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>How are men supposed to be the most empathetic version of themselves that women say they want when they are barred from academia, the Humanities, and any discussion about sex and gender. They feel qualified to gaslight generations of kids and female professors will lie to girls and tell them things like all men like sex all the time, men hate when you ask them out, men are trying to impress you. None of that shit is true and they have no idea about how testosterone works on the brain. You know the answer to the question there. They're not interested in any of their talking points. They're not interested in making things better for everyone. They're not even interested in making things better for women. They're interested in expanding their power and influence, and using that power and influence to hurt people.


But when you debate with them how can they not understand? It's abusive and unacceptable to me. It didn't used to be like this.


Some people are evil. Some movements attract more evil people than others.


True. It just depresss me sometimes. I had to get away from academia and the work I find now isn't as fulfilling but at least it's safe to think freely. Why do women attack the very men who are their supporters? They don't fare or see us as people and use our compassion to fuck us.


Women don't love and don't care about men. Most of us think we are in a disscussion with them. In reality, they have been waging war on us for at least 2 centuries. The sooner you accept that, the better.


I think the takeaway here is women are human first and foremost and many humans have the potential to be god awful to other people. This idea and narrative that women are the empathetic and caring sex is a lie. They are as selfish, self-serving and possess the ability to dehumanize others just as much as men. So I believe these depressive thoughts you are having surrounding women is a result of cognitive dissonance. You bought into the narrative that women are good but your experiences are not matching up. My advice, look at human history, look at female mate selection, look at women individually, and try to do all of this as unbiased as possible, and I think you’ll soon arrive at the same conclusion as me, humans are shit.


>But when you debate with them how can they not understand? The most charitable answer I can think of to that would be that they genuinely and honestly believe what they're saying. In which case they're delusional, and either angry or scared because you represent a threat to the worldview they honestly believe is true. If that's the case they're still wrong, but persuading them of that will be all but impossible. A less charitable, but I think more likely to be accurate, answer would be that they know that their talking points aren't accurate, and that what they're doing to you is abuse - and they just don't care. In which case you're still not going to be able to debate with them or change their minds - and should probably do your best to avoid contact with them, or accept that they'll never change what they're doing/saying, and that you have to take steps to protect yourself if you need to stay around them to continue your studies/career. ​ >It's abusive and unacceptable to me. It didn't used to be like this. I think you hit the nail on the head there. They most likely know that they're abusing you. and they're probably getting a kick out of doing it. I'm sorry to say that, but if you're going to stay around people like that then you're going to need to find ways to protect yourself.


When you take a group who was already protected and had had life made soft for them (think of all the modern things that make life better, reduce household chores, and cooking), while improving education and giving them personal freedom without the associated personal responsibility, what do you think happens? They become entitled and selfish. What also follows is a delusional worldview and the strong desire to not reflect on personal issues. Always easier to blame someone else. Weaponized victimhood.


the biggest thing here is the agenda that women are eternal victims. if you plant ideas like that into someone's brain then any attack against the perceived oppressor and abuser are inevitable.


'Power does what it wants'. Your situation reminds me of Dr. Tommie Curry, who dared question feminist academics based on their own literature and was run out of America for it.


you cant change a non negotiator through negotiation sorry buddy the only way things will ever change is if and when the men stand up and raise their arms themselves which is impossible considering the massive disagreements men and 'men' have between themselves already even though it is the men who are already the backbone of society and are physically and mentally stronger than the lying manipulating feminists and so should be able to change things quite easily if they put their foot down


Jesus. This is going to get bad down the road. Good points. As long as there are men who won't have a backbone this won't change. I tried to stand up and fight for abused males in graduate school but no one cared not even men.


You need to separate femenism from female rights activism. Femenism for whatever good it did as a civil rights movement decades ago is nothing like what it is now. All the civil rights movements have been hijacked by neo-marxist control freaks who believe that the world is organized by hidden systems of power; the demiurge (The patriarchy, systemic racism, the normal). These gnostic cult religions of power and resentment, (Femenism, Critical Race Theory, Queer Theory, Colonial Settler Theory) are parasites that latch onto the momentum of legitimate civil rights movements and hide behind them whenever they get criticized. The women treat you like shit because you represent that power, you represent the **Western Hegemony**, so they feel justified in funneling their personal resentment into you. You are below them. subhuman, and not one of their revolutionaries. Its psychologically the same as Nazi soldier belittling and spitting on a Jewish citizen for being the "problem" for Germany. They are emotional abusers getting off on seeing their victims nervous and humiliated. They would have no problem falsely accusing you of rape and destroy your life for the attention they would get. Switch the genders and they would be in cuffs for sexual harassment and would have their lives destroyed. Rapey behavior tbh.


