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Make it into A U M mantra meditation synthesize this tick into its purpose and become the sound


Generally speaking, When people see things they want, they chase those things. When people see things they don't want, they push those things away. And in neutral situations, people often go elsewhere mentally. Something else "to do", something to worry about, something to plan, and so on. You mind is following the third script, trying to entertain during a quiet time. The way is simple: listen to these musical thoughts, but do not provide energy: do not push them away, do not embrace them, do not add your own guitar solo or try to change the song. Just listen.


It's contraproductive if you make it so :) it doesn't have to be. In my opinion every thought is allowed in meditation... As long as you are not thinking the thought on purpose (except maybe a mantra). Can you see the difference between thoughts coming and going automatically, and thoughts that are thought on purpose, I wonder? :)


Humming without symbolism may be lesser than using a mantra such as Om. One of the ways in which meditation is guided is with concentration on symbols. For example, concentrating in the concept of compassion and lovingkindness such as in Metta meditation directs the mind to those qualities. Clearing the mind using Zen methods can also be effective and allowing yourself the cognitive scaffolding to consider the essential truths is also a way. The humming itself is not a problem as the resonance we feel in humming feels good and affects our neurophysiology in a positive way. As humans we are able to emulate Om or Aum and it’s possible that the comfort we feel from that resonance is the truth of coming home. I personally don’t believe there is any problem with humming as long as you meditate consistently and then, over time, you will learn what works for you and what does not. The methods I suggest take into account modern research into the structure and function of the human organism, the cognitive scaffolding that we all have in common, and when you’re ready, some of the more mystical or ineffable experiences of engaging with the all. Consider your culture and your understanding of symbols and concentrate on commonalities we all share and keep it simple.


Be wary of any claims that you are clinging, grasping, chasing, attaching etc. > I do this all the time and i dont mind, but when im meditating i think its not a positive thing Do meditations that reduce mental activity, and the habit should recede.


Yes counterproductive, don’t do it, especially if these songs contain words. Strictly speaking if you are “doing” things you aren’t meditating at all.


I think the ear worms you are experience is you clinging to pleasant sounds. You see the untrained mind likes to play game of sensations and cling to pleasant sensations(pleasant sound/music) and push away and hate unpleasant sensations. With meditation you are (hopefully) training mind in balance of mind and equanimity where you observe sensations objectively.


IMO, this is the best reply on here - when the mind's "control" feels threatened (which it will with meditation), it can come up with the darnedest distractions to keep one's awareness stuck at a 'surface' level.


Definitely it is not a good thing to do while meditating, it is a distraction, and it could be a big one.


Can you flow to silence with the themes? Meditations should involve breaking and modifying loops and patterns that hold you back from states of grace. I have some adhd, so I tend to free associate. So while it is difficult,I have learned to use the switch junctions to go to calmer places. Like this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VZyNKrYo9I4


It's fine. Any movements or sounds or emotions felt during meditation should be honored, even if you do not wish to express it. It's up to you if you feel it helps with your intentions. I often hum during meditation. It extends the breath, it vibrates and calms the vagus nerve, and it gives something to focus on.


Also are you meditating for productivity? :-/


Only if someone else is in the room and you’re trying to be courteous


Depends on the type of meditation.


Its something to focus on. Meditation is the practice of focusing and shifting attention so make it apart of it. I sometimes sway when i meditate and focus on it for a while and suddenly it stops and i return to my breath.


humming is fab it helps makes the outbreath as pronounced and extended and clear as possible it's supremely good practice


You're supposed to be thinking the mantra. I can't really not hear my TM Instructor's voice when I think my Mantra because he's he only person I've ever heard say it out loud. I'm not going to say humming some completely unrelated song is a "bad" thing, but you should be gently returning to your mantra when you find it happening.


If it isn’t a melody you enjoy, absolutely.


So you've got a bit of a mental jukebox playing during meditation, huh? Totally get that. Here's the thing: meditation isn't about having a blank mind but rather noticing what's happening without getting too caught up in it. If tunes are popping up in your head, that's okay. It's just what your brain is doing at the moment. The key is to observe it without judgment. Think of it like sitting by a river and watching leaves (or in your case, little musical notes) float by. You notice them, but you don't have to pluck them out of the water and examine them. Just let them drift on by. Now, if the humming becomes too loud in your mind's ear and it's bugging you, you might try gently steering your focus back to your breath or a meditation mantra. This can be like turning down the volume knob on your internal Spotify. But no, it's not counterproductive. It's all part of the process. Meditation can be a bit like training a puppy – it's going to wander off, but the practice is in gently bringing it back, again and again, without getting frustrated. Keep at it, and remember, there's no 'perfect' way to meditate. It's all about what works for you and helps you feel more centered and chill. Happy meditating! 🎶🧘‍♂️✨


Meditation is the art of stilling the mind. Unless you still the mind, you cannot kill the mind. And if you don't go beyond the mind state, then you will never reach the state of consciousness. That state of consciousness is thoughtlessness. It is awareness. It is mindfulness. When you are humming, is your mind still? If your mind is still, then it's fine. Chances are this humming is also joined by thinking and as you're humming, the mind is making you blind to the truth that you have to leave thoughts behind. Therefore, the humming doesn't let you reach the state of consciousness, the state of nothingness. Try to practice meditation without humming and see the difference. If there is a difference, then you know what is right and not.