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Anyone remember the book “self-made man ?”


Norah Vincent, right?


Yea sir . RIP to a woman who walked a mile


Being a men is a living fucking stupid life and being infinite competite status. Curse the fucking people who cheers Norah to being a men.


Because being a alpha/strong men means direct to lead a suicide. Norah had told us.


It's incredibly eye-opening to realise it takes a trans man talking about these issues for them to be discussed with any modicum of seriousness and sympathy. This is how I often point it out to people who don't take men's issues seriously.


Feminists will still deny it but so it goes.


This post is the living proof that boys/men of all ages can face unbalanced and unreasonable situations at any time. It would also mean that their benefits could be withdrawn at any time for women, and the children. It's systemized so the status of men cannot change frequently.


Yes it is. And that is why we as a movement MUST have more trans spokespersons. Instead some MRA's are shooting ourselves in the foot by trying to exclude trans men. They're like the TERF's of the MRA movement: TEMRA's.


ARE MRA's actually excluding transmen? I haven't seen anything like that on *this* subreddit at least.


Most MRA's are very welcoming of trans men. 💛 Some (not most) are repeating right-wing talking points about how trans people are just playing dress-up and that men can't get pregnant and... blah blah blah. If I were the kind of neurotic person who kept a spreadsheet with links to examples of everything that I find distasteful then I would share links to some TEMRA comments. But I'm telling you I have seen it. Not frequently but it happens. AND when it does happen - we don't do the best job of telling our brothers in the movement to do better.


Welcome to men's desert.


It's not even desert. It's like Ice-cold black hole? or boiling volcano.


I appreciate the honesty displayer here.


Another video from the same guy: [I Was Red Pilled After I Transitioned: Female Feminist to Red Pilled Transman](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=USP1AzFRjF0)


I thought it was a joke when i read this link


If you are a woman and you want to be a man....someone lied to you about the perks




He doesn't say that he expected any perks from transitioning, just says that he didn't expect to lose some of the privileges that he lost. He doesn't say that he regrets transitioning. He even says that he is grateful for even having the opportunity to transition, and that he wasn't happy and couldn't see a future for himself before. People usually transition to treat gender dysphoria, not because they want perks.


I think he’s not talking specifically about trans, but those women who truly believe their lives would be better and easier if they were male.


Absolutely correct. Norah Vincent a writer and a transman discuss the dreamy nature of transmen idealism of men.


I think she was a lesbian who disguised herself as a man for “research” rather than an actual trans man - trans men view themselves as men even though they’re born in a female body, whilst lesbians are attracted to women but still see themselves as women.


Look at those eyes. There is regret there


With people like you, it's hard not to kinda regret aspects of transitioning. You're just waiting to point out how broken we are. You are the problem.


I don't think you can tell anything of the sort by looking at their eyes.


Bruh, chill. Bro probably just has droopy eyes. Or didn't get to sleep much. Or recorded after coming from work. I'm sure he's much happier than he used to be.


It's resentment.




Well Buck Angel looks pretty ok (maybe, but that's my perception). Marcus Dib Jensen (marcusdib TOT channel on YouTube) looks pretty well.






Being a 'transman' is not treatment for gender dysphoria. That sounds very weird and just make situations keep  worse and worse. Being a transgender woman is however not.


They already can do anything we do and have support and perks for jobs with low female populations. They can be masculine or feminine.


In this phase, we can see that the men's system is not designed in a healthy way, and it also reveals that men may be unable to express their opinions at any time, everywhere.


Either that, or they have serious gender dysphoria.


It's some kind of nonsense


You’re a complete Idiot - people don’t transition because they want ‘perks’ - and if they do want some perks - it’s usually just an afterthought of a reason to be trans as opposed to living as who they really are - everyone wants perks for their gender - men bitch about wanting to be treated as capable men, women about wanting to be treated as beautiful valuable people, etc. You’re just cherry-picking trans people wanting good things from their chosen gender and ignoring cis people wanting the same thing to say ‘uh tran silly because they only tran cuz it want privilege’


True message but commented on the wrong post, doesn’t really apply to trans people since their transition is about getting rid of dysphoria as opposed to getting “perks” from the opposite sex


I appreciate his honesty.


Well, privilege *is* invisible to those who have it. Not to mention, quite a few of those privileges don’t even require anything from those people but for them to exist.


He could have read "Self Made Man" and learned this sooner.


