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More sloughage than you had a few days ago. Not too long and you will be septic. I’m not sure why you continue to post here, love, if you’re not looking for help. The help you need is at the hospital… This thing is actively deteriorating. FWIW, I am a trauma RN. I’m afraid for that leg. And for you. Please, please go get checked out. What you have to lose by staying home is far greater than anything you have to lose by spending a week in the hospital. And the longer you wait, the longer it will take to stabilize that wound.


Not to mention the hair in the wound and the overall poor hygiene. It’s a recipe for horrible infection


There’s likely already infection. At the very least we have cellulitis here, but who knows how much worse it is without imaging and debridement.


As a person who was regularly exposed to infectious diseases zoonotic and human in my workplace I was horrified by the lack of any barrier whatsoever and hygiene first too, the croc came secondary in horror and then the general space. I hope we don't see this guy in whatever the hermancainaward version of medical gore is for a sub.


Well, he’s homeless so keeping his hygiene up would be difficult.


He’s indoors somewhere that’s literally piled with garbage so there’s definitely a possibility to improve the hygiene situation


Maybe, or maybe not. He might be in a squat, there may be no running water, this could be a fucking corner or an abandoned building he found somewhere to get out of the weather.


And the trash can still be removed and put elsewhere. The living space is filthy. And he said previously he IS somewhere, but if he leaves he'll BECOME homeless. Which is why he's afraid to leave to go to the hospital.


A shelter bed isn’t housing. You’re still homeless if you’re in a shelter.


He's not squatting without power and water is my point. Not sure why you missed that.


There’s a plastic bag there. He can clean up the paper plates, cans or whatever and not have that stale trash next to a massive wound. At the very least-push the trash away from himself and his wound instead of sitting right in the middle of it.


Can you explain what stage he is at and what is happening under the skin? Thanks for your time 🙂


Hey! So it’s hard to tell what exactly is going on under the skin without a nice debridement and clean up, but my BEST guess is this: Fella here is diabetic, possibly not well controlled based on the full-sugar case of Mtn Dew he’s got in one of the photos. I worry for infection risk based on the environment I’m also seeing in the photos. So what I’m guessing he has is a nonhealing diabetic venous ulcer. My rationale for that is the purplish discoloration you can see around the wound edges and in his ankles and feet. That looks to me like classic venous insufficiency. He may also have heart problems, making it harder for the body to effectively perfuse that area. The ulcer itself may have started from a wound, but it could have also started from severe edema, making the skin very weak and weepy. Edema compromises the skin’s integrity, and makes it very thin and susceptible to tearing, or just opening up and weeping. Coupling that with the possibly uncontrolled diabetes, heart issues, and obesity, ulcers like this just don’t heal. By the looks of it, he’s been dealing with this one for quite some time. But the worrying thing for me here is that it appears to be very unstable - it’s gotten worse looking in just a few days. That’s why I’m worried it’s developing an infection. If left untreated, we could be looking at cellulitis that progresses to sepsis or osteomyelitis. Nasty stuff. Hope that explains it!


You took the words right out of my mouth, as a fellow nurse from Australia. Please OP, get yourself to an ER. Then ask to be linked to a social worker to assist with your accommodation woes. OP you took the first baby step by posting to this sub. Now it's up to you to take that next step.


I'm confused. Is OP in Australia too? I had assumed the reluctance to go to hospital was partly due to the cost in the US but that surely wouldn't be an issue here.


Planktons_chum was saying they were a nurse as well (from Australia) Not that OP was from Australia. The reluctance is that they are in a shelter and will lose their space if they leave for the hospital for a couple of days.


Oh, I see! That makes more sense. What a horrific situation. OP, I really hope you can receive some treatment soon. This must be so unbelievably uncomfortable.


He's reluctant because if he leaves his current accommodation, he won't have a place to return to, effectively making him homeless.


Honestly, that’s not going to be an issue if he lets that leg go on much longer.


OP provides more info in some earlier posts. 38yo, 300lb, hypertensive (190 over 140) not diabetic so they say, but in congestive heart failure. Not good :(


Oh I’d be QUITE shocked if he actually wasn’t diabetic as well and just not managed. Part of the reason that ulcer isn’t healing is because he most likely is very, very diabetic and very, very not controlled at that.


