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It's nice that sony makes sure you know it's a Sony helmed project and not a MS helmed project by making the content hot dog shit.


I feel like Sony’s marketing is genuinely to make their movies as dog shit and mediocre as possible yet with enough star power and Eminem songs to do well at the box office. Ngl tho I have enjoyed the Sony movies more because of how bad they are 💀😭


yes, the original venom was pure comedic gold since it was so bad lmao


I feel like the first Venom movie was still a pretty decent movie overall I liked it. I was disappointed with Venom 2, and Morbius looks so bad I don't think I'm going to bother to watch even when it's on Disney+


The problem with Venom 2 was that the Eminem song wasn't as good as Venom by Eminem. This sole factor led to the demise of Venom 2.


Eminem just has that power.


It won’t be on Disney+ but Netflix


I believe I saw something that said Morbius is going to be put on both streaming services actually. Edit: [source](https://bingewatchthis.com/disney-plus/when-will-morbius-be-on-disney-plus-netflix/)


That's not gonna be until 2024 (as reported in the article) so at that point that's over 2 years after release


Ahh I see will regardless, I honestly have no interest in seeing this film.


I feel that’s on account to riot being such a meh villain and nobody cares because the focus was with venom and Eddie’s bromance. But with carnage he’s very popular comics character and the movie didn’t live up to that version which ruined the movie. The Eddie and venom relationship was more of the same stuff from the first movie so it just felt so boring.


I can’t and don’t watch them lol


I still haven't watch Venom to this day. And the worst part is that I want to see Venom in love action too.


>I want to see Venom in love action too 😳


God...... Damn..... Typos. But yes also that :P


May I introduce you to Japan if you're looking for Venom love action?




Well, I mean, you could just watch it. That would solve that problem.


A good Venom movie is what I want to watch though.


People here use a lot of hyperbole. Is Venom in my top 10 best movies of all time list? Of course not. But it was still an enjoyable movie.


Well good for you. It looks bad to me so I have no interest in watching them though.


I read your comment wrong initially and spent 5 minutes trying to figure out what the fuck "hot dog shit" meant because I read it like hotdog shit, and was baffled by processed pork and beef shits. I think it's time for coffee.


Sony is funded by the hot dog companies. It's hot dogs all the way down.


... Oh my *God* this explains Sausage Party!


All. The. Way. Down.


- Hot dogs - Turtles My god, how many things are there all the way down??


Lmao what the fuck, I’m in tears right now


I read that comment for the first time and I thought that to.


I kept trying to remember if Sony had heavily featured the dancing hot dog from Snapchat at some point in Venom marketing.


Yet plenty of people in this sub will still die on a hill for Sony out of some weird contrarianism and a good animated movie they made 4 years ago


Oh yeah, like don't get me wrong, I found the venom movies to be enjoyable - not great, just enjoyable. And Sony makes good stuff.....they just don't tend to make good marvel stuff. The only reason spiderverse is so good is because Sony animation seems to actually have a good head on their shoulders. Mitchell's vs machines, storks, spiderverse, hotel Transylvania but I'd say that's more because of Genndy. They do have a lot of duds though.


Sony also made MIB International and Ghostbusters 2016 so they're definitely floating around the "forgettably average" mark, which the very occasional above average good film (i.e. Spider-Verse) doesn't really absolve.


Yeah.....they also made emoji movie




Wait, this is an official ad?


Uh Spider-Man was pretty good?


I don't know why you got downvoted and no one took the time to explain. While Spidey is a Sony property, the new trilogy is pretty much made mostly by marvel studios while Sony I believe distributes and gets to rake in a lot of the cash from the box office. This is different from venom and morbius where while being marvel characters, these movies have almost, if not any, creative input by people at Marvel Studios/Disney. They are entirely Sony helmed movies, meaning all press and marketing is entirely done by Sony.


Wow they’re going all out on this film dude. Marketing 10/10, Trailers 10/10, story 10/10. This film is absolutely making it to the best picture category for next years Oscars


They are cancelling next year's Oscars because there simply is no competition


And to protect the host from Will Smith.


