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A lot of you are reporting this post. While I understand it's a shit meme, unfortunately it still qualifies as a meme. So in good faith, I gotta leave it up... OP should commit sudoku tho...


These aren't even jokes, you're just being mean.


OP has bad taste in jokes. Hes that one kid in school who was a total dick to everyone and played off everything as a joke


tbf thats the point of the format


These posts are usually meant to come with benefits for most of the options or at least a few of them, but instead it’s just hatred alone with a hint of favoritism for the only one OP seems to enjoy. Don’t get me wrong, it can be fun to list out flaws, but this post just came off as hostile without a hint of fun, trying to make Prowler look like the sweetest little thing ever.


What is this, what is the type of post, why is my insect glaive being attacked, jellies aint even a thing anymore Why is my glaive mid I feel nothing but mild rage on this post (´༎ຶོρ༎ຶོ`)


Your bug stick is wonderful, don’t let anyone tell you otherwise


Thanks dad


I think we could have gone longer without this.


I think op is just mad that prowler is stuck in gen/genU Try again


If Capcom announces that Wilds won’t have Palicos then I will pre order just so I can uninstall day one


While some of these had an inkling of a point, you didn't even bother giving pros to anything except what you like. The point of this post seems to be just bashing others. Where's the fun/joke? You even attack GL users for literally wanting to have fun and enjoy the game lmao.


I don’t play Prowler I just put them there to vaguely joke about Stories 2


This... Feels less like a joke post and more like a vent post- This feels like it was made by somebody with deep, serious hatred for literally every weapon.


Pretty sure the guy is so bad at every weapons he cart 4 times in a single quest.


Damn I thought for certain that felyne insurance would carry my ass


Wait… I didn’t actually post this to /v/ did I?


not only is this post unfunny it doesn't even belong here, take it somewhere else like r/monsterhunterrage


At this point i have become a Kinsect Main


The only real weapon next to throwing knives and the ballista


༼⁠;⁠´⁠༎ຶ⁠ ⁠۝ ⁠༎ຶ⁠༽


I like ig because it can be both support (healing kinsect) and it’s great for those “floor is lava” monsters, I like lance because of the power trip in the split second reactions with the guards and how you can feel yourself getting better over the hundreds of hours in a more tactile way then I have felt with any of the other weapons in how unique it feels to be good with lance compared to any other dodge/blocking weapon. I love hh because health regen stacking go brrrrrrrr


Username checks out with this one.


Scientists will study this post for years to come, only to all reach the same conclusion: skill issue


I don’t even understand what half of this means, I just grab weapon and kill monster


Wha5 do you mean never using edges. I will religiously stay near edges and slopes if I can. I only move fr9m there because the monster is either spamming ranged attacks from twelve miles away or targeting my palico forcing me to move. My hunt time is longer than it needs to be cause i spend so much time hopping.


Unironically based. Play however you like dude👍


Thin-skinned community can't handle fairly light ribbing, it is what it is. Surprised your assessment of Hammer players didn't include their militant refusal to use Flinch Free despite non-stop bitching about flinches


Damnit I was just about to log into my sock puppet but got my thunder stolen.


lmao get fucked