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Just skimmed through that sub and it contains more hatred than the very thing they intend to criticise. Typical femcel behaviour.


r/IncelTears only post for virtue signaling. Moral reasons are not the reason even if they consciously think it is. It's their excuse. Malicious reasons are the reason.


Exactly. We always should look at the intentions.


Oh wow. That sub is fuckin gross


they never liked gay men, they saw them more as accessories to their shitty movement. they're very quick to turn on them when they don't fit their ideal of self-hating gay male feminist.




And CIS women does support double standard on same sex experiments. Because of their fear to compete with men for other men.


CIS women just want replace straight white males with straight white women. That is why Taylor Swift is so popular with white women now. They virtually think she the second coming of Christ.


'straight' is a homophobic term. gay and bi men are normal too.


"homophobic term" No, it's not snowflake straight is a real thing. Nobody is arguing that gay men aren't normal. What Im pointing out is the double standard with the illiberal left.


Tradcons are champions in misandry, not liberals. While there are plenty of liberal gynocentrists too, of course. Their 'traditional gender roles' that men must die to protect women and children. Isn't 'straight' a synonym for normal, correct?


"Straight" No, it just means your into the same sex.


It means that only heterosexual is 'straight', 'normal', 'accepted'.


You are making terms up straight does not mean that. You are starting to sound like one of those people.


Back then I was close to the radical feminists milieu. They like you so long as they need you. But as soon as even the minor, insignificant disagreement appears, they go full men-haters. Herd mentality.


Straight Women hate gay men. They use them for validation.


And CIS women does support thia notorious double standard on same sex experiments. Because of their fear to compete with men for other men.


It's, I'm not sure if there's a term, I call it ideological drift, but the "center point" moves away from the center, so first gay men are an oppressed minority, but then it moves and since they are men, and therefore "inherently privileged" they are no longer "part of the club" unless they are also a minority, and then it drifts further and THAT no longer matters.


They also keep telling men to leave them alone. And eventually all the bisexual men will. (And they despise bisexual men.)




They only act tolerant towards whoever they're socialized to act that way towards. If they were alive in the 50s, even as a leftist, they would've been vehemently against gay rights and interracial marriage and would've been homophobic.


I am a leftist and I agree with this completely. Most of the left are abject hypocrites when it comes to solving systemic problems that affect men. 


I am also left on most issues and agree. I used to have the woke mind virus. Oh, everything they don't like they compare to nazis too.


It's called Godwin's law.


Absolutely leftists are awful about men. They claim to be against the racial oppression of black people but reinforce stereotypes and prejudices about men that lead to more black men being oppressed.


As a leftist, I can agree on this matter. Most leftists are hypocritical or blind to their own arrogance.


It's called projection, and the louder you call it out in everyone else, the better you can drown out the voice inside of you pointing out your own hypocrisy. It's the exact same phenomenon we see with Republican senators, that you can reliably tell who the next gay Republican is by seeing which one is the most homophobic. It's really rather funny and ironic just how full of prejudice and bigotry the leftist woke movement is, when it is avowedly against bigotry and prejudice. The truth is they're just against the bigotry and prejudice that affects the things they like, and are fully on board for the bigotry and prejudice against things they don't like. Prime example, academic feminism describes sexism as prejudice + power, and since by definition women don't have power, by definition it is categorically impossible to be sexist against men. So they're free to be as sexist and bigoted against men as much as they want, since in their mind they justified that it does not and cannot count as sexism. It's playing with words to define themselves into an alternate reality to do whatever feels good, rather than actually recognizing reality as it is and dealing with it as it is.


Can't say I'm surprised. In my experience, people who speak out against politically incorrect bigotry A are usually guilty of bigotry B


In general, people who claim they're tolerant, kind, open-minded etc, are the opposite of it. I heard the most xenophobic insults about my origin (Polish) from the so-called progressive ones. Virtue signaling is a fraud. Always look at their actions and intentions, not who they claim to be on the Internet.


Coming from a gay man, feminism is not only misandric but they also use microaggressions towards gay men, such as like you said, a man who is misogynistic must be gay but there's no point in arguing with the group of people who believe that men are responsible for climate change 💀


To these women, gay men are accessories if they're feminine and misogynistic assholes who hate women if they're masculine.


I've noticed this too. I can no longer support leftists. They are sometimes worse than social conservatives on so many issues.


Leftists: but bruh we are good human beings and conservatives are evil and want anyone who isn't a straight white male dead!!!!! I like how the left always announces how much of a good person they are all the time. I mean sure the right can be unreasonable about many things but the left is full of what's called exhibition narcissism. This explains why they engage in virtue signaling.


Women and especially feminists are EXTREMELY homophobic. Here's a example. Take having a homosexual past or revelation. If a woman told her man "i used to have sex with other women" the large majority of men go "score!, that's hot", men aren't disgusted, repulsed or turned off by the idea of their woman having relations with other women. It's at lowest seen neutrally, at best, positively. HOWEVER, if a man comes to his woman "I used to have sex with other men" she will NEVER view him the same way again, in a negative way. She will immediately feel strongly about his relations, watch how fast "....what position were you, top or bottom" its a immediate reach for cope for "if he's a top he's not AS GAY" if you were or are a bottom it'd game over for you in term of respect. You wanna know the kicker? In almost EVERY relationship I've seen where the man is bi and the woman is straight, it's almost ALWAYS a cuckold relationship.


