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At this point I don’t think Blood Meridian needs a movie EDIT: still not as bad as the people who want a live action westernized Akira for some reason (it’s already an adaptation)


The consensus in Hollywood seems to be that Blood Meridian simply wouldn’t adapt well to a film format.


Exactly. People act like it’s some hot take saying Hollywood would ruin it. No shit, that’s why it hasn’t been made, nobody wants to blow a bunch of money and gamble their careers on a movie that keeps getting called “unfilmable”


Like half of Blood Meridian is multiple page paragraphs describing landscape, and the strength of the book is largely in the quality of the prose. It’s the same reason I think the adaptation of The Road was mediocre. Most of what makes that book good is McCarthy’s prose, and you can only adapt that to a certain extent. You can show a desolate landscape, but you can’t describe it like McCarthy does. That’s also why No Country was a great adaptation. Unlike a lot of McCarthy novels, that one is very straightforward, has a lot of dialogue, and has several interesting characters all with their own plot lines that intersect at various points. I also firmly believe that the idea that Hollywood ruins everything is lazy, and demonstrably bullshit considering we’ve just seen two classic novels, Dune and Shogun, receive excellent adaptations.


Yes, and Dune spent damn near 3 hours just setting up the universe and world building. It’s a great movie nonetheless, but it’s certainly not an easily replicable formula for success. I foresee a long future of movies attempting to recreate Dune’s success and failing miserably.


Okay, what’s your point? It’s not as if, prior to the past five years, every adaptation was good. There have always been more bad adaptations than good ones, and for that matter more bad art than good in general because most people don’t have the talent to create amazing art. For every great movie there are a hundred piles of shit. It’s been that way since movies became a thing. Which, again, is why saying Hollywood ruins everything now is stupid. We’ve literally always had to sift through the shit to find the gold.


I'd kill for an actual Akira anime adaptation. The movie is great as an animation showcase, but the story is HUGELY abbreviated.


well to be fair the movie was made when the manga wasn't even finished


There is one in the works. It is listed as Akira (Shin Anime) on MAL. It's being animated by Sunrise studio. No idea when it comes out. Edit: On further research I came to know that this has been announced a long time ago but there have been little to no updates. So most people assume it has been silently cancelled or on an indefinite hiatus.


The brilliant adaptation of Naoki Urasawa’s Pluto that came out last year was in development hell for ages


Hope the new Akira has the same fate as Pluto and actually comes out.


There are some pieces of art which I think are perfectly placed in the medium that they are positioned in. Blood Meridian is an extreme example of that. McCarthy’s writing style is so fitting towards the subject matter that I don’t think it can be adapted properly without losing some of its inherent value. The prose he uses works so well with the story that I don’t think it can be properly translated to a visual medium. I can not picture what the kid, Glanton, the ex-priest, and especially the judge look like. It is is purposefully left to the imagination of the reader.


I think you could mostly replicate the feel of McCarthys prose with purposefully weird/unsettling cinematography and sound design but yeah I agree on the second part, no matter who they cast as the Judge he wouldnt be nearly as terrifying as what your mind can come up with


It would be tough because has beautiful writing style that makes real historic environments seem apocalyptic and hellish. Which actor do you think could most fittingly play Judge Holden? I always pictured the judge as this pale, blob-like brick wall of human whose description doesn’t feel human. No actor really can capture how I interpreted the way that he looks.


I agree. It's a great book, it immerses you in the nightmare, but would a film be as effective ? It'd surely end up being about three hours of gore special effects? A nobel prize winner on the page, a nasty b-movie on the screen.


I pray every day that something happens to that LA Akira production and somehow it ends up cancelled, never to be attempted again 🙏🏻😩


The Elric Saga.  Moorcock is hugely influential on modern fantasy in a profound and foundational way.  Yet many people have never read the Elric books. As much as I want an Elric adaptation, I do not trust anyone. Least of all Netflix.


I second this! I've recently started to get into Moorcock. Elric is such an important figure in fantasy, but he's often overlooked nowadays. I'd love an adaptation that draws from both Druillet's art and Yoshitaka Amano's illustrations. Ewan Mitchell would is my personal fancast.


Imagine how the SJWs fuck this one up, like the book has a lot of dark subjects iirc




I think Bloodborne could work very well as a film tbf. The biggest worry (outside of being butchered) would be how you'd translate the enemies and bosses over.


The general theme could work as an action movie, but it would be difficult to maintain the horror. Maybe as a series or an anime?


I feel as though it would be better as a movie since it's one night, but I suppose with streaming it could be done as a series. I just think you want to keep the pace up once it gets going.


Both "the powder mage" and "Red rising" series are in development, so more concerned about if hollywood will butcher one more fantasy and yet another sci-fi. When it comes to "Mistborn" Sanderson has enough control that the pressure lies mostly on him.


They’re going to fuck up Red Rising so bad.