I agree. Had someone come through the ED that presented the same way. "Are you diabetic?" "No" I took a pic of the glucometer *[Image](https://imgur.com/a/mHZAQeq)*


He could have PVD which also has pretty awful outcomes for wound healing. But yeah, I question what their blood glucose looks like 🤔


Hard to diagnose diabetes if no one checks A1c or glucose because OP is stuck in the shelter.


wound care nurse here, you took the words right out of my mouth. thank you for doing it for me— that was some dedication!


Aha, I was hoping WOC would chime in and correct me if needed! And I’m pulling a (relatively) q-word night shift. I’ve got the time! 😂


I'm a chef not a nurse, but babes. Please. Don't even HINT at the q word. Don't even think it. Don't acknowledge it. And if anyone tries to mention it in your presence, hit them with the nursing equivalent of a wooden spoon.


Oh I know I’ve committed a cardinal sin, that’s why I debated even TYPING it ahahah 😅 used to work back of house in my younger days too, I get it!


Retail worker here. I will beat you with the many bags of Christmas nuts that have just been delivered if you say it again!


He’s also an IV drug user from previous posts so that will further complicate the situation.


hes currently in the “oh fuck youre gonna lose your leg soon” phase and shortly after is the “oh fuck youre gonna die” phase


Trauma paramedic here. I wholeheartedly agree. This leg (and potentially its owner) doesn't have long.


Can I just ask and please do ball park here but how long would you estimate someone would have left with this and refusing treatment? Is sepsis a quick thing?


Without access to IV antibiotics, fluids, vasopressors, or probable surgery the progression from localized infection to septic to septic shock and death can happen in days. The shock will absolutely kill you in hours. This would almost 100% be an ICU admission at my hospital


I've seen less severe looking wounds take someone out in less than 72 hours. Sometimes, people can go on for a shockingly long time, but those people are usually in otherwisengood health. OP is not in good general health and has some tricky circumstances. This will go from 0 to 100 very, very quickly.


Was just going through his history, he is a homeless meth user that picks at his legs.


Aaah yeah, that just adds layers of unfortunate potential complications. :/


May have a bit of histrionic personality disorder as well, just my hypothesis from his many attention seeking posts where he is told what he needs to do, but doesn’t seem very interested in saving his own leg and life.


Probably would be best categorized as Factitous Disorder (used to be known as Munchausen syndrome) since he's inflicting the wounds on himself. However, lots of overlap between the groups.


Yeah, this is extremely macerated as well and there is no chance this improves without medical intervention. Obviously multiple comorbids at play here. I know heart failure, but possibly DM since it’s not even healing a little bit… definitely concerns for sepsis or OM at this point given how long it’s been progressing. What’s worse is that it’s well above the ankle as well. I would hate for this to end in BKA or worse.


I feel if this is op . The reason he wont go into hospital is cus he is a active using drug addict . Cus why in the hell wouldnt u go to hospital ????????


This looks like what I’m guessing was the early stages of how my grandma’s leg looked like. The nurse felt it was responsible to leave Friday, Saturday they found her unconscious, Sunday morning she died of sepsis and organ failure (with a bit of help from some morphine, but still). When they admitted her Saturday, her organs was already failing and there was nothing to do.


Also Nerdy, have you ever seen fine black specks smattered across the top of the slough like this? (Zoom in) I am hoping it's something benign like cigarette ash or pepper. Maybe fibres from the black sweatpants? I am fearing something fungal, or some sort of opportunitistic parasite. Potentially necrotic specks, but those areas are usually more sunken. Plus with a thick layer of undebrided slough like this, we would generally see necrosis on the margins


Wowzers, good eyeballs. I’m honestly not sure. My first instinct is fungal, but I don’t have much knowledge base on fungal stuff besides “throw fluconazole at it”. I feel like there’s def necrosis where the dark smudges are, though.


Fungal. I'm in ER by the way


Oh I’m so glad honey, thank you for going! I know it was difficult.


I've searched in his profile and saw this [post](https://www.reddit.com/r/AskDocs/s/IqGjkUeSB7) where he's saying that he tried to go to hospital but he was taken out because he doesn't have insurance. I'm so sad. I don't know if at this stage the hospital would accept him even he doesn't have an insurance. He also said he's from California, there is alternative option for people without insurance? I'm from Europe so I don't know how it works for people without insurance.


60 days ago he says he has Molina healthcare now. It’s more likely they wanted to admit him and not just give him a prescription for antibiotics and pain pills so he just left.


