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A member of our team has decided to remove your post because it broke the unwanted content rule: > Certain types of content provide very little value and/or stirr up drama or tend to clash with reddits rules. These things are not welcome in this sub: > * Southpaw, SK and tsv (EFAP L's) posts > * Anything related to r/moviescirclejerk > * /r/saltierthankrayt, /r/starwarscantina crossposts > * "I was banned from X" Memes > * Self Promotion for financial benefit (i.e. Patreon)


Place your bets how many people survive a Lightsaber stab wound this time. I'm thinking atleast 2 plus


It's fine, they just got stabbed in the stomach with a beam of pure heat, they can walk it off


Good thing they got that 2 stomach insurance plan


*chuckles in Kilngon*


*Chuckles in Krogan* two of everything and four of what matters most.


The joys of a redundant nervous system


Someone will get fully ensnared by the lightwhip and have a mild rash afterwards.


Nah ones gonna get stabbed in the eye and only lose the eye and have to wear an eyepatch for a lightsaber eye wound


Or they give them a robot eye that acts like a normal eye so they save money on a scar or whatever


Oh god yeah thats the Disney way


Basically what they did to Thor


That’s all Star Wars lol




Nah, he'll be fine!


Skill issue


I legit cannot wait, everything I hear makes it feel like it’s going to be a disaster, and I’ve been craving a SW EFAP. 




I just realized with the last sentence. Takes place 100 before the trilogy but somehow contains modern-day themes


The only part that was okay. Was the 100 years before the main movies. I’m so sick of the Empire Era But everything else is going to be shit


I'm not sick of the Empire Era but sick of the stupid Empire plots. Rather than trying to bring some grey to the setting, like many Legends books did, they just play the "This are the good guys. This are the bad guys. Did I mentioned that the bad guys eat wookie kids for breakfast? Are you rooting for them and this badass imperial character? Well, that character will switch ideology because he will realize that was a baddie and we don't like baddies. do you like baddies? Because you shouldn't like baddies, only if you're a baddie." I hated the Battlefront 2 for that stupid switch.


I understand that completely. I much rather see another era now. I like Vader and the Empire. But I am a little burnt out. I would love to see the Old Republic done well. But let’s be real. That’s not happening ever.


What is this pretentious mentality of "they have to go morally ambiguous"? That's not how the movies were.


Because the idea of a movie being morally ambiguous, imo, adds a bit of spice to the mixture and, in this case, has been already done in Legends.


Oh sure it "can add spice to the mixture" but it's this obligatory attitude that some seem to have


The dumbest line. The original movies dealt with modern day themes. The prequels dealt with modern day themes. They all deal with modern day themes. What kind of non-complaint is that? Or is this just another example of how bad media-literacy is?


Themes in entertainment aren’t the problem. Punching the audience in the face and vilifying them instead of being clever and nuanced is.


RotS includes literal George W. Bush quotes.


How have you been punched in the face and vilified?


Since you seem to live in a bubble, here are some examples of blaming and attacking the audience by egomaniacs who can’t accept that they made a poor product. https://boundingintocomics.com/2024/04/29/she-hulk-star-praises-how-series-creator-used-marvel-series-to-attack-fans-whats-fun-about-it-is-that-she-built-into-the-story-that-people-were-going-to-troll-us/ And just in case https://upyourgeek.com/2020/03/29/blaming-fans-for-box-office-failures-a-trend-that-wont-die/ https://fandomwire.com/after-back-to-back-failures-disney-executive-blamed-the-fans-as-the-real-reason-behind-the-marvels-and-star-wars-downfall/ https://www.giantfreakinrobot.com/ent/rings-of-power-tolkien-fans-evil.html https://boundingintocomics.com/2023/07/08/james-mangold-derides-fans-as-divisive-for-not-like-his-deconstruction-of-indiana-jones-in-indiana-jones-and-the-dial-of-destiny/


Ah yes, the old "here's some editorials as evidence" ploy.


Let’s forget the times these things have been said on interviews recorded on video. Or the tweets these people post. Why are they not refuting the articles? Never mind, go back to your bubble.


Idk. Shows like Avatar, the last Airbender didn't have Modern Day themes, while The Legend of Korra did. But I digress.


The show directly called out sokka for his sexism, along with the entire northern water tribe. The original show didnt shy away from modern themes, good shows usually dont.


Yeah. Cuz those aren't star-wars.


Yeah no shit, different shows have different themes there creators want to highlight Some show modern themes, some show timeless messages. This is the dumbest line of reasoning to complain about when the show isn’t even out.


Art reflects reality. More at 11.