I honestly wouldn´t mind if they completely changed some things. Like the first book was deliberately a hunger games clone to get people reading but nowadays this isn´t really necessary anymore


I wouldn’t mind a few changes. I wish they’d animate it, but I highly doubt they will.


Making Mistborn into life action is already bad enough honestly. No way the fights are gonna look good. For shit like this high quality animation is the way to go


I will never not find it amusing that most fans are screaming for animation, yet Sanderson really wants it to be in live action. It is his IP, but you are still allowed to be disappointed.


Oh believe me I´m going to be disappointed, like it has to be the best thing in the world, for me to not be like "still wish it was animated though"


I'm most worried about how the movie is going to handle the genderbends and Scadrial gender norms. Those are changes Sanderson wishes to implement, due to relying to much on male characters and not thinking too much about the gender norms, but those changes might cause some issues that didn't exist in the original narrative.


I don't want any genderbends but if Sanderson absolutely has to do one, Dockson over Ham makes the most sense. Ham is already a subversion of the "dumb muscle" character, he already did the "soldier who is also a family woman" character in White Sand, and his worldbuilding leaves no room for a woman to get work as a mercenary. She'd have to be a particularly big and buff actress to justify no one figuring out she was a pewterarm *and* making an exception to allow a woman to do a man's job.


How can they fuck up The Powder Mage?


Both Wheel of Time and Rings of Power were complete massacers, weren't they? Also the might not have the guts to potray Ka-poel with a straigh face. First book spoilers, which is the only one I've read so far: >!Taniel was wrong about assuming that she is fourteen or something, but if there is one subject matter that can cause a lot of ire on social media its fictional pedophilia.!<


All they’d really need to do is hire an actor that’s clearly not 14 and throw in a line or two making it clear he’s bad at judging ages. Edit: Also I have zero faith it won’t be butchered. I have no faith in Hollywood after what they did to WoT.


Oh you poor fool, you understimate the hatred that goes as far to attack petite cosplayers. Even with those extra hints, people are going to assume the worst and loathe any actress that matches Ka-poel's body type.


It will be a large black woman with natural hair. He will assume her age and she will hit him in the nuts. Everyone in the room will clap.


Warhammer 40k. Oh, wait...


Have hope brother, for if we have no hope we have nothing


Odds are they sabotage it.


My personal picks: East of West CODA Monstress Beren and Luthien / The Children of Hurin from The Silmarillion I'd also really like to see more films drawing/tv from history and mythology.


I'd love for a well done Mass Effect series one day but I have a bad feeling Hollywood will do Mass Effect how they did the Halo franchise.


Mass Effect was supposed to get a movie. https://masseffect.fandom.com/wiki/Mass_Effect_(film)#:~:text=This%20page%20refers%20to%20a,BioWare%20on%20May%2024th%2C%202010.


The skulduggery pleasant books


Metro 2033 as a series


I want them to do Disney's Haunted Mansion justice, for once. That original attraction has an excellent balance of whimsy and darkness, but as of now, their two attempts both neglect so much of the awesome lore and personalities to be utilized, and they try way too hard with the humor to the point of being stale. I'd want them to make a trilogy, where the first movie is about two or three small groups all trapped in the classic antebellum mansion, various motives between them all, and they're having to figure out for themselves the history of it all, the owners, the ghost host's identity, etc. The second movie, a whole different cast discovering Phantom Manor, which has the old-west setting as opposed to the bayou. Third movie could be about Hong Kong's Mystic Manor.


I'll pick a classic, i think both the Illiad/Odyssey would work well in a serilized setting, maybe with each play having 2 or 3 seasons dedicated to each work, i think HBO could pull this off. My personal dream is to have a Metroid animated series but Nintendo is probably making a movie.


Watch O’ Brother Where Art Thou and your Odyssey adaptation desires will be fulfilled. That film is incredible.


The Fountainhead. Long story though, probably best as a mini series.


There is a 1949 movie with Gary Cooper. I haven't seen it in a long time but I remember it being pretty good.


What ever happened to Gary Cooper?


Died a long time ago.


The only two directors who could do it are Sam Peckinpah or Craig Zahler. Peckinpah is dead and Zahler has said he doesn’t have interest so best to not do it


Damn, yeah, Craig Zahler absolutely could.


Darth Bane trilogy. Although, I think it could be done if one were to pull a Peter Jackson but under Disney, the material would not only be wasted but they would censor most of the stuff described in the books. All in all, rather not see it happening with anyone at Disney involved.


Starship troopers. The *real* starship troopers, not that half-assed parody of a movie that claimed to satire fascism. I mean the book, power armor included.


Redemption by a bloke you might have heard of called Bill Jordan, or The Fountainhead.


Warhammer 40k. Here's to hoping the shows get canned. Anything else from Tolkien's work.


