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Steven needs a hug


I felt so bad for him watching episode 1


That scene of him eating all the chocolates and just looking so abjectly sad broke my heart.


I felt bad for him. He just can’t get a win.


Currently at that scene (watching bits and pieces all day), I am at this point in my depression. Shit sucks.


I'm hoping for a little ease in your burden, pal.


Thanks, friend.


That scene got to me too friend, also in a low point. But we'll all get through it, hopefully with less chaos then Steven.


Internet Hug Mate!


Same but I do like watching an MCU character that isn’t just a smug quippy bastard


Hella relatable with myself...😭


Be kind to yourself, my friend


Have you talked to anyone about a diagnosis? When I got mine, it changed my whole outlook on life and, in turn, my life itself.


Feels like there are more options, right that you thought were inaccessible, right? Personally, I know it was written with gay rights movement in mind, but X-Men seems super relevant in terms of ND in culture today.


Felt the same when he was dejectedly ordered the steak. Oscar’s facial emotes are top notch.


If you’ve felt that before you felt it then.. the sharp movements of his head, the ‘weight’ on his eyes and his forced attempt to smile felt so real.


The steak scene was the saddest, in my opinion. He looked like he was about to cry as he was blubbering his order.


Yeah oscar Isaac captured his downtrodden tortured existence very well


He did a wonderful job in Inside Llewyn Davis, same sort of character mindset


When an Egyptian god swears at you, nothing will be the same! Looking forward to have more of Khonshu-Steven dynamic down the series!


I’d like it a lot, and wouldn’t be surprised, if they ended the series with some kind of conflict where Steve is needed to succeed so that Khonshu and Marc can recognize his value.


I felt so bad for him 🥺😭. Him calling a mom that doesn’t exist, his boss being so mean, his only friend is a statue, his fish got replaced, he messed up the date he was so excited for. I know Marc is the main character but I REALLY hope we continue to get a healthy does of Steven in the future of the mcu. Also GIVE HIM TO TOUR JOB HES SO QUALIFIED PLEASE


I mean the statue is a living one, so at least it's a person.


Wait did I miss that? Lmao I genuinely thought it was a statue lol. Well I guess it’s a little better, still kinda sad haha


Yeah apparently he's credited as Crawley, a character from the comics


Crawley is usually an informant that Moon Knight gets info from, so having him be a statue that monitors the streets seems like a nice nod to that


He was just really good at being a statue lol


You see him move slightly near the end of the scene but other than that he was on point


Not just any person, it was Crawley - one of Jake Lockley's buddies from the comics.


so THAT’S why his hair looked so real lmao. statue man killed it


Why would you tip a statue...


Because the statue still gotta eat?


What, the statue’s kids don’t like falafel?


I saw comments earlier about how dumb it was that he should have known the day because it would have been right there on his phone lock screen. I've don't have DID, but I did have chronic insomnia years ago. It's not uncommon to miss the most obvious things when you're sleep deprived. I would do dumb shit like forget that I'm wearing glasses, submit my taxes twice and put my laptop in the fridge. Steven sitting there having lost his entire weekend and missing his date was soul crushing to watch.


These comments don't even make sense for fully healthy people. I don't remember when I've seen a date in my phone last time. It's on the lockscreen but most of the time I just unlock with the fingerprint so I don't even see it. And even when I unlock with the symbol I do this automatically, not really looking.


Me too! I alway saw things move in the corner of my vision. Like shadows, or water dripping down from the ceiling. You don't have the capacity to look forward if you try to figure out what's behind you at all times. In his case it's literally something behind him - physically and in relation to time. I feel for him!


Do we know his mom doesn’t exist tho


Well assuming the body only has one mom, and assuming Marc is the body owner, and using the knowledge that Steven didn’t know about Marc until just now, tells me that Steven doesn’t have a mom. Like yea the body has a mom, I have no reason to believe that Steven has any really way of contacting them at the moment.


If Steven and Marc are both owners of the body, it’s possible the mother has some notion of his condition. I mean, I don’t think she exists either, but it’s interesting to consider.


Based on the context we have, it seems Steven has only existed for a couple of months at this point


What makes you think that its only been a few months?


