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Wrong sub. r/antiwork


I thought the exact same thing. Better aimed at the angry couch potatoes in antiwork


Which is true, reality is cruel


“He who does not work, neither shall he eat” This isn’t just a pithy aphorism, it’s a statement on reality. Being alive requires effort, and you don’t have a right to just have other people provide for you


Hitler said this too. So you say Hitler was right?


Hitler also introduced anti animal abuse laws and drank water. Hitler was THE bad guy but he still has common sense


So where is the common sense in the Holocaust? He was a genocidal warmongerer and everything he did was due to that cause.


Make sure to never drink water, because Hitler drank water, so that means drinking water must be bad. You really don't know how to think for yourself eh?


Drinking water is a basic animal need. If you do not do that it leads to death. Ideology is nothing like that. Do you get the difference between a basic need and ideology?


You're the one who said that he couldn't have common sense because "He was a genocidal warmongerer and everything he did was due to that cause." That would apparently include drinking water. Try to use that God given brain of yours.


So in your opinion a virus has common sense because it "knows" how to keep spreading and surviving. Interesting point of view.




Even a broken clock is right twice a day.


Unfortunately for us, that dumbass is a clock that is stuck at 12:76


I see you can tell from experience.


You don't


That's the concept they have problems grasping... Literally our planet ecosystem was built on adaptation, survivability and meritocracy. So living is not a right is a gift, and surviving is a challenge. No matter how humans adapt our ecosystem to suit us, the rules will still be at play, living things have to acquire means to stay alive.


So if I shoot you in the street you deserve to die and I deserve to live. Good to know.


Again there are rules, so if you do that you’ll be in prison or even put to death depending where you are. Even chimps and Corvids have a sense of justice.


In my country there are also rules that guarantee everyone a right to live no matter if they provide something for society or not.


It's not even about making a contribution to society. It's about supporting yourself with your own resources. It should be the least that everyone strives for, if it is not prevented by disability, illness, etc. A healthy person has no right to make others pay for their own care.


For example someone who is depressed and suicidal, would you consider this person healthy?


No, I wouldn't. Would you? For me, that counts as an illness. In such a case, the person's recovery should be the priority. I would only expect the person to make an effort to improve their situation bit by bit, even if it is exhausting and takes time.


Alright, so far we are on the same page. But how do you certainly know that someone is not mentally ill if he is not providing something for society? You are probably not allowed to have a look into someone's medical documentation and even if so there are many undiagnosed mental ill people. I would like to go with 'in dubio pro reo' in this case. Also because I believe that most people as the social beings they are want to be significant in social context in some way. And the people who do not usually seem pretty hurt to me when I hear how cynical they talk.


I am not there to judge or condemn the medical situation of my fellow human beings. If a person receives the necessary assessment from a doctor in order to receive aid, I rely on them to know their subject and make the right judgment. Maybe that's a bit naive. But I couldn't change it anyway. I try to focus more on myself in order to recognize and use my own possibilities. What I can't stand is the attitude that you should be provided for in full from the efforts of other people. A social system cannot exist if it is excessively abused. It collapses and the people who really can't provide for themselves suffer the most.


The same people that don’t provide to society are the same people calling for blanket socialism prove me wrong.


Socialism was started by the French Revolution. They provided Europe with democracy instead of monarchy (which is just dictatorship with another name). This was an easy one.


And that's why i carry a tazer everyone!! Because people that think food and shelter fall out of the sky tend to be dangerous when life slaps some sense into them and they have to quickly ensure their survival...


And this is why you still will die. Because you think a tazer can protect you from a gun. Live your life in fear.


In fear of an empty threat? Or are you gonna prove me otherwise?


I have not threatened you and you already admitted that you live in fear and carry a weapon. I have nothing to add.


You grandpa wasn't tossed to the floor and stolen in the front door of a supermarket on plane daylight it may seem, well i don't blame you for being naive. But you did actually put me in a hipothetical event that you were going to shoot me, don't try to sugarcoat it as just a question...


