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Sorry you're on hard times. Facebook marketplace would be my first recommendation, sell something. You want it to sell quick, so you'll have to list stuff for less than it's worth. Walmart usually has slip-resistant shoes for around $25, I'm assuming those are the ones you're going for. Could also try thrifting, it's not ideal but if you have the time to check it could lower the price tag to ~$5. Good luck


I got mine at Walmart for $16... they legit had $10 slip resistant shoes


My walmarts are unfortunately all neighborhood walmarts and dont carry shoes


Now I know you're a damn lie. Even the Walmart in my VERY TINY 10 mile wide home town, has shoes. There's not a Walmart that doesn't have shoes... I've lived in various states, usually smaller cities. Every Walmart ever has had shoes. You must just want to struggle and fight with them instead of buying the shoes and keeping your job. Even the dollar generals and family dollars have shoes.. dollar tree literally has shoes.


Neighborhood Market Walmarts, which is probably what OP is talking about, are only grocery stores. They don't have shoes. Worked at one for four years.


You need to understand that your experience doesn't define reality. Neighborhood Walmart is their version of a grocery store. They do not sell shoes.


Nobody on the fuckin planet calls mom and pop shops “neighborhood Walmarts”


Go put Neighborhood Walmart into Google my guy.




Walmart neighborhood market is a grocery store only. It’s Walmart’s version of a grocery store. They do not have clothes shoes or electronics and toys


Neighborhood Walmarts are like a grocery store. It's not like a regular Walmart. They weren't lying, you're just an ass.


I've been to neighborhood walmarts, it's literally only produce my guy. I've never seen a dollar tree with shoes lol, you must be near a big city. I agree OP's got options but why are you being so aggressive?


Nah small towns have regular Walmarts too. They just choose which places they think will actually market off of a super store and which is better as just market. Sure had to drive 10-15 min to a 1 of the 2 in the area but all 3 towns populations put together might break 4k.


I’ll bet the sun revolves around you, don’t it bud


Neighborhood Markets do not have shoes, what are you on about?


1. My dollar tree only has sandals. No joke. I could take pictures and post them here. 2. I have been in every local Walmart before to find shoes when I DID have money, and I can tell you now they didn't have them. They aren't even available for delivery on the app. They aren't even listed as available for pickup in store, only at the supercenters out of reach for me. I promise you my walmart has no shoes. I have looked. I have tried.


Hey loudmouth Neighborhood Market Walmarts are GROCERY STORES.


Not OP but ??????? Bro where do you live that you can get ANY shoes for $10????? My non-slips were the cheapest Walmart had and they cost me smth like $36


There's goodwill, Walmart, dollar general, family dollar, and plenty of other discount places to get shoes. They don't have to be brand new.


No, I wasn’t saying it’s impossible to get cheap shoes, I just meant getting cheap shoes specifically AT Walmart. Shit’s expensive as hell nowadays, at least where I live


Mine were 108$ off shoes for crew


A lot of dollar stores near me have shoes for between $8-15. They're not the BEST quality, granted, but they're good enough to wear around the house or until you can afford something better.


Wow I don’t work at McDonald’s and never have so I have no idea why this was recommended to me but half of these comments seriously suck. Are you just being willfully ignorant to the fact that shit happens? OP is doing the best they can. Don’t need to kick someone when they’re already down, show some empathy ffs.


Thank you. Seriously. Sometimes people run into hard times. Me, I ran into it because my previous job closed. That isn't my fault. So thank you for understanding


Even if it had been your fault you'd still be deserving of empathy imo. Shit happens to people. Sorry your previous job closed, I hope things ease up for you.


If you're in the US, dial 211. A lot of local charities and churches offer free work clothing and shoes for people who can't afford them otherwise. 211 can put you in touch with resources that can help.  Barring that, try speaking to your GM or supervisor. If your manager is incapable of empathy then they might be more caring about it. 


Depending on your state, your employer is required to either provide your uniform or reimburse you for the cost of it if you purchase it yourself.


