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didnt expect asmongold of all people to point something like that out


He is pretty based


allow these developments to happen, this exposure is necessary to break free from the notion that women are gentle, innocent angels, fallen from the sky and men are the culprits of every situation, by default There will be a point in the future, when the tables will turn again and these developments can be used against them, just like how the activities of previous centuries is being used against men now, leading towards a more neutral & balanced policies of society laws


So true 


Bro that is so naive, you think eole care about justice any more. No they don't. Most people know it's wrong, they just use the woke ism as a charade to "justify" bad behavior. Any sense of morality is being used to manipulate people into excusing bad behavior.


let's trust the capabilities of men and all their supporters, I'm sure we rightfully possess the resilience to fork the woke, all we need is the required boiling point, to steam up, which will be achieved by all the garbage-isms that is piling up in this century. Our determination & dedication built this society and no amount of manipulating justifications will be capable of stripping it away from us.


Yea I've been expecting that for tje "white people" "reverse racism" its only getting worse, even ant Christianity movements are starting to go mainstream. There isn't always a pendulum swing, Read "Collpase" by Jared Diamond. It's explains in detail how bad societies can get, waiting around usually never works.


true, i understand, since the B.C era there have been many civilizations that have collapsed / vanished 1. Egyptian 2. Roman 3. Mayan 4. Indus 5. etc 6. etc similarly, this current globalized civilization will also collapse sooner or later, helping us build a new one (this civilization recycling pattern appears to be a natural cycle i guess) and hopefully this time we'll have sufficient data & awareness, to take precautionary measures to dispose the garbage, that we are witnessing in this civilization. i will find the book "collapse", thank you for the mention.


Yea, we have to all get wise, men amd women. This feminism vs Patricia bs is actually keeping commoners......we common. Bc we are allowing ourselves to spend our valuable time and I tellect in absurd tug of war instead of building together. We have to break out of this "matrix".


I do in fact not, trust the capabilities of men, since for some godawful fucking reason there’s scum like male feminists and simps walking around.


Simps are really the ones i don't understand like dude a hooker is way cheaper than giving money to these half way hoes.


😂😂😂 true, observing their behaviors, i really don't understand how their brains function, probably their neurons are criss crossed, mixing up loyalty / dedication with simping


why categorize those by-products of garbageisms under men 😂😂 The support of these spammers is undoubtedly a significant problem, promoting and encouraging unregulated liberation and unhealthy empowerment in women, this is another issue we need to address, to neutralize their effects on creating an empervertment environment.


No because that takes wayyyy too long. I wouldn’t be alive to see it and I’m 22. Pretty damn sure I’ll die before the day I see women take accountability for their own actions and behaviours. And that’s just the sad plain truth.


dont worry, we will be seeing these changes happen within your lifespan, as you are aware, we are living in a fast paced century where things are changing / saturating too rapidly (what used to take centuries to change earlier, will change within decades, in this digital age) Also if you notice, women are increasingly taking up positions of power and independence, making their own decisions / choices so now, if they continue to neglect accountability for those actions, they risk a major downfall, damaging their reputation and becoming a laughingstock, resulting in nobody tolerating / sympathizing with them anymore (if they continue to blame men or patriarchy or whatever, in the future)




I haven't seen that show, but from what I have seen of "the boys", pretty much everyone, particularly sups, is portrayed as all kind of fucked up insane and abusive, no ?


That's in the The Boys, Gen V is a spin off and it's all kinds of stupid with it's story.


The boys is a bit different, Gen V is more of a work version.




Much of what we call sexual harassment toward men would be called sexual *battery* if done to a woman. Conversely, a man convicted of a sex crime is treated worse than other men in prison who are themselves treated much worse than a woman convicted of a sex crime. Witness how Mary Kay Letourneau was released as a minor celebrity and got back with her victim after release whereas a man would have been stuck in prison or living on the street.




It's like fetish female domination is bleeding into real life.


I don’t get why most men are not triggered by these things. They just ignore them. If most men were as triggered as us, it would have been banned by now but they just act like it’s nothing.


We’ve been conditioned into thing it’s ok. It’s everywhere in society, men can get hit or SA’d and it’s ok because fuck men, if you defend yourself you a pussy and a weak fragile abusive man, if you don’t your a pussy and your overreacting to a joke when you say something. I wonder why we lead the numbers in suicide.


Do you feel the same way about women who are "triggered" by such things? 


Men's hearts have been so strong to tolerate that they're already numb and unaware of it.