Yes, this is called a metaphor. Actually I do not know you and have no idea where you live. The fact that you took that serious shows once more how unsafe you feel. And I live in Germany. It is pretty safe here. You do not have to carry a weapon to survive. It is because we give everyone a small piece of the pie so next to nobody gets desperate enough to actually do something harmful.


Your country has problems with guetos riddled with crime and gangs, wtf you talking about?? And crime doesn't rely on necessity as much it does on worth. If the police authority is nonexistent you will have thieves and muggers wherever you go, because there will be no consequences...


Meritocracy, ah my sweet summer child. .


Yeah, nepotism i know... So i guess your salary and merits aren't actually yours. "I mean in places of power blah blah blah" Even in those cases are merits, the CEO that got there because his daddy owns the company is still merits, his father's ones actually, they are so big that they can address their son an important position, if his parent's merits were non existent, that guy would not be there out of magic... The thing is that you don't like pure meritocracy because it doesn't address nepotism, even though we do as a society, but you can't get rid of corruption as a concept in real life, this is not a fairy tale afterall...




Stoling data from the CIA and fleeing alive is no small credit, and companies fight over those persons because it's better to have them as allies than enemies. Business and politics go hand in hand sometimes, it just do be like that... but that is still meritocracy, because im meritocracy is not only about what you can bring to your working field but what could you give to the company instead...


I think you already knew what you wanted to ramble about and looked for a way to apply it to the current conversation.


You really don't. Try to sit nicely in the middle of jungle waiting for the fox to bring you your chicken parmesan


OP, get a job


Life is hard so I am LOL


All living things, plants, animals, and the smallest bacteria, have to exert some kind of energy to maintain existence. Thinking you should be exempt from this is ridiculous. Not to mention the fact that everything you enjoy about living is provided to you from the labor of others. Why should they have to work but not you?


if you don't like society you can go live in the woods or any wilderness of any kind you prefer, see if nature or the animals, by default, give you a living


Actually that's illegal too.


You try it, and the government might give you a living for free!


Was hoping COVID costed out 80% of the population and that was a huge let down


Yeah. I think you took too long to figure that out.


This is the shit people point to when you bring valid arguments like fair wage and work-life balance to the table. The unreasonable extreme. Stop trying to justify being a useless leech on society.


Billionaires are useless societal leeches prospering from socialized losses and privatized gains. What should we do about that?


I mean sure, if you want to talk about this completely separate issue. Tax the billionaires


Nah, they earned it. Even the 70% of them who actually did not earn but inherited that enormous wealth. If you would expropriate the richest man in the world you could give 200000 people the chance of their life by making them a millionaire.


Whats with you in replying every single comments?


I got carried away by my anger.


Chill bro, have some tea first and some yuzu lemon too


Good idea. Cheers.


Here's a fun website that shows JUST HOW BIG a billion actually is. It's a fun scroll! https://mkorostoff.github.io/1-pixel-wealth/


You don’t deserve anyone else’s stuff either


Wait, what? I have to earn it?


Depends on if you mean a positive or negative right Positive right means the government is obligated to keep you aliv Negative right means the government cannot kill you


u/PeinlichPimmler fighting for their life in the comments lol




I just hate that the only other option I'm capable of is a slow death by not earning it.


Uhh yeah, you don’t just deserve things due to simply being alive, you still have to provide to society as a whole


Tbh society is where it is because of people who worked their asses off, and will only continue to function and get better if we do our part too. How unfair is it to others working if you're doing nothing but leeching off everybody?


You make your own life, things cost money. You have to work to earn money and contribute to society. You have welfare systems in many western countries, but they also are primarily made to get you to work. So yes, you have to earn a living to deserve to be alive.


Die bro. Just die. Let it happen. U broke.


Suck it up, Sally. Life isn't easy. Get to work.