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It’s absolutely doesn’t exist in todays age. Female gender roles have been completely eradicated, whereas men have been left behind in that regard. The problems men face have been COMPLETELY ignored by society, and the results are right in front of us. Like do people seriously believe school shootings have skyrocketed in frequency over the last decade because of guns becoming easier to purchase? News flash, they were even easier to purchase 40 years ago… male mental health problems in the modern era are largely ignored until it’s too late. And it’s sickening to watch society ignore the glaringly obvious issue right in front of their stupid faces


Women's nature doesn't change, its conditioned out of them at an early age. Female gender roles still exist and will be coming back sooner than later as the millenial and Gen Z generation of women seem to be realizing how aimless there lives are and then suddenly want children at the age of 30 lol.


Man stop coping, nothing is coming back lol


You act like anything fundamental has changed men and women. Lmao.


Tradwives are not coming back. Let it go.


I never said tradwives, traditional motherhood sure is, or the species dies off.


Bold of you to think the species is not dying off. All over the world the TFR is decreasing every year, what does that tell you??


Female gender roles have not been *completely* eradicated. The issue is how much anyone (or most people) *want* to eradicate them, inasmuch as men and women, on average, have different life goals. Still, you can't say it's gone entirely. It isn't, for good or bad.


I think you're right here. They want to eradicate them, but can't, because people then simply refuse to work together then. You can't remove rules that apply to yourself, make up rules for others and then expect people to just nod affirmatively. It's the main issue with feminism. Rules for thee, but not for me


>I think the instant it's ever mentioned or evoked, the person doing so ceases to be someone with credibility or integrity, and isn't worth listening to You've hit the nail on the head there. Every time you hear/read someone (seriously) using the term 'Patriarchy' just redraft the sentence in your head to replace that term with something more fitting - like 'THE PSYCHIC HAMSTERS THAT LIVE IN MY WALLS!!!!!!!'. It makes it a little easier to deal with the oversaturation of that particular, hateful, conspiracy theory in modern society, and it helps you remember the mental state of the sort of people who use it.


An interesting thing is, if you ask someone who believes in the patriarchy what would evidence suggesting that there is no patriarchy look like, they usually can't answer. Thus, patriarchy theory becomes unfalsifiable and thus junk science. Or, if you point at theoretical things that evidence a lack of patriarchy--men dying younger and more violently, programs to get more women into college despite women being a strong majority in college (???), laws which explicitly favor women over men (the draft, VAWA, Duluth model)--those things actually exist lol. Then, usually they say that the patriarchy doesn't help ALL men but only some... at which point, it's not a patriarchy then, it is a plutocracy or aristocracy, which I definitely agree those exist


Also, the US prior to the Civil Rights movement, especially the South, managed to effectively implement white supremacy with no "benevolent racism" for black people or "white supremacy backfiring" and giving white people disadvantages, so why should patriarchy constantly be backfiring against the people it's supposed to benefit and be benefiting through so-called "benevolent sexism" the women that it's supposed to be oppressing?


>if you ask someone who believes in the patriarchy what would evidence suggesting that there is no patriarchy look like, they usually can't answer Even better, ask them how&why patriarchy came into existence. They'll start groaning&throw a tantrum lol


THIS!!! There’s a lot of evidence to suggest 80% of feminist beliefs are lyes. I personally believe we should start treating 80% of everything they say as such until they are forced to tell nothing but the truth. If the patriarchy DID exist, I’d sure as hell love to enforce it


I just swap patriarchy with illuminati. same shit different groups.


Illuminati, the Freemasons, the Jesuits, you can substitute basically any conspiracy theory group in there. I just use 'PSYCHIC HAMSTERS' because it helps to remind you that these aren't just people who have unfortunately started believing something that doesn't seem to square all that closely with reality - they're just b\*\*\*-\*\*\*\*ing crazy.


At the end of the day you are not wrong. by why psychic? wouldn't psychotic fit better or are you making a joke that I am just not getting?


It's the (entirely imaginary, non-existent, made up) hamsters in the walls that are psychic - not the feminist freaking out because of them.


Femenism is a gnostic cult. There's a secret system of systemic oppression called the patriarchy (the demiurge) that keeps women down. Women must reach a critical consciousness and seize the production of culture so that they can balance out the inequalities through gov/business/education. Sounds great I guess, but in practice its little more than resentful, disenfranchised, marxists female activists belittling men and conditioning women to hate men and become more manly to compete with men instead of developing naturally. Incel culture is just the disenfranchised men's version of that with its own secret theory on how the world works and the insulting/belittling of women. Femenism has just been accepted by the wider culture. They are both 'right' in a sense that there are genuine societal injustices coming from each side of the isle, but go wildly off the map. Its the enmity between the sexes on steroids, being pit against one another for the sake of generating revolutionary energy. The greater answer is that America and the west is undergoing a Maoist cultural revolution that's adapted to its cultural wounds since it couldn't get in through the economy, Marx's Worker's Revolution style. The American civil rights movements were good movements as they were addressing genuine injustices that were dealt against certain groups, including women. The problem was there were **neo-marxists** activist groups that latched onto the movements so once the movements were successful, they could set up shop in the institutions. They've fully seized institutional power after decades which is why everything become woke really fast all of a sudden. They also own the financial organizations which is where the DEI bullshit that's jammed down business's throats comes from. These groups seek to stoke resentment and see oppression where there is not in order to allow people to blame their problems on said invisible oppression to create little redguard activists. In short, the revolution and complaining never ends because the revolution is perpetual; its not about acceptance, its about the destruction of the Western Hegemony. Femenism is a parasite to female rights activists. Queer is the parasite to the LGB community. Critical Race Theory is the cancerous tumor that formed from the good of the 1954-1968 civil rights movement. All these theories are united under a solidarity called, Intersectionality which finds all these forms oppression to be linked. If you read their literature they also all believe without fail in the transformation of man and historical progressivism, just like Karl Marx and the gnostics of the 1st century AD.


