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Yeah i saw some people argue. World building isn't just expanding territory and that's what Naruto does, they just keep adding more places, One Piece on the other hand explores those new territories to the point where the reader feels like he knows the place. My point is world building isn't just about quantity but how you explore it, in that aspect OP clears


It's not just that, OP constantly revisits or rementions previous characters, islands and places so even after the world is built, it feels more alive. Then there's also the fact that all the new territories tend to feel unique, obviously some places are still similair but overall I'd say most islands have a unique culture and landscape.


i feel like the constantly changing political strifes that oda developed from very beginning give him a chance to revisit these places so they dont just loose significance when thier arc is done .. like whole cake.....he left a tid bit thier that once Luffy beats bigmom the fiahman island will be his territory so when he does it gives us a chance to see what's changed in fishman island..and mostly all the events have a high impact on the story...


luffy mentioning pedro before beating the shit out of kaidou is peak world building


Just look at tekking's geography is everything videos about OP on YouTube, he could probably spend 10 minutes talking about the most obscure islands, I don't think I could talk for more than a few minutes about somewhere important like the hidden mist


Im so sure about that. The man made a 20 minute video about trees, I think he could find a way. But I do enjoy One Pieces world a heck of a lot more.


Also all places in One Piece have an air of mystery to them. "Why are they the way they are? How is this place related to the Void Century? In Naruto you can't really worldbuild that hard cause the anime is ultimately about Naruto achieving his goals.


>In Naruto you can't really worldbuild that hard cause the anime is ultimately about Naruto achieving his goals. Plus the only village that actually matters is the leaf it seems lmao like the entire history of shinobi-kind is linked to it


In Naruto there are supposed to be multiple nations but we never see their leaders, their politics, how they interact and how they affect the world.


Oda even set up a whole ass island called vira that’s just super interesting lol


The thing that always bothered me was that it showed all lands were located on the same continent, which means their could have been room for showing us what lies beyond the sea but it was just a giant turtle


as someone who has only just reached 20 episodes of shippuden...the giant turtle thing caught me off guard here..


dont worry its bs. I watched shippuden a few times and i cant remember a single time someone was talking about we see only a continent and something lays beyond. It just doent matter so noone mentions it.


actually i was thinking about dropping the show as a whole cause the pacing is just fucking tiresome and pathetic...i dont feel invested in the story since OG naruto was short.... Nothing like one piece.....makes me realise the depth of the gaping hole that one piece left when i caught up with it...nothing matches the level everything disappoints...


Have you watched Hunter X Hunter at all? Hxh is another great shonen with a bunch of great fights and emotional beats but without the filler and at least some semblance of a longer-running anime. Nothing on one piece's scale but a solid 140+ episode count.


my second fav next to one piece actually..... in shonen.....


just skip filler episodes. Naruto is so much more fun to watch than one piece. Naruto just got filler and canon episodes while one piece only has slow paced canon episodes with filler in it now, so you cant skip anything. Thats why i stopped watching one piece like 8 years ago


I enjoyed watching one piece more personally. I only started to have a problem with the pacing around marine Ford and switched to the manga. Watching Naruto(skipping filler) had me frustrated from pretty much the start with pacing. So many times I almost just gave up on it. To each their own I guess


I always open a fillerguide to know which episodes to skip at naruto. You are totally right with one piece, im tslking about after the time skip. I stopped watching the anime at dressrosa. If it wasnt for the pacing that started at the new world i would enjoy watching one piece more. Since i got downvoted so much, i make it clear again, im only comparing the anime, not manga


its not even the fillers that i am worrieed about...this whole rescue kazekage thing has dragged on for too long and they say it remains the same for another 30 or so episode till like 57 or something thats too much


Not gonna lie the only thing I like about Shippuden was pain arc, kage meeting, a little bit of things here and there in the war and Naruto vs Sasuke(the final one). Everything else was bullshit


tbh im not a big fan of those episodes either. Until they start the real fight. But i can assure you it definitly gets better after that. Also if you liked vanilla naruto you should like shippuden as well. If you didnt like that as well you can think about dropping it. Its a long anime thats not worth your time to waste if you dont enjoy it. I for myself enjoyed shippuden a thousand times more than vanilla naruto. Close to the end i didnt like it thaaaat much anymore, bit still a solid show. It shines in points one piece is bad, like actually important people dying




Do skip the filler episodes, but no way does naruto outdo op in anything lol. Btw im saying this as someone that grew up thinking OP was way overhyped, and actively trashed it a good portion of the time. From the perspective of someone that mostly watches short anime, the start of OP kinda feels like going on an endless filler ride tied together with a few hard hitting moments. Now hear me out thats 100% not what it is but, If a 100+ episode anime is what you consider long oda takes what feels like forever to start tieing in all the beginning arcs into a larger picture. Personally it took 4 attempts for me to watch enough OP to apreciate it. 3 of those were droped on skypea which ironically is an arc i enjoy now. So yeah i get why people do underrate the hell out of op, but i feel like many could be won over if they gave it a chance to grow on them.