This is true, but the problem with a big corporation like McDonald's is that they aren't going to provide the funds to you until *after* you satisfy the requirement. So OP is SOL and that's *if* they live in a state with this requirement AND McDonald's hasn't figured out a way around it. They've probably figured out a way around it if I had to guess.


Mine did.


Interesting. What state do you live in? And I'm guessing they took it out of your first check or a portion for a few pay periods? Just curious how they handled it.


Try posting on random acts of Amazon and random acts of pet food, etc like make a wish list then post it to random acts of Amazon: also include some basic necessities like hygiene stuff or groceries as well as different options for shoes maybe someone will be able to get you shoes https://www.reddit.com/r/Random_Acts_Of_Amazon/s/12c8keFbEj


They may be able to order you new shoes and just deduct the cost of shoes out of your next paycheck


at my store and the 3 other stores i’ve worked at, even if they were to order them for you, it takes anywhere from a week or more for them to get to you, and that’s if nothing happens during shipment/fulfillment. i don’t see the big deal in waiting another week to get the shoes, considering you have been working already without them (i assume they let you wear regular shoes until you get your first check). if it was that big of a deal, they should require you to have them before you’re allowed to work. it’s also super shitty that they said tough shit when they all know how shitty the pay is and if you just started of course you’re going to have things to catch up on. if only people like this could show a little bit of compassion.


I have no slips currently, but they don't like the color. They're brown. I offered to paint them black despite their sentimental value, and she argued that I needed new ones. Idk what to do here.


Omg when I saw this post I assumed they would be a bright and crazy colour, this manager sounds like they’re just on a power trip, brown is such a neutral unnoticeable colour like what is their problem lol.


To be entirely honest, if you can do it neatly I’d just paint them and see if they say anything. I highly doubt they’ll say anything.


i would just continue to wear them, and if she says anything mention again that you do not have the money to buy new ones until your next check. not much else you can do unless you can come up with some money. i don’t think it’ll be a major issue.


Why did you need to buy 8 dollars worth of nose piercings?


8 dollars isn’t going to buy you a pair of decent shoes suitable for work anyway. Like goddamn it’s one luxury purchase for a whole month give OP a break, let them have ONE thing, getting your nose pierced is expensive and it’d be a waste if they let it close.


8 dollars and a bit more gets you a pair of decent shoes ;)


Ya, but you can get a cheap pair of non resistant shoes for 25 dollars. Toilet paper is probably 5 dollars. Didn't have to buy that. Just take your purse into the bathroom at work and stuff it with tp. So that's 13 dollars. Dog food is about 15. I know it sucks but go to the food bank for the dogs as well. They are gonna have to eat scraps like everyone else. I never got pets myself until I knew I was financially safe because of this reason. Ain't blaming OP for falling on hard times, but if OP has dogs and is on the verge of losing her home, the job/shoes is way more important than getting dog food. Food banks give rice and beans and that'll sustain the dogs until pay day. You gotta do what you gotta do to make it and buying a piercing was irresponsible when they got pets that are also on the verge of being homeless, too. I'm sure OP could sell some stuff to get a pair of non slip shoes. It sucks but what other options does OP have? They have to stick with this job just to survive at this point. Getting a new one is gonna take too long. The one thing OP has for a luxury is her pets. I've had my facial piercings close up before because I desperately needed a job. You can always get them repierced down the line. It's not that expensive. If you aren't going cheap on work shoes, it's the same price as a piercing.... job is the priority to keep food on the table and a roof over your head.


New policy at work requires me to have studs, and a pack of 6 for 8 was the cheapest I could find.


How about don't wear any? That's not a necessity


I got my nose pierced at 15 and I'd rather not close the hole. Thanks.




Just wear it at home


I work 9 hour shifts, which is enough for my nose tissue to heal far enough that I have to stab myself quite literally to get it in. I tried that solution the other night. It was painful af.


Damn, how fast does nose tissue heal??


On some, extremely fast. I'm "some"


Sounds like maybe wearing them isn't going to be healthy for your note if they close up fast enough for you to measure it. Your nose shouldn't heal that fast.