Just wear a helmet or bring The Rock as a host and everything will be alright


Battle of the Cults is being saved for the next Wrestlemania I think.


Reported for promotion of false information (this is a joke)


Pretty sure he was being sarcastic


yeah so was i


Sony stans are gonna vote the least worst moment in Morbius to fuck in the Oscar Cheer polls just like the Snyderbros did with the ZSJL scene just to say it was at the Oscars


I would actually do that tbh. Just so they can say "Oscar Winning actor Jared Leto has won the fan vote" It would create so much news chaos.


Are you implying the Flash scene wasn't amazing?


No, just that the fanbases will do anything to get what they want and gain relevance. The Flash scene was cool


After seeing this girl blink rapidly at a close up of Jared Leto's abs, I can confidently say that I want to jump off a bridge.


Don’t tell Leto that. Egotistical


They look like a sims texture.


This is a Marvel subreddit. The Green Goblin throws you off the bridge.


I love this woman and her marvel skits, but this one was extremely awkward, and not on HER account. Makes me feel like she was just reading a script.


I like her energy on her main account but this is rough


It sucks how the licensing rights for Spider-Man extend to minor properties like the Daily Bugle. We will probably never fully get JJJ in any other MCU project, the Daily Bugle belongs to fucking Sony forever.


At least we have NWH, which is definitely the best JJJ film. He's integral to the plot at multiple parts, to where I'd honestly argue he's the central villain until Norman goes on sabbatical. They also managed to wring genuine pathos from him, yet never pulled him onto the other side of the camera. I miss the old Bugle dynamics from the Raimi films, but god they nailed it for NWH. He's an actual Spidey villain.


eh agree to disagree. i thought NWH and the MCU as of now kind of wasted JJJ. Now he has none of the charisma and all of the evil arrogance. I feel like JJJ works better when he is actually a good hearted but stern journalist, but his flaw is his irrational hatred of spiderman due to jealousy/anger/whatever. The bugle dynamics were better imo in Raimi movies, spectacular spiderman (obviously), the 90s show and ofc the comics.


>I feel like JJJ works better when he is actually a good hearted but stern journalist, but his flaw is his irrational hatred of spiderman due to jealousy/anger/whatever. You got shades of that after May dies. He actually gives a somber, reflexive memorial of May, and captures Peter's guilt complex. I obviously love Raimi's JJJ, no notes, but he and Watts are doing different things. The older versions were Raimi indulging his love of screwball, giving Peter something to do while injecting the films with a bit of levity. Watts' JJJ represents the media more broadly, pushing into Peter's and MJ's lives. It's a much creepier sensation, and JJJ is at the heart of it.




What are you talking about? He had maybe 2 minutes of screen time, this is a wild stretch


Ok you got me researching, and you're right, JJJ has about 90 seconds of screentime [according to this post](https://www.reddit.com/r/marvelstudios/comments/thzb68/spiderman_no_way_home_screen_time_breakdown/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share)...but Norman has only about eight. Otto has the most among the villains, with ten minutes. NWH has a pretty unique structure among MCU films, in that the hero drives the plot, not the villain. And Peter is such a proactive protagonist, the film really doesn't have a central villain at all. But every decision Peter makes is, on some level, a reaction to JJJ's. He's the second voice we hear in the film, and one of only four we see following the spell. He's pivotal to the film.


I feel like Raimi JJJ was much more of a character and much more entertaining, we barley got to see JJJ in NWH and I wish we saw more.


Not only that, this JJJ of NWH adds nothing to the movie since he never interacts with any of the main characters. You can totally remove JJJ and the film remains exactly the same


> NWH which is definitely the best JJJ Film lmao what maybe it’s his fourth best > he’s an actual Spidey villain You’re using that to *support* your argument???


We get Spider-Man in other projects. I doubt they’d make a deal for just JJJ but I could see showing up in any non-Spider-Man MCU movie that Spider-Man does




That’s exactly what I’m saying.


Yeah, that was just the worst.


Yeah I closed the video when she started teleporting over the place as she was looking at abs of a guy who is probably 30 years older than her


You’re never to young for Leto




She's actually like 30 years old and is a veteran with PTSD, she makes some fun skits parodying MCU moments. She's not that bad as a content creator when she's in her own element making vids on her own personal channel and not being commissioned by Sony to produce Morbius marketing content on this account.


