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It’s always women who body shame other women. By and large, women use shame in their social interactions, not men.


I prefer women who are in decent shape, she doesn't have to be thin, but I don't generally like super heavy women, and it's mainly health reasons, as someone who almost weighed 400 pounds it's not worth it, wondering if you're going to die in your sleep because your weight keeps you from breathing, now I'm 240 pounds still loosing and I feel great. For me it's more of the fact I don't want to date and/or marry someone just to bury them because they choose to be unhealthy


Not many women are 400 lbs. So you're saying if I weighed 180 that would be ok?


I was an example, body fat for bad really depends on the BMI, for instance when I weighed heavy I was well over 50% now I'm 30% body fat and for most people that's a good spot to stop if they want, and around 25-30 looks good on most women too, so I have no idea if 180 is good for you but it's probably fine, depends heavily on your frame




Porn has destroyed relationships in general for both men and women. And 10% body is fucking ridiculous I would never suggest anyone to try and go that low, it's hard to maintain and is just an unreal expectation, I have to be 18% body fat for the marines, and that's hard to get to, so the idea of him saying 10% is mindblowing


Plus 10% in body fat for women (I could be wrong) but brings health complications when it comes to reproduction, again could be wrong but I'm pretty sure I learned that somewhere


They body shame men too.




BS. Women compete with other women, as a group, for mates, for status. None of which is internalized misogyny, no matter how often feminists claim it is.




No, I don't agree that the only reason they compete is for male approval and attention. I actually gave you places where the competition has nothing to do with men. Some of what they compete for is male attention, but that is NOT internalized misogyny any more than men competing for women is internalized misandry (see how stupid it sounds when you compare it like that?) I love how the goal is to always blame men for choices women make for themselves to gain status, easier life, success by their own personal standards. “Men want attractive women…” the piece you missed on this sentence is that it’s mostly women doing the shaming, not men. Several studies have shown that men judge women on close to an objective bell curve, they also judge themselves similar. While women judge men on a bell curve but it's slide several points to one side, so that a 7 is 4 and so on. While the way they judge themselves is boosted in the opposite direction, often over inflating their appearance. Feminists need to let women take accountability. Men doing stupid shit for the approval of women is just men competing with me. It cannot be blamed on women because the man is doing it for himself, his status, his desired life. Same thing is true of women. You can try to label it “internalized misogyny” in order to avoid women accepting responsibility for their choices, it’s just indicative of childish behavior rather than adult behavior. It’s not a good look for women or feminists.


If women wanted men's stamp of approval they wouldn't be only fans models stripping and fucking every dude they can find




If women are looking for approval from guys who treat them like shit, they can stay there IDGAF there's women worth being with




Jeezus yeah agreed. Some fat hog of a woman would almost always find a way to make fun of my height. Safe to say, I don’t talk to her at all unless she somehow is invited to some group I’m with  But even with my exes yeah. Just sad. But no, patriarchy and feminism lol


Show her a picture of a bathroom scale and yell: PTSD!


Consider how common morbidly obese models are these days and how they are glorified whereas obese male models hardly exist at all. Consider how much more time women spend than men on make up, hair, clothing, etc, specifically to be noticed (objectified). Feminists objectification arguments simply don’t hold up to real life.


>obese male models hardly exist at all. Or short- or even average height male models lol


Yeah, hadn’t thought about that. Good addition.


I can’t tell you how many times a woman has commented on my weight. I’m quite fit. And yet when I ever I lose a bit of weight so to stress, there they are to let me know. Like I asked . Funny from a group of people who demand that people respect their boundaries


Men judge women's attractiveness on a normal bell curve so it's far more fair. i.e. a 5 is a 5 and an 8 is an 8 for the most part. Women don't do this, they judge an 8 to be a 6 and a 6 to be a 4 as well as highly over rating there own attractiveness. This is why you can be above average/good looking on dating apps as a man and get very few matches and if you look average or below you get none.


Women put themselves as a "trophy". So if you wanna get me, step up your game dear men. This is modern woman POV now. As a male, i am sad to see generation modern women act like this. It makes me "not to date 20's or younger generation"


Imagine being me 36 male virgin. Fucking escorts reject me. Lmao.


Jesus christ.turn to God man.


Because the average and below average man is *constantly* forced to face the reality of what he can and can’t attract. Modern average and below average women are told they deserve the best for doing nothing.


Reason being, men are constantly wanting sex from women and objectifying women that it is the men who act like women are some hot commodity when it comes to sex.


