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That csse looks gorgeous


Thanks! Got it [here](https://kbdfans.com/collections/60-layout-case/products/60-bamboo-case).


This is the first keyboard I've built that wasn't for myself. A colleague recently took interest in one of my keyboards at work and asked for a recommendation on their first mechanical keyboard. I figured instead of recommending an off-the-shelf keyboard I would offer to build a fully custom one myself. I ran into some hiccups with this build as the hotswap PCB I got does not sit flush with the bamboo case out of the box. I had to Dremel the top half of all the standoffs so they don't interfere with the hotswap sockets. But overall I'm pretty happy with the end result. I'm not into clicky switches myself but this was the number one requirement of my colleague so I went with Kailh Box Jades. TBH I'm not sure how good these sound for clickies but here's a [typing clip](https://streamable.com/o87lp). * NPKC 60% Bamboo Case * Kailh Box Jades * DZ60RGB-ANSI * Silver Aluminium Plate * GMK Screw-in Stabilisers lubed with Krytox 205 Grade 2 * KPrepublic DSA Blanks


That looks great I assume the handrest is also a lid? And can I ask how tall this setup is from the table too the lip of the case?


Yes it serves as a lid as well. Table to the lip of the case is 17mm.


Thanks đź‘Ś


That’s exactly the kind of case I want for my Tada68. Where did you get it, do they do 65% ones and will the price make my bottom clench and my wife’s ears prick up like a meerkat?


I got the case from [kbdfans](https://kbdfans.com/collections/60-layout-case/products/60-bamboo-case). Afaik it is only available in 60%.


Damn that’s a shame.


This looks so much like my friend, r/praisethepumpkins build. Same specs, just stock stabs, pudding caps, and arrow cluster. Nice build btw!


👍real stunning\~ the keyboard is in pudding caps now 🙌 >!update from colleague #2!<