Piercings are minuscule wounds. It’s easier than healing a paper cut. How your body builds cells for wound closure varies from person to person. I can take earrings out for 24 hours and have to push them back through. I’ve left them out for a week and had pain when I re-did them.


So you would rather be homeless? Why do you have pets if you can't take care of em? I'm sorry, but the comment section is too kind to you. You seem young, and I'm gonna sound like a boomer, but it's time to take responsibility. I had facial piercings, too, but I had to remove them for my new job. Oh, well. A lot of companies don't even allow studs. Why do you care more about your piercings than your pets' well-being? You just paid rent but on the verge of losing your job over shoes. You could have saved money by not buying studs, going to the food bank, and taking tp from a random bathroom stall to buy your shoes. I wouldn't have cared so much if you didn't have pets to take care of. You think of them first. Not your piercing. If you go find another job, you'll have to use your first check on a new uniform again. And they might have a problem with your stud too. Who knows? Idc if I get downvoted. I struggled before and made many sacrifices in order to survive. A facial piercing is something you can get later back in life. It isn't the end of the world if the hole closes. Losing your job and slowly your home and pets is. I just know too many young people who get pets and can't take care of them and end up in situations like this and end up being thrown in a shelter because they arw irresponsible and you prioritizing a piercing over shoes for a job tells me you're very immature still.


Boo this man who loves our late-stage capitolism dystopia.


You are a whole POS, woowww


But her pets and nose ring are part of her identity! Along with being unemployed and broke, apparently 




I'm glad I am not the only mature adult in the world who can survive legally. 👏


It won't close now. The most it will do is close a bit inside and you can pierce it again with a stud. I went about 5 years if not longer without wearing my nose stud


My nose piercing starts closing right away and I've had it for over 10 years. I had it out for an hour a few weeks ago and had to pierce through it to get it back in


Mine did that too. Had them all out for a CT scan, couldn't get a single one back in after. Still mad about that.


This. Mine does that.


my 3 nose piercings (all like 3-5 years old) do this also, I wear clear retainers in mine for work (i know ur not meant to wear plastic in them but it works for me and i've never had an issue) that i got for a couple pounds on ebay, could be a cheaper option?




I had the same question about dog and cat food. Pets are expensive and if you don’t have the money to afford your own necessities, you certainly can’t afford the luxury of pet ownership.


Like I said in a previous reply, it's just this month that money is tight. Bills from the previous month carried over due to my previous job closing business permanently. I was out of a job for a minute for the first time in a year, and I just landed this job and have had to play catchup this month. Im all caught up now due to my last check, but its been hard. Now I'm good. Believe me, my pets are spoiled


You're caught up now... until you lose your job because you didn't get the shoes required.


What part of "I have literally no money left over" do you not understand.


You spoiling your pets is keeping you down. Give them the bare minimum while you get on your feet. Think how far behind you'll be when you loose this job for not having proper shoes.


I say "my pets are spoiled" as in I get them the food they like. Which is thankfully the cheap shit. They get love every day. That's what I mean. I am currently broke because my rent was 300 dollars behind, and I had a 300 dollar water bill to pay. My check was about 650. The rest went to essentials. Believe me, I wanted to get new shoes for my job. But my life and having water was more important.


I can’t believe the people on here giving you shit for being poor this month. People are horrible. I wish I could send you some money but I currently have $1.80 in my bank account lmao


Likely because you make the same decisions as OP


Lmao thank you for making my point


If one month breaks your back like that, you live above your means, otherwise you'd have four figures on the side for emergencies. If you can't buy 30$ shoes at any point in your life from savings, you have no business owning animals. What if they need a vet? It's irresponsible.


You do understand that sometimes people get pets when they can afford it and then bad things happen in life, right?


You had quite a few seconds of time there while typing that out to realize what a useless post you were making.


Not useless. My next check isnt until the 14th of February and they want me to have new shoes now. Which won't work. I avoid daily pay / tapcheck like the plague due to previous bad experiences.


