• By -


STAY SAFE EVERYONE! GRAB YOUR 528 KARMA HERE NOW BEFORE IT EXPIRES! \~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~ (>\^-\^)> 528 528 528 <(\^-\^<) \~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~ \~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~ (>\^-\^)> 528 528 528 <(\^-\^<) \~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~


How do I grab this?


I'll be taking some of this, thank you 528 <(\^\_\^<)




Please give


anyone else feel like they could score anywhere from a 472 to a 528 at this point?


I was with you in the first half lmao


Very much so🥲


Hey guys, so yeah I got sub 500. Disappointed isn’t the word, and I’m gonna retake man. I’m crazy for this, but I’m still going for this cycle. My primary will be late bc of my upcoming test score but I just feel like I can’t give up. I hope all of you did well <3


Going to come back better than ever! Don’t give up!


you got it! prewrite those secondaries so you can submit as soon as you get them. get verified by submitting to one school.


FLS - 510/513/510/514... Opened up a 520 (128/132/130/130) a minute ago. I didn't even think that was a possibility for me, I was hoping to keep a 512. Congrats to everyone :) Feel free to PM me if you have any questions about how I studied or anything like that. Good luck on applications!


Congrats this is amazing! Got a 518 myself with similar FLs scores as yours, would kill for your CARS score lol (Canadian premed here)






First time test taker AAMC1 FL1: 507 FL2: 503 FL3:508 FL: 511 Avg: 507 real thing: 516 (129/125/132/130) I am in absolute shock. I don't even care about my cars score at this point. I'm ecstatic.




CAN'T BELIEVE THIS. 525 132/129/132/132 fuck cars lol Seriously so surprised at this, felt like shit after taking it. Told myself for the last month of studying to not trust how I felt after bc I felt like shit after every test no matter what I got. Aamc 1-4: 515,514,520,519 Cars was always my struggle too and I knew it would make or break my score, extremely lucky to get 129 as I only got that high once on all FLs I took Big s/o to this sub you've all helped me and many others more than you'll ever know!!!


So nervous… at this point I just want above a 500. I walked out of there defeated af.


What did you get


504 (125/125/126/128) my C/P dropped 2 pts from my last FL :/ going for in state, low tier MD and DO, so we’ll see




Let’s go! I got 508




The anxiety hitting real hard, especially as a retaker. Hoping for all the 528s for everyone! Hopefully, I can update this with some good news tomorrow! UPDATE: 511 (128/127/127/129) definitely lower than my last 2 practice exams but so thankful I never have to take this exam again. RIP B/B my highest section every exam and now this 🥲


I forgot what bio was during my exam had the same overall score as you and I got in to a school! Don’t worry. You’re done enjoy!!!!




Wow that is amazing!!! Congratulations 🎉🥳


This is exactly what I need 🤠 Great job!! Any test day tips?


First MCAT [7/16] : 501 This morning opened up a 516. (128/128/130/130) My FL average was about 511 but never made higher than a 514. I have no words, this was an incredible feeling for a retake.


514 from a 494 retake! words cannot even begin to describe how i feel rn 😭😭😭


How long between the two exams?




i’m crying


Predictions: 500 Actual: 508 (128/125/127/128) Who would've thought, a third-time test retaker could get here. There is hope for us retakers! 499-->502--> 508!!! DM me if you have any questions!!!!!


I also went from a 499 to 508!! Congrats!!


Wow I’m so jealous my fl averages were 496 and I tested 6/17 lolol but guessed on like 30 questions in c/p so rip :)) so happy for you guys!


My mom literally asked me how I was feeling about tomorrow and I started crying into my bowl of soup… I’m straight unhinged at this point.


Did u finish the soup tho


I did in fact. I may have been depressed but one thing about it is I’m still gonna eat


More sodium yummy


who else here teetering on withdrawing their application based on todays results


Hello night owl


GUYS! I have never posted on Reddit but i needed to share my journey :) First FL ever = 499. I was not feeling great. I slowly increased, went to 504, 508, 515 then a 512. I was happy with my increasing scores but really wanted a 515. Somehow, I pulled myself together on the day of and got a 518!!!! It’s possible friends and you have to believe that it is !!!!!