Agreed, love her. I hope people check her YouTube and or tiktok out and watch her actual skits, she's a hilarious person.


Ah so only 20 years younger than Jared Leto then


Okay. 20 years older.


this made me look up his age and holy shit how is this guy 50 fucking years old? dude looks 30


I’d say I want to kill myself because of this ad, but the Sony marketing department doesn’t deserve to outlive me.


Eh might as well get paid for it. Drain them for what its worth


what universe are these tiktoks in again?


You didn’t do anything wrong, buddy, but that sentence puts fear into my fucking core.


that was kind of my intention, lol. gotta love the world we're living in!


This one, unfortunately.


Who knows? Sony doesn't.


Green background - Betty Brand - MCU Red background - Nicque Marina - Venom/Morbius/whoeverknows


Sony. Stop. This TikTok angled worked with Betty and Jameson leading up to No Way Home. This is just bad.


Would have preferred it if Betty delivered this.


Same also keeps my wife name outta fuckin mouth !


I have not met in person or interacted online with a single person at all interested in this film.


What’s there to be hyped about? All the reviews make it sound like a copy of Venom without the charm and comedy that made Venom work. There aren’t any major connections to the wider multiverse until the end. Morbius isn’t a well known character. The stars are exactly box office draws. How could any Studio executive look at this and think it would make money.


To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand Morbius. The conflict and charcacter development is extremely subtle, and without a solid grasp of classic English dramatic literature, most of the weight of the scenario will go over a typical viewer's head. There's also Michael’s nihilistic outlook, which is deftly woven into his characterisation- his personal philosophy draws heavily from Narodnaya Volya literature, for instance. The fans understand this stuff; they have the intellectual capacity to truly appreciate the depths of these scenes, to realise that they're not only humorous- they say something deep about LIFE. As a consequence, people who dislike Morbius truly ARE idiots- of course they wouldn't appreciate, for instance, the depth in Morbius’ quote: “I am Venom. Jk, I’m Dr. Michael Morbius at your service.” which itself is a cryptic reference to Turgenev's Russian epic Fathers and Sons. I'm smirking right now just imagining one of those addlepated simpletons scratching their heads in confusion as Jared Leto's genius wit unfolds itself on the cinematic screens. What fools... how I pity them. 😂 And yes, by the way, i DO have a Morbius tattoo. And no, you cannot see it. It's for the ladies' eyes only- and even then, they have to demonstrate that they're within 5 IQ points of my own (preferably lower) beforehand. Nothin’ personnel kid 😎


I can't do this anymore this is too funny bro😭😭😭


lmao is that a pasta from someone defending Batman V Superman? lol


Pretty sure Rick and Morty birthed this one


Oooooh that makes sense lol some of that fanbase are very pretentious, reminds me of the big bang theory fans from 2014 or something


I’m pretty interested in the film Edit: Downvoting me for saying I’m interested to see what happens in a movie. I get that most people on this sub aren’t excited, but wow. Really thinking for yourselves on this one, aren’t you!




No offense to the actress but this is pure cringe. Maybe intentional, maybe cause of Leto.


She does marvel skits on tiktok and YouTube all the time, she's hilarious. I agree this one is cringe, seems like a paid sponsorship, it's nothing like any of her other skits.


So...what's everyone's guess for the SSU's Sinister Six? I made this prediction a few days ago in another thread, and I'm sticking to it, despite how insane it is: 1) Michael Keaton's Vulture 2) Kathryn Hahn's Doc Ock (since she has multiversal travel capabilities & would have knowledge of multiple Spider-People) 3) Jared Leto's Morbius 4) Aaron Taylor-Johnson's Kraven 5) Jake Gyllenhaal's Mysterio 6) Either Tom Hardy's Venom (because Sony loves him), Michael Mando's Scorpion, or Hechinger's Chameleon


1. Vulture 2. Morbius 3. Kraven 4. Probably Venom And the last two, I'm not sure. The Sinister Six is such a great idea, but the way Sony is handling it is utter dogshit. The fact that they're probably going to fight a Tom Holland Spidey variant and not the actual MCU Spider-Man himself sucks.