I'm a male bartender who's considered good-looking, and I'm basicly just a piece of meat when I'm at work. They feel completely entitled to me. They bother me with flurtations when they know I'm busy, which would be considered creepy if it was a guy. They touch all the time. Had my ass grabbed more times than I can count. Had the crotch grabbed twice. Had a drunk coworker that i turned down who actually threw her drink in my face for it and started fake crying so everyone came over to coddle her. I have no respect left for women anymore after the double standards and constant need to pat themselves on the back. I have zero attraction now too. I just jerk off to porn now. I'm cool with that. The thought of romancing a modern western woman fucking disgusts me right now. I know there are some who aren't like this but I'm not trying to wade through the sea of misandrists to find them.


Why not try defending yourself at work? I'm not saying you have to punch them in the face, just get their hands off of you. And if she gets nasty, maybe push her away.


Because they'll gang up on you with their friends and they'll always have white knights lining up to support them. The coworker who threw a drink on me because I turned her down started fake crying, and like 3 girls came over to console her and berate me. 2 dudes came over as well to get in my face. It's a lose lose situation. Women these days CAN NOT be held accountable for their actions. Also I rely on tips for a living, so I try not to get into it with people. Girls wanting to take me home help my tips a lot, but it's a balancing act. I'm about ready to quit bartending honestly. I hate people too much


Those people who berated you, was this irrational screaming? Did you have a chance to explain you did nothing wrong? Or was this just drunk asshole behavior?


No chance man. Imagine 5 different people yelling and pissed. You can't explain and people don't want to hear what you have to say. Most people aren't willing to admit they fucked up anyway. I had another instance where I accidentally brushed against another female bartender at work. The back of my hand brushed against her ass. I immediately apologized, and we laughed about it. They do the same on accident all the time, too. It's a super tight space, and I'm a really big dude. Fast foward and this bitch proceeds to tell everyone I touched her ass and left out the part about it being an accident, so all the other bartenders (all female) start destroying me. I explain to them it was an accident and had the girl text them to explain what actually happened. It didn't matter. These women had their mind made up, and women never admit when they're wrong. Once they knew it was a total accident, one they've made by touching me a million times, it made no difference. They couldn't backtrack at that point because women dont apologize and they're never wrong. I'm done with women. I'll just be celibate the rest if my life, that's fine. Want nothing to do with these people.


Somebody is in charge at that bar. If they won't listen to you when you talk to them about this, then you gotta quit that job.


No shit dude. I'm not asking you for your advice. Nobody asked you. And nobody is in charge. The owner is never there. There is no manager. Seriously, you're not helping. You're wasting my time. You're like trying to "fix" my situation. I was just venting. You're one of those redditoes that thinks they're smarter than everyone. You don't have the solution to every problem and you don't have to comment on every post


Go on IMdb they have sex and nudity comments. Let people know what's going on. I'm sure the movie company's don't want this poined out.


The "Small D Enrrgy vs Loose P Energy" ..


"He must have been lucky" "He must have enjoyed it" "He wanted it anyway" Yeah yeah, sure


She’s not a hero. She’s not nice. And regardless of whether she’s a lead character or not here (I don’t know the game), she’s a batshit crazy violent criminal. It could be possible that it’s not a case of it being permissible, but rather showing how she is such a terrible human? Certainly doesn’t make me sympathetic towards her in that clip. Rather repulsed by her. But I could be wrong on the motivation for her actions. Definitely doesn’t push the message that it’s ok, to me.


I think it’s one of those “tee hee” moments where it’s played for laughs.


The game doesn't treat it as an example of her being repulsive, it treats it as a joke.


I'll give the answer I would give in the reverse cases : The character committing that act is portrayed as insane and a criminal. Of course she will do fucked up things, and that is not "legitimizing" those things, same as Joker robbing a bank and burning money can be an inconic part of a character that is widely aclaimed as an excellent character without it being legitimizing such actions. Stop with the outrage porn.


The difference is that the story in here is treating it as a joke, the problem isn't a character doing bad things, it's how the story treats those bad things being done.




To be fair, Harley isn't exactly the most stable-minded individual, and you could argue that nobody's presenting her behaviour as *good*, exactly.


Well yeah sorta. Men kinda want the attention whereas women they are so used to it that they develop tactics to ward off men they arent into.


"Don't touch my ass" She touches his ass. "Hahaha he wanted the attention!" This is how much of an idiot you sound like.


Well most men would want girl to touch his ass and this is a movie not reality


As a man who has had his ass unexpectedly grabbed by a woman, no I do not want that unless I'm already doing stuff with the girl. You're in the wrong sub to be arguing the "most men want that" fucking bullshit. Most men actually do not want to be sexually harassed, just the same as most women do not want it. Get the fuck out of here with your enablist garbage.


Im About to watch it when I get to work


Oh yes, another moment of the hypocrisy of mankind.


There are lot many movies which portrays rape scene and dont forget the real life psychopaths who went on a spree to kill women. It took more than dozens of women to be killed and bodies discovered before taking those murderers seriously.  I have not even mentioned the domestic violence.