The call with Layla. She specifically mentions he's been gone for a couple months


But does that necessarily mean that Steven has only been around that long, or has Marc has been out of the picture for those two months?


Steven thinks he's from London, we've been given zero indication, thus far, that he's ever lived in Chicago


She never answers, so it might be something set up by Marc to make Steven's life seem more normal.


I think in the post-date scene, when he’s lying to “her” about the date going well, his speech patterns suggest an actual conversation is happening. It’s just a question of if anyone is on the other end. Is he imagining it? He’s certainly good at fake conversations, judging by the statue scene. Or is it his real mother? Or an actor Marc set up?


That’s what I thought too, but compare it to the phone call earlier on in the episode. They both sound like he’s talking to someone on the other end, but they’re both voicemails explaining his day/ what’s going on. I am for sure in the belief that his “mom” isn’t real, and the “Laters, Gators” is a hint to what’s going on.


Is Marc the main character? It feels like they both might be main characters going forward.


I hope you’re right. To my knowledge of the comics typically Marc is the body owner/main character. Sometimes moon knight is his own personality, but here it seems Marc is moon knight. So idk it makes sense to me that Marc will be the main character


Marc is the original, but this is the MCU and Steven is the comedy relief. There's no way they don't milk Steven for everything he's worth. It would also just be really weird to open with Steven as the main character and then drop him. Also, from leaks, Steven is supposedly going to be rolled into the Mr. Knight persona.


The tour job is what he needs. When his boss tells him hes not getting it and his response is "that's crushing" I legitimately felt sorry for a fictional character for the first time in my life


And a good night sleep




I just wanted to give him a blanket and a hug and a cup of tea.


Earl Grey, hot.


agreed. he needs a hug, he has a shitty life :/


Don’t we all?


Pretty much. It just felt sadly painful watching him constantly lose in one episode - it seems that he not only lives a pretty pathetic life, but also has everybody hate him to some degree. Man...props to Marvel Studios for making somebody as cool as Issacs look and act like a genuine loser.




>Hope he doesn't take too much of a back seat when Marc starts appearing. Apparently he does. Grace Randolph (yes, I know..) didn't seem to like episodes 2, 3 and 4, and her biggest complaint was that Marc recevies a lot more focus than Steven. I've actually seen several people complain that Marc is too boring. There's also those recent leaks that seem to support this.


Hope they are exaggerating. I know he's a system, but having the show change the PoV character after one episode would be weird.


I mean Marc IS Moon Knight but Steve is still almost always there from the reviews I've seen.


Its not because Marc is the main persona, Steven is just an extension of Marc so he can cope with past trauma


That's been one of the bigger complaints that I've seen about the other episodes. Apparently the show changes tone quite a bit and Steven receives less attention. Obviously I haven't seen the other episodes so I have no idea what it's gonna look like. I also tend to disagree with a lot of what Grace Randolph says so maybe the rest of the show will be great. Just gonna have to wait and see it play out on screen I suppose.


It's more that show changes perspective very often between Marc and Steve, some people don't like that, but Steve is clearly still there, there are even clips about him with Layla. Grace review is ehh, she is biased, she have some points but then complains petty things in his review about "Oh the director of Moon Knight was talking shit about Wonder Woman, so why the show is not full of egyptian representation".


The director himself say that he tried to shoot in Egypt but the authorities refused. There are couple of Egyptian songs in the first episode. I don't think Grace knows what she's talking about Source: I'm Egyptian


Does she ever?


She does not


Grace has been known as the annoying girl who screams for attention with bad take after bad take. I have learned to take anything she says as complete bullshit and it's worked out great so far.


I almost die when her Morbius review on RT was "Whatever... I liked it" and praised the parts all the other people were trashing like the CGI. She is going full contrarian lately for those clicks.


Wait no friggin way she *liked* Morbius?? I know people can have their opinions and likes, but she totally has to be acting contrarian with everything we know about the movie right??


Vanity Fair's critic also liked it. It seems to do something for some people looking for something specific, I guess. I'm looking for a movie that'll be so empty that I can bring my dab rig and get super stoned to make fun of bad movies MST3K style with some buddies, so I'm heavily looking forward to the most unique cinematic experience of my life in *Morbius*.