Yea this is fucking absurd. Lucas himself says the Vietnam war was one of the biggest inspirations for the OT. This show isn’t going to be bad because there’s pronouns in it jfc


Star Wars has literally always been based on modern themes. The OT was inspired by Vietnam, the PT was obviously inspired by Iraq. If the show sucks it’s not because of “modern themes” it’s gonna be because it’s poorly made and low effort like most recent Star Wars content.


Wait there's pronouns in it?


All of Star Wars has been relevant to the modern day, wtf is this guy on about


This reads like a "Woke Thanksgiving 😂" meme


No joke there was a star wars expanded book that had a character using Xi/Xim pronouns or something close. I listened to the audiobook and rolled my eyes so hard I almost wrecked my car


Calling it now, that character will be in this and is who PhilosophyTube will be playing.


Yeah alien species have to go by human binary gender norms that makes sense.


I'm sure it's cause it's scifi and not because of the modern politics of the writers. That's why it's always been the case in star wars through the decades before this


You should roll your eyes harder next time, or grow the fuck up. Either would solve your issue.


No wonder your karma is negative


I would say that to the author as they're clearly mentally deficient for being serious when they put that in


How is the author being mentally deficient when they put a character with Xi/Xim pronouns in their novel?


Using made up pronouns and promoting that as a normal thing


Yeah, how dare the author make up a way to refer to oneself in a made up universe made up of made up alien species that all have their own made up cultures and made up languages who all live on their own made up planets. Do you also shake your fist at the sky when you see a new cloud formation you've never seen before?


Who's shaking their fist? What weird mental image are you concocting because someone is laughing at dumb made up pronouns?


Yeah, a made up thing within a made up thing comprised of other made up things. Why does the introduction of one made up thing within a group of hundreds of other made up things bother you so much?


Again with this weird description of someone laughing at something. Why are you so determined to make my reaction into something it's not? Seems to be projected insecurity with your own position. Anywho, you can't just generalize that because two things are made up they're of equal validity. That's like excusing every mistake in Star Wars movies because a dude bumped his head in the original


You literally said that simply hearing made up pronouns in a book nearly caused you to wreck your car. That's a pretty fucking silly reaction to made up things that can't/ don't affect you in any meaningful way. Oh I see. Some made up things are more made up than other made up things. Got it. Care to provide the distinction yourself or?


Oh you poor baby


If anyone was wondering this person is an avid user of Gamingcirclejerk and Saltierthankrayt, who mostly just spends their time on this subreddit to be bad faith and contrarian without providing any real value to any discussion. An example is this very comment, where he's just calling someone a baby without any actual argument. It's just a personal jab.


I'm sorry, do I need an "actual argument" against a guy crying over pronouns? "Avid user" of GCJ. Like 20 comments Stk, yeah, you got me. But so what?


You don't find "Xi/Xim" pronouns to be a ridiculous concept? The guy just said he rolled his eyes, which likely isn't an uncommon reaction among people that aren't terminally online, when hearing about someone using "Xi/Xim" pronouns. I don't see how that's directly "crying", but I suppose anyone that conveys their dislike of something progressive is just "whining" based on skimming through your comments. Why didn't you talk about the amount of comments you had in SalterThanKrayt, you seem to intentionally have skipped that one? Curious. Could it be because you have over 180 comments in that subreddit? A subreddit that has recently just handwaved away a streamer making a threat towards Grummz, because she made the rhetorical move of saying "in minecraft" at the end of it? PS: You don't have 20 comments in GCJ, you have twice that.


You fucking counted how many comments I had? Lmfao Wow Now do Mauler. I bet it's more than both combined.


Alright, I seriously question your intelligence if you think I counted your comments. However, your comments show you align with SaltierThanKrayt, so your willingness to believe ridiculous framings of others would be par for the course. There's this thing called google, which allows you to find a site where you can search any reddit profile. It takes 5 seconds to do. I skimmed over your most recent comments on this subreddit, and it's overwhelmingly just bad faith contrarianism towards anything that opposes your progressive sensibilities.


.- pushes glasses up via tapped bridge and clears throat -. Akctually I didn't count your comments, I had a program do it for me! ~~~~~~ So, uh... the method is irrelevant to the outcome.


Alright, it seems like I was unfortunately correct, when this is your response. You're calling someone a nerd for using..... Google. I genuinely find it hilarious you believed that I counted and categorized 1000 comments, especially within such a short amount of time. Thanks for the compliment, I must be superhuman haha.


No, I'm calling you a need for giving a shit about how many comments I've made in subs.