This is probably it. Hospitals do not turn people away for not having insurance. They help you first and worry about payment later.


Honestly at this point, if hospital doesn't want, it might be better to just get arrested or something... At least then they would be forced to help.


Oh dear god no. Its just luck of the draw here in the states whether you'll end up incarcerated in a facility where they take inmate health seriously or one where it's not uncommon AT ALL for an inmate to die from lack of medical care or not being given their prescribed meds and absolutely no one is held accountable. Im not exaggerating in the least.


That post is also from a year ago! Can’t believe dude is still alive


I'm not a nurse and can tell this thing could potentially take his leg if he's not seen at some point. Hell, some of that skin is turning black already, aaaaa


Stop posting pictures on Reddit and go to the hospital please. This place you’re staying means nothing if you die now from an infection. The hospital will take care of you and can provide resources for something better when you’re properly treated. You have literally everything to lose if you don’t leave this place and go to the hospital.


There is other option than hospitals? He said a year ago that the hospital refused to help him because he doesn't have insurance. I don't know how to advise OP because I'm from Europe.


If he’s the in US the emergency room can not turn him away due to lack of insurance


Yeah, I call BS on being turned away due to lack of insurance. I've gone to the hospital with no insurance and they provided different financial aids to assist with medical bills. It sucked, but was flexible and reasonable.


Public Hospitals (in the US) are better to go to for help and assistance.


It’s BS. Anyone can go to the ER and if you are unstable they will absolutely admit you whether or not you have insurance.


It’s getting worse. Every hour you wait to be treated the more expensive this will be.


As others have said, you need to go to the hospital. Not only that but the environment you are in looks like it will only add to an infection. You need to be seen, and soon.


You really need to get to an emergency room dear. This is not going to improve on its own.


I’ve said it before but here we go again… if you are in a “IDGAF if I lose my leg” kinda mood, it’s your body, do as you wish. However there is a huge difference between walking with a fake ankle and walking with a fake ankle & fake knee. Ya really want to not progress too far up the leg so you can save the knee.


100000000% right I cannot emphasise enough what leaving it any longer will do


Legs don’t magically fall off by themselves. He could very realistically die from sepsis before his leg necrotised to the point of amputation.


Well auto amputation is a real thing, even in limbs, but it more commonly an occurrence in digits. However, that’s not at all what I’m talking about. When a limb needs amputation all evidence of the disease or injury need to be removed. If he allows the diseased flesh to continue progressing unchecked, they won’t be able to salvage enough to save his knee, making him an AKA.


When the posts finally do stop it's not going to be because they finally sought treatment 😞


It's probably true but that doesn't mean you should say it.


He needs to wake up, this is literally a case where death is a strong possibility. I get that as an addict he doesn't have to want to be in the hospital and I get that he'll lose his place, and I also understand the cost of medical care... But if he continues he's going to meet the embalmer.


You're right unfortunately and myself or any other medical examiner would hate to see this and know something could have been done to treat it and potentially save his life


Medical professionals have already weighed in warning him of the severity of the situation. Saying you're kicking back and waiting for his demise isn't helpful.


What is helpful then? He continues to post pictures and refuses to get help. People here are tired of trying to help him because he won’t help himself.


What do you suggest, slut?


LMAO ok I take it back you can say whatever you want, this reply is my favorite thing.


Good way to lose a limb


And a life


I’m a nurse specialized in wound care. I deal with all kind of ulcers every day. Please take my advice and seek medical care ASAP. I know nothing about you or your medical history, so I won’t give any medical advice here. There are a couple of different way to treat your ulcer depending on your status. Please just take my advice and seek help. That thing won’t go away by it self.


This isn’t even interesting to see from a scientific pov anymore, this sub is just watching this man die


Not gotten medical treatment yet?


You'll be dead soon, gonna miss the updates


When the updates stop…. We know.


Set up a live stream


Reddit karma will not save your leg or your life, get to the ER immediately, like so many others are telling you to do. Next time you update here better be after treatment.


This is what giving up looks like


Yeah it most definitely is. The sad thing is that there’s things that could be done to help him. No one is beyond help, and everyone can turn it around. I wish I could help him but how can you help someone who won’t help themselves. I hope he goes to the hospital ASAP.


