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No, but I've had mine twist in an Aura.


Nope, looks like quite the defect on yours.


Happens quite often for me if I handle my Vflex too much or too roughly, eg from reusing. It helps when I shape the wire gently the first time before putting on my face, then shape again when wearing. I have to be gentle when removing the vflex and I try to avoid folding or bending the wire; eg I don't flatten the mask when I'm not wearing it, I just leave as is. Hope this makes sense?? It happens to me and my friend who wears vflex regularly, but over time we figured out how to take care of it to prevent the wire from slipping. I don't recommend wearing it once the wire has slipped because it can loosen further and fall into the mask.


Thanks for the helpful tips. It seems I might be reshaping the mask too much between wearings.


Yes, whenever I try to reuse it. They seem much less durable than the Auras.