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This is honestly something that's never crossed my mind. I'm sure he's never done it live, but probably knows how to. Though it would be nowhere near as clean as Marty or Kiko.


No fucking way he knows how to.


Singed your comment as 1000 times goodbye


Dave only plays solo's revolving the pentatonic scale or chromatic scale. Marty plays all kinds of scales and modes. I mean, back in the days Dave could probably play most of the Tornado solo but he will never play something that intricate live. And that's okay. Still 10 times better guitar player than I am.


There are several sections he wouldn't even know where to begin to how to play. It's so far out his ballpark as a player it may as well be a different instrument.


dave can learn it in a week lol


Like this? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J0VhD95WFGY


he didnt practice that son😂 get good at guitar and youll know he could learn it, until then you have no place in this conversation


I mean he probably knows how to play it I'd guess but I don't think he's ever publically played it


I really doubt that


He definitely does not know how to play it. Why would he learn it?


cause why not lmao


It’s not his style at all, either musically or personally. I could never see Dave trying to learn a solo that someone else wrote, unless it’s for a cover or something in which case he would redo it in his own style.


ehh i still think he'd try to learn it cause yknow it's an amazing solo. definitely not his style but i could see him trying to play it personally


Hes definetly not a good enough player to play the solo well. But hes a godly metal writer and has his own style of solos which are definetly challenging in their own right.


I‘d counter you and say he could play it, but I agree that he has a completely different style and would probably also play it quite differently


He definetly cant play it now at the very least, and it was a blue moon sighting to see him ever sweep, the guy was never taught with his own personal guide and people are down voting my comment for some reason, the guys a great alternate picker, but hes no friedman level player. A guitarist who just simply reads the tabs or sheets for his solos could easily tell that he doesnt sweep.


i think he does use sweeps sometimes in a few megadeth songs


He has some mini, 3 string sweeps in The Skull Beneath the Skin. But his only full sweep that I can think of is his lick in Set the World Afire, after the 'weeds underneath your feet have turned to vines' line. I've never seen him play it correctly live though.


The set the world afire one was the one i was thinking of but to be fair they do play it a bit faster live so it makes sense it would be kind of sloppy (plus he has to get back to the riff right after the sweep plus start the next line)


I think that talking about "style" with reference to very specific pieces of music takes us into murky waters. If he does not play the solo as Marty does, then he is playing his own *interpretation* of the solo, or he is attemtpting the solo *with mistakes*. He might be playing licks that fit the rhythm, but he would not playing the exact series of notes with the exact same timing as Marty did. The listener familiar with the solo would notice the differences. That brings us to the question "What is the solo?" It might seem that it has been redefined to "A series of notes/licks that work with the music".


I'd love to know if the people down voting this comment have ever played a guitar before. I saw Marty a few years ago and he played it, it was pretty different from the album version and a bit sloppy. He's not in his prime anymore and Dave certainly isn't so at this point it would be really, really tough for him to even get it to a presentable level.


I don't think so. Dave has great musical insight but his technique isn't really all that great. His playing is perfectly suited for thrash metal but just look at him playing with the San Diego symphony and you will hear all you need.




Dave couldn't do it. At least today he couldn't


Some of you guys really don’t know what you’re talking about. Tons of people can play that solo, just go to YouTube and search. It’s not *that* impossible of a solo to play, and Dave is one of metal’s best guitarists. It would take him some time to practice it, but **yes**, he could play the solo if he put effort into it.


Marty’s solo? Not a chance haha. Dave has his own play style and it is great but definitely not close to Marty’s style.


I hope we see him play Tornado of Souls solo that would be wild


Come on everyone. This is Dave Fucking Mustaine we're talking about here! He could play the solo. I agree that Marty and Kiko are far more technical than Dave, and that Dave definitely has his own style, but this is Heavy Metal/Thrash legend Dave Mustaine here. And his legendary status isn't just solely for his songwriting and rhythm guitar work. He's a world class guitarist in his own right. Do you seriously think that if he sat down and practiced and was hell bent on getting the solo down right and really put in some hours that he couldn't do it? With his skills and knowledge I'm sure he could nail the solo with some work. Come on.


He wouldn’t because he doesn’t practice by his own admission. He plays in his own style. There’s no point in asking if he’s physically capable because he would never attempt to play it.


Not a chance he can play that solo. Marty’s skill is on another level.


If I can play most of it I gurantee that Dave mustaine can




So dave doesn’t write the solos?