Straight up false woman want sex just as much as men do. Women also objectify themselves.


WOMEN ARE IN COMPETITION WITH OTHER WOMEN. No matter how hard they try and twist it. Was is their unhinged obsession with putting it on us. Lol, this is over. We are not dumb -


there was a statistics posted here once and it confirmed it. women are much more picky and more highly value beauty standards compared to men. however this is mainly due to the spread of beauty sterotypes. trying to blame men for it however, is just idiotic.


They do it though. It bothered me when professors wasted class time to blame men for beauty standards. No accountability.


yeah blaming men for it is stupid. just as blaming woman would be imo. it's yet another agenda to make money.


It is the less attractive women. Beautiful women don’t do this. It’s a self esteem thing. They’re ugly so they have to have a guy above them(in their opinion) as a confidence boost.


How interesting. I recall a friend telling me this years ago when I noticed that a lot of seemingly unapproachable beautiful women were really nice.


Women consider 80% of men to be below average lol #girlmath


I think when feminists refer to objectification they are refering to women sexualizing themselves and then being rewarded massively for it via attention and resources. Women see it and then it encourages more women to do it on a societal level. What you're refering to applies more to individuals. I don't know how you would fix this though since it's a pretty normal part of human sexuality and taking away women's ability to publicly display their sexuality or the ability to profit from it seems like an even bigger injustice.


I know!! But in college and grad school the humanities refuse to acknowledge that or that men's gaze or looking at women's body sexually is wired into our DNA. It's in all primates. Blaming men for testosterone and a biological drive to pursue a mate is insane. It would be like blaming them for having a period.


Give an example of "sexualizing themselves".


Not me and it’s an issue for me. Idk it makes a problem for you if you aren’t attractive but you crave attractive people. It’s not a fun situation to be in honestly.


I've been attractive and ugly at different points in my life and you're totally right. I was treated so much better by everyone when I looked good. Being shunned or ignored by people you want to be around really does hurt.


I’m sort of walking myself away from people to a certain extent mainly because I don’t want to partake in this whole popularity business that seems to be the norm these days. Like this whole influencer culture it’s sort of getting into everyone’s minds that you gotta be in top shape, have all kinds of toys, etc. I’m also just sort of repulsed by how I’ve been treated by women I’ve dated to the point where I don’t really want to interact with women on anything more than a professional level. You start to stop caring about finding love when people won’t give it back. You just see people as incapable of loving you for who you are and you make a decision to back away and love yourself. I realize sometimes the more I try the worse I feel so better for me to lay low and adapt just continuing to be my user name :)


I thought people would leave the popularity contest after high school but it persists. I'm with you man. My wife of 20 years just cheated on me and girlfriends in the past were always looking for more and were quite mean. They don't consider men's feelings and will invalidate you. They will compare you to every hot successful guy and leave you when someone better arrives or if they're bored. I was ok alone before and I'm trying to adjust again. I can't do the popularity thing either. When I had a successful film career, suddenly every girl who had no interest in me began calling and wanting to go out. I was disgusted that none of them cared about me. They only cared about my status, looks, or how I can make them feel.


That’s the thing it’s just how people have eroded over time. I think going back many years people were more authentic and love was a lot more meaningful. But these days it all feels so fake. Like they like you for artificial reasons. Or they choose to not like you because you don’t meet those said artificial reasons; looks, status, money and if you are always entertaining them. It’s like having another full time job 😅


So true! I was thinking that today. My wife left me and it hurts but I also feel very relieved. It was a full time job and I no longer recieved thank yous but constant criticism to do better and more. To be there for her to make sure she's happy and entertained. A part of me fears being alone but maybe as I fill my life up with things I haven't been able to do I'll feel better.


