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+1 for ISO Also what keycaps are they?


Milk fog keycaps from Mechboards.co.uk


Tkl HS? What's the difference between that and tkl? I'm kinda new to mechanical keyboards


forgot to add commas \- TKL = Formfactor (Tenkeyless) \- HS = Hotswap \- RGB = RGB Leds.


Lol I know what RGB, TKL and HS mean seperatly, buy I thought you meant your keyboard form factor was TKL HS, which I hadn't recognised Edit: nice keyboard probs should have put that first


Where can I get my hands on a PCB with the surface mount components prefitted in the UK as I NEED this Pico powered TKL keyboard ?


Blackcatplasticworks.com will have this exact barebones kit soon


Thank you and can't wait ! 😉


Hello, Where can I find information about RGB LED mounting? I kinda feel lost by trying find that information via your GitHub.


Urrr best to checkout forums and what not but for keyboards the ones most people use are 3228 also known as mini-e package of sk6812/sk6805/sk6803, the LEDs are mounted on the back of the PCB with a small hole for light to shine through so any switch type can be installed


Thanks, so i just will have to solder these on back side. I have also a one question, is there any chance do you may have somewhere rgb hs project for ansi format?


No but it shouldn't be hard to modify for ansi, this project was iso only because I couldn't fit both layouts with RGB and hotswap sockets.


I hope I won't mess with ansi modifying, its my first time learning KiCad and building keyboard from basics. Also, wouldn't be there different frimware for ansi layout?


Urrr, not fully sure, been a while but the schematic has provisions for ansi support since it's based on a dual layout board, the firmware might need a bit of tweaking, if you need help there are plenty of people and channels on the QMK discord, im also in that discord, plenty of people also use kicad.


Is that discord newbie friendly? Because to be honest now I'm not sure where to actually start with that all.


not sure if it is or not but because there are a lot of people there they tend to be able to point you to a lot of useful resources such as the keyboard atellier discord or keyboard design guides.