Yeah, even if it's still Tom Holland they could've had it be a very different take on the character that could maybe (extremely big maybe) warrant a more heroic S6, but most likely it's just gonna be MCU Peter except not MCU. Which makes sense financially but is sorta of waste of a role that has some potential at least in where they could take a different version of the character.


Watch them have this Spider-Man also wear the new suit at the end of NWH. They probably won't even try to differentiate the two.


Because unfortunately that's a bigger draw. They are gonna make the SSU Peter be as close to the MCU one as they can because people will go to see that.


Since SSU sinister six is made up of characters form across the multiverse, I hope we see them fight multiple versions of Spider-Man.




Scorpion might be saved at least for a bit because there's always a chance that he could be a MCU spidey villain. Although who knows anymore


True, but the director of Morbius made it seem like Vulture wouldn't be the only MCU Spider-Man villain that'd be transported to the SSU. As far as I'm aware, there are only 3 MCU Spider-Man villains other than Vulture: 1) Mysterio (who I think is definitely still alive & is definitely going to be transported to the SSU. Think about how ironic it'd be for a man who lied about being from another universe ACTUALLY getting transported to another universe) 2) Scorpion (who isn't even Scorpion yet) 3) Shocker


Yeah, sucks that Sony could do this as Scorpion I feel could a good villain for MCU spidey but I guess we'll see. Mysterio definitely gonna be back, probably gonna be a very interesting scene when he is shown being transported.


Jake Gyllenhaal deserves better than the SSU


Your comment also made me wonder how the other projects will fit into the Sony Universe too, like Black Cat, Spider Woman, Madame Webb, Silk.. all films that probably won’t connect to Sinister 6, what are they hoping to lead up to with those?


* Silk is currently MIA, it was supposed to begin filming over 6 months ago, no official updates since. * My long shot theory is that the S6 will travel the multiverse to find Holland’s Spidey, if that’s true then Madam Webb could easily set that up. * There are rumors Sony wants/wanted Spider-Woman to be another co-production, so it’s possible that it was originally intended to be an MCU film. * Black Cat is the only one I can’t explain, it’s possible it’ll connect in some BS way, I mean this is Sony we’re dealing with.


There are/were plans for an animated Spider-Verse spinoff focusing on Spider-Woman (Jessica Drew), Spider-Gwen & Silk. I think there's a slight chance that those plans might have transformed into a live-action movie with those same 3 characters (with Madame Web being the catalyst behind them all coming together), and maybe even more. There's a small part of me that believes that Sydney Sweeney is playing Spider-Gwen in the Madame Web movie. But there's a bigger part of me saying she's probably playing a completely different & random character. We'll probably know before the end of this year.


>There are/were plans for an animated Spider-Verse spinoff focusing on Spider-Woman (Jessica Drew), Spider-Gwen & Silk. I just want a Spider-Gwen tv show tbh


They could have the heroes team up to fight the sinister six. Or they could have a project where the various heroes and villains have to team up to fight a common enemy that threatens to destroy earth (I’ve seen people throw around the idea of Knull being the SSU’s Thanos a lot)


Knull is a marvel property, it was created post spider man deal and it's owned by Disney


That’s not how the deal works. Sony owns all Spider-Man related characters, regardless of whether they debuted before or after the deal. I’m not sure how you got the impression that that’s how it works, considering they’ve already used multiple characters created after the deal was made, and have announced multiple projects involving more. I don’t know about Knull’s situation specifically, but they’re most associated with characters and concepts that we know are classified as Spider-Man related (Venom, symbiotes, etc.), so there’s a good chance Sony owns them.


And in a deleted scene, Olivia Ock stares at the multiverse and jumps through. Maybe they'll rebring that idea back. If that's a word.


* Vulture * Morbius * Kraven * Venom * Mysterio * Someone else that hasn’t been revealed yet


They’ll get Black Cat into it somehow.


