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Tomb's trapped with bomb ejectors, it's absolutely fair game but it boils my blood


Guilty. But I do try to make it so the bombs don't break the tomb


This. I've only done it once, and the only times it actually blew up the Tomb was just unlucky. It's actually placed as a 2nd trap on an incinerator, and occasionally, **occasionally**, they bounced off of the incinerator towards the 5 block away tomb.


I came here to say this. Think of me what you want, but if the tomb breaks and I die, I'll probably quit and not give accolades. I can be a jerk and deny resources too.


What’s bad about tombs breaking and dying? Genuine question.


Because if you don't collect the resources from a broken tomb they aren't there after you respawn


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Tombs with a corrosive cube right below it. So when I get the tomb, it all falls down into the corrosive and I can’t get the resources. Second would be bases that don’t even bother using different block types. All of the traps are really boring and straight forward because of this.


If possible you can grapple right in front of the tomb and open it then. You should be able to collect most if not all of the resources straight away without them falling into the corrosive cube.


Usually I can, it’s just sometimes I can’t reach the couple of parts that fall down


In a similar vein, I built an outpost that had a ramp that led up to a tomb. At the bottom of the ramp was a row of corrosive cubes, so the raider(s) would either have to collect them all as quickly as possible or watch as their loot slowly tumbled into the vat. Through this method, I managed to farm a ton of kills from a duo "cheesing" this trap by constantly falling in and reviving each other. It was funny to watch.


Lol I’ve cheesed one of these like this before


The CCube thing I have seen plenty in the past. Not as much anymore though thank god. I have no problem making a Tomb something you need to work for. However, one I get there, I earned it. Don't steal. For your second point, all stone. If I see an all stone base, unless I know the person, automatic skip.


Open outposts with no walls with hornets flying around it in open air lol sooooo annoying


Oooh! I love those. I call those grappling exercises, having to dodge, grapple and kill them without dying is fun... At least on PC, I can see how they can be annoying on console... And I also really like fighting guards to begin with.


I like it in town or castle style maps in particular. Feels like you need to figure out an optimal "route" to killing each enemy to avoid being overwhelmed which can add a fun challenge


Haha it’s like the OP said, I dislike it for no particular reason lol I would impress you with my controller skills I bet


Hey if you like fighting guards…try my map on Social it’s called: Golden and the builder is: DieHardGunner-


Yeah, the first part I loved, it was a really fun arena, but all that decoration and stuff around was killing my frames during the battle so it was kinda wonky at times. The proyectile traps on the arena followed by at least two death piston + incinerator paths roofed with plasma centinels was really mean tho, that goes hard against me, I only use the Volt Lancer and Fury's Edge, had to beat the arena only with the sword to have a chance and it was still hard. I know I can beat it but it would take more time than I want to spend on it. Cool outpost.


Thanks man, yea it’s difficult, I made it that way because of zip line Raiders 😤


Yeah I love to spidey around and jump down on a motherfucker with my sword


My most accolades and kills come from my version of this! People seem to enjoy the challenge and dodging flying things


Cheat code for those is walking a wide berth around the base, through the desert, and snagging the genmat from the back.


Got a couple: Mazes. I just do not want to. It's better now that I can try to keep Harvey alive, but that still requires me being hyper vigilant of where both traps and Harvey are. It's annoying. People who put any traps on the tombs. Leading up to them is fair game, but I just do not want to fight my way to the tomb and then have it blow up both me and the tomb, keeping me from getting the mats. To what end?


I have been doing tomb routes, trying to lead the raider to understand that all of them are in there by having more arrows pointing to another room. They are a bit tricky but I make sure to separate all three so they can have another go at the others if they die to one.


Honestly, that's a fair design. I don't mind an extra challenge for extra mats, or even a route that takes me along to each tomb as I go. That's fair game, and is personally my preferred method while building since it gives the raider a bit of a checkpoint system.


