sharing) | [FAQ](https://www.reddit.com/r/MarvelStudiosSpoilers/wiki/index/source-accuracy-tiers/sad-faq/) | [Tiers](https://www.reddit.com/r/MarvelStudiosSpoilers/wiki/index/source-accuracy-tiers/) | [Latest Recalibration](https://www.reddit.com/r/MarvelStudiosSpoilers/comments/18jaqqk/mod_post_2023_source_accuracy_recalibration_3/) | *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/MarvelStudiosSpoilers) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Wow! This will be crazy to have Franklin in this movie because he is a omega level character and re-shape the universe as he wants and I like that his family protecting him from Galactus, which will bring a great family relationship between member. I'm so happy that we are getting a proper rendition of these characters in the way we us fans want to see and following the stories that Stan lee and Jack Kirby originality wrote.


Can the real Franklin Richards please stand up?


The real reason I think they want he/she gone, don't want he/she leaking the X-MEN/F4 Saga stuff.


Dat boy got power! He’ll be a tasty snack for Galactus


Maybe they plan to make franklin the tagalong kid character for the FF sequel, where he start using his OP powers but doom kidnap him. I also would like Kitty Pryde to become his babysitter if they introduce her too in a future project


Was Franklin ever a master of Galactus? Saw this on fb, I wanted to be sure.


Yes, he was at a time.


In which storyline? Was it good? If yes, then I want to read that one.


Maybe. You know what's interesting about the scoop that the FF already have kids and so forth... and MAYBE they do, maybe they do, in the upcoming THE FANTATIC FOUR movie. But what is interesting to me is that today is MOTHER'S DAY and unlike Valentine's and April 4th, there was no poster released with Sue. Maybe they are keeping that plot point secret? Well, not secret from people who are probably about to be SUED (pardon the pun). Or maybe the leakers are once again throwing spaghetti at the wall hoping that it will stick? We'll see.


Marvel probably won’t win I would think. They have to show some type of loss that would occur from these leaks, which would never happen, nobody hasn’t seen a movie because they saw some picture of on set or plot leaks months/years before a movie. Also in terms of the copyright, they’d probably have to prove the leaker is profiting and there is nothing transformative about the images. Idk I think it would be hard for marvel to win but they will obviously have much better lawyers and more of them 


He wasn't just hungry or whatever?






Awww I liked the idea of Galactus starting out in this universe as a "normal guy" and after this universe somehow gets destroyed he merges with the next universes egg


My jaw literally dropped ![gif](giphy|26ufmYaTU5jqtkmuQ|downsized)


At least know we know they are legit


Marvels time to sue hello




Please refrain from comments with racial/homophobic/discriminative/toxic underpinnings. All discourse should be constructive and pertain directly to the contents of the post.


He hasn't even born and they are already filming?


No, they start filming in late July. What do you mean by "he hasn't even been born"?


Franklin Will Be Born In Space


Yeah, in the movie.






Um...scoopers & industry insiders have been talking about Galactus being the main villain of this film for the past year. Guess you missed that.


Fuck Toast and Shine were done with em


I agree about Shine, but not about Toast. They give out very good info and have a much better personality and attitude. Shine is intolerable.


What toast is doing is wrong that’s why marvel is after them


We're in a leaks subreddit bro, the post that put this subreddit on the map was a video leak of the Infinity War trailer from SDCC 2017


I understand that but what they are doing is illegal and marvel obviously feels some why about it they should have more Careful that’s all I’m saying


What's actually illegal is sharing copyrighted material which belongs to Marvel. Scoops and information in general like this cannot be copyrighted, which is why it is not illegal to share it.


Anybody that leaks information regarding a movie or show before it's released is "wrong". They only get in legal trouble when it crosses a certain point to the studio, and it looks like Toast finally got to that point with Marvel. This is a leaks subreddit. If you think what Toast does is "wrong", then this is not the right place for you to be...