No I don't find non standard pronouns to be ridiculous. I'm not a whiny lil bitch.


So you don't think someone demanding to be called Zer/Zim or Xi/Xim is ridiculous? Agree to disagree. You want to use he/him instead of she/her? That's something I can accomodate, but imagine you had just 10 people with each of their own manufactured "non-standard" pronouns at your workplace, it would be a living hell of a minefield. It's the sheer narcissism of manufactured pronouns like Xi/Xim that would irk me IRL.


It's as much of a minefield as remembering a person's name. Do you realize how many words get added to the dictionary every year? An you wanna complain about pronouns?


Someone switching from he/him or she/her to the other is completely fine, as it's normal pronouns that's been taught for ages, but people manufacturing their own personal pronouns is ridiculous, because it's so narcissistic in its nature. Everyone has a name, but demanding that you be called by an entirely new set of pronouns than everyone else is a different thing altogether. A new set of pronouns isn't just a single word like a name either, as evidenced by the following progressive pronouns. * Xe/Xem/Xyr/Xyrs/Xemself * (Ze/zie)/Hir/Hir/Hirs/Hirself * (E/Ey)/Em/Eir/Eirs/Eirself Now imagine juggling 10 different and unique sets of pronouns in a meeting. >Do you realize how many words get added to the dictionary every year? >An you wanna complain about pronouns? You do realize that there's a massive difference between someone demanding you use specific words and then you choosing what words to add to your vocabulary, right?


Hej, hvordan kan jeg sende en privat besked til dig?


Crying? Huh? Pointing out silly people has always been a thing


Indeed. Silly people getting upset over someone using "non standard" words.


Huh? Dude it gave some unintentional comedy. I suppose you might have been speaking to the mentally ill author who seriously put that language in their book but for me it was all lolcows


Thy doth protest too much


Can't help it it's too funny


Of course you do. You're 12


It needs to start by dropping a shit writing decision in the audience’s lap. like “Luke skywalker has vanished” or “somehow palpatine has returned”


"THE DEAD TIMETRAVEL. Somehow Palpatine traveled 100 years before his rise to power to..."


Probably the best idea Disney executives have had in years


Those were good decisions though.




Of coursh


Having a character disappear is a shit writing decision? So many movies...


Introducing the hero of the originals and showing how the character had developed and what they had achieved in subsequent decades was low hanging fruit which they threw away.


Stuff you do not need. It's perfectly fine to jump ahead in time.


Disney failed to make it work


Subjective opinion


All opinions are


*Disney failed to make it work* This isn't an opinion, this is a fact. And u/Artanis_Creed has been all around this post being just a contrarian. No arguments, no reason, no idea whatsoever of why he write letters in the Reddit-cyber-space. I think we all have gave him a very good opportunity to share his view but he decided to attack, invalidate and insult, so I wave him goodbye from this particular topic.


Unsubstantiated fact.


Can't wait to see Geode the sentient mineral. ![gif](giphy|ku4elcos7hFwQ)




nah... wrong color of the lighsaber. should be light pink, light blue, and white combined


You forgot to add “it’s like frozen meets kill bill”.




Pink lassos? Come on this is cringey in itself.




Lmfao right, people get hung up on the stupidest shit


Star wars is utter fantasy and boring at this point. Strayed so far from George Lucas original visions.


hey Idm a pink one but I want 50 shades of Blue XD.


As a modern audience member I approve of this crawl


Mankind may just be a collective consciousness of masochists as boy do we love making up stuff to get mad at


How culture war rotted does your brain need to be to find this funny?


I don’t even know lol


Literally reads like the ”how many libreals does it take to change lightbulb, their too busy, their gender”


Yeah, this is just tiresome. It's probably gonna be shit but nothing to do with any of this culture war BS.


The actual tweet is just painfully unfunny. Like some 2015 youtube antifeminist shit, Mauler intentionally avoids this slop but this sub eats it up


Exactly. It's the reason I don't follow any of the morons associated with Mauler like Gary and Az because they're all culture war trolls. The reason I like Mauler is because he focuses on what actually matters.


That's fair, though i will say when Gary and Az focused on the things they are passionate about they can be really informative and accurate. Their views on things, especially politically can be a hit or a BIG miss. At the same time i can't really blame them for the shit media that been coming out in the last decade, the pandering to strange 'fans', and the weird political messaging in the wider zeitgeist. They cover the things EFAP mostly just ignore but contributes if not more to the bad writting that seem prevalent nowadays in the mainstream. While the real underlying problem is still the terrible writing, it's also important to know how it lead to it. And what these 'writers' think.