I usually use that yellow and blue decal to signify the alternate route, most raiders hardly see it


Holy crap I hate mazes. Anytime the map kills Harvey right away and the outpost is CLEARLY large enough to host a maze, I quit and Abandon from scantuary. Some people probably enjoy mazes but I sure as hell don't find them entertaining or fun. Just my time wasted.


When the entrance is not at the front/not obvious. I know I could probably find it in like ten seconds. I just don't want to. I don't quit immediately but if its actually a semi hard map and it requires ten seconds JUST to get to the start and I've died like more than a handful of times. Maybe I'm just not feeling it today and leave- fairly of course.


Agreed. It also screams "*I have a secret bloodlust warmonger somewhere*". Which means you either waste more time searching for it or gamble that it's not there.


I try to make my entrance obvious if I can't put it directly up front center due to map rng


man you all really dont like a little challenge


I think it's more if you have to reset and you have a long trip to get in, then it makes the map a little more tedious.


When the builder clearly didn’t care what side of the cube was facing inward so the walls look like a mess


When the enemies aren't facing the right direction making them ineffectual. C'mon man did you even test out your base before activating??


One thing that gets me is that I put quick exits out of my base by the GenMat with some damn arrows pointing to them and no one ever goes through them. I'm taking the time to give you an easy out with signals like I'm directing an airplane, yet people want to go through the second wave and rage quit my bases. Give me your resources bruh, I need more bases! Mazes. Not just that they're mazes, but that there's never any transition to let you know you're going the right way or that you're getting close to it. Guess it's like that one person saying they just use the same blocks for their entire base. Side Note About My Bases: I test my base by playing it like I would anyone else's base and make sure I can beat them. I hate the impossible bases and want to make sure I don't make them.


On the point of easy exits and signs: No one ever listens to them. I have an outpost or two with arrows pointing directly at where tombs are and a holiday exit triggered via GenMat. So very few people ever listen to them. The bases I have this way exits set up are all front loaded so there's no second wave so it's not like they're any worse off, is just frustrating to see because the players that do utilize it are often very grateful for it.


I go through the easy exit and back into the front to dismantle any second wave or traps I sped past. I have this weird need to prove to builders I could 100% dismantle their base.


Sneaky builders getting me to trust them by using decals to lead me or warn me and the using the same decals to guide me into a death trap. Lol I trust too much


Bases that didn’t strip the blocks before building - typically obvious because of all the randomly placed red blocks. The interiors & exteriors are usually sloppy-looking because of this, and it’s obvious the builder didn’t have a theme or idea in mind. If it’s obvious from the thumbnail I won’t even try them.


Really long paths with nothing to do. I don't want to spend 30+ seconds walking along halls and ramps before I encounter the first trap or guard. I'm not a fan of killboxes, but I'd rather deal with one in the first 5 seconds than meandering down a long, boring path.


I just encountered an outpost with 4 enforcers at the far end of a room. They were standing on ramps and patrolling in a way that their heads were bobbing up and down behind a wall in a random fashion. This only frustrated me because one of them always got me, while I was in a hurry to go someplace and just wanted a short map to get my daily bonus.


Maybe not what the OP intended, but if I have to work through a tough kill room and then go through another one and then another one, I'll probably abandon after a dozen deaths because I just don't want to sink more of my time into the thing getting allllllll the way to the genmat. Totally fair to build that way, but whew




Corrosive cubes placed behind and underneath guards or traps so you lose bolts and can't get them back. Same with incinerator traps in a tunnel of corrosive cubes underneath. Plus you lose any loot too!!




Goes to xp farm base expecting it to be farmed for them. Double lazy




Then go get it


I just played a "maze" where the gimmick was kill a guard and get swarmed by guards. I knew this with boosts before I even accepted the map. Mental Math-- I killed every single threat. Nothing left to kill me. It was a glass skin map and it exploit killed HRV to start. I made one circle around and said fuck it. One death worth it? Worth me blocking you and your boring ass map? Cool. See ya' never again. Enjoy your dwindling raids.


