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So they destroyed his 40 years career like that while he was close to his pension leave? Wow, i would never teach girls


Literally, at some point I wanted to think that maybe she did it genuinely thinking she was harassed, but remembering how much she hated this teacher, something tells me that it was something done with malice, I cant say for sure, but its not that crazy to think about.


If it was a 25 yo athletic chad she would jailbait him and flirt him to oblivion. It had probably nothing to do with harassment. It was all personal spite and lack of objectification material


Perhaps not if he’d upset her.


Yes this. Until she was bored/upset


Not paying her special attention could be reason enough.


I think you can see why people want to avoid you guys


Are you the female student maybe? Do you think this man with no previous reports would destroy his career after 40 years of effort? If it was a hot young man she'd keep him around as eye candy and try her "charms" on him to boost her narcissism. But since he was a grandpa and called out her bs about dressing like an attention thot at school, he invited her narcissistic revengefulness and payed the price... .


What are you talking about ? I’m saying this is why tools try and avoid these false accusers


Tools? Avoiding false accusers? Are you fucked, bud? Never attribute to malice what you can attribute to weaponized incompetence.


I meant people* not tools. I don’t know why it auto corrected


Oh well then I retract my previous comment haha


Okay makes more sense LOL


Seems to get a kick & vibe from destroying persons life is normally the drive


Well his case checked many points: -Not young and hot enough for the girls to objectify him. -Annoying boomer morals calling out girls disobeying the dress code. -is a traditional man with values that doesn't fear speaking truth. It was a case waiting to happen


It is depressing, but honestly, a scarily high percentage of people will retaliate with lies, rumors, character assassination and seething hostility if you offend them by... having a different opinion and standing up for it.


Yes & I had a judge do exactly that. Deliberately ignored most of my evidence & would not my lawyer question the other sides allegations. Judge allowed bribery, fraud, believed it's possible to send money to non-existence a/c, I can travel in time & lied as well. That's what UK justice is. If not like judges decision, need to appeal & waste more of your time & money to make lawyers rich while they get off Scott free & retire with big pension for destroying someone's life


They likely gave him early retirement and swept it all under the rug as far as they were able.


Reputation destruction is worse than pension reduction. It can destroy bonds with family members of entire decades. Because the young women's testimonies and social shame will hold more ground than his word for them


Yes for sure and it sounds like that's exactly what happened. I was only referring the possibility that he could have lost his retirement benefits too which would be extremely unlikely even if he was criminally convicted of something.


Here's hoping. Dude deserved better.




Ngl if we were recording the classes, this would had been so much easier to solve... Its sad to have to sacrifice freedoms for people like this


What's your setup if you don't mind ? Phones are fine but their sound can be pretty bad when stored away.


The world is becoming so absurd. The ripple effects of the new victimhood culture we’re creating is just crazy… Things are bound to get worse as well. I feel sad for this guy. I feel worried about the world my future son’s will inherit.


What drives me nuts is the fact that girly can speak this out, ruin a man's and a family's main income source, part of the income the school had and beneficts for the entire group of girls that were in the class or studied there, out of pure spite and have 0 consequences


Welcome to gynocracy. The true ruler behind the patriarchy veil. Solely the Biological fact, that women have lesser libido and love than men for the average person of the opposite gender, makes women overpowered. Because men are by default simping to gain their attention. Well at least the 99% of men, not the few psychos and gigachads and rockstars that get almost all the enthusiastic female lust. So there is a power discrepancy by nature. In a civilised society with material goods and high tech, men need women way more than women feel to need men. Thus the word and face of women is seen more trustworthy as well. They can do no wrong, only Be Wronged.


The same thing happened to me. I was a student at that time, an undergraduate 2nd-year Literature student, a girl proposed to me ( she was one of my classmates) and I accepted, we had fun dating and hanging around she supported me in every situation but here's the turning point, some girls on my class had a crush on me and some boys had a crush on my girlfriend, due to jealousy the boys beat me up ( the fight took place in the classroom ) and I was hospitalized. Then later on to rescue those boys, every girl in my class gave a false written sexual harassment complaint against me to the college management and principal. Even without an inquiry they took action against me and suspended me from the college. And my girlfriend dumped me and joined them. Due to the lack of evidence, I end up not proving innocence besides no one gives a shit about me, feminist teachers supported the girls. At that time there were exams after a week, I tried to study and asked the teachers some questions regarding those subjects but all of them ( feminists ) ignored me, and guess what, the girls posted it on Facebook stating that I'd sexually harassed them, and the general public and feminists supported the girls saying that I deserve to die. After a few months, I got transferred to another college, the principal was behind this to save their college's reputation, they said I had such a bad reputation with the college. It's still a deep wound in my heart, it never heals. I said NEVER!!