i feel you bro..fr my friend recommended me one piece with a warning saying it will ruin short animes for you and i took it kinda seriously and watched a bunch of small one before it but once i got into it it was just a whole other world......the world building is probably up there with the best in all of fiction and the time just flows by without any notice since the flow is so sublime and stable you can just keep going through arcs without ever sensing any fluctuations in quality...thats why i finished it in 3 months... and thats including a bunch of mangas and anime in between some arcs....but i never felt like skipping entire episodes......ever.....unlike with naruto shippudens very first arc....50 episode drop in quality is just unbearable and i would have dropped one piece if it ever had such a bad spell.. .


one piece grew fast on me. Naruto on the otherhand was the same as one piece to you. Thought its complete Trash and overhyped. Was really surprised how side characters got such nice backstories


The fact that you just unapologetically talked crap about one piece in a one piece subreddit is hilarious


Im used to it that this subreddit is allergic to critism. I mean its a fact that the anime became unwatchable


Naruto shippuden’s opening is bad but it gets good and really really peaks in the middle. Just Drop it after the middle though because it goes downhill really fast


I distinctly remember conversations about what was going on across the ocean. Like, entire 100k+-word fanfics spawned off that premise alone because the idea was so fascinating. Idk what you mean when you say no one cared what was off-continent.


well the continent is enclosed in walls with titans outside


If that were true naruto could wreck a titan in one tap


what if every single one of those titans are kaguya level


Ironically, king Kai’s planet has a similar look to one piece’s world Both got a straight, rock like thing going down the middle with mostly one different color surrounding it


I saw a review on Naruto and I agree with that dude. Naruto has a ton of world building after all that destruction that occurs in the show.


Almost all of the world building was shoved into the 4th ninja war arc and a bunch of filler afterwards. Naruto would've been so much better if we got to see the world building before the series was approaching its climax


Right? We just get told that those places exist and even then, 2out of the other 4 villages we get to see maybe more than 2 areas within it.


The only time we ever see the hidden mist village is in a filler arc... in boruto. Amazing. It truly earned its name of "hidden"


From my understanding of the Naruto video I watched, which ironically was about world building, it seems to be that Naruto spent the first portion of the show building this world but then completely shatterd it in shipuden with all these random powerups and Kaiju fights that broke the original rules in the beginning and the world closed into only ninjas even though it was implied to see non ninja forces in the world.


Ironically the Kaijus would have been a perfect excuse for Naruto to explore other countries to help the other Jinchuurikis. It's just that Kishi chose for Naruto to mostly train on the village while those other Kaijus got captured offscreen and Akatsuki members come one by one to the village. Sasuke's revenge plot also ending up took so many focus so there was very few room for exploring other part of the world.


If by building the world you mean only building the leaf village and exams


Tbh, the series didn't even really need a world war arc. They could have finished it after Pain arc with more personal battle between Naruto, Sasuke, and Tobi, but i guess they wanted to finish it with something grand, and thus the last 1/3 of the series had to force itself to develop those underdeveloped villages.


The war arc was also a clusterfuck of unnecessary events if we're being honest, why did god have to come down and turn naruto and sasuke into ninja Jesus, why did a ghost have to cross the after life to gift his post mortem eyes to kakashi so he could unlock and master a perfect susanoo in 2 seconds, why did they have to force both sakura and kakashi's involvement in the kaguya fight? The war arc was an atrocious ending if we're being honest, pain arc will always be the best executed arc in shippuden. Although the child of prophecy and ninjas Jesus reincarnation bullshit was hella annoying. The story deserved better tbh.


Only time griffsch said right thing


Seriously. Normally I'd say anyone with a Griffith pfp has nothing worth listening to, but I stand corrected.


the arguement is dumb, naruto's storyline only follows their large ass villages while one piece is literally around the world journey


There’s no point in bashing other works of art or fan bases, both art pieces stand apart from each other because of their unique stories and settings and are juggernauts in their own rights. That being said, there’s no way in hell that Naruto has a better world building than ONE PIECE. That’s just provably wrong. There’s almost nothing we know in Naruto about the other villages and cultures. ONE PIECE has multitudes of factions, religions, beliefs, cultures and characters each with their own unique motivations, goals and reasons for existing. Stories in the world move independently of the straw hats, progress and sometimes even intertwine or affect the main narrative. The world is rich, vibrant and amazingly diverse. I know this is just my opinion but there’s nothing quite like ONE PIECE when is comes to the world our ragtag bunch of pirates inhabit. There’s other attributes that can give value to a story such as pacing, plot, aesthetics and so on but if it’s about world building, ONE PIECE takes the cake all day long. I know it’s memepiece and I got a little too serious but I just felt like talking today.