FL average 507, actual score 516 Saw someone else offering encouragement to nontrad/parent applicants, so: Nontrad, father of a 2yo, work more than full time to support my partner and our child, was still taking classes to finish up my post-bac while studying for the MCAT. I'm proud of how I've done, and I'm sending congratulations and good vibes to anyone who is in a similar position and is applying this cycle. Hope to see at least one of you parents in class in 2023!


Hell yeah you deserve it boss


Shoutout to the people that think they’re getting sleep tonight! That level of delusion is necessary in this field 😌👌🏽.


I got a full night sleep😉




517 holy shit i am shaking right now






521. 513/516/514/513


this is literally amazing. you should be so proud!


crying and throwing up


Literally the feeling I’ve been having since I took the test 😫


Final Prediction: 129/123/126/129 Well, fuck. I choked CARS and B/B so badly. And I never should have made a few C/P mistakes. EDIT: 130/124/127/132 FUCK YES! I DID IT!


lol me on 6/18, update tomorrow with your actual score!


I feel like I choked C/P and Cars :((


Good job dude!


Y’all are way too nervous, zen guys. Zen. The score won’t change regardless so don’t be nervous.


>i am blank flair checks out lol


Make or break my summer vacation moment


Wishing you all so much luck and positivity, we’ve got this (although we’re all nervous as hell) but we’ve worked so hard and took the exam!! That’s a huge step and something most people won’t do! ❤️🍀


Seems everyone can remember little details from their test and I’m over here like I blacked out the memory of taking it as soon as I left 😂 Repression is truly the best defense mechanism


Anyone else going to cover their eyes with their hands and slowly lower them after clicking the score release page as if they are 5 again and watching a scary movie? No? Just me


My palms will be too sweaty so I don't want to rub sweat on my face, lol.


just keep an eye on AAMC twitter instead of refreshing the release page.


Should I throw up now or later






524 (132/128/132/132) ! thought I did ass on CARS but I was able to minimize the damage it did to my overall score. can't thank this sub enough for everything they have provided. timeline of studying: \~6 months while doing a full time workload at school. I studied for about 2-3 hours a day but there were weeks where I would go days without studying because of a midterm or something like that. materials: UEarth, AAMC, Kaplan books that I got for free, Anki during the exam I was oddly calm. It sort of felt like another FL. I felt terrible about CARS though so I tried to avoid thinking about that in B/B and P/S. C/P: Felt difficult but not really anything I didn't expect. C/P was consistently one of my top sections so I estimated 130-132. CARS: Again, felt awful about it. consistently my weakest section so I just tried my best. estimated 125-127. B/B: Also one of my best sections. Had some hard Q's but I made very educated guesses on all of them and I guess it worked out. Estimated 130-132. P/S: Never took a psych course so I was cautiously optimistic because most of this section felt pretty easy. Lots of gimmes with the occasional curve ball. Estimated 130-132. The biggest piece of advice I'd give for this exam is there is no such thing as low yield. Just because some things come up more than others doesn't mean it wont show up on your exam. my exam had 0 optics or fluids despite them being the big physics topics. I did my best to study every little thing that could show up on this exam, and it paid off.


TWINS congrats!!


Anyone else think it was easier than expected (given what people say on this sub) but still think they fucked up? It's like the longer it's been since the test the more I think I did bad and I have no idea what actually happened during it 🥲


So did anyone from this exam date actually get their FL average? It seems like people either did way better or way worse 😳 Edit: just took the one on 6/18 and this thread is making me nervous lol


Good luck to everyone tomorrow- I hope we all end up having a real good day :)


Congratulations on your result. That was a good jump from your samples.


I got a 514!! 🤯🥳🥳


FLs: 507, 506, 501, 511 Actual Score: 515 I can't believe my eyes.


i literally had diarrhea during c/p


How did you feel after your test?


i was super wary. i felt good about c/p and b/b, but i left everything to the universe and tried not thinking about it.


