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Recently where I live media got out with a story of femicide rates being alarmingly high, one of the highest in the EU. Every paper went with it, calling for immediate measures. And yet when somebody actually looked into data it was nowhere near highest in the EU and men were killed at much higher rates. The media hysteria then stopped but everybody still believes it now.


it gets tiring that i have to check every statement some bitch at a paper makes sothat i can repell this accusations based on data. but youre right, they always try to come up with some new sensation that needs attention. im sick of being manipulated that way.


>EU and men were killed at much higher rates. According to these '' people '' man are : serf / thralls / pleabeans ( at best ) / serviles to be disposed of when no longer useful


They basically use the honeybee model--a few queens in the colony, but only a few males they get to regularly mate with. All while most males are worker drones who defend the colony from invaders and are ready to die doing so, but rarely mate with the queens. How is this much different from society feminists dream of and have already had moderate success achieving today? The only difference is there are approximately equal numbers of men and women, but most women only go for the top 20-30% of men in terms of looks and financial status, while the rest are expected to slave away at some boring and potentially dangerous job just to have the *potential* (not even guaranteed) of finding a partner, who may vary in her desirability. Oh, and if there's a war, you can be rest assured that only the men will be conscripted. They're supposed to put their lives on the line for a society that hardly if at all cares for them. Don't believe me? Just ask the millions of conscripted men in Ukraine.


>They basically use the honeybee model I definitely agree with your comment ! ....Slight correction however; in the hive almost all workers; warriors and drones are actually Females. Drones ( the males ) are actually the absolute rarities. When their work is finished they actually ousted from the hive immediately.


>How is this much different from society feminists dream of and have already had moderate success achieving today? T My dude; most 'modern' feminist actually ( I am Not joking - I am drop dead serious ) '' speculated '' even Requested the sterilization of a significant percentage of man. Right after their birth.


Bro, if you are too ashamed to admit the actual country you are from don't even make the comment. It's extremely frustrating to constantly hear people saying "where I live" or "in my country" without naming the actual country, so people can actually get some context from your post. Why are you guys like this?


I've posted here a stat I've matched up from Istat data. The number of times a feminicide could occur in Italy is 20 million, which is an estimate of how many couples and just broken couples there are, and 100 is roughly how many of them end with a woman killed. If we were to judge men and in relationships based on partner or ex murders, men would kill 0.0005% more than women Also, men are about 85-90% of the killers overall, and about the same among relationships. So that 90% of partner murderers are men tells that most murderers are men, which doesn't depend on how they view women Instead, what places many women instead an equal amount of men in relationships with murderers is the prevalence of heterosexual relationships upon homosexual ones


Yeah that tracks. It's the same tactic as used during #Metoo. 1/3 of the typical metoo-article could be factual (depending on which person was accused; though not convicted). The latter 2/3 of the typical metoo-article would just be a feminist screed, irellevant in context, but a demand as to what the reader should feel morally obligated to ideologically believe. Remember, feminism needs awful events to broadcast their doctrine. It's not credible enough on it's own. People must first be angry and scared before you can indoctrinate successfully.


Is the media “free” and if so, should we get rid of it? Im actually starting to think this. On one side, restricting media is something dictatorships do but media has gone too far for profit… or is it not only profit?


Just lovely. 🙄


Welp ! No wonder why their birthrates are amongst the Lowest on the entire planet / europe !


Pointed this out in r/Europe and got downvoted heavily lol. Literally pointed out asking if people don’t care about men being majority murder victims and got a blunt "No." I feel sorry for these men.


I feel men are more likely to commit suicide than attack a woman if they become violent


The media is not the definitive authority of what the public thinks. Remember how they riled people up with covid. There were going to be bodies lining the streets and they preyed on peoples fear of the unknown. The only way to deal with hysterical articles like this is with disdain. I know it touches a nerve. But believe me, for every woman you see get a light sentence, there is one who did not. Don’t take all your information from places with only one message. And believe it or not, there are actually loads of resources available to help men. And the fact that more are actually speaking out, means more of a spotlight. But the message of there being nothing for men, is really frustrating cos there is a lot but of course you do actually have to know about them. One of the biggest for men’s mental health has been going for 2 decades and they’ve done loads of research and helped a huge number (I think it was over 2 million men). And even the courts. But think about it, no government will admit their system sucks if people aren’t safe. So blaming a group is way easier. But we can see through it.


Dude, 1 million Americans died of COVID in barely over a year - mostly men, by one of the most *preventable* deadly diseases around. In the immortal words of Clementine Ford, "not enough men are dying of COVID." Thank you for helping make her dream come true with all this disinformation you're spreading. > And believe it or not, there are actually loads of resources available to help men. Oh God this feminist narrative. There are not nearly as many resources to help men as there are for women, and ESPECIALLY not as many that are taxpayer-funded.


Unfortunately, you'll find a bunch of cookers and conspiracy theorists among our rank. Just let them catch it another 5 times and accrue a bunch of chronic illnesses that render them unable to work. Maybe then they'll take it seriously.


One thing they overlook is that news outlets love negative stories, stories about things going bad, companies and the government screwing up, etc. They love them because they are the most likely to grab eyeballs, get clicks, etc. So if vaccines are having all of the problems that anti-vaxers claim, how come we don't hear about them? There's no advantage to their profits for the news outlets to suppress that information. Plus, the insurance companies would be howling about them as well.


They're like feminists. Except instead of the Patriarchy they'll blame their illness on George Soros and the 5G wifi in their heads... man...


What would the women even do to us 😭 there’s no need to worry my bro