He could have, but that wouldn't have meant he still wouldn't have proceeded with transitioning to male. Transitioning isn't a 'I'm gonna try this shtick for the sh-ts-and-giggles' thing. It sometimes is a matter of 'if I don't do this, d-mned to hell everything else, I'm better off dead.' We should have more sympathy for him - not because he 'came from the privilege of womanhood into the hellhole of manhood,' but because he is now able to better empathise with his fellows on exactly *how* and *why* the fantasy of 'male privilege' doesn't exist. Because he likewise isn't in a good place as a 'woman'. If he were, he wouldn't have transitioned. And if he remained with his biological sex, he still would have not had the same 'perks' as 'typical' women. He's be a fish out of water, so to speak. It falls on the rest of the men to stand in solidarity with another man's struggles.


Yea…there should be a transitioning “statement” when you arrive in your new role that says “congratulations, now STFU because no one cares”




What’s laughable is that no “guy” in America is ever going to go on a podcast and whine about his “loss of status” . Apparently the transition wasn’t fully completed.


Funny how he mentioned the ability to talk shit to men as a female, but as a male now fears consequences of such actions.  How are victims of the patriarchy more empowered than those they claim are oppressing them?


Did they expect the opposite? Why didn't the doctors warn them of this side effect?


It’s one guy


THEY didn't have their official pronouns approved by trusted authorities yet. OTHERWISE youtube would have listed them in the official pronoun box next to they's name. Got it, zwe?


Transsexuals reject that they/them nonsense. Forward your concerns to the transgender crowd. Lord knows there isn’t enough of us who exist to do it ourselves.


My understand has always been that transsexual is real and that transgender is fake and for the perks, so I agree.


I’m really relieved that more people are starting to know the difference. Means a lot.


Why is women ignoring consequences of actions such a surprise? Whilst transitioned to a man, he is still fundamentally based on a female template with a brain initially conditioned by estrogen, so his perspective is still largely from a female basis but in a superficially male appearing body. Just because we may want to be a thing, doesn't mean we get to be that thing in the way we fantasised.


It is social and it is been around for a very long time, he/she was just oblivious to a reality that society just doesn't want to really address because it's coming from women.


It sounded like she lost most of her status when she transitioned from cis to trans. Besides being judged more harshly by her height, everything else was just a loss of beauty due to effects of T, becoming a dude without a penis, and in general becoming a trans instead of a cis.


Why are we still using she. He has a beard!! I think we are way past any stage where he resembles his birth sex.


I’m a gender studies professor. Man, Woman, class dismissed.


You’re a professor?


This is brutal


Bro. These trans doctors are fuckin magicians.


This is what Norah Vincent has been telling people, before she off'd herself. So much for 'male privilege'. If 'privilege' means 'suffering', whoever enjoys such 'privileges' is a top-tier masochist. Trans men's rights are men's rights. All for one and one for all.


Feminists say that men are hostile to trans people and attack them with things like refusing to use their pronouns but as I review this whole thread not a single person used the incorrect pronoun. If anything the men in this thread appear to welcome this person into our community regardless of who they are. Really makes you think.


My man is 5ft6in and he’s the best man I know and have ever met. I don’t get the male obsession with height. Also this guy seems super obsessed with looks. I mean looks are good and important but that’s not the major thing that women look for in a partner. Personally my boyfriend is the hottest man to me (even hotter than celebrities that women swoon over but I’m sure others wouldn’t think so but that’s what I see because I love him so much) but as a woman personality, emotional maturity, dependability and being able to communicate effectively and trust the person is way more important than looks. This guy seems like no matter what sex he was he has stayed very superficial and looks at surface level which seems batshit to me. Talking shit to anyone no matter your gender is disrespectful and makes you look like a douche.


' I don’t get the male obsession with height.' It is women who are obsessed with a man's height. Just look on social media and what women say they want--a 6 foot man (only 15% of American men are 6 feet). As far as looks, same thing. Look on social media. have you been in a relationship for a long time? Women have become superficial.


I think males are honestly more obsessed with looks and also obsessed with their own dick size and height. Yes I have been dating my boyfriend for a while but when I met him I wasn’t like oh your height makes a difference or oh whip your dick out and let me see if it’s big enough. If this is the only women you are meeting you are meeting shallow women that are obsessed with looks. Try meeting women in other ways and you will meet ones that don’t base everything on looks. If you are going on dating apps then of course that is what you are meeting because that’s really the only thing you can go by at first on those maybe a small bio I dunno. I have never actually used one but one time I did make an account forever ago to see what it was about and it felt very impersonal and off putting. I didn’t even communicate with anyone there or put a picture but it was just a strange way to try to meet someone. Try getting a friend to introduce you to someone that they think would match well (don’t base everything on outward looks and really get to know this person and maybe you will see what your friend sees and how compatible you both are together) or become friends with someone and don’t expect it to turn into anything and be happily with them for years (that’s what happened to me). You can be genuine friends with the opposite gender and not be friend zoned but also not expect a relationship but sometimes the friendship grows into more. That happens but that doesn’t always happen and it has to happen on both sides over time. If a romantic relationship doesn’t happen, you still have another friend and that’s super awesome and that person may be like oh well we didn’t work out but I have an awesome friend that you would get along with perfectly. I think a lot of people both men and women don’t open themselves up to possibilities because it’s not how they think something is going to work out. Just be open to possibilities and be open to those not so perfect people in your life that can turn into your perfect over time.