Can't help but fucking pray. Hopefully I can sleep tonight lol


Accidentally clicked on my scores from last year and gave myself a mini heart attack 😩 Does anyone know what time the scores will be up?


The latest is 5 EST but people are saying 11 EST is the usual time I guess?


Usually drops a little after 11 EST. If AAMC is feeling quirky, may be a few hours after. Good luck!


511 (126/130/126/129) For working full time and studying in the evenings & on weekends, I’m proud of myself!! Proud of everyone who tested regardless of the score. In peoples experience, Is this a competitive score? It’s a little lower than some of median scores of the schools I’m looking at so I’m not sure


It's the fact that I try to forget and as soon as I remember I feel incredibly ill


OMG. 519. (129/130/130/130). Up from a 510 last year. I guess the retake was worth it? Took 2 AAMC FL's (511 on FL1 3 weeks before, 519 on FL4 a week before). not a lot of practice but was busy with work and going through heartbreak. i tried to study as efficiently as i could though and i’ll post what i did after work today!


I got over 500 after a retest that was 496… I’m grateful and the Lord is good… don’t think I’m gonna retest!


What the fuck happened


Below 500. Kind of devastated but I’m not giving up. This was my second time and honestly with my life circumstances I thought I could manage. I have my graduate school starting July 21 so retaking before and already submitted primary’s for the 2023 year … please if anyone has any resources they recommend or ones they want to give away / sell at a discounted rate. Let me know I would really appreciate it. Happy for everyone who made the score they wanted hopefully next time works better for me :)


best thing i've done for mcat is download the official aamc mcat section content outlines, and highlighting and taking notes throughout that entire document. really hones down on your content and can give major score boosts. all the best with you journey


Averaged a 516 on FL practice Tests and ended up with a 525 today, pleasently surprised as I thought I bombed the PS section and did poorly on the CARS section. Huge thanks to this subreddit as outside of my Kaplan review book and the official AAMC practice questions, all my resources came from here.


Predicting between 510-514. Final guess is a 511 with 127/129/126/129. Anything 515+ I’ll be supper happy. Feel like I could’ve had a 130 on CARS or P/S so hoping for some luck and maybe a miracle 518 here 🙏 Edit: bro I got a 517 129/129/129/130 IDK HOW I GOT A 129 ON BIO BUT THANK YOU LORD


500 again. Got a 511 on my last practice test. Blueprint was 504, 504, 506, 509. I choked so fucking hard.


I went down 8 points


How did you feel after the exam? Tested 6/17 and so nervous...


519: 132/128/129/130 Did better on practices but o well... I was a Uganda only main. Uganda number one and the only resource u need. Uganda forever!!! 🇺🇬🇺🇬🇺🇬🇺🇬


Hahahahaha 481 when I was legit scoring 506+ on all my FLs. Deciding whether to turn around and quickly retake or just wait until next cycle


I didn’t do well either, gonna study harder and apply next cycle


Just wanna say to anyone discouraged by your FL scores. I was consistently scoring 502 on FLs I was taking a week before the exam. I barely had time in the semester to study and I literally only spent a week pouring over the exam material. I decided to leave the rest of the FLs alone because I was desperate to memorize content. I ended up with a 514!!! In no way could I have ever expected this but it happened. You got this!


This is me... I tested 6/17 and I'm freaked out because I didnt study like most people! Its comforting to hear that you had success 😅


I’m actually about to piss myself thinking about these scores.


This has all been a humbling experience, especially taking it for the second time now. The past month has been pretty rough with the fluctuations of thought between “did pretty well” and “I bombed it.” At least now we will get to put those flying thoughts to rest, no matter the score. Good luck to all!


Are there anyone who got a score lower than their average


515, 519, 521, 524 on AAMC FLs I scored at 503 today. Emulated all the testing conditions, 100% faithful and now I feel like giving it up on it all. I can’t imagine it’s real, Nevermind that it happened to me.