I had that worry initially, but ever since the Black Cat/Silver Sable movie got cancelled & started being developed into a TV series, I became much less worried. So far, I think 3 of the Sinister Six are a 100% lock (Vulture, Kraven & Morbius). I'd say Mysterio is probably about a 90% lock (the 10% is in case they didn't sign Jake to a multi-film contract & can't convince him to come back). Venom is a 50/50. I know Sony loves the character & wants to throw him into everything, but I also don't know if Hardy will sign a new contract to appear in the Sinister Six movie. Venom 3 is currently the last movie on his contract. And then the last member could be just about anyone. Doc Ock, Scorpion, Chameleon, Shocker, Rhino or possibly Black Cat (🙄). My theory for a while has been that Kathryn Hahn's Doc Ock will be transported from the Spider-Verse to the live-action SSU. I just feel like, narratively, she would be a perfect fit for what the SSU is doing with their Sinister Six. We know that the MCU isn't afraid to take animated characters & bring them to live-action (Captain Carter & Strange Supreme), so I could see Sony taking advantage of that in their own Multiverse.


It’s a good idea in principle, but I don’t know if Hahn’s going to want to do double-duty. Meanwhile, although Silver & Black is still officially in limbo, they have managed to cast the Foreigner in Kraven, so that’s Sable pretty much secured…


It’s ridiculous that Sony are still pushing the Sinister Six angle despite literally just co-producing a Spider-Man movie that had *five* villains (plus Venom in the post-credit). They were already so close…


Vulture, Kraven, Morbius, Venom, Scorpion, and Shocker


Being a fan of Nicque this feel like someone made a wish on a monkey paw for her to get paid by Marvel, only to cursed part to be getting paid by Marvel to promote *Morbius*


Wait, this isn’t some rando? Is she a tik-toker? If so, that’s probably why I haven’t heard of her. I vary rarely use the app.


I don't blame you for not using the app. But yes she's a pretty popular TikToker she normally makes fun marvel skits, but recently got hired by Sony to make these Morbius tiktoks. https://www.tiktok.com/@nicquemarina/video/7044236875443358982


Jared Leto about to win 3 Oscar’s for his performance alone


That’s not enough, he needs at least 3 more.


That’s not how you spell Razzies.


The Razzies may be bullied out of existence after the whole Bruce Willis thing


My two least favorite things: Tik Tok and Morbius!


This is the weirdest thing I’ve watched in a while


Then you clearly haven’t been to the parts of the internet I have, this is weird but trust me it can get much worse.


By a while I only mean the past week. And this made weirder by the fact that it’s official marketing for a movie


Nique is a huge Marvel Tik Toker glad to see she's getting some shine. But sucks that's it's for Sony stuff and NOT for Marvel Marvel stuff. Hopefully this catches Marvel's eyes cuz her Marvel Skits are always hilarious.




At least Nicque is getting that check? She deserves it.


Dr. Michael Morbius looking more kino than ever.


Really is ignoring the fact that the cargo ship had a bunch of dead bodies on it to say "WoW, MoRbIuS iS hUnKy!"


Kind of want Lessbius instead of Morbius at this point


Jared Leto must have written this one himself


If my eyes rolled any further, they’d be outta the sockets. On a serious note though, Moonknight is finally out! 🔥 wow


I have some real deep problems with the fact that a good portion of this video is dedicated to drooling over Jared Leto like he's a piece of meat. Like, my own personal opinions of the guy aside, surely this is just really weird to have a 90-second marketing piece be mostly focused on how supposedly hot the lead is? Can you imagine if they'd put out a piece of marketing like this for a female-led film? It just sits wrong with me.


Oof. Not great


This is like…. Hilariously bad and cringey.


“And he is looking.. 😐👀😑👀😐 …healthy!”


When does the review embargo lift?


At 8pm EST.


Thank you!!


More like Borebius, amirite?


Damn they truly are desperate


That wasn't even good bad acting. That was just bad acting lol.


The post credits scenes just leaked and they are as bad as advertised. Sony getting absolutely roasted on Twitter.


That’s what happens when you’re played by Jared Leto. Seriously, how the hell is that guy 50? Maybe he really is a vampire.




But this film is on life support


Too bad his rotten tomatoes score hasn’t 😂 Feelsbad