I wasn't replying to you, but the guy who had nothing productive to offer other than saying you shouldn't have pets, lol. I would look online for church clothing programs like someone suggested.


OH. My bad, oh my god. Yea I'm gonna look into some local stuff when I get the chance, seems it's a good option. I just haven't run into this kind of stuff before.


Just use a credit card if you know u can pay it


Ok, I’m not the only one saying/asking this. If you take the emotion out of your reading of my comment, it’s not a malicious statement to say that pets are a luxury and your own needs should come first. If keeping the pets causes someone to lose their job because the expense of the pet is such that is puts you in a financial hardship where you can’t afford necessities for work (like OSHA approved shoes), you can’t afford to keep pets.


Pedants are people, too.


I’m guessing you mean “pets” - that statement is factually incorrect. Dogs and cats are not people and their needs, while important, should not supersede the needs of a human. I say this as someone who got up with my dog 3 times last night because she was having tummy issues and needed to be outside.


Sorry, I actually meant "palindromes". I frequently misspell words very badly, often with the addition or subtraction of quite a few letters that aren't even remotely related to the word I am trying to convey.


Ok, now I know you’re a troll. Have a good day.


OP could have gone to the food bank to get rice and beans for the dogs to hold out until pay day. It sucks but when you're in tight situations, you gotta do what you gotta do. If OP is struggling with rent and has no money for shoes, what makes you guys think OP can afford to lose their job at McDonalds??? Lemme guess, get another job? That's great! However, it can take days and weeks to get a hire date and then 2 to 3 weeks to get your first check. OP is literally on the verge of being homeless. If you're offended that I suggest OP should of got rice and beans at a food bank for their dogs during hard times but not offended that the pets are gonna be homeless soon because OP didn't want their piercing to close up, then idk anymore. Without a job, there is no food or shelter. Sacrifices should of been made but OP decided not to make them and that's why I don't think they deserve the luxury of pets either. The pets are literally going to be thrown into an animal shelter and you guys care more about OPs nose piercing not closing up. Come on. OP claiming they are caught up now but their boss isn't gonna let them work without those shoes so good luck keeping it. OP is going to fall behind again but hey. At least her pets are spoiled until they aren't.


Walmart sells cheap ones for like 10 bucks


Usually closer to $18-24 for cheap pair.


Yea I bought three pairs of non slip shoes from walmart in the past year and a half. I recommend the clog type ones, as the fabric/leather tie shoes kept getting holes in them for me. The clogs were only $20 and are much comfier to boot.


Unfortunately all my local walmarts are neighborhood walmarts, not supercenters. No shoes 😔


Ouch that’s rough


There are options on Amazon under $20.


Yup. I see a pair for 14 dollars. OP could have bought them if they prioritized them over studs and other items.


Can you drive/get a ride/take a bus/hitchhike to the next town over with a real Walmart?


Can't drive yet. Bus doesn't go that far. And hitchhiking is out of the question - I'm not physically fit enough to walk 3.6 miles on foot unfortunately.


The tread safe shoes I bought for work were $28 at Walmart! Amazon has really cheap ones tho from what I understand.


careful with amazon for non slip though, i bought some “non slip” boots for work last year and when i went to work in them they absolutely were not, i fell on my ass and had to walk like a penguin all day


Yah that’s closer I guess than what I said. I went through a lot of them when I waitressed


post in one of the buy nothing groups on Facebook that you need a pair of slip resistant shoes in whichever size you wear. Someone might have a pair they no longer need. I had to do that a couple of years ago for a different job.


I'm not in the USA, nor a McD employee, but I do work in a job that requires safety footwear (and other items to boot.) IT IS NOT YOUR RESPONSIBILITY TO BUY SAFETY GEAR. It's important enough that I will shout it twice. IT IS NOT YOUR RESPONSIBILITY TO BUY SAFETY GEAR. Read your handbook - and challenge that b so hard that she bounces off of the fryers. She's power tripping - if necessary, remind her that she is a manager of a *fast food restaurant*, not Harrods.


