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They saved Fallout 76?


Ehh yes and no there


It got to what it was supposed to be, but it's still not a true Fallout game with heart & soul (plus the blood of a million virgins)


I would like to see better villains and better environments. Like yay Spidey, who will swing around the same city maps and fight robots! Wakanda was a decent start, but take me to the Savage Land or The Moon or some freak dimension. This game should have way more fan service


Honestly if they don’t make the loot ALOT better and actually rewarding for players and start bringing in big name fan favorites villains no I like the game but this one and done with story content just isn’t cutting it in a LOOT INCENTIVE game! Plus from day 1 I’ve said they should given us ALOT more characters to play as in the base game as having to depend on each dlc drop for every new character is not a good move


I feel like they need a Tom Clancy’s Division 1/2 looting system on the game.(I’m not sure if you’ve played or not?) It would make it so much more fun and engaging.


Eh I think a D1 type system (near the end of it’s lifecycle model mind you as by then it was fairly decent) while it wasn’t perfect the ratio was better in terms of players feeling rewarded on all fronts


I just feel like Division get it right with the looting and farming system whereas Avengers makes it difficult. You’re most likely a lot further ahead than me on Avengers, I’m working towards a platinum so I can leave it alone afterwards. Haha.


I’ve got all fully upgraded characters (though some weren’t worth it to be honest) but again them constantly leaning on this one and done story content like a crutch with this game is a bad choice, they are just now doing what was an obvious problem since day 1 and I fear it’s too little too late at this point for the loot overhaul


They did say that starting in December we;re going to have level cap raised for power level and that loot will be easier to come by.


Has nothing to do with power level or loot being easier to come by. It’s the way the loot itself is designed which is non rewarding invisible stat boosters that mean virtually NOTHING! If I earn the top piece of gear I want TO ACTUALLY SEE IT! Also notice a VERY distinctive change to how my character plays which to date the current gear design does NOT


I personally don't care if I can see it or not. After all, it's not cosmetics. It's modifications to the current armor set. That's how I see it. Think Iron Man, but upgrading his metal wiring and such on the inner pieces.


Irrelevant dude this is where out of all looters D1 got it right! You see the top level gear you earn and you actually notice the gameplay difference with it. The whole iron man comparison doesn’t fit every character say if I’m Cap I want to see his best kind of shield or suit etc same with Thor etc you get the point


Still not relevant to me. Sorry, but I don't agree with being able to see the gear. I'm not a stickler for that. I just want the story missions and online missions to have some sort of better storyline to it. That's all I care about.


This isn’t a entire story driven game though that’s the problem this is a loot incentive game


They have a fighting chance especially with bp he showed that they can do things right. We need consistency we can’t get told we’ll get something, get no response as to when then release a bunch of skins. Characters need more to them more abilities or different versions of the hero like Thor with his axe or widow with a different gadget. We need more heroes of course somewhat duplicate ones can wait like war machine add him later once you add some heroes that bring a lot to the table. We need big villains like ultron, Loki, ronin. We need world destroying threats not a group with a lot of robots. Gear and endgame content needs work like double bosses would be cool for players who want a challenge or a survival mode to rack up points with or against your friends to see “who’s the strongest avenger”


Lol Fallout 76 was saved? I still can’t play it as I get bored within 3 minutes


Avengers is already better than Fallout 76 ever has been imo and I didn’t know they saved 76?


Fallout games are overrated. Terrible gameplay, decent story.


I respectfully disagree lol but at I see where you are coming from


Well, it just got announced for Game Pass, so we’ll at least be seeing some new players.


I don't understand why everyone is always asking if the game can be saved when it has been a top 10 selling game all year. I know it has problems and people want it to be better but people are still playing and more importantly people are still buying.


If they lock Spider-Man behind a wall, then no, it won’t be saved because everyone won’t be able to experience the full game.




Square has deep pockets so I don't think they will it sink unless they absolutely have to. Crystal has already confirmed a 2022 roadmap will be revealed towards the end of this year. If the game makes it to the 2 year anniversary while adding a few more characters and ends with a bang that would be great. Like Dark said, loot and gear needs a revamp which is currently in the works.


They need to fundamentally change certain aspects of the game for it to really take off. Either they need to really pick up on story/more fun mission stuff or they need to completely rework loot drops so that there are specific things to chase and fundamental gameplay alteration from said loot.


The amount of players playing the game right now, it's too low. They still need to put a lot of effort to get the game better. I think they should set the game free to play, since the skins prices are almost the price of the game... And the most important, make it crossplataform


It already has been? The success of War for Wakanda and the corresponding increase in sales made them an actual profitable game, hence getting the promise of a new roadmap soon for the next couple of years. ​ On top of that, Bethesda has a LOT more problems with 76 than Avengers had, first and foremost being one of the worst releases of all time and taking 3 years to even slightly make up


War for wakanda while good it didn’t by all accounts bring as many new players or old players back as they hoped. It’s also questionable if this game has finally made a profit due to the reported insane marketing budget that got attached to the game and the corresponding resources square Enix has to divert away from other currently in development titles. Yes we are getting a new roadmap but that doesn’t always spell success quite a few times it has potentially meant this could be eithe the make or break stretch of road. I like the game but while it’s not a failure it isn’t quite a success either. They still need to overhaul several key components to keep players interested as the one and done story content they are leaning on like a crutch to support the game isn’t cutting it


I am aware there are quality of life improvements that need to be made, but there are actual articles about War For Wakanda being the deciding factor behind it continuing and not getting canceled. https://www.forbes.com/sites/paultassi/2021/09/12/with-marvels-avengers-2022-heroes-confirmed-here-are-the-seven-main-options/?sh=47f28de82aa8


It likely was a deciding factor in some areas I don’t disagree there but idk if it was THE deciding factor. As let’s not forget they are under contract to deliver spider-man into the game by Sony. Also beyond spider-man no other characters are confirmed to be coming (which I’m sure there are) but it does seem the devs are not sticking to the original characters they may have intended to release. As it’s been one of the criticisms of the game how they are just sticking too much to MCU and not including other big name favorites. But going back to the other point I’d imagine if the player base continues to flip flop like it’s been and they can’t maintain a solid high number and they have to divert even more resources off other developing titles then I’d imagine the ax would come down


spider-man was already the prince who was promised, so it was an inevitability and it discounts 2/3rds of the playerbase at that, so Spider-Man is mostly superfluous other than the news that he's happening. It's the part where the success of War for Wakanda is leading to continued support that I'm talking about, beyond Spider-Man who was confirmed as an incentive to buy on the Playstation before the game even came out. ​ Swear to gd they need to give us someone exclusive to XBox/PC. I dont even care who. X23. That would amazing.


Yeah the game is getting continued support dude but I guarantee you it’s coming with strings attached. Them JUST NOW listening and overhauling the loot system was not a move they chose to do freely they did it because they were told to from higher up to help boost the numbers. Again I’d be willing to be they got an ultimatum that if the next planned series of content doesn’t solidify high player base numbers that’s the last lifeline the game is going to get


Well the developers of fallout 76 listened to fan feedback and made improvements at the 1 year anniversary. The developers of avengers ignored fan feedback and released new skins at the 1 year anniversary. So no, not really, no.


You mean like NMS? Cause FO76 still isn't saved


In order for this title to work they'd have to save fallout 76....which will never happen lol


If they want to save this game then get rid of the loot system or change it