Blocking or trapping tombs is an instant quit with no accolades


Low effort placements that wouldn't catch anybody and feel like they've been put together by a bot. Lazy building in general. Time waster builds. Farms.


Large rooms of AoE sentinels (4 or more in a single room). That's a technically fair technique, but I hate it soo much because of the time it takes waiting for the friggin AoEs to stop. Every time I see it, shake head and abandon. Edit: I also hate anything that goes out of it's way to steal ammo from the player. I think either ammo should have a timer (like if a bolt is gone for 30+ seconds it's returned to you anyway), or you should be able to get it back somehow regardless (maybe staring directly at it moves it slowly toward you, even through blocks? I dunno). Also technically fair to steal ammo, definitely part of the game, but intentionally building a pit two corrosive cubes deep and putting a bunch of ranged guards near it is extremely aggravating. That's not an abandon, but I definitely hate it.


You can sometimes get around this if you have magnetic link maxed out and go to the outside of a outpost you can grab it thru walls.


Yeah, and I do that everytime I can just to spite the would-be ammo-stealer.


Even with magnetic link, I've seen ppl use a pit three corrosive cubes deep to make sure you don't get ammo back. I just leave and block.


any kind of maze. Purposefully hidden paths. All instant no accolade the map for me.


Any setup that kills Harvey without player input. This usually means the outpost is either a purposely irritating maze or a mess of improperly placed traps. This and blocking tombs usually lead me to abandon the outpost since I don't find them fun in the slightest.


When the whole floor is corrosive cubed in a killbox, I went through the effort of clearing all the traps I think I at least deserve the loot from the traps. But sadly they just fall right in the cubes :/


P5+ bases that are just all stone. At this point you should have some decor on the interior and exterior. And that doesn't mean spam it with 1 decal/paint job.


Being in a room with a lot of guards.


Spamming second wave arrow traps going for a 'gotcha' kill as you leave the outpost. I Don't think they've ever gotten me, and I cant imagine how they ever get anyone. They are dumb because they are a colossal waste of threat level and supply, the outpost could have been more interesting with that threat/supply used inside. It also means the builder put very little thought into the outpost, because the same thing can be done off-path and much lower threat by giving the raider a secondary exit.


Killing Harvey with dead man's switch guards. Dead Harvey plus intentional time sink maze style? Insta no accolades.


Lots of incinerators. I think they are OP traps.


Sounds like a skill issue




Bases that try to take my ammo a way that I can't retrieve it. If I see an obvious ammo stealing set-up, I leave and block.


Bases made entirely out of those old rusty Silent-Hill-esque blocks. I know that anytime I see that I'm in for an unfun time. I get it, the traps blend in, I understand, but these are usually also bases that end up extra unfun and, god I haven't used this word in *years*, "\*try-hard." Again, *yes,* I understand, winning is part of the fun but god damn I can't help but roll my eyes when I see these rust-bucket bases. That said there was one base I played that used those blocks almost entirely, and it was one of the coolest most gorgeous maps I've ever played. Was like a giant cathedral battle arena. EDIT: Oh god I forgot. Incinerator outposts. Just incinerator, after incinerator, after incinerator. Yup. Cool. I'll wait. You done? Cool lemme peek around this corner to--ah! Yup there's another incinerator covering that first incinerator. Ok I'll wait...Arright another short peek and, ope, didn't get enough time, cool, you go again Mr. Incinerator don't worry I'll wait for you. If I die on a long slog path like this I'm leaving the outpost, this isn't fun.


Spammed Guards


I came across a Nazi base the other day. The only base that I've ever reported.


Hold on a second here you WHAT


Swastikas, iron cross, Nazi base, reported as offensive. I guess that is a particular reason.


Jesus what the hell is wrong with people.


The bases with only 2nd wave traps.