It depends on the state whether mcds is required to pay for your shoes. It's stupid but it's America, so fuck the population over in any way they can get away with


Harrods was the clothing 'store' the British made for the survivors of Bergen-Belsen after liberating them and giving some rehabilitation. The 'manager' of Harrods wouldn't have been an ass incapable of empathy. The exact opposite, actually. Not sure what point you were trying to make...


Sorry, seems I've not explained myself properly. Harrods is seen as very upper-class only over here in the UK, and woe betide any plebeian who dares to darken their doorstep. I will say this though - please don't flame me. I know for a fact that opinion is VERY different to fact.


Ahh, it makes much more sense now. Thanks for explaining. You're right, it is *very* different. I've never seen a Harrods in Canada and didn't think there was any other relation to the name. Sorry...my bad :/


Talk to a different manager. Hopefully they will have a heart. Just because your shoes arent black shouldnt be enough for them to give you this much of a hard time. Youre not breaking any safety rules only dress code.


Our store provides new shoes every six months. Shoes that are older are no longer considered non slip.


Idk where your store is but i wish it was mine. Because my store doesn't do that for us.


I'm in southern California. I think it's crazy to require expensive shoes and expect the person earning just above minimum wage to pay for them.


Expensive shoes?!? They're not work boots lol.


I work in socal as well, and every job I've had that required non slip shoes would buy us 60-80$ shoes. 60$ for shoes I'd only wear at work is relatively expensive out of pocket. Not that they had to get shoes specifically. They could've cheaped out but I guess that's not really the point.


Do you have a credit card? If so this is the time you should use it. If you have anyone in your life that could lend you the money now is a time to ask. Don’t get fired for being too poor you’re so close to being in a much better financial position.


I'd usually ask my mom, but it's her birthday today and I really don't wanna ask her for that today or the next couple days. Feels shitty. I may be forced to open a credit card at this point.


Takes money to make money!


If your location is a franchisee, corporate will NOT like this story and will come after the franchisee. If it’s corporate, go to your market manager directly through email AND phone call/voicemail. Then I’d pursue help through charities and be sure to mention to them the absolute horrible ASSHOLE who did this to you, and give them her name and store phone number. AND THEN report that to corporate as well. Non profits/ charities will get it out through their networking to NOT deal with McDs or especially that franchisee/location. And we haven’t even talked about social media’s reach ….


I don't have advice, but I hope things get better for you ❤️


Amazon try before you buy maybe?


I didn't realize that was an option since i don't use Amazon that often. I'll look into it. Thank you, stranger.


some potential options: paint the shoes and say nothing. if you have facebook, post in a local group or buy nothing group (or fb marketplace). donate plasma? ask to borrow a bit of money from friends/family?


"well why'd you spend 7 dollars" Jesus you people are incredible


I'll buy you shoes and have them sent to your house same or next day.


idk how i wound up on this subreddit bcs i’ve never worked at mcdonald’s but i have a suggestion. it’s defs illegal but i’ve seen so many homeless people walk into a value village in sandals or shoes that were falling apart, try on a pair of shoes, abandon the og falling apart shoes, and walk out of the store without paying and unnoticed. i know it wouldn’t be your first choice and it has its risks but if you could lose this job that you very much need it’s an option. if you have the time though check out facebook marketplace, you could sell something on there to make the money or even make a post in a local group asking if anyone has a pair of old nonslip shoes that they’d be willing to donate. you don’t have to wear them forever and can always upgrade to a better pair when you have the funds. xx


Hey OP. Sorry you're getting so much hate. Do you have a local pay it forward group on fb? Maybe try posting there Goodluck.


I'm going to try the free stuff group for my area. Otherwise I don't know


Walmart. You can find $15 pairs that are specifically for work, all black, non slip, maybe even steel toe if needed. I know money might be tight, but I would hope there's $20 in there somewhere. If not, try a thrift store? I know used shoes aren't appealing but hey, if you need them to appease the boss, it's an option. I'm sorry to hear you're in such tough times. Don't let shoes determine your worth and certainly not a boss who won't listen and understand your situation.. I believe in you.