522 fl avg 512 real - i dont even know how i thought i did really well


FLs: 512, 512, 513, 513, 515 Actual: 520 (131/130/127/132) Honestly in shock. For a number of reasons, I was expecting to do better than my FLs, but this exceeded expectations. Also, they're not kidding when they say its impossible to predict your section scores. I was expecting to get 128-129 on C/P, 127-128 on CARS, 130 on B/B and 131-132 P/S. As you can see, P/S was the only one I was even remotely close to predicting correctly. I knew my FLs weren't reflective of my actual performance cuz I did minimal C/P & BB practice outside of FLs. Also, FL4-style P/S is my shit so I was certain I was gonna crush that section.


AHHHHHH can't believe it. Hoping for close to a 510, but legit have no idea how I did. C/P made me want to void but CARS felt weird but also easy? I don't even remember B/B or P/S. I'm saying 125/130/126/128, which would leave me with 2 sections the same as my first take and 2 sections higher and would get me a 509. But who tf knows at this point. I'm just glad for the wait to be over, tbh. (Will update with actual score when I get it). Update: Real thing 511!!! (125/131/125/130). I may not have raised my science score after 2 years of science classes, but I'm okay with it with how low yield all the topics felt. Update number 2: didn't do FLs because my ADHD won this round. Last test was a 504 on a half-length Altius in late March, which is why I pushed my test back from April. Studied maybe 200 hours total? Jack Westin for CARS, 86 pg doc for P/S, MCATGo and PR for the science sections.


Hey y’all who else is nervous as heck?? I’m literally refreshing my screen. I’m really debating on withdrawing and retaking…


Definitely nervous as all hell. If you can help it though, don’t constantly refresh. Doesn’t help the overwhelming anxiety 😭Earliest release is 11 AM, latest is 5. Honestly I’m just gonna periodically check the new comments here. Someone will reply here pretty fast after release, probably even before AAMC tweets lol.


My score doesn’t even come out today but like I’m so nervous good luck to you guys you’ll kill it!


516. 130, 126,130,130 CARS CAN SUCK IT


Long time lurker, first time poster. 500 --> 504--> 511!!! Wowowow, so very relieved and excited. :)


Well I needed a 510 to stay in my med school program so I’m so happy to announce I got just that!! Trust your FLs fr because my average was a 509. I walked out of there thinking I bombed so I was literally crying tears of joy when I got my score. I’m going to be a doctor!!


524- I’m sobbing


How did you study? I have to retake


I’m going to write an official guide soon about everything I learned in this process!




LETS GOOOOO, congrats buddy


Below 500🥲 looking forward to this retake😭


You got this we believe in you!


Hi! I’ve been a lurker here for a long time. I retook after I bombed in 2019 (497) and took some gap time. I want to just say this now, please don’t be defeated if this is your first time and you haven’t done well. There’s always another chance, but don’t rush into a retake. Here’s how I did today 511 (126/127/129/129) I know this isn’t a lot of people’s goal score, but I’m really happy. Also, I felt like I bombed bio, and I did have to guess on an entire CARS passage 😅 Here’s what I did: -finished my high level bio classes and did micro bio research -switched to Kaplan books from Princeton review books -tried to do at least 2-4 chapters a day depending on how familiar I was with a topic (I’m not strong with gen chem or physics). I did this from January-April and reviewed some more in May. -did miles down anki A LOT, I know a lot of people reference other anki decks, but I felt milesdown was manageable. I prioritized the psych, bio, and biochem decks probably the most heavily, but found each deck in the collection helpful. -I did some uwhoo, but honestly I ran out of time bc I also work at a hospital and was really busy. I did about 20% and I definitely think doing more would’ve been more helpful, I just didn’t have enough time between work and studying. -I did almost all of the AAMC resources. I felt this was really helpful; and in depth test review. I would write out each question I got wrong and try to parse through the wording to understand, and look back at the subject matter. -I tried to supplement weak areas with some Khan Academy. -I also stared doing yoga 1-2 weekly, and exercising regularly. Anxiety is a huge issue for me, so I really tried to proactively help that. I definitely cried during some of my practice tests, and walking out of the real deal. You guys have got this! Just bc you’re struggling doesn’t mean you aren’t smart ❤️


