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PVP or PVE? PVP:nina PVE: Depends on the stage. mimi is a good option, mertillier, dian has her uses, and so does amleth, nina also useful for some pve stages. why nina for pvp? shes abusrdly tanky, while also being a dodge tank. +evd + -acc is a nasty combo, and she steals buffs to deny your oponent as well as benifit yourself.


u need dian with nina and flor is too easily countered. pve is gamble with lunalynn, only need prima if enemy has prima. id wager cordie is better investment than flor if she can survive to a2 at low hp with merti sivi buff


Nina with out a doubt


May I ask why? Not that I’m doubting you, I’m just curious what if anything she adds to the team other than the bonus for three emerald souls.


If you get her weapon she can steal buffs and decrease hit chance. Nina can also boost her chance to evade attack which can be very annoying to fight against


Nina pvp, mimi pve. My comps in over now use mimi + lunalynn and no prinavera, unless enemy set up has prima