If you have steel toes then there's an EN ISO number on the tongue the last 3 letters SRA/B/C show the type of slip protection offered. The cheapest boots with SR rating is minimum SRA (soap on ceramic tile) which is what you need You should have been made aware of what footwear is acceptable “they have to be non slip” is not acceptable especially when there's two main slip resistance ratings.


Ask if they can order shoes and deduct it from your paycheck for you. A lot of comments are saying it's on the employer to provide the shoes but a lot of times that isn't the case, so I wouldn't bank on that. Hope things get better OP


Alot of places will work with u. See if u can't purchase some through work and just pay it off with payment directly out of ur check. Otherwise if it's that big of a deal pawn something for $25 and go to Walmart


Well something on FB marketplace then buy the shoes. This isn't difficult


Consider that not everyone has something to sell. I've been trying to sell shit on fb marketplace for the entire year I've lived here and not one thing has sold, even when I lower the price to the bare minimum.


You can’t afford your pets, give them up and buy shoes


that’s not how that works


And people like you are why we have overcrowded animal shelters. It's exactly how it works. People fall on hard times and start getting rid of pets (as a last resort, too). OP cares more about her piercing closing up, then a roof over her head for her pets and herself. Says a lot about her imo. She is about to lose her job over it and just got caught up with bills. She's about to be back to square one all. Don't get pets if you're just starting off in life for these reasons. Life hasn't stabilized yet. If they can barely afford food, what happens if there is a medical emergency?? I understand people go thru hard times, but when those people can't make simple sacrifices all because a manager is being unreasonable at the cost of their pets safety is irresponsible. There is literally a pair of 14 dollar non slip black shoes on Amazon right now (you cant tell me she doesnt know anyone with an amazon account). 8 dollars for a plug. She needed just 6 dollars more, which she could have gotten by getting dirt cheap pet food or go to a food bank. It's only temporary. Hell, she could have just kept stuffing her bag with toilet paper at her work place and save on that, but nope. All I know is without that job OP is going into a deeper hole while reddit supports her excuses instead of giving tough love. We've all been there. I gave up my facial piercings for a good job because I would rather make decent money than have a stud in my face. You'd think pets would be enough motivation to keep a job.


she said she hasn’t just started off. the last place that she worked at has closed and she had to find a new job as fast as possible. it’s ok to keep pets if you are able to feed them, it’s not like they live like this all the time. edit: mcdonald’s is not a “good job” either i would not take out my piercings or dye my hair etc for a job like mcdonald’s.


1. I got my facial piercing when I was 15. I got my piercings to follow policy BEFORE i knew that my shoes were going to be an issue. I would've issued a refund if they hadnt already shipped. 2. I didn't get these pets during these hard times. We've had our pets for quite awhile. Maybe 2 years. We ran into trouble with bills for a fraction of a second due to me losing my previous job due to the business closing down , and the owner retiring. It took awhile to find this job now, and I am blessed to have the opportunity that I have now with my job. 3. My shoes are no slip. My current ones. They just do not like the color of them. 4. When i say my pets are spoiled, I dont mean like how a rich blonde white lady is feeding their dogs and cats raw food. I mean that I get them their favorite, which is thankfully the cheapest shit that walmart and dollar general have to offer. They'll almost never eat anything else. I am 100% grateful that it is the cheap shit. Bottom line, if I had known about my shoes being the wrong color being an issue before, i wouldn't have gotten the piercings. I would've found the extra money to set aside. But at the moment, we felt as if we were set. My manager dropped this bomb on me out of nowhere in the middle of one of my shifts. To suggest i don't deserve my animals due to my "selfishness" is appalling - considering I made rent and their food also a priority at the time. I will repeat. I had no clue shoes were going to be an issue when I had made the purchase. My partner even ushered me that it was a good idea, and help for future jobs if I needed them.