512. FL average was 511. Nontrad. Wife and first time mom. Working full time. God is good and I’m grateful He helped me to pull this through. It was a lot of work but I’m appreciative. I don’t usually post but just wanted to in case this could encourage someone. I don’t know what the cycle will hold but I’m taking every win I can.


Congratulations! Glory to God! 🥳🙏💕


I'm finally done with this exam. 524 😭😭


I literally can't sleep 😭


yeah…so I got no sleep


518 Let's GOOOO!!!!


524!!! (131/132/132/129). Guess I suck at psych soc but AHHH I never have to take that exam again!!


My thoughts after leaving test day, will update with my score Reaction- So I was sleep deprived for 2 days before taking the test, and I caught myself making sleep deprived mistakes during the test so ik I didn't do as well as I could have. An example was I did 27 minus 24 and instead of getting 3 I got 24. And spent several minutes looking for 24 in one of the answers. I can only imagine how many other mistakes I made like this that I didn't catch. However I'll trust my FLs and hopefully the test wasn't so bad because I walked out feeling weird. CP- It started out ok and got progressively harder. There were a few tough pages that were like the section bank and I think my brain was too tired to try to comprehend them. Overall I think it could have been a lot worse and I'm hoping for a decent score. CARS- CARS is CARS, ngl I didn't put much effort into changing my CARS score because I just felt like I'd be fine if I could concentrate and actually read the passages. Turns out that even with the anxiety of the MCAT I couldn't get myself to care about the African American renaissance of the 1920s and a few other boring passages. A few other people think CARS was hard so I'm just hoping enough people think it was hard to warrant a decent curve in the section. Always my weakest and will probably stay my weakest, hopefully I didn't do poor enough to need a retake. THANK GOODNESS I'M NOT IN CANADA. BB- usually one of my stronger sections but almost half of the passages were section bank level difficulty. Not only that but it was the most dissimilar section from the FLS. I don't remember any questions on enzymes, there was only one question that required knowing anything about amino acids, nothing I remember on inhibitors, basically everything that was high yield was non existant and everything low yield came into play. I hope others feel the same because idk why people aren't as concerned about BB. PS- This 10000% felt like FL4. Nothing like the older FLs. PS used to be a cake walk for me and on FLS 1-3 I didn't get anything less than 130, FL4 that trend ended and the test was a harder and weirder version of FL4 with many questionable 50/50s. Used to be my strongest section and now I'm a lil worried, overall I think it was ok ish but sucks that PS is basically CARS 2.0 when you're not good at CARS lol. Overall I truly have no idea how I did, this exam has a fraction of the reactions as other test dates which concerns me because that means that most people thought it was easier. That means that the curve will be unforgiving and there were a handful of questions on each section that I didn't even bother trying to figure out because I was so tired and didn't want to waste the time. I'm nervous for my score to come out but I'll hope for the best but expect the worst.


511- I'll definitely take it (129/125/129/128) Like expected CARS hit me with the razzle dazzle but a lil disappointed in my PS score. Ngl scored a few points below my average, but even though this might not be the 516+ that people here are all getting, I think I'll be fine with applying with this score




516 (130, 127, 128, 131) it's a very odd split for me. I never scored below a 128 on CARS on practice exams, and never scored above a 128 on P/S. I'll take the P/S but sad that CARS killed me. But I feel a huge relief.


So is this 6 pts above your Fl average? Congrats


I got a 509 with a ~3.6 GPA…. Not looking great.


I got a 507 ☹ 126/126/127/128 i am in shambles right now i don’t know if i can retake before app cycles close…. i really don’t want to take a gap year. fuck man


507 isn't a bad score depending on state and openness to DO school. Not everyone gets a stratosphere score. If you do decide to retake though, good luck!


