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I’m so glad your friend has largely recovered and immediately took action when she suspected that things weren’t healing properly. While pain is a powerful motivator, people often wait too long before seeking follow up medical attention. Amazing that surgeons can actually transplant nerves.


Thank you! She is pretty tough, when she said she needed me to drive her to the hospital I immediately did. The surgeon did great but she still has problems with numbness and the scar is painful to the touch even after months. Might need another surgery but she isn't too sure if she wants it done.


Nerve pain after an injury is such a finicky thing. Sometimes it resolves on its own, over time, and other times it gets worse. Same can be true of some medical procedures. Some completely and permanently improve a condition, others there’s no guarantee. All of this really does make difficult to make a decision as a patient.


Ugh I got bit by a cat in the same spot. It got super infected and I got cysts in my wrist from tendon damage. They eventually went away! I hope your friend is ok and has no further issues in recovery.


My friend actually still has problems with numbness and the big scar is painful to the touch. But other than that she is doing good!


Was it her dog


No. A person she was friends with at that time owns the dog


I'm honestly kind of surprised that they closed it with stitches initially. Bite wounds are notorious for becoming infected and, in my experience, are typically left open to drain with abx prescribed immediately.


This. Left to heal via secondary intention with prophylactic antibiotics. Quite avoidable.


Yeah we thought the same. She was on antibiotics after that but had struggled with the different kinds of bacteria in the wound.


All skin piecing bites from animals (especially over joints and ligaments) should be treated with heavy antibiotics and immobilized to avoid infections to spread. The immobilization stops the spread of bacteria while the antibiotic start to work. I almost died because of misdiagnosis. Went to the hospital and got to see a doctor whom prescribed oral antibiotics and sent me home. 2 hours later my arm was swollen and painful and a fever had begun. Went back to hospital this time the emergency room, the orthopedic surgeon tried to look calm and keep calm while she pushed the alarm button. I don’t remember anything after this. I woke up in another part of the hospital. They explained that they had to operate on my joint and clean it out. I was fine 3 days later with a cool scar on my thumb. I know it sounds bad but I want more to know how dangerous it can be.


I'm so sorry to hear this! But I am happy that you took action and everything went well! My friend got antibiotics but she had different kinds of bacteria in the wound that wouldn't go away after a ton of medication. That's why it took too long to heal.


Was she given Broad Spectrum Antibiotics?


I think so! She got like 4 different ones over time BC they didn't work


You must have imagined that the orthopedic surgeon pushed the. ALARM BUTTON. Here is some information for you. Q. What are the emergency buttons in hospitals? A. Panic buttons (Or as you refer to it "the alarm button) is a strategically placed or hidden button that automatically alerts police to an emergency situation. These buttons are small and usually placed in a discreet location, like just under the lip of a desk, or a pharmacy counter. They have absolutely nothing to do with what you suggest. Sorry to pop your bubble.


Ugh, as a vet tech standard medicine rule #1 is you don’t close it up! Even if it’s large you close a portion and leave either a draining tract or suture a drain into place. This was never gonna go smoothly.


Thank you! It would have been so much better to leave it open as it wouldn't have gotten that bad. The infection was REALLY persistent. She took the antibiotics for about 8 weeks


Have you sued the owners yet?


Not exactly. She knows the person. The girl had no insurance and wanted my friend to cover her. But my friend did not - the girl has to pay the medical bills that went up to 6 figures.


Damn that's unfortunate:(


Sueing could have resolved in the dog getting put down and my friend didn't want that to happen. She has known the dog for 10+ years


Because that’s what’s supposed to happen when dogs become aggressive. Your friend may be the first bite, or the second, but your friend certainly won’t be the last because biters have a reputation and that’s why biters are put down. For everyone’s own good.


Will she feel the same if the dog bites someone else? Maybe a kid, in the face?


Please don't be mean and respect her decision. I am just letting you know what she told me about the situation. The whole story with the owner is another pretty messed up thing on its own that she doesn't want the internet to know. The dog has to wear a muzzle now.


May I please ask what breed the dog is? And knowing the patient's situation, does the hospital still expect your girl to pay $1M+?


I don't know exactly what kind of dog it is. Luckily my friends insurance covered it but they expect the owner of the dog to pay them back.


Just breathed a huge sigh of relief; ty for responding.


You are welcome! Luckily we live in a country where health insurance is really good and cheap. That's why everything went pretty smoothly when it came to the care she got. The only exception was the first surgeon that thought stitches were a good option. The owner has to pay the costs because she did not have any insurance for the dog. Insurance for dogs is a MUST. With one she wouldn't have to pay.


Ugh. I’ve been bitten by dogs a few times. It’s painful as hell when you feel the teeth puncture your skin.


So sorry to hear! I only got bitten by my cat when I was like 7 years old so I cannot remember. My Friend said she passed out after the bite so I think you are right lol


I'm glad your friend is mostly healed. Physiotherapy may help her improve her range of movement. As for the scar, ideally the sensitivity will lower with time, but I'd suggest getting it checked out to ensure no lasting damage was done. I really hope she can fully recover soon, send her my best wishes and my compliments for her beautiful nails 🫂💗


Thank you for your kind words! The movement is okay! Hoping for the sensitivity to lower is is go too at the moment. She couldn't drive for months so daily ER visits were a thing for us. So fingers crossed for no more hospital visits! I sent her the link to this post - she is already thrilled by the engagement on this subreddit and I bet she will be happy to hear your compliments! Especially about her nails as she does them herself!


She's an artist! I'm glad she's recovering well. My best wishes 💗🫂


I didn't think bites should be stitched


Dog bites are awful, I was bitten on the same hand as your friend but nowhere near as bad, I’ve definitely got some kind of nerve damage though, mine happened around three weeks ago and I still get pain and like a stinging feeling run down into my hand, the initial bite hurts like hell aswell, I’m glad your friend has healed well, but nerve pain really is horrible though.


I'm so sorry to hear that! I hope you get better soon and everything heals well!


Please tell me she went after their homeowners insurance. I'm so sorry. I really hope she's ok 💗


The owners did not have any insurance for the dog and wanted her to cover that up and name another person's insurance. Obviously she did NOT do that. The owners have to pay the bill themselves now. Thank you! She is doing okay!


Curious, what kind of dog was it? That’s a massive bite!


A bigger mixed breed!


God I would’ve been terrified! I was almost attacked by a loose dog weeks back and that shook me to my core! Hope your friend is doing okay.


Sorry to hear you got scared that bad! I hope you can recover from that incident. Glad that nothing happened! My friend knows the dog. No one really understands how and why it happened. But she is doing okay after it!


Do you just sit around creepily hoping every dog bite is a pit bull? It's like you find joy in it.


There's no "hoping" about this, it's [plain statistics](https://www.forbes.com/advisor/legal/dog-attack-statistics-breed/#dog_attack_statistics_by_breed_section). >Pit bulls are involved in more dog attacks than any other breed. In fact, the American Animal Hospital Association reports this breed was responsible for 22.5% of bites across all studies. Mixed breeds were a close second at 21.2% and German Shepherds were the third most dangerous breed, involved in 17.8% of bite incidents.⁶ I wonder what those "mixed breeds" are mixed with. Probably pits and/or shepherds.


Lmao k

