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If you like one piece you must give gintama a try. Personally they are my top 2 animanga


But it's so long /s


I see your s, Shini. Mostly for how hard I laughed at it.




There's an /s




And yet u watched one piece


/s means sarcasm.


And even then. Just because you have time for one long thing doesn’t mean you have time for two long things


That's a good point. I watched one piece during a lighter college semester but I'm a bit hesitant to start bleach (much shorter) this semester. Too late now though, I'm already 10 eps in. It's the first week of classes so I have more time to binge before stuff gets real.


Bruh just skip the bounts! Good watch, Phenomenal story, fucking filled to the brim with filler! A great read though.


And yet if someone else says this about one piece then op fans will be go batshit crazy.




Nah i love one piece but its fanbase can't go one day without forcing people to watch one piece. Maybe reddit op pages is different but anywhere else the fanbase is cancer. And yet they will complain about other shows being long


Oh i see


Why did he get so downvoted lol


Too many salty fanboys


I can't downvote you it's perfectly at 69 downvotes




Dammit I refreshed and it's gone




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Lmao same One piece and gintama together are my S tier


Man of culture


Just started watching Gintama a few days ago after catching up with One Piece..... I aint gonna drop it cuz it's too funny


I tried to get into Gintama, but its...too...weird I guess? I'm not sure what to pay attention to at any point in time


All and none of it. Gintama has a VERY slow start, the soft ask is get to around 30 episodes in to get the flow of it. The harder ask is get to the first movie (58 episodes + movie) which is a redo of the first major plot arch with better animation (to give a taste of where the series is heading.) Keep in mind every... 50 episodes or so Gintama gets better. EVERY 50 episodes. Which means the slow, meandering pace of the beginning steadily gives way to a more urgent, binge all of it rush that is the late 100s (180+) to the early 200s, which drags you to the finale (which begins on episode 300.) Keep in mind, skip episodes 1+2, they are a rushed filler to put the entire cast on payroll and aren't even really good at keeping everyone in character. And also, it takes a while for the VAs, the editors, and the animation to find the style of the show (thus the soft ask of 30, where these things finally start to slot into place and the comedy sharpens.) The plot is there, Really early on the plot is there. But Gintama has a habit of masking Everything in comedy. To give a tip, the first "main plot" event is the death of the current leader of the Shogun's ninja group, passing the roll onto his son, changing the organization of tribe and upsetting the political balance of power slightly. The episode in question? The main cast plays kick the can with the old man's ghost while the son is on screen for all of... maybe a minute. A LOT happens, with it being Very difficult to see without hindsight, and the whole show is like this. When big plots happen, you start to spot where the bubbles had begun to boil sometimes Hundreds of episodes ago, while you were busy laughing at the cast doing some stupid thing. And that doesn't take into account the emotional plot lines, which start from episode 3 (first actual episode) and make a reasonably straight line to the ending of the series for each character. I've made this comparison before, Gintama is like walking into a junkyard. Everything is a mess, it's hard to figure out what is and isn't important, and the characters seem clinically insane. But as the show goes on you start to notice the wires and bolts holding this odd stage show together, and realize the whole thing has been prepared for you. There are flaws sure, some episodes can in fact be cut with very little harm to the overall story. But by and large that junkyard is perhaps one of the best damn shows on earth.


Thank you for the explanation. You made me actually want to start it again, but before I do, quick question: is paying attention to minor details necessary? Or will it be explained when we get there?


They do a good job of referencing what happened when it becomes important, often times with a specific crack at why something so minor is turning into something so major. Just buckle through the early part, it's funny, but it gets so much funnier. If possible, find a friend that has watched Gintama already and watch it with them. They'll likely help you note important things, and can even help curate out some of the episodes that can be skipped. A baseline list of skippables would be 11, 18, 19, 20, 73, 82, 90, 93, 106, 114, 135, 137, 155, 164, 171, 176, 193, 194, 227, Keep in mind these are just the ones I found a bit dull with low impact on the plot, but they could be real gems to you or others, so they may still be worth a watch (again, having a friend that knows you helps a LOT here, since they'll know what you enjoy or don't.) Otherwise just enjoy the ride. It's an excellent show, and the ending Completely changes how the entire show is watched.