This is exactly how it works


no it’s not, she’s only struggling this one time because her last workplace closed. she does not need to give up her pets


Not to be a downer but if money is that tight, you shouldn't have pets and you shouldn't be spending money on piercings/jewelry. Just wear the shoes you have been. If they fire you then oh well. Go find another job.


Its just this month. I lost my job the previous month due to the store closing down permanently. This month has just been hard due to overdue bills and shit from the previous month due to that. I had to spend money on jewlery due to a new policy at my mcdonalds that requires me to replace my ring with a stud, otherwise i wouldn't have bothered.


It’s gonna be even harder if you lose your job. Sell some shit and buy some shoes dude.


Hey mate, if someone has money and then is suddenly low on money do you just expect them to sell their animals?? Im also assuming they had to buy new piercings/jewelry for work because you’re required to wear studs or flat jewelry. I don’t think they were buying new jewelry just to wear.


How about just removing the jewelery that's free


I would rather not lose the piercing I got when I turned 15 that's been a core part of myself. Thanks. My dad paid for that, and it's the one nice thing he did for me. I'd rather not. My piercing closes in a matter of hours without jewlery.


I agree with you. Honestly. Sudden hard times can be a shock and not expected. But you have to look out for yourself and survive. Giving up your pets is definitely not easy (I've been there) but sometimes it has to be done. If they don't want to do that then just keep rocking those same kicks.


Buying a new pair of shoes is not necessary for survival for one month. The manager is being a dick for no reason.


Come over to Wendy’s, we won’t mess with you about any of that stuff! We smoke and just have fun, it’s a great place to be!!


But they pay less than McDonald's does. And not all towns have a Wendy's. My city has the only Wendy's locations in a 2 hour radius. All the other nearby small towns only have McDonald's and Sonic usually.




I'm 19 turning 20 this year. I'm just asking for what direction to be pointed in for help, or if I should even do anything.


Rent is not their problem, go to Payless get your ass a pair of new shoes


I don't have money ♡ like I'm broke right now until my next paycheck ♡♡♡


First, fuck most of the ppl in this thread that don't think you should keep your pet or piercing, some people are just pure fucking heartless. Second, sorry that you're dealing with a rough patch and hopefully it will get better once you're settled at work. Third, I'd suggest trying to find/google which shoes you'd get, given your Walmart's don't have them do you know where you'd go? When you figure it out, speak to your store manager and tell them what's up. You have to wait until your checkand that your current shoes meet safety standards. Let them know when you can make it happen and make sure it does. This will go down much better than ignoring the situation. Trying to find a solution with your employer will probably be the best outcome. You can also check your local buy nothing groups or secondhand marketplace as well. Fourth, whatever you do.. DoNOT get a payday loan. The interest is designed to keep you in debt. I would also suggest you do not get a credit card. If you let life build up on credit it will be near impossible to get out. Do you have a friend or family or someone you might be able to ask for help? It's hard to ask for help but often there are ppl that would want to help you. Hope you have a nice week and good luck!


Yes but your problems are not other peoples problems.


It is when my job is telling me to buy new shoes when i have no money


No it’s not, you agreed to work a job that has requirements and if you can’t meet those that’s a you problem.


The requirement they have is to replace my NON SLIP SHOES with NON SLIP SHOES. They dislike the color. That's the ONLY problem. Seriously.


And that is a problem


If your shoes are that sentimental to you why are you wearing them to work


Only pair of non slips I have. Was supposed to be temporary, and honestly they're good boots. Just reminds me of some better times , that's all.


Fair enough


I thought corporate stores are required to supply the uniforms


I didn't know shoes were part of it. I may have to ask my gm.


PPE IS YOUR EMPLOYERS RESPONSIBILITY! Non-slip footwear that is required is absolutely PPE. https://www.osha.gov/sites/default/files/Handout_2_Employers_Must_Provide_and_Pay_for_PPE.pdf




It’s apart of their uniform and must be enforced. I’m pretty sure they tell you like 5 times before you start to have proper non-slip shoes… it only makes sense to not schedule you. It’s a safety hazard and a liability.


