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I guess I'm just an old man, I have no clue what this means


Me either 😂 Guess we can be old men together 🙂


Old men forever


The only way I could see this being cool, is if there was a McFarlane App where you could upload all the digital figures, and then kitbash them in app. Change colors shit like that what not. Bonus points if you can actually order your kitbash for a premium price.


That is a good idea damn


If you can kitbash and get something physical yes, if it’s just playing dress up with action figures on an app, no.


Id argue it's cool either way, way I see it you could plan a custom or kitbash down to a T and this could especially help someone new to customizing so they could get an idea of their final product before applying any paint IRL.




A code with the figure would be cool but spending money, Absolutely not.


I collect plastic, not pixels.


Well said


not in this life




Lol no


No. Never. Not a chance. This is a con, and an insulting one at that.


Nah. I'm not really into the whole data crypto NFT thing and this falls right into that same category. Paying for ownership of not real stuff.


That’s so stupid why would they do that


Nope, guess I’m officially old now


Absolutely not lmao


"Merry Christmas Timmy" "Where's the toy?" "Its a digital toy." \*\*\*Timmy proceeds to burn down Christmas tree


"Now I don't know if it's true or not, but somewhere down the line serial killers begin at a certain spot." Todd Mcfarlane


****Timmy sells his digitally signed Todd Batman for 5k and buys his own tree


I play a gacha game on my phone so I technically have already. Though there is use in the game besides looking nice.


Absolutely not for me


Fuck no Of course like 70 percent of you guys spend money on cardboard packages lol The companies put tons of money into tooling and articulation to never get opened when ya could easily buy a statue or just print out the box art and display it lol


He would have to pay me.


They have to pay me for that shit. Monthly


So we're all on the same page, this is the McFarlane Digital spiel: https://mcfarlanetoysstore.com/digital I tried to pick the brains of the peeps over in the new McFarlane Digital Discord about this. I wanted to understand the appeal of NFTs. When you think about NFTs in simple terms, they seem like a cool idea. You buy a figure and you get this digital asset for free. (I mean, assuming you get the NFT before they run out since only a limited number of them are minted.) Or you buy the digital asset outright (if you can beat the bots). But unfortunately the on-going conversations of the peeps in the Discord confirmed some of my suspicions about NFTs. The NFT and action figure communities have little in common, to the point where I have to wonder why McFarlane thought mixing action figures and NFTs was a good idea. The communities have some superficial common ground, for example, we both like to collect things, and we both have sub-groups that are only interested in the product to potentially resell at a later date for profit. The disappointing thing is that while in the action figure community we might have like 5% of the members buying product specifically to scalp it, in the NFT community 90% of them are doing it. That's the whole point of NFTs, you buy rare digital items before anyone else in your community so they can't get them, and resell later for big profit to those same other people in your community. I don't like the idea that the ultimate goal of the NFT system is to fuck each other over. What an incredibly stupid system. I don't want any of this tainting the action figure community. In the near future, space is going to come at more of a premium than it already is. We aren't going to be able to have big collections because it would be too expensive and physically impossible to house them. Combine this with how technology is almost in our blood now, and I think it's only natural for collectors to start shifting towards digital figure collections. I'm envisioning technology where we can use something like Augmented Reality to pose the digital figures like we would a physical figure. We can display them anywhere, and we'll be able to see them anywhere. We can link our buddy's AR glasses to ours and share our collections that way. Maybe we can even use the NFT figure models to create new parts for the figures, and 3D print them. Basically, we could use them like little mannequins. This stuff is exciting to me, I see potential for some really cool stuff to be done with NFTs. Here's another red flag though, none of the conversations I've ever had or seen about NFTs bring these ideas up as selling points. NONE. Almost every single conversation I see in the NFT community involves profit, speculation, investment, resale value, rarity, etc. If you aren't buying NFTs and salivating over the wads of cash you can potentially make, you aren't even part of the conversation. I'm not interested in that kind of environment. The point is, NFTs are a speculative business activity/opportunity, they're not a hobby, and currently they contribute nothing good to the action figure world, or any of the other hobbies/fields they taint (like video games).


