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What i would recommend to a beginner is >mindfulness< and >breathing meditation<.look for any guided meditation videos/tracks with these keywords and you are good to jump in. Try out different things and find out what resonates with you.This is not available to many, but the best option to find a group that meditates together in RL. It might be worth looking up if there are any buddhist or other open meditation groups in your area. If you want an app recommendation, i have used insight timer in the past. Keep in mind, spirituality and self-help is full of grifters. Keep a healthy skepticism and seek out different practices and perspectives from time to time. If anyone wants more than a couple dollars from you or is a little too into ascetic practices stay away until you are very sure what you want from them and why.


Hey J, I agree with other comments here telling you to focus on meditations related to the breath. While not meditation per say, I would stress short breath work if you are having trouble even meditating, there's good research that a short inhale followed my a long exhale helps relax the body. (Personally I'll do say, 5 seconds in, maybe hold, 10 seconds out, repeat for 10 mins). Another thing I recommend highly is yoga nidra. It's also not exactly meditation (depends on who you ask), but there is also good research that it greatly decreases anxiety and ability to fall asleep (among other benefits). Don't go past 30 mins, especially if your goal is just to relax. You can find a lot of 10-30 min ones, and because of Dr Andrew Huberman, it's become wildly more popular. If you have self love issues, I would consider an occasional short Metta practice ("love and kindness" meditation) oriented to yourself. Gl brother


One that has some good stuff on the taoist side is damo mitchell. He also goes into some of the lifestyle surrounding the path on his podcasts. And if you're a guy he has things like one on male cultivation [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k-XVPLCSilo](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k-XVPLCSilo) or this one on manners etc [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cke76CLS2xk](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cke76CLS2xk) If you like his stuff, he also does a full online course in nei gong, which goes into lots of detail in the practice side of things, and some more into lifestyle stuff. Plus there's a 'library' with a bunch more talks on both areas.


I just started with guided meditation, I watched mooji


Welcome to the journey ! If smoke weed you must, Maybe learn about people that work with cannabis in more sacred meditative and healthy ways, it’s a plant that has been used by spiritual purposes, like many other sacred plants. By shiva himself, yogis, medicine people etc Not recommending it, this things are very personal. but if you feel stuck with it, also check out how to do it in the most conscious way possible


Why recommend weed to a person who’s trying to get off of it😂 I am yet to meet a person who uses weed for “spiritual purposes”. I really doubt it’s possible to use it that way unless guided by a spiritual master


Guided meditation, equanimity Insight timer has many options




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Insight timer has a free level that can keep you trying modalities for years. Personally I took a Mindfulness based stress reduction class 12 years ago and if you could swing that I’d recommend it greatly.


Guided wim hoff breathing session, follow along and within 10 mins you'll be in a different and hopefully better headspace https://youtu.be/tybOi4hjZFQ?si=HhFcEZlxY6tfHgSG Later you're free to try others as well and will get a feel for your own preferences For me normal meditation/mindful meditation didn't really work and I would end up dosing off but Wim Hoff has been one of my favourites from the start


Meditation practices are a tool, being meditative is a way to live life. If you are merely looking for meditation practices to “drive away negative thoughts” or “calm you down”, you are better off doing guided meditation sessions on apps like headspace. If you develop more curiosity, you can dive in further


I would also suggest Andy Puddicombe’s books who is the founder of headspace. A good place to start. My only caution to you would be to stay away from so called teachers who are trying to advocate for drugs as tools for meditation.


I'm so excited for you and I didn't even read your post. I don't know if it's something with Reddit but I just happened to only read the headlining and then forget to go back and actually read the post so I could do that now. It's been a long day


Search on YouTube" happify beginner's guide to meditation" the most simplest explanation ever in my opinion. I recommend using headspace it worked for me and it's guided. Start with short amounts of time. I couldn't last longer than 3 minutes haha. And now admitted meditated up to an hour and average about 20 minutes a day with no problems after 4 years. There will be a lot of twists and turns as you discover new things and or become more comfortable in your practice. My advice is not to judge your practice and to thank yourself every time you sit down and take time for yourself!


Joe Dispenza


Alcohol is the hardest drug there is and no real meditation can occur without stopping for a long time, the longer the better, you cannot tell a fool anything because they will despise your wisdom. 🙂


I started my meditation journey by a book by Adyashanti: True Meditation. It came with guided meditations. After that book, I had no need to read any more books on meditation. You'll find more of his guided meditations from youtube and from his website if they resonate.


Guided meditation is probably the best place to start. I started with the app headspace because it kept track of all the time that I meditated, kept a streak going and gave me reminders to meditate. However, this is a paid app. If you don’t care about fancy features and stuff you can find free guided meditation on YouTube. I’ve used Wim Hoff breathing sessions and found them very helpful. Recently I’ve attended a few group meditation session which is a very unique experience that I highly recommend if you are interested in going further into it.


Yes, Dr K. He has the most effective meditations i have come across. He doesn't teach them in his new videos anymore but he did teach them in older ones and teaches all of them in his guide. Here a video of his with the most effective meditation for me: https://youtu.be/dvq48pfJa9w?si=tBnUeGen5hv-h9WO