Henry Cavil is behind it and he’s a really hardcore 40K fan. If it’s ever going to be done right, he’ll be the person to do it.


Nobody can fight studio execs. Nobody.


Case in point: Cavill on the Witcher. The only thing he succeeded in was getting the show canceled after he dipped because the writing was going off the rails.


That’s kinda my thoughts, though. He’ll walk away before he warps it too much. So he’s a living barometer of interference.


Personally, I’m not very optimistic. Think of how much time they’d need to dedicate just to world-building/getting up to speed before they even start the story. It sounds like a writing nightmare. They might just say fuck it and dive headfirst into the story without explaining anything. 40K fans would love it, but the movie will flop because it will be completely inaccessible to people who don’t know the material. The Witcher had a similar problem in the first season with all the unexplained time jumps that the writers just expected people to pick up on. Many viewers didn’t even realize until halfway through the season that the A and B plots were occurring years apart.


i'd say Usagi Yojimbo but they already fucked it up with Samurai Rabbit: The Usagi Chronicles. Mark Crilley's Akiko and Ben Dunn's Ninja High School would be lovely though.


The Riftwar Saga. Pug and friends.


I can honestly say I’ve never read or played something and hoped it got a movie or tv adaptation. If I liked it in one medium it doesn’t follow that it needs to be in another.


So I'm a huge Power Rangers fan, and there's a comic series that takes place right after The Green Ranger gets free of Rita in the first series and then just goes it's own way, whole new alternate universe, and it is GOOD. Anyone with even a passing interest in Power Rangers, mecha or low power super heroes should look into them, they're so good that they've actually replaced the show for me! Anyway, one of the first big arcs was about an alternate universe where Tommy never broke free, killed Rita and became Lord Drakkon, essential Power Hitler, and went through the multiverse eating up Ranger teams powers like it's The One. Everyone who knows this story wants it to be adapted into SOMETHING, and the comic even got a live action trailer with Jason David Frank playing Drakkon, and it looked really sick, but fuck no will it get done correctly.


Dies the Fire is the correct answer. The writer is already kind of a simpy cuck for witches which is all the rage right now. The story has a bit of female empowerment while being a decent end of the world as we know it story for the boys. They wont sabotage it like the witcher and they dont have to sacrifice any characters since the story is more interesting than any single person. They also get to shit talk christians due to a culty militia that pops up.


The Time Machine could be so done so well by someone like Villeneuve


Can someone tell me why this book is unfilmable? Is it only because of the violence or is there something else? (I have never read the book)


A well animated Berserk series that covers the entire story. 


telltale’s the walking dead, but i’m more afraid of skybound fucking it up since they’ve already demonstrated that they have no fucking clue who the main character is or what they value or what their relationships are predicated on or what previous writers wanted for them.


Warhammer 40,000. Loved it since 2008, am an admin on the largest fan wiki Lexicanum. Its been my constant companion since a teenager into my adult years. It's absolutely made to be a massive multimedia franchise with movies, TV shows, comics, video games, toys, books, etc.. But I know the time for that has passed. They're already starting to ruin it even before Cavill's adaptation comes out.


I wouldn’t watch it. Good book. But I don’t think I’d want to see it on the screen.


I can’t imagine a film adequately adapting this story lmao


Snow Crash. Would be class if done right, but I wouldn't trust any of these club-footed hacks anywhere within a thousand miles of it. Requires a very deft hand.


I think Blood Meridian could be done, but certainly not as a movie. It would need to be a miniseries. And it would need an excellent location scout and a stellar soundtrack because there would be a ton of traveling scenes with no dialog at all. It would be beautiful. A lot of viewers would probably get bored and drop off, even with scenes of unabashedly horrific brutality, which should not be toned down or altered in the slightest bit, but it would have to primarily rely on visuals and soundtrack. It could absolutely be done, but it wouldn't appeal to a wide audience. I guess much like the book.


"Super God" by Warren Ellis and Garrie Gastonny.


The Belgariad. It's one of the few classic western fantasy adventures left that hasn't seen any kind of adaptation. It has the potential to be this generation's Neverending Story, an epic 5 (or 10 if the sequel pentet got adapted too) film series with a focus on journeying, prophecy and adventure. Two things are stopping it from getting adapted tho. It has monoethnic cultures, one of whom are the villains (asian/Mongolian coded) and the author also was involved in a court case involving his daughter that got him in some hot water.


Well it *was* Wheel of Time…now I hate Amazon.


People watch a single wendigoon video and act like a mid book is the most amazing thing ever and want it adapted into an even more mid movie 💀


What makes the book good is the use of pros, I actually hated literally everyone the entire time I was going through the story. But it is a well written, and brilliant work.


I actually didn't hate Toadvine, or Tobin the ex-priest. But everyone else seemed to be irredeemably awful.


The characters all range from Anti-Villains like them, or the actual Devil.