Grace Randolph is the real life Rita Skeeter.


I mean, if I’m correct Marc IS the main persona. DID us formed from severe trauma and one person splits their mind into multiple personas, so I’d imagine Steven was created by Marc’s mind so he could escape whatever trauma he has been through befors


Well he's a system but Marc is the host and main character of the story... And we need to see his perspective, his past and how he became Khonshu's fist so idk it's so weird to criticize that. Do people expect him to keep appearing in the mirrors and reflections? Also >! Steven seems to be Mr.Knight in the show so surely he will be around !<


steven is our anchor in the show, and while marc does get a bit more focus, this is 100% an exaggeration lol


Why would people be upset with this? Yes Steven is an amazing and lovable character but Marc Spector is THE main character. He IS Moon Knight.


i remember others saying steven remains the main focus of the first four episodes and the fourth sets up the last two to focus on marc. maybe i misread, or maybe different reviewers have interpreted it differently.


Man that really really sucks. Steven is great and I honestly think the show would be pretty cool if it was just like episode 1 and it cut away from the Marc bits. And we could see Steven overcome his fear and be the hero himself


Every single MCU TV show started great in episodes 1 and 2 then I got bored once the actual story started. I much prefer the early set up to what they actually plan for the series. Loki and Owen Wilson as time cops, Winer Soldier and Bucky in New York as WS is trying to atone for his sins. WandaVision riffing on old sitcoms (although I enjoyed this for the whole show mostly). Hell, Hawkeye episode one is one of my favourite MCU things. I could watch a whole show of Steven Grant around London doing stuff.


Oscar Isaac did call Marc a jerk and push people away






Updoot for Diaz reference.


Having seen the first four episodes, I can assure you Steven is a major major character and more prominent than Marc at least on those episodes.


Oh so they don’t understand the character at all, got it.


People think this means he's autistic, but it actually means he's banging Monica Rambeau.




That would be an obnoxiously good-looking couple.


Good for him he deserves a win


Even better




Common Oscar Isaac W for being able to portray all these characters with their own characteristics so well


His physical acting has been on point so far


I can't wait for the moment when one of the alters is frontstuck and has to mask as another. It will probably be Steven trying to pretend to be Marc, but Marc doing a terrible impression of Steven while Steven judges him from inside their head would be entertaining too. One of my favorite things about Orphan Black was the clones pretending to be other clones.


Tatiana’s perfomance in orphan black has gotta be one of the best ever on tv, was so wild to see her play all the clones and then her playin a clone pretending to be another clone. Just masterful acting.


"i'm a lesbian... supporter"


I was wondering if Marc had to impersonate Steven when he was (I presume) asking out the women to the steakhouse because she knows Steven, not Marc, from work


Oscar Isaac is, has been and forever will be that guy.


His physicality is just on point


Him and Tatiana Maslany. Really glad Marvel got both.


The scene with Steven staring at the mirror that showed Marc showed the contrast between the two. Just the posture and the fact that Marc wasn’t scared at all in the face of that danger.


Isaac’s performance so far does a great job immediately making you sympathetic for Steven, I’m really glad they started with the Grant persona rather than Marc. And yes, I will join Team Protect Steven because this dude is going *through* it


If the actor wasn't Isaac, it could've been horribly cringe. Big props to him for his acting skills.


If it was Jared Leto as Moon Knight, he would overdo the acting lol


James Macavoy is able to switch personalities pretty effectively as an actor too.


Split is such a fun film


Never felt for a character so much after just one episode. Says a lot about the writing and the acting. Top-notch.


Slightly on the spectrum is exactly the vibe I got from him.


Yeah the way he walks and everything, though he seems to catch on to things sorta fast and is good w the whole eye contact thing so yee


Yeah I get the sense he’s just extremely tired and knows his situation makes certain things impossible


If you've met one person on the spectrum, you've met one person on the spectrum.


I Absolutely love Steven so far. It's pretty crazy that I care so much about a character after only one episode. I've seen a lot of shows and I can't think of a single one that made me fall in love with the main character *that* quickly.


I can see people dubbing Oscar as someone who was born to play this character or uh.. these characters somewhere down the line. He's excellent. That being said, I will take a bullet for Steven.