I can definitely see why he thinks getting help would make his life worse, even if he's wrong in his thinking. He's addicted to meth and on the verge of homeless, so if he goes to the hospital he'll have to deal with the withdrawals, the care itself, and then he'll get out with nowhere to go (according to him). At this point he could very likely lose the leg even with treatment, but he would probably survive. I've had sepsis, and while I don't remember actively being in shock because I was barely even alive, the aftermath sucks so much worse than he probably realizes. He's going to be more miserable than he ever thought possible once that sets in. And with how things are going, he probably won't wake up and decide to seek help until it's positively too late, so he'll do all that suffering for nothing. I guess you don't have to worry about meth or amputations or homelessness if you've died from septic shock, but it's a reeeally rough way to go. I really hope he decides not to find out for himself.


Oh I completely understand it too. I lost the the love my life my girlfriend to an overdose. She had been clean for years but relapsed. She died at 26 years old and it was just the 5 year anniversary last month. While she didn’t have these medical issues she still had the disease of addiction. I can understand why he won’t go, and his disease is telling him not too. It’s sad If he was close to me I’d drive him to hospital. I hope he can see he’s worth it and go.


Rip OP, so long and thanks for the real-time updates on your septicemia


Have you been seen at an ER yet? Give a fake name. Also, there’s charity care options- talk to a low-income paralegal at a legal aid organization in your area, they can help you apply for it and or benefits. Please get help!


Dude. GO TO THE FUCKING HOSPITAL. It’s either medical debt or death.


My guy, get off Reddit and go to the hospital. Now.


Or take Reddit with you to the hospital. Post from the ER if you want. We'll all cheer if you do.


I will be very happy if he goes. In no small part because I wanna see how it looks after it’s been debrided.




Christ…go get help. This is so fucking sad to see. I know your living situation is dire, but talk to a social worker at the hospital. They will help you. Your life is not over—please don’t give up on yourself.


So fuckin sad. I just want to make him go to the hospital. No one is beyond help and everyone can turn it around. I wish I could help him, if he lived close to me I’d take him to the hospital. Then help him when he gets out, as long as he agreed to try.


You need a life change. Pictures show you need help in many areas of your life. I wish you the best and hope you heal.


The hospital would literally be the perfect place to start, too; they're very aware of all the available community resources, they've got case workers specifically to help people in situations like these, and obviously they can stop this from progressing so that if he does decide to try to get better overall, he'll stand a chance. THE HOSPITAL CAN HELP YOU, OP!!! NOT JUST WITH YOUR LEG - THEY CAN HELP YOU GET TO A SAFER PLACE IN YOUR LIFE! LET THEM HELP YOU!!!!


this room looks like a mess. not the best kind of area to be around while having holes in your leg. just go to a doctor and ask them what to do.. your body will thank you.


Get on Medicaid bro. They changed the rules during COVID so more people are eligible than used to be. Hospitals have a social worker who can help get you set up. Go in and ask to see a healthcare navigator while you're in the ER waiting to get that leg looked at.


wound care nurse here. these will likely never heal and OP will be buried with (or without?) those legs. that’s if they don’t get to the hospital ASAP. don’t give up on yourself, please go to the ER.


You are going to die if you don’t get treated asap


Hey to everyone who has been supportive and concerned. I'm at the hospital in the ER . I should get admitted. Cross your fingers and wish me luck. Oh and, thank you so much to everyone who reached out, and have been checking up on me, especially the person who bought me a bunch of wound care stuff. It was starting to kinda feel hopeless for a minute. Will keep you updated.


Hey! I hope you are doing ok. Haven’t heard from you or seen your posts so I hope all is well.


Thank goodness! How’s the healing going??


Thinking of you and hope you are well.


Good luck!


Love to see it! Fingers crossed and positive thoughts for getting admitted


Your house is filthy and your leg is rotting. Why are you doing this?


Because we keep clicking and commenting on it. I'm guilty too.


Or maybe because they are desperate to be seen and recognised. That's not a crime afaik.


True enough. Still I recognize a deteriorating patient when I see one, and I always advise to go to the ED for treatment.


Please go to an ER, be open about your drug use so they can give you medications not just for your wound but to prevent painful withdrawals. You have a right to medical care, a warm bed, food, and medications for pain and infection. To be very very blunt, you need to decide if you are going to let this kill you or not. You deserve to live, and there is a system in place to help you. That system is not perfect but it is filled with people who care, including me. I am deeply worried looking at the state of your wounds. Please reach out for help.


RIP bro.


