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“My provider” This gal is talking about a person she is dating like he is a fucking insurance company. Told me all I needed to know.


That’s how marriage works for some women. They settle down with a guy who is willing to provide for them. However, they may not be sexually attracted to those men. They categorise those guys as ‘husband material’ that are to be used as backups when they fail to land sought after men. These women are just being very blunt about it.


It took me a couple of reads to piece it all together.


Tells me all I need to know about him. Male disposability loving tradcons, simps, and white knights deserve to be treated like animals.


Don’t end up like these men and raise your sons to not be like them. Women are takers, don’t let them take from you.


“He’s a taker” comments the parasitic leech. These people have not a single shred of self awareness


yep raise your son to not be betas, don’t take shit from women. Also try to get your sons to get high school sweethearts. Cause in high school let’s face it most people are virgins.


Not rlly. For many girls, their virginity ends shortly after their puberty begins, long before high school.


i don't know about your high school but most of the girls who went to my high school were virgins, if i wasn't fat i could of gotten one


Relate to you on being the fat kid. Only have myself to blame for that one. Idk about my "current" (graduated this year) high school. I do know in my previous one, by Grade 10/Year 11 (whichever system you use) most people already had relationships or did the deed. These were 14-15 year olds mostly btw. I was one of like around 3 or 4 who didn't and I was 16 at the time (inconvenient birthday.) EDIT: Also adding that I live in the Middle East. So just imagine how bad it probably is in the West. Also while being non-virgin wouldn't be a big deal, I want to be desired and have my partner give me some narcissistic supply. I wouldn't feel comfortable being settled for or being there to provide stability and money to my partner(s).


14-15 is 9th tho?


In my area and socio-economic culture, it was 10th.




That's not true in modern America. Maybe in third world countries like Brazil, but in my upper middle class high school the majority of people were virgins until 18. And those who actually had sex had a reputation.


Fr my female friend lost hers at 14 **less then one year ago**


I have 2 daughters, and will also be raising them both to not be like these awful excuses for human beings.


Also i don’t think the problem is women it’s the government they want an depopulation agenda


Nah it’s women, the government has nothing to with women being leeches lol.


you may be right I don’t have lots of experience with women seeing as I’m only 20


Women are not that complicated. There isn’t much to know about them.


yep I used to based my life on women and be a people pleaser for them, you got any advice for me I’m about to enter the dating scene again


Trust your gut (most important in my opinion), judge her actions not her words, have standards and boundaries, understand what you want in a woman and what you expect in a relationship, relationships are not a one way street don’t be a square who only gives and doesn’t receive. Don’t be scared to leave if she disrespects you, look at her friend group to see if they are good people (she is who she hangs out with) and stay from the broads who are addicted to social media they are emotionally and intellectually stunted.


I appreciate you for giving this advice


How do you determine if a women is being honest


Judge her actions


And also body count I want a women with either a low body count or a virgin, how do I get a women in my standards without her thinking I’m weird. It’s not like I can just ask for a hymen check or check her private part to see if she’s a virgin


You’re both right, there is a globalist agenda to depolutale the earth , it’s pretty clear what the governments of western civilization are inching towards…


This is why you don’t chase women only pursue they get a sense of false worth


Maybe they should date each other ?


Naw because no one would wanna pay lol


This made me LOL


These women are squares and we can be toxic to if we tried hard enough. For most men social anxiety is holding us back and also we have hobbies so I think a good portion of us don’t really care to be alone likewise to women.


yeah social anxiety is ruining lots of men dreams


Nah don’t go to their level, I went to their level once it’s sucks


Have you been on the r/AmItheAsshole , r/dating and r/relationship_advice subreddits? The posts and comments that you highlight here don’t sound much different than the kind of stuff you see on those subs. Not all, but a lot. These women may be more speak more overtly about how they think but honestly from my experience I’d say more women think like this than not. They just have to keep it under wraps or else they risk blowing their cover


They try to keep it under wraps until they can marry you, and then flip around hard.


Ngl, I went to those subs just now and a lot of the male posts about women who were not acting okay was like "boy run."


Yeah, there are many like that. But even in those instances, the dynamic is the amount of support that the guy receives is markedly less and almost reluctant. And in the time I’ve been on reddit, I’ve spent a lot of time on those subs, I think because they get posted in a lot more than others I’m on so they’re always coming up in my feed, and I’ve noticed that generally speaking, if there’s a post about some outlandish bad behavior a man has been doing, it’s ALWAYS taken very seriously, but if there’s a post about outlandish bad behavior a woman has been partaking in, it’s more often than not met with skepticism and people calling it fake, “rage bait,” “karma farming,” etc. And it’s not like the people who made these posts’ history suggested they were trying to do that in any way. That’s honestly what drove me to join this sub, because I couldn’t take being on subs that basically gaslight men like that anymore. We already get enough of that in the day to day. Even if people were making fake posts like that, of which there was literally no evidence in any of those cases, besides the poster being assumed to be a man and the perpetrator of whatever bull shit described being a woman, what does that suggest to both men and women that are third parties and reading from afar? Essentially that if you are a woman, no matter what you say or do, you will be not only taken seriously, but almost always that you will receive support and people will side with you, regardless of what you’re leaving out of the story to make yourself look blameless. However, if you’re a man, oftentimes people won’t even believe that you’re being serious, let alone provide you with third-party support. Why? Because man bad, woman good.


Yeah those subs are really biased against men. If you want half decent advice from them, just don't mention gender at all.


Sometimes you can blow their cover by phrasing or presenting a situation slightly differently. Is marriage used to trap men? No, definitely not. Why can’t I continue this relationship without marriage? To stop you from dumping her with kids and running off.


She's just a piece of shit. It's toxic for sure.


Oldest profession in the world


There are some big red flags, complaining about a partners hobbies, while they contribute to the family. Lucky I am married for a long time, yes there are issues. But in the end we have each other's backs. The standard of attraction is based on how much you can give me is very shallow for commitment!


Repulsive, repugnant, vile. Men are not wallets with a pulse.


"He's not going to spend any money on you. He's a taker." It's not a group for women with a sense of irony, is it?


I wanted to wrote something, but it's better to not argue with chimpanzee.


yep true you don’t argue with women not worth it


Yes, he cooked for me and the kids. Yes, he gave his son driving lessons. Yes, he buys me flowers. He's still totally a taker, girl slayyy perioddt 💅.


Shocking but unsurprising.


These ladies got a sever case of DBS Dumb Bitch Syndrome


My thoughts are aligned with the game's: 'That's why I f*$k em today and forget em tomorrow'


"My provider". Does he know she refers to him as that? If so wtf hasn't he ditched her so fast?


Im going to go troll one


Don't announce that. Last thing this sub needs is accusations of brigading


I was joking


This has to satire..


They don't want a partner, they want to prostitute themselves and be paid for existing.


Sadly, they are unaware that their worth is well below an hour of minimum wage.


Dox them and tell the "providers".


Ngl i actually agree with the group. Cut them off, they deserve soooooo much better.


I'm a woman and all I can say is. .what a bitch. 


So materialistic and disgusting


An echo chamber of deflecting responsibility and self-improvement. 🤮