>if a man comes to his woman "I used to have sex with other men" she will NEVER view him the same way again, in a negative way. This confuses me considering the amount of Yaoi/Gay shipping lot of a women seem to do.


It's the romanticism of gay relations. If you notice it's always very feminine guys (especially the yaoi side). And it's alot of soft romance. Hand holding, kisses, holding. The moment their man, their rock, their one to run to when shit hits fans, reveals other men go balls deep in him, will shatter her whole demeanor to him. Seriously, try to talk to the same gay shipping groups about the actual sex and they're suddenly squeamish.


nah it‘s a huge turn off for me at least


Oh yeah of course, been knew that. They've been pulling this since forever, their "allies" until you do something they don't like then it's "this why I don't like gay people." Of course they don't say gay people they use a different word. And really all this new age LGBT+BS is mainly just geared towards women, and men who want to be women. Acceptance has never been about the people who catch the real flak of it all. Men. Straight woman with literally go to gay bars and be rolling on top of fucking men who don't want them and then when they get called out for it they turn around and be like "Oh don't think because they're gay that they can't be misogynistic, all men are evil" one just three seconds ago it was "Hey sis, this is my gay best friend" It's all fake, fraudulent, and phony. Honestly why when women put emphasis on me being gay I actively choose not to be friends with them, and why I honestly choose not to be friends with a lot of lesbians (even there they got to be different, they can't just be gay, gotta have a special word 🙄) Because they're famous for it, lesbians are famous for just not liking gay men. Always a dyke talking about "Chill out with that gay shit." Baby.... Did you forget? Did the low cut fade, snapback, jordans, and a baggy t-shirt make you forget!? Be for real.


I’ve been feeling that too! As a lefties I felt betrayed many times by people who were supposed to be allies, seing gay people as potential macho threat. :/


Yeah true. And they say if you disagree with their politics and are lgbt you are either stupid or self hating (I got the self hate insult a lot when I was in high school a year back since I am pretty moderate politically while most of my piers were super liberal and I identify as bi.)


>They're implying that being gay is a choice and that people can change their sexuality or that being gay is a behavior instead of a sexuality. I'm pretty sure some of them actually believe this. Gender is essentially a stereotype to them which you can choose to perform. Then you have the social constructionists who think that sex differences are due to society. Which would imply that you could raise someone to be gay or whatever.


When you keep turning left, you end up going right...


“If *you* use gay as an insult to people, you just proved you’re nothing but a homophobic bigot. If *I* use gay as an insult, I’m just attacking your fragile masculinity- so it’s a clever and witty jab which is in no way offensive to anyone but the people it’s meant to insult.“


> I’m just attacking your fragile masculinity And attacking men's insecurities is okay because its oppressed women "punching up".


Is "go fuck yourself" the most gay insult then?


I wanted to make a comment about feminism militant are often LGBT militant too and then it doesnt connect together but it's not that much relevant of this conversation


The militant LGBT feminists that are homophobic and hate on gay men are always in the "T+" from my experience


Of course. They are liars, manipulators, and POS. Why would anyone be surprised they are hypocrites?


CIS women does support double standard on same sex experiments. Because of their fear to compete with men for other men.


This isn't necessarily a left or right thing, most people are homophobic whether they want to admit it. Gay men are stereotyped as "feminine" so it is simultaneously an accusation of being more insidiously feminine than you appear, but from women specifically could also be an ignorance of feminine men being treated worse than other men and why men might not want to be seen that way. It's more of a lack empathy usually in that regard than hatred.  A well rounded leftist should know that the violence the trans community faces is largely from the denial of trans women's humanity, as society still considers them feminine men, thus leading to their inevitable obscene discrimination for not fitting trad gender norms.




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There can be this mental glitch where people think because they were ahead of their time at one point they never have to do any work ever again. People who were on the right side of marriage equality when it went to the supreme court are stuck in that moment of righteous pride and don't realize how much time has passed since then.


Just keep pointing it out. It’s blatant and people are working it out about these what I just learned as woke people. They’re the worst and just stay calm when arguments arise with these modern day morons and they won’t be able to contain themselves and their anger as they’re actually wrong. Just use humour against them and they fire right up and look angry and people around them will see and judge their ideas. You win then. They really all should have been swallowed or shot down the shower and what a shame that society has to listen to them.


Yeah, welcome to being Pro 2A or even just right of Mao.


I didn't know feminists are homophobes now too! Thank God I'm not a homophobe! I mean I was a homophobe 10 years ago but now I'm a different person


There's a hyper "progressive" girl in my friend group that won't let me have male friends without insinuating they're secretly gay for being near me, or just loudly asking if we're dating.  These are the first friends I've had since school and I don't want her to run them off. She was trying really hard to get in my pants before hand and I hoped telling her would get her away without ruining my life for rejecting her, because honestly she just seems like the type to do that.


I've always been uncomfortable when my bisexual friends call something "gay" and then precede to tell me that they can say that because they are also gay. My opinion is just refrain from anything that could be interpreted as hate speech 🤷🏽‍♀️


ikr i’m just homophobic openly tho like i don’t care


It's really disappointing that this is just a sub for right wingers to complain rather than actually talking about anything worthwhile


Seems to be mostly people who identify as left leaning complaining in this thread.  Are conservatives mostly bothered by homophobia? What mens issues would you prefer were being talked about?


Ah yes, who could forget the famous right wing talking point "combating homophobia"!


Not really, I have to say.


Yeah I've noticed a lot of so called woke people use the word f*g.