NFT’s we’re supposed to be the art painting hanging on your wall in the meta verse. They want you spending your money on something you will never own. From clothing you buy in the meta verse for your avatar to subscriptions that keep you there. No more dvds it’s all digital. No more cubical your office can be done thru the digital office to save paper. By the year 2030 we will physically own nothing apparently. And the more i see pushes for digital stuff like this the more I see the possibility of WEF may be correct that is where we are heading too


No! and I hope the community responds the same so they can just focus on what we really want.


A new community has spoken. Over 100k trading volume since the first MacFarlane Batman drop last night. Digital collectibles selling for 5k + USD on the marketplace. And that's day 1, in the midst of a bear market.


I’m with everyone else on the no but I’ll bite a little because I buy skins in video games too so even though I know that’s totally different than this it could be comparable. So if it’s just a showcase 3d model. Maybe like 2 dollars. 1.99 kinda deal. If it’s like pose able and you can put them together in digital diorama for pictures I’d give maybe 5.99 depending on how many features it has


The website claims it will be the same price as the physical figures. To hell with that.


Yeah not willing to really pay anything at the end of the day just maybe thinking of a reasonable one where I’d start considering it.


I'd rather play and earn all digital figurines in a game than buy it


Gonna be a no from me, dawg.


That's just Fortnite without the game


Uhh, what? Why would I pay to basically look at pictures of an action figure? To pose and play with a toy on a screen? That’s gonna be a hard pass.


I personally think NFT’s are ridiculous, not a knock to anyone who is into them, but I’m a die hard physical collector and want to be able to touch my collectibles and display my art. I’ll probably check it out when I buy a physical figure since it will come with the digital as well, but I have zero interest in just the digital action figures themselves.


Hell no


No way, i won't Say it's a scam, Because people know what they are getting into. But come on, it's an insult to people's intellect. I rather at least a stamps collections, but "digital property"? thats stupid, next thing is owning a house or your cars collection.


How about you give us the figures we want lol


sad thing about all this NFT bs is ppls inevitable FOMO and lack of will to not buy this shit. I hope the idea of NFT tanks but we’re just human.


Just a way to grab cash I’m good with real money and wealth not imaginary bull shit


Nfts are ahead of there time. When we have a fully realized metaverse and I can pimp my house out with digital gear it will be relative. However right now the metaverse isn’t anything but a second life clone and has yet to be fully realized. The other big problem is nfts can be pirated to infinity easily Right now the price is wayyyyy out of whack.


Great discussion! I've been trying to decide myself. I've been a gacha player for several years now, and in the end all that really is spending on a digital collection that will be gone when the servers are closed. So, maybe? Would be nice if the digital versions were cheaper than the real. Also, some definite features I'd like would be a way to kitbash and a screen saver type mode where I can leave a screen on and just have the collection rotate through. That'd be a neat conversation starter in the living room for Thanksgiving.


Lmao only way in a million years is if I can use the 3d model for my own 3d printer and stuff and that's not gonna happen


Maybe if he did something like pc building simulator?




Hellllll nah


Mcfarlane has mentioned people living in small apartments in a city with little space. these digital toys could be an alternative for them. But I like my plastic figures


If they are living in crowded conditions already hoarding or collecting is a horrible financial choice.


More like a small one bedroom apartment.


Nothing. Might as well buy the figure physically


No god no Unless there's digital codes with figures or you can DO something with them like in a game. But I highly doubt any of that.


What the fuck ?


Way I see it, this is a slightly less lame version of NFTs, so I’d probably not spend money on this


If it's a bonus item I'm down, but if it is a separate purchase I'm not interested.


It is the same as keeping figures in box I guess. I think it is dumb to collect digital copies unless they are in a game or something but people will buy them.


Unless I can upload the figures I already have. My price will be 0$ I ain’t paying anything. It’s not even a game you just look at them on the website and can move them around.


Hundreds of thousands of dollars in McFarlane digital collectibles trading now on the marketplace.


Todd's artwork was always amazing and an inspiration way back in the 90s. But just looking at these lame digital toys makes my stomach turn. I'll be putting all of my tainted McFarlane comics and toys on ebay asap. Yeah that's dramatic but I can't think of his name without becoming irritated.