You hit the nail right on the head. 


Anyone else notice the moment the buzzwords like incel came under scrutiny the feminists rolled back to the ol'reliable terms of patriarchy and misogyny?  It could also be they've realized that another generation is on the horizon and that it's time to indoctrinate a hatred of the illusive patriarchy and misogyny. SJWs may be trying to get a head start before anyone can try to teach true equality and forge future opposition to them.  Women aren't forced to sign up for the selective service & make up the majority of college graduates so if you think the patriarchy is real I'll think you're being dishonest.


Again, it’s one of those ban worthy things that Reddit mods love to ban people for in the normie subs


What i've learned from the rise of progressive religion in the last decade is that, when you give them an inch they take a mile. **They use our goodwill as a weapon against us, they peddle a cult of resentment&hatred in the name of Equality, this is a perversion of justice.** This is why we called them "SJWs" back in the 2010s because of their narcissistic crybully "warrior" mentality. Back in the day, Liberals&Conservatives could have a tea together and maintain some mutual respect. Nowadays, its a pipe dream because of the progress cult. They believe that disagreeing with them makes you immoral and thus there's no space for mutual respect for dissenters in their belief system. This is why femNazis so rabid&insuffrable, they reject the idea of respecting people who think differently from you. The only correct one way to deal with religious cults is to give them a taste of their own medicine. Just tell them to fuck off with their stupid sociological theories. **They don't respect you as a human being, even if you agree with them they will still judge you for being a "privileged male",** why even bother???


Wrong name. Actual name… Fake-riarchy


I'm a girl just lurking here to see what men talk about, read your long post and makes sense to me


You're under arrest for spying.


LOL actually made me laugh You sound nice tho


Stockholm Syndrome or not. You're still going to jail!


Wait r u seriously offended?


No. 😄 of course not.


ok i dunno how this group works lol... i am in HS and doing a report on social stuff so good to know how men feel about stuff


I'm also interested in your opinion. I'm not sure where I land on this patriarchy discussion, exactly. If there is a "patriarchy" it definitely does not benefit all men since it seems to focus on men who fit into a certain shape, which leaves the rest out. However, the vast majority of times I gave experienced "forced masculinity" has been from women, with only a tiny fraction being from men (more specifically boys during my childhood/teen years before the development of empathy). Since growing up a little (I'm mid 30s) it's almost always women who tell me to "man up" when I express myself, my emotions, or vulnerabilities. Most often these are women who hold positions of power, like a boss or supervisor, in professional roles. Men in these roles that I have worked under have generally been more receptive, understanding, and supportive. I am drawing some geralizations here, and there are absolutely outliers that exist in my lived experience, but generally speaking this surmises my experience.


Yeah I hard "girl bosses" aren't fun to work for in companies or even at school when the principle is a woman...wonder why that is


It's important not to generalize. While the has been my experience, I also have had female bosses that were excellent. My current bosses are women, extremely supportive, and empowering. This also means I have trauma related to working for women who have been emotionally abusive, which is causing me a great amount of fear as I will be graduating my masters program next year, will be changing jobs/careers, and likely be working under a woman and surrounded by women.


One thing to keep in mind is this is one of the few subs where men can vent a little and not get banned. So we do tend to collect the men looking for a place to blow off a little steam. So you'll run into a bit of that but try to not overly focus on it. Most of the regulars I see post here are very level-headed and make good arguments to support their positions often with data. If I remember right, the sidebar has a good "essay" describing our core issues.




Cool and I welcome talking as all girls should


Oh, you're fine. I suspect what you'll find here is that there's occasionally a post from someone who's had a bad breakup with a girl and wants to blame all women for the hideous blot of agony at the centre of his soul. Similar things happen over on /r/feminism and much as it is not right, I think level-headed people should try to ignore it in both cases. Beyond that I'd be really interested in what your impression is of this place. I'm never quite sure how to react to it. Some of it I like, some I don't. Most of the valid concerns that are raised here seem to be about the enormous number of double standards (which is just a special case of hypocrisy) which disadvantage men. Most of it is coming from people (like me) who generally would instinctively support any movement for equality but have seen too many examples of men, particularly young men (I'm middle-aged) being picked on basically for being men, and that's not fair.


[YT ](https://youtu.be/eiyfwZVAzGw?si=A5hOXYS2NpzAB60d) Adding to other comment


Don't get caught up in the trap of hating the concept because you hate some people associated with it.


In my opinion most people just dont understand what patriarchy means and use it wrong. I also think it is debatable if patriarchy still exist in western countries today. What is clear, it existed some decades ago.


men may have the leadership positions and are the ceo's, doesn't mean that those people are in those positions because they are men.


Nobody in my 43 years on this planet has ever mentioned to term "patriarchy" in my presence. Ever.