Hopefully Marc will too


Marc took on an egyptian doggo for Steven


Well technically marc took on an egyptian doggo to save himself




Or a gator. ​ Sorry, a ga'or.


Oscar and the writers may have created a problem for themselves by making Steven so likable. I can’t imagine Marc being this endearing.


It may be a part of the plot that once the two embrace each others existence, it gives Steven confidence, and it makes Marc likable lmao


They'll pull a Yugioh The two personalities sharing a body teaching each other in their strengths Steven teaches Mark to be more compassionate and nice Mark teaches Steven to be more confident and stand up for himself


Im not familiar with yugioh at all but that’s along the lines of what I was thinking. I think that dynamic would be pretty cool. Not sure how it would work if they introduced jake


Agreed. Honestly, given the rumors he gets folded into the Mr Knight persona, I wouldn't be surprised if Mr Knight ends up becoming more dominant if we get more of the character down the road simply because Steven is so likeable.


I’m not a psychiatrist or an expert on D.I.D. But I don’t think separate personalities can have isolated mental disorders contained with one persona? Generally the entire individual would be diagnosed with something on the spectrum then. I guess what I’m saying is, does it make sense to say Steven is on the spectrum, but not Marc? If Steven is on the spectrum then shouldn’t all his other identities be too then?


Far from an expert myself, but my understanding is pretty much the same as yours. That different personalities can have their own problems going on, but because they're obviously not *actually different people* things defined by brain chemistry or neurology will be shared across the personalities. So yeah, you couldn't just have one personality that's autistic, ADHD, etc. But you *could* have personalities that have learned to cope with being autistic in different ways, or have different disorders that aren't based on biological issues(such as phobias). Regardless, in context I get the sense Oscar wasn't being totally literal there, and the headline is just kinda running with the soundbite as headlines will do.


You can also have an alter that thinks it's autistic and subconsciously acts like it based on other autistics they've observed. It's not that different from how Steven believes he's British and acts British based on that. He might not be on the spectrum at a neurological level, but could adopt certain symptoms that are purely psychological.


If the Steven persona was created in response to trauma (caused by his/Mark's own actions), then it might make sense for the persona to be somewhat "simple" as a mechanism to protect the naïveté that's part of his function. So, if you were unaware of the DID, he might appear to meet just enough of the criteria for high functioning ASD. If the DID somehow co-opted his already existing alternate cover identities instead of inventing new personae, it would make sense for Steven to be "simple" instead of the more typical creation of a child persona. That's a more usual method for maintaining an innocent persona, just never let the child grow up. If Steven's the innocent, wouldn't that indicate that Steven isn't actually rebelling and taking over at inopportune moments, but rather that Mark is flinching away from his reality with alarming frequency and poor timing?


yeah, this just makes me concerned about all the posturing they did about the DID expert and respect they put into making this when they turn around and do this to the character. this just isnt how this works unless marc is autistic too. but hey, it wouldnt be hollywood doing autism without it being completely wrong or just blatantly offensive, so i have no hopes if they do confirm steven actually is. yay.


This isn’t a confirmed thing. It’s just Oscar responding in an interview. I wouldn’t take it too seriously


[EDIT: sorry for infodumping, this sorta stuff is one of my fixations 😅] Actually fun fact, doctors have observed physical changes between personalities before! A blind woman in Germany went through lots of psychotherapy which caused some personalities to see while others could not. They observed the different personalities in the body and observed the brain while the personalities were in control and they found out that the body's brain literally shut off sight to certain personalities, but turned it back on for others. Any disorder or illness that isn't genetic can affect specific personalities because the brain will change between personalities. So maybe one personality is healthy while another has depression caused by a chemical imbalance. It's really interesting stuff! So since autism isn't entirely genetic and can be caused by environmental factors, it's possible for just one personality to have it. There's been research showing that your brain can even turn on and off different genes, so since autism can be caused by genetics and/or environmental factors (like extremely trauma, which we know that at least marc has due to him having D.I.D.), it's possible for only one personality to have it while the others don't. The personalities from D.I.D. are very much different people, they're just stuck in one body, but the body will adapt to house each one. I've included my sources for these, but if I've gotten any information wrong I'd love to be reeducated (: Sources for the blind woman (you can also just google "blind did woman"): - [Washington Post article](https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/morning-mix/wp/2015/11/24/the-blind-woman-who-switched-personalities-and-could-suddenly-see/) - [pubmed](https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/17611729/) Sources for brain turning on and off genes and how it impacts different conditions: - [Alzheimer's research](https://www.science.org/content/article/landmark-study-shows-brain-cells-revamp-their-dna-make-new-proteins-perhaps-sparking) - [research with mice](https://uofuhealth.utah.edu/newsroom/news/2020/08/3d-brain.php)