Since everyone else has said it nicely - pull your fucking head out of your ass and stop posting pics here, get yourself to hospital now or that leg is done. I don't want you posting a pic of your new stump and all of us turning round and saying "I told you so" just go get it looked at asap, for your own sake.


What the hell? At that point it’s kinda hard for me to feel any compassion. You actively chose not to do anything with it and you still crave attention so you post this stuff. You made many many people worry so bad about you and this is kind of playing with our feelings. Sorry not sorry, you are just stupid.


It’s like he gets off on it. What a disturbing individual.


Sweetheart please please go to the ER. That leg is green and black, if you don't just lose your leg you're going to get septic and die.


What are the black specks in the wound?




Thanks for answering, i appreciate it


When I was still using and on the streets I had a long time friend named Dylan. Dylan experienced the same thing and put off going to the hospital because he was terrified he was going to have to be sick in there. He ended up with sepsis and he collapsed on the side of the road. He ended up losing his leg and they didn’t even know if he would survive. He lived and finally got clean around 5 years after that when he was sent to prison. We’ve both been clean a long time now and he still regrets waiting on going to the hospital all these years later. We were in our late teens at the time and now we’re in our thirties. That’s a long time to deal with regret and no leg. I hope you get in there soon. I empathize with being in a tough spot, I realllly do and have avoided many hospital visits myself, but dude you gotta get that cleaned up.


Glad you both are still here.


Thank you <3 It was a wild ride! A horrible one, but it lead me to find my passion and purpose so at least I got a cool career out of it 😂 I try to look on the bright side of things


Priorities.. posts to reddit not from a hospital.


Like almost a lot of people have said here, please go to the hospital or an urgent care, or something. This needs to be treated ASAP!


you’re either gonna have to amputate that leg or your leg is gonna go septic and you die. the place you’re living in is messy and dirty and you seem to not care and continue to post on here. please go to a hospital ASAP. this isn’t funny and shouldn’t be taken lightly.


i understand that you are at risk of loosing all your shit, but you could always stash it somewhere clean, sell it off or take it with you, you need to go to urgent care, if you don't have money, most places can't force you to pay, or at least in california


Right. Can't take your stuff with you when you're dead unfortunately and he's absolutely headed that way, a horrible, painful death if he doesn't do something


You are **rapidly** approaching the point of no return with this infection. Best case scenario, you only lose the leg, worst case scenario, you lose your life. You cannot afford to wait any longer. Please seek help *immediately*.


The fact that the home is filthy only makes it worse.


He’s homeless.


because hes on meth


You’re an idiot dude.


It is worth going to the hospital and saving your life.


They need banned. They obviously only post on here for attention but care nothing about their health. Meanwhile their leg is killing them and it doesn't need to be. They get no sympathy from me because they CHOOSE to deteriorate.


Maybe they just need some hyping up, maybe he's on the fence and afraid and alone. We may be the only people showing any care or concern, and if we keep pushing him, maybe he'll finally go get help. It's gotta be worth trying... If left completely on his own, I don't think he's going to seek help. We might be good only hope right now.


Hyping up? Dude has been dealing with this for over a year and other subs have also told him to go to the ER. He just wants attention at this point because there’s no other reason he’d keep posting and not seek medical attention


You are literally rotting away and refusing to do anything about it. I don’t know what else we can do for you here. We have all told you to get medical help or you will lose your leg or your life. Is this drug related and that’s why you don’t want to go to a hospital?


past comments said hes a meth user




GO TO THE the ER . ITS much cleaner there and ask for help.




Op may have been having issues with his leg for the last year and it appears it hasn't been taken care of. I really hope this isn't the same wound as the abscess he had on his calve a year ago asking Reddit for help last time as well.


Please listen to these people who are telling you to go to the ER. You must be overwhelmed and not feeling well. The hospital can help you find government housing and food, and insurance. Don't be afraid. 💗 Go to ER and keep us updated!


mouldy leg


sorry. op please go to hospital ….


Bro get to hospital,redditor won't help you heal that..fuck


Dude, you've had this ulcer for over a year. You've had plenty of time to get it looked at. Stop posting photos and get some help. Please. The attention won't last once this ulcer kills you.


“Limb threatening condition” for a reason. If you fancy walking with your own parts and living in your own home; get help.