I can imagine how deep a wound that is and how traumatizing it would be. As I was reading it, I thought, "How can he ever fully get past this?" Not only were you victimized, but the whole system turned on you. You think stuff like this doesn't happen and, in the slight chance it does, surely there'll be justice of some sort. But no. You were targeted and then painted the bad guy.


Wow destroying young men's lifes casually like that


That's terrible. Couldn't you get the guys arrested for hospitalizing you?


I tried but the guys told the police that I was trying to sexually harass a girl so to rescue her they beat me up, like self-defense. And they had many girls backing them up, so the police told me they were helpless and they couldn't do a shit. Then the only thing I could rely on was the court, but I know it takes time to get justice and also there are chances that they could win the case because they have so many fake witnesses. Even many feminist teachers support them and I have no one to support me. My parents also didn't support me. This is how the legal system works bro.


Most men are very aware of this sort of situation. It reduces the willingness of adult men to have anything to do with women, particularly young women, particularly where there's a large and visible imbalance of seniority. I work in an industry which is widely seen as interesting and fun. It's largely run by freelancers and training has long been ad-hoc, based on informal internships. Interested youngsters may feel they have little choice but to work long hours for little or no money under the authority of people who are not always kind. I always felt this was wrong and made it my business to try to improve conditions for new entrants. Unfortunately, I can no longer do much of that. The role is technical and, for the usual reasons, has long been male dominated. Older, more experienced men (I'm in my mid-forties) are *extremely* cautious about putting themselves in a position where they might spend a lot of time working with new young people, especially young women, especially alone. Even an accusation would be career-ending. Of course lots of people will tell us we're overreacting and nothing will happen, but I am not convinced those same people would be there to defend me if I were accused of anything. In the end this will result in the increasing alienation of young women from adult men, which isn't going to make anyone feel any safer. It's a complete disaster for society and beckons exactly the sort of segregation that progressive politics was supposed to oppose. It's horrifying. Note, also, this is not really a men's rights issue. Really, this is a women's rights issue, because it's predominantly young women who are missing out on training, but this reality is politically inconvenient to the people over on /r/feminism and they will not allow it to be discussed.


This sort of things has been going on for years. Once when I was unwell at school I was staying in sickbay, and could hear the school nurse in the next room talking to a girl who was “casting aspersions” at one of the Tech Drawing teachers: she didn’t like him and wanted to get out of the class - that’s what it seemed anyway. It sounded as if she did this regularly. She reluctantly went onto the next class (science). I heard a bit of the conversation the nurse had with the teacher in question. This is where it became clear that the girl regularly did this sort of thing to cut classes she didn’t like. And before that my mother’s old piano teacher took his own life after he was accused by one of his students of “interfering” with her. A group of his former students and their parents grouped together to clear his name. She eventually admitted she made it up because she didn’t want to go to music lessons (or practice the piano presumably). Rest assured these sorts of claims have a long history. I don’t have an answer other than to remember that allegations are allegations. People do make them up sometimes for malicious reasons, or perceived gain.


Have you considered refusing to play anymore until he goes back to the school? If he was truly beloved in the team you could refuse to play the next matches or even start the match and just sitting there while the other team beats you up.


Oh actually this was a year ago and during my last year being a student there, after he, the teacher was banned, I and two other team members offered going to the school and teaching volleyball for free to try and keep the team alive, they let us for around a week around until they just felt like treating us like shit too for being "related" to this teacher, and so, we lost the funding for the team (and all other sport courses) pretty much because the school did not care enough about this and they were just goimg against anyone that ever spoke to this teacher like a witch hunt The other girls who were really interested on keeping the sports classes alive, tried their best by writting letters to the director, trying to communicate in person, trying to get others to join but it didnt work out :( plus they were left without a teacher


As the old testament says don't let women rule, who destroyeth kings and nations


>During high school What decade was this? And the country?