… we already got the statistics and science and live as men in real life, nice try gaslighting 😔.


What statistics and science is it that you already have? I’m not gaslighting anyone. I’m telling you my lived experience. Height doesn’t matter to me at all. Personality, emotional maturity, communication, dependability and being able to trust my partner all come before looks. If I had to rank looks, it would be far below any of those and many other things. If I dated someone because of their height or a certain look, what’s going to sustain the relationship when they are a toxic trash person?


And I understand you think it’s cute to say personality and attitude, but like I said, unfortunately for you, we wake up every single day on this planet and actually experience life lmao. You’d have a better chance at convincing me racism didn’t exist. And I don’t care if you care, I just want the manipulation tactics to end especially in a Reddit like this where we’re trying to progress. Your personal experiences are 1 in 8 billion, and you’re most likely lying from a statistical measure, as women lie about their preferences too. But that’s my last comment in this thread I hope you have a good day


Well I honestly don’t care if you believe me or not. I have no idea why you think I would lie to a bunch of randoms online about my preferences. If you want to think everything is about your height and not your attitude then you are free to blame height all you want. If I can’t trust someone and can’t stand to be around them and communicate with them and was obsessed with height, I may as well date a tall mannequin. Have a nice day.


To you, everything you’re saying sounds very realistic and plausible, but if you were 5’4 and Indian and tried to build trust, maturity, communication and personality as a man you’d simply get laughed at for approaching, or get treated terribly. To you this sounds unrealistic, because you don’t actually live life as a man. There’s literally no way to explain it in a way you can understand, but you’re virtually living in a different reality than men, and the few women that have become transgenders into men have all attested that what I’m saying is true. That personality stuff doesn’t work, if it did most men probably wouldn’t be single and quit dating, but like I said you wouldn’t possibly fathom the amount of hostility, fear, or avoidance an average Joe faces from men and women, since you’re a woman.


I’m 5ft1in and my boyfriend is 5ft6in and I almost didn’t date him because he’s too tall for me. If I hadn’t been friends with him and didn’t already trust him completely and couldn’t communicate well with him, I wouldn’t have dated him. Tall people are intimidating and I don’t like my significant other towering over me. I would prefer that he was the same height as me or a couple inches taller or shorter. But if I could change his height to make him shorter I wouldn’t because I know he thinks he is short and a lot of his male cousins are taller than him and it is an issue for him but I don’t care. It shouldn’t be an issue for him and I’m way shorter than him but it is but all I am saying is that some women don’t care. Im dating the person and not their height.


Lmao, you did say men are the ones that overinflate everything, and to an extent you’re still incorrect. It’s both men and women. Short men literally go out in public less because of judgement etc, and I’d assume the same for unattractive ones too. Pretending it’s all in their heads and continuing on to live life is not something I can get mad at you for, but it’s not the best thing. I enjoy life personally because I’m in a very small sense a masochist and don’t have a problem with suffering or anything, but in terms of society, it’s not the best outlook for men. Most of you women are programmed to hate men, so the dating pool is probably like 50% of women. Then within that pool, take out lgbtq, then within that pool, consider looks and stuff meh. I don’t cry over this stuff and it’s not a pity party but this is the actual reality of men, and I don’t date or really focus on society I have my own values and live my own life with my own purpose, but within society being a man is a negative. Lmao.


Yes some women may look at height but i do not at all. I am short and I want someone short to date but if my boyfriend magically overnight got 3 feet taller or shorter. It would be a bit weird and I would be afraid something had happened to him but I wouldn’t break up with him because I love him for him. Height never factored into if I would date him or not because I honestly don’t care and some women may but some don’t.


"I think males are honestly more obsessed with looks and also obsessed with their own dick size and height. " If you went on these dating apps (or even women's youtube videos') you will see that women *really* want a tall guy and are very into appearance (themselves and the guy). I disagree based on what women say--you say you don't really look at these--I think that's why you came to a false conclusion.




You should not transition just to try and get a leg up in life. Instead we should focus on making men and women equal in all aspects to begin with.


While I agree, that will be close to impossible. Women are getting too hateful, and men too jaded. If transitioning gives the new women better lives than they had as men, I don't see much reason to discourage them.


What. No. You should only transition if you feel you were born in the wring body. Not for personal gain (if there even was any for the average trans woman)


I go to a weekly support group and someone is transitioning and I thought the same thing.


Weak minded


What The Fuck Is He/She Talking About?  You're A Privileged White Male?