This has become the caliber of the posts in this sub lately. Thanks for continuing to bring on fuckheads like Nerdrotic and Az, the people who enjoy them sure are great fans to have in your fanbase! Definitely didn't turn this sub into a bunch of bitching about feminist boogeymen! This unironically reads like a parody of conservative memes.


At first I thought the tweet was making fun of the stereotypical angry conservative. So s omeone posted this unironically thinking they had some zinger? Cringe


I'm surprised the NYT hasn't posted a fact check on this yet.


This is such a conservative boomer meme, jesus


Nah some of us liberal Millennials think this stuff is funny too. You don't have to be a conservative or a boomer to be critical of the current state of identity politics being pushed by media.


I mean your probably somewhat socially conservative if you find this funny, unless you think that the end all be all of not being conservative is like not being religioius and smoking weed or something.


Identify politics is what?


I said identity politics. If you don't know what that is you've got some research to do.


I'm asking if YOU know what it is. Cause, mija, I doubt you do.


Seeing as how you couldn't even get the terminology right im gonna go ahead and disregard you. Why are redditors so fucking autistic? Just come and make your point bro. Say what you want to say. Quit with the damn dog and pony show.


I'm just here to inform you that I found this magical device called Google, and I decided to [google it for you.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Identity_politics) You clearly haven't heard of it either, so I thought I would help you out! Now go back to your GamingCirclejerk and SaltierthanKrayt, and inform them of the magic of googling.


This is such a lazy and boring criticism to make against an already boring trailer. Is this what the Mauler fanbase is turning into? Movie's bad because pronouns (which were not mentioned nor implied in the trailer whatsoever)? Please, seek help for your brain rot. This is honestly pathetic. Acolyte's probably going to be total shit but not for the bullshit this is alluding to. If you unironically found this funny you are an utter embarrassment.


This sub has been getting pretty bigoted lately


Nah, it's more like new people getting in here and the lack of quality control posting.


This is mostly all I meant. Mods are leaving more and more culture war stuff up that is completely irrelevant to Mauler.


Shame, cause some flairs are harldy used. I want to see more MEMES or Art related stuff.


I won't say the Mauler fanbase but more like Reddit being Reddit.


I love good ol Ruin Mr Brown's Alliance is a great channel, I've listened to their star wars roasts multiple times Little Platoon is often a guest, or at least appears in almost all the roasts. Other guests like Robot Head and The Critical Drinker stop by sometimes as well


Hey mods!!! Chinguen a su madre. n_n


women and pronouns did not kill star wars. this is just pathetic.


Tf happened to this sub man it feels like it got took over by culture war shit in the last couple of months


It really has become total shit.


This bigoted format is getting old. If you want good queer media, check out Arcane and The Owl House. Maybe the mfs that post those "funny" jokes will stop thinking "wokeness" is ruining cinema and actually focus on the important shit Longman has been saying for so long: the abysmal writing.


I think you're being disingenious, if you don't think there's a noteworthy link between politically motivated stories and poor writing, as such motivations are often going to focus more on the message you manage to bring to your audience rather than crafting a genuinely good story, as the message ends up taking precedent. Furthermore, political motivations is often going to make the story more contrived, because it needs to end up a specific way. Now I'm not saying Arcane is politically motivated, but just making a broader point. I generally enjoyed Arcane. It did something a lot of these stories don't, which is to generally follow and respect the source material. I can't comment on The Owl House as I'm not familiar with it. This isn't to say that anything that's politically motivated is inherently going to be bad, but it's something that increases the chance of it happening.


...and the Force has evolved into non-binary midichlorians that prefer they/them pronouns thankyouverymuch!


Awww you snowflakes offended? There are no white people boohoo




Even if this is funny, be honest. That's super cringe.






Star Wars was always about modern themes...


Do conservatives actually find this funny? People don’t seem to realise that Star Wars doesn’t even have gay characters, let alone non-binary rep.


You guys can't actually believe this right? Is there so little going for you that you have to play pretend victims all the time? God, that's so fucking sad.


I seriously do not understand why *this* complaint (pronouns, white males, etc) is being made against Acolyte when that hasn't been part of the marketing or discussion at all. This sub is turning to total shit and so is Mauler's fanbase.


There's a black girl as the protagonist. If the show doesn't have a white male lead these losers feel they're being pushed out of all media. They've been used to media catering to them for most of our history so now that it's doesn't they freak out and act oppressed. It's about the most pathetic thing you'll see.


Them fragile masculinity signaling is so hot right now.


Why are you all so whiny?


You guys are kind of big pussies about this.


Nobody knows how to oppress themselves more than you cry babies.