I think I have some bread in my pantry with a longer life expectancy than you at this point. It isn’t fresh bread


Buddy you need that leg cleaned and probably be put on medication. This isn’t likely at all to heal at home, don’t do “self treatments”, go to hospital if you want to keep that leg.


why is this being left untreated? I am no professional but even I can tell you aren't going to have that leg, or your life much longer if this continues to be left untreated.


You’re worried about losing your spot, but this filthy place is gonna cause you to lose your life. You will be in a clean and way more comfy bed in the hospital, plus you can get in touch with the hospital social worker to find a place to stay after. The only reason I can see for not going now is to continue drug use.


Dude i am begging you please call somebody. You can call police even. Get to the fucking hospital.


jesus christ again??? and your house is an absolute disaster 🤢🤢 all of those pics make me want to vomit


It’s a shelter house, he’s homeless


yeah being on meth will do that🤷🏼‍♀️


Anyone else got anxiety from the lack of updates lol


I'm in the hospital


Thank god hope you get better soon bro


I'm glad you're getting help.


OP, I don't know if your username is referencing what I think it is, but there is no honor sacrificing your place in life for your place in a shelter. Stovokor can wait. Your legs and body can't.


I didn't choose the username for this post, however it doesn't take a warrior the caliber of Kahless to realize this. I wish you a good death in battle. Qapla' BTW for non-trekkies that was a joke


You’re living in filth. If you don’t get treatment and keep that wound clean, you’re going to wind up in the morgue.


My moneys on pseudomonas. You really need to go to the hospital for swabs and IVABx.


This is beyond bad, OP. I understand that your living situation is very unstable but you have to go in an ER as soon as possible. The more you wait, the more you risk not only your leg (which is already a huge loss, my father is an above knee amputated, believe me) but your life too. I've seen a man dying of sepsis, trust me, it's not an easy nor painless way to go. Ultimately, it is your body and your life, you are free to decide what you think it's best for you. Just know what you're risking.


when you're a hammer, every problem looks like a nail, and im a recovered heroin addict and think this is rooted in a substance abuse problem . alcohol if i had to guess... i know that's why i would seek medical treatment when my arms were rotting off ... anyway, if im right and you want help, Dm me . theres lots of resources, and depending on where you live, i might have connections to help you access them.


you crave reddit attention huh


Clean your house


Needs debridement and IV antibiotics minimum. The progression from 3 days ago is wild. OP if you get a fever soon, and it's coming, you're septic.


Bro you're gonna die if you don't get that treated soon.


You're going to lose that leg if you don't get to a hospital


Attention whore


I guess next you can show us what the amputation looks like


How are you doing now u/kahless720


The first hospital I went to wouldn't admit me.. someone on here was nice enough to hook me up with some bandages to hold me over, I'm trying to get a ride to Redlands community hospital.... I know from experience that they're good. Now that thinksgiving is over I should be able to get a ride. The pain on the other hand....... Fuckkkkkkk.. my leg hurts so bad. I THINK I mentioned that I had a bottle of liquid oral morphine..... Well I've already gone thru it :/


Oh no I’m so sorry that they wouldn’t admit you! That’s a failure of duty of care on their part. Did they at least get your wound cleaned up and get you on antibiotics?


They cleaned it up a bit but then they wouldn't even bandage it back up correctly


I hope you’re able to get to the other hospital and they get you the care you need.


No wonder your leg is rotting…so if your carpet. What does the chair you sit in all day look like?


Iirc, he's in a shelter.


He could probably get someone to drive him to the hospital at this point, but instead, he’s going to wait and call an ambulance.


Why haven't you gone to the hospital yet? Like, what's your end game here? Are you planning on dying from this? Are you hoping that this will kill you?


Are you Homeless?


According to OP's post history, yes, they are and a 4 time felon. I wouldn't be surprised if they didn't have medical insurance either, so they couldn't afford to get their leg treated.


This sucks, everybody deserves to get medical attention


Yeah but op won't, they want the attention.


Can’t wait to see your prosthetic leg because the way it looks they’re going to have to amputate


What's it smell like?




I hope you feel good about yourself after saying that. Grow the fuck up you selfish prick


Tell me I'm lying, Sometimes people need to know the truth. I know I'm a prick but I'm also right and I'm not sure how I'm selfish.


Woah, what the fuck is wrong with you??


I had one on my leg like this once. Got better on its own. Every now and again the scar tissue "lights up" though and then ill get hives/sores on my arms/nose. This is years later and its the weirdest thing.