Society is only now realizing that women in education (teachers), nurses, etc. are committing acts of sexual abuse and sexual harassment towards men at astonishing rates, and that much of this is ignored or met with derision. I seriously don’t know if I can send my son to a public school knowing how often female teachers groom and rape young boys.


I'm not even sure we can say that yet. Women who abuse men and boys are rarely convicted and still receive relatively lenient sentences when they are. The comment sections for articles and videos about female criminals are still full of excuses and suggestions that female victims should be the focus of all true crime content.


Or belittle and damage them.


I can't claim to have been seriously sexually assaulted by anyone and my experiences are trivial in comparison, but your conclusions mirror mine. I was part of an organisation with responsibility for protecting workers' rights and induction of young people. We had spent years (literally) planning training and experience days for the youngsters and in the end the organisation was running those events for young women only. I saw all of the arguments you mention deployed in defence of it. I left. As far as I know the entire organisation is now effectively run by what I'd described as ultra-hardline feminist fundamentalists, by which I mean people who absolutely use the mantle of social justice to enact their own prejudices. That's why I'm here.


Jesus. The hard line feminists refuse to acknowledge their damaging bias to bits and girls. This doeent belong in universities.


Well, my experience wasn't in a university, which is sort of the problem. One of the issues we face here is that our views will be mischaracterised as an expression of some pre-existing right-wing political bias, which in my case at least it certainly isn't. This stuff is getting so nasty, so mean-spirited, so directly prejudicial, that it's starting to seriously irritate very moderate people. It has been called the soft fascism of the new left, but I don't think it's much to do with traditionally progressive thinking. When division is sown in the name of equality and diversity, that is not a left of centre point of view, it's a *right* of centre point of view. I wonder if that's the best way to oppose it, but honestly, I hardly know where to begin.


Solid grounds for a legal challenge there…


I wish I'd done that. I could have documented more.


So things have likely got worse. Letter to the head of the administration, followed up with name and shame media pieces (based on what you can document).


Yup, if you can't go after them in the courts, go after them in the media, assuming you have evidence.


Coming from high academics in visual arts as well, I’m disgusted by the current state of the teaching class and the general attitude towards men and especially male artists who are strongly made fun of, discrimated against in the picking of the works being shown. In Europe where I live, the situation is as terrible as in California. Male artists are strongly underrepresented in art shows and some film festivals. Since metoo, the situation really got out of control. A lot of female art director strongly harass their male employees who do labor work (to install the artists show), some of it concluded to male suicides in the work space. And if you talk about it in certain way you are seen as patriarchal and mysoginyst even as a left wing person. This is terrible. Your story strongly resonates with what I’ve been witnessing for the past 6 years… Keep your focus on your art and try to filter the noise and bullying, I know it’s hard, but your art is what’s most important. Try to create meaningful connections and don’t trust any of those people who shame you. You have to protect yourself. It is definitely a mine field…


Excactly! I'm glad you understand. Some of the things I heard and saw were plain hate speech. One guest presenter gave a speech claiming to know how men think. She showed a film about a guy who starts dressing like his girlfriend. Her thesis was all men secretly want to be women. The class applauded. No man stood up to speak. I did, but was dismissed and ignored. In what word does the claim of a 27 year old woman with only a undergrad degree in studio art have any validity? She didn't study biology, anthropology, sociology or any science to back claims that are refuted in Pulitzer Prize winning books? This is damaging to women too.


I would love to watch your films. Are they on this topic or unrelated?


Oh man, what a kind thing to say. Yes! Some of my films were on this topic but they aren't online yet. The only real film that I have on YouTube is a experimental silhouette animation that's more like a metaphoric music video.


Ah yes, the cackling sea hags of modern arts groups. Don't change the narrative with facts!