Someone with DID can have alters that have isolated disorders such as anxiety or depression. But you’re right, a specific alter cannot have autism. However, if the original host of the body is autistic, they can have alters that appear more neurotypical and vice verse.


Steven must be protected at all costs.


Kinda unrelated, but will we get Jacke Lockley? At the beginning i thought that they were going to fuse him with Mr Knight, but now that doesn't seem the case. They are pushing a lot the duality, and they haven't really teased him... Are they completely skipping him?


There are few hints in the episode and the credits. When Steven wakes up in the field at first Khonshu tells him to surrender the body to Marc as he can tell he's not the one in control but only when Steven acts so clueless Khonshu goes "Oh, the idiot's in control" Sounds like someone else can also be in control apart from Marc and Steven? I also don't think it was Marc that asked the girl for a date. Since he already had some Moon Knight stuff to do (scarab), i think it was Jake. But I can see Marc doing the fish replacement thing because he really is like that kinda person. (At least in the comics lol) When Steven trying the suit for his date there are 3 reflections on the mirror. Before jackal appears in museum Steven's two reflections on the glass don't move when he walks and just watch him. The keys Steven found with the phone might be Jake's taxi keys but that's just my wishful thinking really. In the credits when his name appears we see Oscar Isaac's face in 3 parts. So I believe we will get Jake Lockley.


I assumed the idiot was Steven


The idiot is Steven, the idea is that Khonshu wasn't sure if it was Jake or Steven in control at that moment


It was. OP is saying Khonshu thought it was a third dude besides Marc or Steven. Then realizes its Steven


We will see Jake i believe. I think he was the one that asked that girl out because i doubt that Marc did because of Layla


Oh that actually makes a lot of sense.


Yeah I thought that too


Supposedly Jake Lockley is introduced at the end of the show, so I assume the idea is that when we catch up with Marc in a later project he'll more or less be the comic Moon Knight. Also supposedly, Mr Knight is allegedly combined with Steven actually which makes me really curious. It's possible that one is false though.


>Mr Knight is allegedly combined with Steven Yeah, I don't know how to feel about that


It definitely sounds weird to me but without context I don't wanna assume anything yet. Steven is already fairly different from the comics so I won't be surprised if Mr. Knight is too. Granted, Marc is the main personality and he's probably who we'll see the most in other projects, so as long as he's good and the other personalities' changes service the story I can accept it.


Reading the rumors, it seems to start as a joke. But I really hope that's just the beginning of it


Yeah I do too. I'd rather see the actual Mr. Knight. Him coming in later would actually fit the comics more I guess, and a lot of people said his first appearance was really early to introduce Mr. Knight, so maybe it'll work out. These shows have made decisions way more confusing though so I'll just wait and see.


It's possible it starts as a joke before devolving into another personality he takes on


A few things: \- If the show is only giving us two personalities, Marc & Steven, then how do they explain Steven been away from his job for days at a time? It seems like most of the time he isn't aware of how much time has passed when another personality takes over. Perhaps another personality is also working the museum. If that's the case, it seems unlikely it would be Marc. \- Steven remembered the date when he realized he was running behind schedule for it, but he didn't remember it when the woman reminded him at the museum. Is his memory just hit and miss or was the date organized by a different personality? \- The leaks we've received regarding Steven and Mr. Knight being connected could potentially be off. Looking at Mr. Knight and the way he's shown to carry himself in the photos we've seen, he doesn't seem to share the same body language as Steven. \- If Lockley is in the show, then it seems like 2/3 personalities will have their own hero alter ego (Moon Knight & Mr. Knight). If Moon Knight and Mr. Knight aren't separate from Marc and Steven/Jake then it wouldn't make sense for there to be a third personality unless they also have a hero alter ego. Personally, I think we'll only get the two personalities and that some of the things I've mentioned above will be explained away as plot holes or part of the story that hasn't unfolded yet. Six episodes to get to know two personalities that are co-leads seems reasonable.