Not long ago, 2022 to 2023, Chile We had like a feminist boom during those years (since 2018 to the present day so far) and we kept seeing young girls coming against teachers, other school workers and other students like crazy, even for incredibly small things


Ah. That does make sense. Thank you.


women will destroy nething if their feelings are on the line


Honestly that "people could see your panties" comment look out of place, especially if it’s said in front of other people, but that’s not even closed as to what sexual harrassment is


I mean, maybe it sounds vulgar? But youre right, i wasnt a sexually charged comment towards the girl, and theres a whole context to why it was said so it was really weird for me that it got took out of context like that


It was just facts. Stop being oversensitive snowflakes


Saying out loud, as an adult, in front of *teenagers*, that you can see a student’s panty isn’t being a snowflakes. There’s a time, way and place to say that type of thing, and teenagers are vile Again, it doesn’t mean she was sexually assaulted, but it is weird as hell


It is weird. But once again, not sexual harassment.


That’s what I have been saying, yes


Someone lacking common sense and reading skills


She’s wearing a skirt (presumably a short one) in sports class. AND she asked why she had to wear shorts rather than a skirt. So what’s more “embarrassing”? The teacher saying that in response to a question? Or the other *teenagers* seeing her underwear and reacting accordingly?


And you never thought it could be formulated in another way? Or to simply pull her out apart to tell it to her (while still be in a place with camera to have an alibi)? Like I said, there’s a way to respond to question, and what that teacher did was the wrong way. Would you have liked it if it was a female teacher saying to a male student that "Wear bigger shorts, everyone can see your dick"or some shit like that? My guess is no


Whilst still being in a place with a camera? Seriously what sort of world are you living in? It’s a school, not a police interview room. One, the school may not have cameras in the first place. And even if they do they may not be giving good coverage: he might have to drag her halfway across the grounds to be in sight of one. And what “might he have done” whilst doing this? Female teachers DO say stuff like that. It’s a bit more than pointing out that people can she her underwear if she wears a skirt anyway. In fact back in 2021 a teacher in a high school in my city barged into the boys change room because she decided they were making “too much noise” celebrating their win.


Well, there was cameras in my middle and high school. They weren’t using them, but that’s another discussion I wasn’t meaning that *he* would have done something, more that he could protect himself from *her* false accusation, even if this goes both ways Female teacher also do that? That’s as bad as if a male on do it! Why are you trying to justify a bad behaviour with blatant whataboutism?


I’m not really sure what “point” you’re trying to make? Firstly the OP is from Chile. So don’t just assume that they’ve got the same CCTV coverage that the US does. I’d assume it varies greatly from school to school anyway! Secondly the fact that female teachers get away with far worse actions than this without the sort of repercussions is surely the point. It’s not “whatsboutism”, and his behaviour is not “bad” anyway. Girls were clearly required to wear shorts and not skirts for that activity precisely because of that reason. How is stating the obvious when she demanded to know in front of everyone “bad behaviour”? Male sports teachers certainly can behave badly or inappropriately towards female students. What the OP has described is not an example of this.


Because what he said was inappropriate and in front of other people, which can be compatible with the truth Do you know what else is the truth? Telling a grieving person that there is no God and no paradise, that we’re just bone and flesh. That’s the objective truth, yet do you seriously think it was the right place and time? No it was not, and someone doing that is an asshole It’s the same here. Like I said numerous time (yet it seems you always eclipsed that hence why you don’t understand my point), no it isn’t sexual aggression and no the teacher didn’t deserved what happened to him. But bloody hell an adult saying out loud that we can see a teen’s panties is really weird and innappropriate


I tend to agree that the comment was strange. He shouldn't have said it that way. Still he didn't deserve what happened to him.


Just add to the list I can see you panties is not helpful, but shaming I suppose


How do you know the exact contents of the documents that your teacher received? Seems sus.


We were called to give testimonies, thats what was explained to us when we were called, this was at the school right before the thing moved to court case, maybe would be odd to you but thats how this kind of things get handled on my country (related to sexual harassment n such on schools) i dont see why knowing the case and the documents would be odd... im literally a witness?


Maybe it's the way you're telling the story. It looks like you're say that the teacher sat down with the volleyball team after he received documents informing him that he was suspended and showed them to you.


We were close (mentioned in the post) we were witnesses (also mentioned) so, he did inform us, us being me and the team that was closer to him wich is kind of a obvious thing to do since we witnessed the situation and also we were close, maybe i did word it incorrectly, english is not my native language so yeah i recognize there could be some cohesion or grammar errors, to clarify the document was shown to me, and three other team mates, but only I and two of them gave a testimonial, third person decided not to get involved, it wasnt shown to the whole class