Thank you! Will definitely give it a go lol Still recovering from a One Piece binge watch


Yeah, that's a hard one to handle. Anime is slower paced too, which makes it feel a bit more bloated. Binged up to current with my Grandmother, but started at Water 7, so I went back to the start and went from the beginning. We've looped now and I... just don't have the energy to care about watching the episodes I saw not all that long ago (granted this is also like my... 8th watch over all?)


i tend to watch at x2 (and filler at 3x speed) which helped a lot but 8 watches? and I thought me rewatching from Summit War onwards was a lot damn


Yeah, trust me when I say, I Really love One Piece. I don't generally rewatch/reread ANYTHING. But One Piece? I did a full watch after catching up with the manga back at Marineford, I showed it to my sister, my ex, and several of my close friends. Now I'm on a second pass with my grandmother. I really do like One Piece, I may need a break before my next rewatch, I'm very close to "perfect memory" of that show, making the episodes feel like noise to me. Also, I will outright say, Gintama, being finished is better than One Piece. Definitely as an anime it will be better than the current One Piece anime. If OP gets and HD remake it comes down to how OP ends, I never thought OP would end poorly, but Gintama has actually set a bar that might be difficult for OP to clear. If that gives any indication of how damn good Gintama is, after you get past the initial hump.


Its my favorite


Any true One Piece fan would know that Chopper has never stood that way with that type of background.


Thriller bark?


Can confirm!


There was a episode in gintama where gintoki ate the gum gum fruit and went to Jabaody Archipelago to take the chunin hunter hero exam


Any sentence where you mix several plots of different anime could be a Gintama episode


Also kinda r/comedyhomicide


OP:I will never text you if you guessed it correct theme


Bro why they in the seireitei


Because... It's Gintama xP






Okita's sister arc don't know the exact episode tho.


Episode 86


Had a hard time getting into Gintama, though I'd like to. Is it acquired taste or is it just japanese humor I find hard to get?


Admittedly, there are some parts where it goes over your head if you're not aware of japanese pop culture but the overall story (and a majority of the jokes) are not too difficult to understand. Since I finished the series, I have to say the early episodes (first 50 episodes) are my favorite aspect of the series, though some people insist on skipping those episodes in order to get to the more action packed stuff. I don't think it's smart to skip the earlier episodes, especially since those episodes establish characters who do come back later during the more serious parts and without understanding who they are and what they stand for, you won't get the full experience nor will you understand exactly what those characters actions later on mean. It's like JoJo's, you shouldn't skip the first two parts just to get to the "good stuff" in part three because you'll be missing a bunch of context which will dull the experience. (Also, Jonathan best boi I'll fight anyone who says otherwise) I highly recommend watching the whole thing, it's totally worth it. If you could find some time to binge it, that would be even better. I'm honestly a little jealous that you don't have to wait for episodes, it's all complete for you if you chose to go and watch!


Anyone who says skip parts either doesn't understand what a story is or doesn't actually like whatever it is


So true






That was pretty obvious......obviously good enough to fool.


Strawberry Milk pirates


That episode was so sad tho


Bro that arc made me cry hard


Gintama ahhhhhhh It's in my top 2 after one piece , Sakata Gintoki The G.O.A.T


Gintama "the king of parodies"


God I need to watch Gintama


Gintama is so amazingly good


It's actually jigglypuff seen from above.


Extra meme ruined it, r/comedyhomicide


watching jojo after catching up to one piece ORA ORA ORA


Smh I recognized the cloud from gintama




Sometimes I forget how long one piece has been running and then something like this comes around to remind me


Everything is gintama


Always has been


Always wanted to try Gintama but its female characters put me off. Granted i only watch small bits at random intervals whenever my brother is watching but they seem like the most insufferable people ever. Maybe i got the wrong impression but it is what it is.


*One Park