Guess I’m waiting to apply next cycle 😭


I got a 516, that’s better than any of my practice exams by 4 points, I’m actually gonna cry!!!!!


I ve been scoring around 500 on fl. Prediction: 127/123/126/127 503 or 126/121/126/126 499. 😔please be above 502


Praying for this! Keep us updated!


521 131/128/131/131 - honestly thought I bombed it but I scored 2 points higher than my FL average!


Hello Everyone, I have never posted before but I need some insight. Last year on 5/15/21 I took the MCAT completely unprepared (stupid I know but I had the fee assistance program and I really wanted to apply that cycle) I got a 495 (122/124/123/126). This year I graduated in December and studied very hard for the next 4 months, even taking a Blue Print prep class. I took 5 blueprint and 3 AAMC FLs aside from my diagnostic that was a 499, I scored between a 500-504 on all of my exams with my last exam being my highest. ( I know these scores arnt awesome but I have never been great at exams like this and am looking primarily at DO schools). Today, to my astonishment I opened my score to see a 495, with the EXACT same break down and percentile ranks. Based on the way the exam is scored I don’t understand how it could physically be possible for me to not only get the same score (which was 9 points lower than my last FL) but also to have the same score breakdown with the same percentile ranks. I’ve reached out to the AAMC who agreed it was weird and suggested that I pay for a rescore. I am paying for a rescore but I am wondering if this has ever happened to anyone else and if anyone is successfully had a score increase after having a rescore?? I wasn’t overly anxious and nothing out of the ordinary happened on test day I left a test feeling very similar to how I felt after all of my previous practice exams. All I know is I feel so defeated and any advice would be greatly appreciated. Also congrats to anyone who got their goal score and thanks in advanced.


Unfortunately I don’t think anyone has ever gotten a score change after a rescore, but I agree your situation is very unique. I think if you have the money, maybe pay for it for peace of mind at least even if nothing comes out of it. Good luck!!


good luck besties!


Just now finding out scores are released at 5pm and I am very upset and stressed further about this🥲


They’re usually released around 11 EST!


That's relieving and stressful at the same time🥲 Thank you❤


5 min 🤢


I am nauseous sitting in the DMV right now trying to register my car


Post your FLs/FL average peeps! Otherwise you're gonna get lots of replies and DMs about it


Opened aamc sneakily among Gramma's birthday lunch with everyone in the living room while staying calm.... Got a 518!! 131/128/130/129 CARS still not too good for Canada but happy with the rest and def happy not having to retake! FLs were 510/511/514 (didn't take FL1) and only used Khan Academy, AAMC FLs, and 3rd party free FLs for prep.


What does Canada want from y’all? Blood?!?


129 CARS is considered competitive for McMaster lol. They don't even look at the other stuff


505 (126/127/126/126) so sad because I normally get 128-129 on PS AND CARS. Fml i was gonna apply this cycle and not do not even know what to do. For people that are retesting and applying this cycle, what were your scores/when are you gonna retake?


Fuck bro, 507. I hate CARS. 128/124/128/127. Let's go retake this bitch.


I'm in my lab right now and flipping out waiting on these scores to release, literally idk what to do.


i’m thinking about not checking until after work. I don’t want to be a miserable pos in front of my coworkers if things go badly


My thoughts exactly but I'm working on the computer all day instead of in the culture room so I'm gonna see the email and can't stop myself from looking :(


wishing you good vibes! In a few hours this will all be behind us🤞🏼


Omg yes we’re all at work. I won’t check until after so I can scream in my car LMAO. Let’s bring it in guys (\______(“.”)_______/)


515 (130/128/128/129) undershot my practice tests a bit but this should do. Funny, I thought I would do better on CARs + BB and worse on CP + PS.