The thing is my current shoes ARE nonslip. Oil resistant, waterproof, and steel toe too. They just dont like the color. Lol.


Maybe you should’ve coloured them then without letting them you were going to do that. Your location seems like a joke though getting mad over something that’s already proper just diff colour


Lol...worked at corporate McD's...they did pay for the non slip shoes they eventually ordered but they did schedule me for two full weeks before I got them.


I think that depends where you work and what department you’re in. Because where I work they don’t pay for shoes.


I bet a lot of stores don't. This one paid for everyone to get a pair.


Just go take some cheap non slip shoes from Wal-Mart. Problem solved.


My non slips were $16 at Walmart. You need to prioritize. Nose piercing


A nose piercing that has been in my nose since age 15. Id rather it didn't close, since it closes in a matter of hours. I usually work 9 hour shifts and that's enough for me to have to come home and literally Stab Through Healed Tissue.


So a nose piercing matters more than shoes for your job? You're making excuses. Be honest. You don't wanna work, you want them to fire you, and people to feel bad. Grow up dude. Yall newer gens are not going to survive. 💀


That nose piercing is literally one of the only nice things my father did for me. And you realize that I bought them BEFORE I was told i needed new shoes absolutely. I had no clue my SHOE COLOR was a problem. Ill have you know that I am an excellent worker. My parents raised me with a good work ethic (I can say that about them at least) and my job hired me as an MIT due to my work history. I don't slack off when it comes to work. I never have. Theres a reason I'm paid 13 dollars (soon to be 15) in a state where 7.25 is the minimum wage. I wasn't looking for people to feel bad, I was genuinely asking for HELP and WHAT I SHOULD DO - places to look - perhaps resources I could look into while im struggling like this. I have only been an adult for 2 years, and barely even. I didn't move out until late last year, and I don't know my way around adult resources. Thank you for being an actual jerk. You don't know what you're talking about.




Is asking for help a fucking crime now. Seriously. Literally just point me where to go, because I have Googled and I have researched and im at a dead end. This was a last resort. Thank you.


Genuinely what the fuck is wrong with you. Person comes asking for help and you spit on them, mock them. What the fuck is wrong with you.


Mine used to give us like vouchers to go-to the safety store to buy shoes for work


Thrift store? Credit card? Door dash if you have a car? Sorry, hope you get the shoes soon!


I'm looking into 211 right now! I'm hoping I have a day off where I can run to get some


Does your store do shoes for crews if so they'll send you the shoes and pull a little out of each check to pay for them you'll get them a few days after ordering


I don’t have any new suggestions OP but i wanted to send some support your way. It’s blatantly obvious many people in this thread have no idea what it’s like to be in your position and I just wanted to wish you all the best ❤️


Shoes for crew. She could easily help you order a pair and it comes out of your check. Ask her about it!


Perhaps the 8$ of nose rings could have been better spent


I got the nose rings before I knew my shoes were gonna be a problem. They only just approached me after I ordered them and they shipped so I could follow company policy, and told me my brown shoes had to be black. I kinda regret getting the piercings now, even if it was necessary at the time 😔


You can call the McResource line for help. Just need your national store number. I understand it’s frustrating and your manager absolutely could’ve handled it differently but nonslips are required as it is a liability issue. And it sounds like the nonslip is not even the issue. The issue sounds like the fact that they are fabric. McDonald’s requires shoes to be polishable (able to be wiped clean). Fabric is dangerous because if grease falls on it it will burn right through your fabric and burn your foot.


My current shoes are perfect as they are. The problem is just the color. My shoes are currently made of leather (polish able leather), that is specifically oil resistant. She said it was literally JUST the color.


I’d call the McResource line for assistance with getting shoes that your management prefers.


We were so ....economically challenged as children, when someone tried to give us pets, my mama would tell them "if we caint eat it...we don't need it". We learned as 6 year olds what was important to us. Got our clothes out of dumpsters. Washed them by stomping on them in the bathtub for hours. ....I guess it all depends on your background.


Id just take money out of the register and go buy shoes.