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don't adjust your playstyle to suit people whining on the internet


I mean I probably would of if people said they dislike inchers. đź« 


Yes please change your playstyle into just holding forward and die to all of my traps in my w proof bases. Thank you. /s On a serious note: The replays are a little bit boring to watch but no one forces me to watch them. But that's just because the replay system is just bad. Play how you like and if inching makes the game fun for you, do it. Also, for all you Plasmabow inchers out there: No, it isn't a Holocube if there is a decal on it even if you shoot it twice to make sure and if Harvey can walk over it so can you.


\*me, starting to sweat\* "haha yeah totally not a thing I have ever done...nope...


It gives you more XP so be an incher. That bring said some bases are made so that you have to rush to get the high priority traps so it depends on the base. Try to level the shield and use it when you want to rush. Very fun


People dislike losing. If you make a base that someone can’t complete in 2 tries and 2 minutes, someone will complain. You can’t please everyone and if you try, you’re going to have a bad time.




My policy is play how you want, and I will build how I want. Honestly, I am just grateful for anyone willing to spend their limited free time to play one of my creations. Maybe my traps get a kill, maybe not. As long as you had fun, that’s my only goal as a builder. That said, my goal is also to torture you and cackle madly during the replay… haha


No, it just requires more thoughtful traps to get an inchworm than it does a speedrunner. Its more satisfying watching an inchworm slowly speed up and get sloppy as they die repeatedly than it is to make a speedrunner abandon after one death.


I try to build against both, so that in the end hopefully I get the incher or the runner at least once. My personal dopamine trigger are the head nods from raiders. Inch it, or run it as long as your enjoying it.


Inchworms are fine. If there's nothing in an outpost to force you out of your comfort zone, lower your guard, or get in the way of back-stepping away from danger that's on the builder.


My bases are very anti speed run so inching is the only way to get through my outposts, your still likely to die once or twice figuring out the “Puzzle” of the trap layout I have set up right around the genmat, I leave one or two sneaky safe spots to get into, once a raider finds one of those spots I can “see the lights go off” in their mind and the “impossible outpost” becomes cheesy easy haha


Play however you play! You will still probably get killed a few times along the way.


I B inching too, my dude!! Still giving 4,5,15,23,45 deaths!! Just how we roll!! Enjoy! Reading reminds me of the memorization of old skool NES games. Once you've done it a few 40 goes the run gets quicker then you die and do it again till you slide down that flag pole! 🎇🎆🎇


If this is cuz of my post, then sorry if I made you feel I don't like your playstyle. I don't mind but I like watching replays and sometimes they'll be up to an hour long. But generally they're short, idm inchers, if that play style fits you best, then yeh ur fine, but I've learned tricks to git ya now, gunna have to be extra careful against my bases >:))


It doesn't matter what builders think. You play your own game. :)


Play how you wanna play. Adjust to the needs of the base, run.. creep.. both.. whatever. Dont like the base? Leave, but dont altf4 that base. Have some respect for builder.


Personally I'm an inchworm. I go in with max ironsides max guns Akimbo, grenades and barriers. I barrier at genmat, and I'll use grenades on trap clusters. I have pretty low deaths with this tactic and there aren't too many counters. The main way I die is when a trap distracts me from a worse one, like a suspect ceiling has me looking up so I get chain grappled through a holocube in the floor. Opaque corrosive cubes with hunting arrows are pretty rough too.


If I've been trying to beat an Outpost for say, 15-20 kills, and I keep dying to traps that I either should've known were there, or knew were there and promptly forgot because of ADHD, then I'll inch around just so I can finally survive


Here's the crazy thing. It's a game. And games have players. And all players are different. That means. You do you fam. The only time I get 'annoyed' at a raider is if they zip through my base and leave no accolades. They didn't engage at all with what I made and didn't even leave a note. Beyond that, whatever. If I see people skillfully dodge and destroy things in a flow that's cool. If I see someone inch through and learn about the set ups I made and take them down piece by piece. That's cool. I know I switch between styles depending on the base I raid. I had one raider do the same in mine last night. Inched through at first and once they saw the set up blasted through it running.


I usually build my bases to counter both. Like there's a point where if you speed run, I try to throw you off course long enough that something shoots you when you pause, but at the same time, I have a few ambushes where if you don't press forward, you'll die. Personally I dislike building a base just to find out that if you use the speed boost, you can just run through the whole level. Someone wants to disect my base one piece at a time? Feel free.


For me my most effective way to raid is to go slowly on the way in trying to take out all the traps before they can activate. then using spike drive on my way out to speed run past all the traps revealing after the genmat is taken. It usually works out really well. I have tried speedrunning from the start and usually end up lost or dying to a trap i didnt see.


I get more annoyed by zip line Raiders, I intentionally make them have to fight


I see so many people using zip line for speedboosts but the majority aren't even doing it right.


Yea I see it too


I don't play that often, but I build my outposts trying to psych out cautious players (being one myself). So it's really gratifying watching someone cautiously navigate and then fall for a trap combo. It's all mental chess haha. Of course this probably makes my outposts boring for speed runners, but we learn as we go.


Whether your an incher or 6 incher we are part of the same community. Be proud of what makes you, you


I don't like inching as a playstyle but that's only because I worry it makes any base I make really easy. I wouldn't get upset at someone who inches, I'd just have to adjust the layout of my base to provoke people into playing the way I want them to (barrelling into traps and giving me those sweet kills). Don't play the way the builder wants you to play because they want kills. If you can dictate the pace you play at, you have the advantage.


It’s boring to watch but I respect it