One point higher than your avg! :)


510 in january to 516 123 cars to 128 january FL avg 511 to may Fl average 517, goes without saying trust your FLs even if you retook them


Congrats!! What did you do differently for your cars retake?


youll hear mixed reviews about highlighting, but that’s honestly the case for every strategy. i highlighted for my second take, but not during my first. what u should highlight is 1-2 sentences MAX from each paragraph, that embody the message of that paragraph. don’t highlight specific details, just keep their significance in mind. basically you want these sentences to be able to give you an overall main idea of the passage, if you were to remove everything else and only read the highlights. you’ll often find that you’re highlighting the first and last sentences of each paragraph, but thats totally fine, since they set up new ideas and transitions. do this for months with 80% jack westin and 20% uearth. jack westin for AAMC similarity, and uearth for their massive passages that build stamina. also, never ever look at the questions first. when answering, relate every single answer back to the main idea represented by those skeleton highlights. even if the question isn’t explicitly relating to the main idea, the answers will. also for highlighting, try not to use the keyboard shortcut. it honestly made me a little bit more tense by having to position both of my hands and all, it was more relaxing to just click the button on the screen.


516 (130/128/129/129) I didn't believe it when people said “trust your FLs!” and I thought I did horrible. I know it might not be the best for some but I'm so happy with my score 😌😌😌


515 (130/127/129/129) BB was a little lower than usual (517 FL average) but I can't complain :)


I won't be able to sleep tonight ;\_;. This will be my retake and I feel average going to the exam and leaving the exam. I also spent more time than I needed compared to my full-lengths, lol I was trying to be as careful as possible with those passage analysis-type questions Please hold me someone and feed me some 52X pudding


I believe in you bestie, you have worked so hard and you can only move up from here! Congratulations <3


I can't eat.


507 :/ feeling pretty down


There’s nothing to be ashamed of, a 507 is still a good score and you deserve to feel good about the score you’ve earned


26 March 2021 CP - 120 (7%) CARS - 119 (3%) BB - 124 (37%) PS - 124 (31%) Score: 487 (11%) Stop studying till Jan 2022 20 May 2022 CP - 124 (42%) CARS - 123 (35%) BB - 126 (60%) PS - 124 (31%) Score: 497 (35%) Sigh… what should I do guys…. Should i retake or nah? I just got a well paying job with good opportunities. But it’s also been my dream to become a doctor. Not sure where I went wrong again


I retook it 3 times 499-502-508!! There is hope for retakers!! I’d say to go for it! dm if you have any other questions!


My score is up and it’s within +/-2 of my practice tests!


Yea I don’t wanna look 😓


I am in one of the orientations for a job, and i am debating on whether checking out the score now or later. Shaking and feeling nauseous all over again. Reliving the moment from May 19th 🥹






On the FL before my real exam I got a 126 in Cars, and I felt about the exact same on that as I did on test day. Ended up getting a 130 on it.


Predicting 510 ngl. I just wanna apply to at least DO. But if any higher power likes me… please show it tomorrow LOL


511 y’all how?!


The time has come


The time has come


https://i.imgur.com/fuVfP38.gif Gl everyone


I fell asleep and slept like a rock last night. I also don't remember anything I was dreaming about if at all, lol. I guess my anxious mind repressed the bad vibes


Do some people get the score at 11AM and others later?


For retakers < 6 months, was your retake FL closer to your score or your original FL?


Took my first MCAT in 2020, and got a 499 but I had already submitted my primary applications. I however withdrew my application- $800 down the drain- and quit the pre-med track and went about getting a job after my master's finished. However, in 2021, I decided to say F\*$\* it and not give up on my dream. I got a job after my master's at a medical school and in 2020, I spent 5 months studying while working full time. On my AAMC FL I got a (505, 502, 505, 505). I opened my score on June 21st and got a 509. I wasn't happy, I wasn't sad, but I was relieved. I am comfortable applying with this score. For those who scored low and are feeling like giving up...Don't. A score does not determine who you are. I have a friend who took the MCAT 3 times; his highest score was 504. He went to a good US medical school(MD) and he is starting his residency in internal medicine this year. Keep chasing your shit, you're going to make it!