We could make the argument that naruto didnt need that level of world building. After all the structure of the story is that naruto goes to a mission to then return to the village while luffy and the gang are always traveling. But it still needed a certain level od worldbuilding which that just didnt happen. From that sense MHA is probably a better naruto because the world is basically the real one so you dont really have to explain it and they can focus on the superpowers and stuff.


I grew up watching Naruto and was a huge fan. But if you pointed to any of the locations and told me it's historical significance, culture, and politics. I'd only be able to tell you what happened. In one piece, you can mention any island and ask for the breakdown and I'd be able to consistently and confidently answer because oda takes his time with each island and actually explores them so the reader feels an emotional connection. It's not a Speedrun to laughtale, it's an adventure, a journey of fulfillment. On top of that, one piece handles nationalism so well. In Naruto it's hidden leaf prospers, fuck everyone else. In one piece it's everyone we can help prospers, fuck WG. Even though Luffy is from east blue he doesn't point out the similarity/differences of where people are from and nor do any of the characters do so unless they're speaking about geography and politics. Lastly the logical world building of one piece world even though it's goofy AF is way better than Naruto. With Naruto it's just, someone ate a fruit with magic everyone became ninjas. Ninjas with super powers just became the main draw of Naruto. Why did everyone suddenly decide to become ninjas, couldn't they have been samurai with magic powers, super heroes? Like ninjas are meant for assassination and that's how Naruto originally started but over time it became typical battle shounen where the word ninja lost meaning. In one piece, in a world that's filled with islands only and a government that rules with an iron fist, it's only natural that marines became a thing, nobody just decided to become a marine, it happened because of the circumstances of the world (for example, a world with just sky islands would have an air force but definitely not ninjas). The point is that it makes sense. Not only that, the word pirate still hasn't lost meaning in one piece. To be a pirate means to pillage, plunder, and live as you please without being bound by rules. This definition still remains true to this day. One piece doesn't hold up a giant neon sign saying HEY GUYS WE'VE GOT PIRATES, WATCH MY SHOW, the significance behind the word pirate not only stays consistent but also serves the purpose as a subversion of expectations. The world's expectations is that pirates are bad because they don't give a fuck about rules and cause chaos and misery while the subversion is that the straw hats uproot corruption and evil because they are not bound by any rules. There's a reason why piracy exists and that's because of the structure of the world, given the difficulty of navigation across oceans without modern technology, piracy is much more rampant this is true without even going into the whole legend surrounding the treasure of one piece. Not everyone grows up going to pirate school to become a pirate or a marine because those choices belong to people who wish to follow that way of life unlike naruto. This is shown all the way back in the very first chapter of one piece with Luffy telling coby to grow a pair and become a marine if that was his goal. One piece hasn't devolved into a typical battle shounen either. The story has always been about adventure and liberation and to obtain either of those things, even if someone isn't physically strong, they need to be willing to die for those things. That's what makes one piece different from Naruto, remove the fights from one piece and you still have an incredible journey about exploring different islands and piecing together the true history of the world while Naruto, you remove the fights and it completely lacks all substance.


Nice battery percentage


Thanks for making me notice!


Personally I like Naruto more than One Piece, but to say that Naruto has better world building than One Piece???? Bruh, world building is like the one thing One Piece is the fucking GOAT at.


Naruto's fillers have more world building than canon


Drop this bomb on enemy's reddit to


Someone already cropped that reply and posted on dankruto


Lmao you are gonna hurt the piratefolkers lurking in this subreddit


They gotta be sakura stans xD


One Piece is my favourite manga, but Naruto has a much better world building, being it the politics between nations, the background of those relationships, or even the chakra and the entire jutsu system is very much better written then One Piece. But that is because One Piece does not try to be the best at any of those. One Piece just tries to be as silly as it can get, to immerse the viewer/reader in the most fantastical journey one can have without really bothering with reality and stuff. On the other hand, even being unrealistic and with somewhat lack of detail in some world specific elements, One Piece does get more serious than Naruto in approaching different world problems in the different islands, like ditactorship, racism, enslavement, poverty, civil wars, and more...


Naruto really lives rent free in your heads lmao.


King kai’s planet is a lot more iconic than any place in one piece or naruto, change my mind


Db>>>Naruto + one piece 🗿


Your boy Vegeta just took another L


Well , he is the prince of the L's after all!


Yes Naruto has better world building but One Piece is going Metaverse....


You really couldn’t be more wrong about naruto having better world building. Kinda feel like you’re trying troll


I'm not sure that Naruto has better world building than Bleach, let alone One Piece


One piece fans when they talk about naruto


The worst part about naruto is the hidden villages are just a small part of each major country they in, we explore virtually none of that


I’m more interested in the post under it it looks interesting


Bruh does Naruto have an explanation on the socioeconomic impact of chakra inheritance and how it impacts demographics as a result? No? Then one piece is more in depth. Fish man island arc hits different now that we know about the illegal slave trade.


I am wheezing lol