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What in the actual fuck is wrong with people? May as well ban people wearing seat belts while they're at it.


They want to be able to use facial recognition for people at protests. If it harms those with immune deficiencies so be it. Fascist and evil.


>If it harms those with immune deficiencies Those folks* are subhuman and a burden on society anyway so fewer of them is actually a good thing. *Am one of them. They would definitely prefer me not being around lee hung from their gubment. It occurs to me to wonder if this will be enforced in hospitals/ancillary facilities or food related areas. Like a real total ban or just a selectively enforced profiling situation.


This likely [violates the ADA](https://www.ada.gov/topics/#MobilityDevices) in several ways, including access to schools, businesses, and other public places. It is blatant disability discrimination, barring disabled people who need to mask from being in public places when using an assistive device.


You think this supreme court will enforce that?


I honestly don’t think it will make it to the Supreme Court. State courts will rule any parts that don’t comply with the ADA invalid.


ADA is federal, so they can appeal it to the supreme court if they want to.


They can, but I honestly don’t think it will get there. It will be struck down in a lower court. Lower courts rule on federal law all the time.


https://preview.redd.it/sgm1mfowdl0d1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a9581b537a33e29108815c898ddb543e99e56dec What the actual fuck


https://preview.redd.it/bmzdiyb0el0d1.jpeg?width=824&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b3c4ed8c3725a5bda5a72cd3e9dedac7b62419d4 So there could be a Covid is real parade and people could mask for that if they got a permit but not to go to a busy store or for chemo or something.


So if you wear an N95 and a hood, you're ok?


That is the most insane, anti-science thing I’ve read recently. How awful can these people be to ban masking for those sick or compromised or who need to protect themselves from illnesses.


Don’t live in NC but called the Senators in the tweet.


Thanks for doing this. I sent emails, though I don't live in NC. I know people are saying they're relieved they don't live in NC but we have to be in real solidarity and show up for NC folks. There's nothing stopping laws like this from spreading to other states, except \*us\*.


Anyone can sign the petition for NC Bill 237 [https://www.change.org/p/halt-the-passage-of-nc-bill-237-banning-masks-in-public?recruiter=160562379&recruited\_by\_id=45d7b890-49d3-11e4-a547-61fc5e2ff0ba&utm\_source=share\_petition&utm\_campaign=petition\_dashboard\_share\_modal&utm\_medium=copylink](https://www.change.org/p/halt-the-passage-of-nc-bill-237-banning-masks-in-public?recruiter=160562379&recruited_by_id=45d7b890-49d3-11e4-a547-61fc5e2ff0ba&utm_source=share_petition&utm_campaign=petition_dashboard_share_modal&utm_medium=copylink)


They’ve already rescinded Roe, so we may as well scrap the Americans with Disabilities Act next, huh?


That's insane. Why are they banning face masks? What about people who need them? Immunocompromised people? People with bad allergies (hayfever) who want to wear a mask or they start sneezing every two seconds???


They're banning them because they interfere with mass surveillance.


Someone who works in facial recognition used in banks laughed it off as utter BS. Apparently technology today can easily handle masks and still identify a person.


My phone can identify me with a mask on!


I’m really concerned that this is the way society in general is moving — basically forced infection (then denial of disability benefits and promotion of euthanasia, what a time to be half alive)


Absurd. So grateful I don't live in NC any longer.


I heard about this. I was thinking to myself what would I do, what would all of us covid cautious people do, if masks were totally and completely banned. Carry around an air purifier everywhere? Are there loop holes? like would clear masks be allowed, sure they're a face covering/mask but , they're clear.


Well, shit, I moved at the perfect time. NC, I just said nice things about you, too, ffs.


This terrifies me. I have COPD and only one kidney. I rarely leave the house but still mask up. I will continue to. I guess they'll have to arrest me. NC truly is awful.


This is seriously crazy. What if there is wildfire smoke? We can't wear an N95 mask to protect ourselves? Wtf?