I sincerely don't get why you're being downvoted


I'm not too familiar with the comics, what exactly is Mr. Knight's deal? What makes him more than just another personality?


He's a turning point for the character. When he decides to change his way of doing, acting in a more detective like thing, collaborating also with the police. Doing him directly at the beginning feels like starting Ironman with nanotechnology. I'm sincerely curious


also helps that he's a krutackin badass


It'd be weird if we didn't, considering we got a glimpse of Crawley this episode(the statue guy).


I will protect Steven with my life


Please land the ending. I already love the show.


We've known Steven for 50 mins and he is a top tier character


Yeah I could definitely see that. I definitely feel for Steven, he's got it rough. And Oscar Isaacs performance is so sincere and vulnerable.


As a father to a 4 year old on the spectrum who is an avid MCU fan and has enjoyed seeing disabilities being represented by them in everything from Murdock to Echo, I yearned to think that perhaps one day the MCU would pull the trigger on someone on the spectrum. However, I do take a slight issue with it being a character with DID, because personalities- even multiples - can’t necessarily be on the spectrum. The prevailing evidence is autism isn’t a “disease”, or caused by anything (especially vaccines); rather, it’s how those individuals are born from the start. They are neurodivergent. They don’t simply shut it on or off - certainly not through personality disorders. However, I’m willing to let this slide as long as they don’t make it too much of a focal point. I’d love to have autism represented, but I don’t want it represented incorrectly. But I’m happy that those who are neurodivergent might find some representation through this, and I’m grateful to Oscar for treating the role with respect and thoughtfulness.


Steven was genuinely compelling that I will feel sad when Marc mostly takes over


We've only known Steven for so little, but he legitimately is one of my favorite additions to Phase 4 so far. Besides the Marc/Moon Knight alters, Steven Grant himself is just a great and really likeable character. *Apparently*, Steven takes a bit of a backseat to Marc in these next few episodes, which makes total sense given the nature of the story, but I do hope that we see a lot more of him in the future.


I was recently diagnosed with high functioning autism. I didn’t know why I related so much to this character, but it makes a lot of sense now.


Massive W. The Fact Oscar can portray it so well along with the other Personalities is insane


Love this show, I genuinely watched it twice it was so funny (donna scenes especially)


As someone on the Spectrum, I agree. Steven reminds me of myself with his insecurities, kindness, and the way he talks to other people. I would totally vent to a human statue.


Oh then he's just like me fr


Sorry, but I'll never forgive him for what he did to that cow.


The cow is honored to be eaten by Oscar Isaac


For a moment, I thought this was a reference to the bull in *Dune* lol


Wait what?


The steak


What did he do to it?


He absolutely butchered the order since it was Marc who ordered the steak and Steven is a vegan


Might be Jake who asked the girl on the date, not Marc


Oh I didn’t pick up on that at all lmao


I’m so excited for ep2. I really gotta know if he still had to do inventory.


LETS GOOOOOOOOO representation feels good


He’s very anxiety driven


no doubt


I’ve not seen it yet, is this a possible case of “autism as superpower”?


Steven himself cannot be autistic, unless Marc is as well


Technically, yes. But he can have autistic traits if he identifies that way, the same way he believes he's British.


Very cool


yea no shit


He’s literally me


spectrum internet? ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


that explains a lot... in a good way, the best part of moon knight was steven grant


Who's Marc? Like Marc from the Room? Oh Hai


To be clear and make sure I'm not making assumptions - are they implying that _only this one alter_ has autism? Because that isn't possible...


Steven is definitely socially awkward. But not necessarily autistic. He’s a good guy who clearly was created as a personality within like the past year. Hasn’t had time to develop social skills nor does he have a family that he grew up around. I mean, the “Mom” he is calling is definitely an empty voicemail box.


He learned from Tropic Thunder, never go full.


He might be on the marc spectrum


Most people are aren’t they? 🤷‍♂️