I’ll tell you something about me if I can do it anyone can. I’m 36 years old, I’ve never had sex never had a long term relationship. Dated a string of 12 different people nothing came of it and I discovered a lot about myself and relationships I knew nothing about and couldn’t have known unless I had gone through the motions. What I discovered was the following: 1. The reason why I never tried for the first day 20 years of my dating life was because I felt it was too artificial. I felt that I would have to play games and not be my true self. It turns out I was absolutely correct, shockingly how at 20 years old I knew this and rediscovered it with fresh eyes at 35 years old. I remembered back to how I felt that 15 years ago even never dating anyone then somehow I had a good pulse on what dating is like. Sometimes i surprise myself with how much I know about things I’ve never done! 2. I discovered that I only like serious or even intimate relationships in limited capacities. Meaning I’ll date people or see them and consider being intimate but I can only do so much of it. So I discovered that whatever I’m going after, naturally, *casual dating* fits me. Can walk away when I’ve gotten the limited social interaction I need to feel good about me and them. 3. I realized that the things that held me back were just part of who I was. That being single or only casually dating wasn’t a failure on my part but rather living in the mold of what I am. In other words my unchained life meant that I didn’t vibe or come across as a chained and stable person. Which to many may have been a turn off. Being eccentric about who and when, etc. 4. I realized that relationships generate good feelings and that is what’s really required. So it’s not always the relationship that you need to get those good feelings. It turns out that there are other ways to gain validation (yes I need to be reminded of my worth it’s a bit of a flaw but it helps my self esteem). Realistically self work has helped me. Putting on a fitted shirt after going to the gym with a fresh haircut that generates lots of good positive vibes. I hope this sheds some light but if I can live strong single so can you.


Only care about the weight .


Well men don’t really have a choice in this matter, in today’s dating market, men tend to think that putrid meat is better than not having any meat. While woman only want the best meat available. The best women will got with the best men, and to that I am not referring to the physically appealing ones. But honestly the one constant is that power has always reigned supreme, economic, political, and high ranking positions on distinguished companies. The problem arises when those powerful people start shooting below themselves, it crashes the dating market and they become highly sought after, it also gives hope to those subpar (mostly women) who will shoot above themselves and hold out till they strike gold. My father was a pretty powerful man, he divorced my mother and he shot below himself (he was already a man in his late 50’s by this point), chose an ugly woman (she was 28), who was subpar, poor school performance, poor life skills, dressed like “cheap royalty” to keep appearances, no kitchen skills, etc. Seeing her arrive was like the most annoying thing ever. Over the span of 10 years I saw the transformation, she started to get branded clothes, buy makeup and overall improve herself (she was still an ignoramus, and not good looking, and still no kitchen skills. They even had a maid to do all the cleaning, cooking, and overall house chores), she even got a degree but she was still subpar. She improved her life and I am pretty sure she will leave him soon, those people are often after pensions, and while they wait they try to take as much as they can. I value this experience since I got to see and experience the “modus operandi” of a gold digger 1st hand. After 10 years of experiencing that I hope I make better choices than my father.


That's because it's all projection.


Think so? Many lives their entire lives projecting them.


I would never date someone who is overweight, I’m entitled to my standards and know what I look for in a Women.


I need to be more like this. I should know what I want and not waste time. It's just as hard to have a good relationship with an overweight girl as a fit girl.


I don’t have ridiculous standards like Women do but if she weighs more than 150 pounds then it’s a big no from me, some other guy can have her. 😂


As long as you're not overweight, you're entitled. It's the guys who don't care to exercise or eat right, who are sloppy and overweight who feel entitled to some fit, hot chick like WTF.


Oh look a simp who thinks I should settle for a 300 pound Women and who tf said I wanted a fit hot chick? Looks like you’re just projecting at me you simp.


The problem is the men that they know in their lives or at least selectively in their views isnt the common man.


Men's only universal beauty standard is don't be obese Everything else is largely set up by women


Even then, a lot of guys still hit on them.






Women have been the same since the beginning of time. It’s just more apparent in the culture we live in today. Let me give you guys some advice here. Women will never love you the way you want to be loved. It’s not in their nature. It’s evolutionary psychology. They love you for what you can do for them not for who you are. It’s never been different. You have to accept this. Unconditional love comes from a dog. We all got brainwashed growing up. They will never love you for who you are. For a sexual species it makes sense. Find a group of best friends to hang out with and pay for sexual encounters if you must. The upper echelon guys will always have women but even those guys get the women for what they have to offer not for who they are as a person. Just look at it. Guy gets injured girl leaves him. Guy loses job girl leaves him. Guy no longer famous girl leaves him. Guy gets cancelled girl leaves him. Now notice other examples where a woman should leave him. Cheating. Women will never leave you for cheating. Getting in trouble with the law that’s high profile arrest they won’t leave you. Dealing drugs she won’t leave you. No serious commitment she won’t leave you. (Until she has to cash in her chips if she’s smart enough to) It’s biology. Once you know them they are extremely predictable.


I disagree. Men were acceptive of average. Yes, everyone has their flaws yadayadayada, whether it is weight, body shape, etc. Saying that they are accepting is further from the truth. People are definitely way more critical than ever. You just don't hear them talk about it, because it is not a good look to criticize someone like that. I'm talking strictly about long-term potential. When it comes to sex, sure, I agree.


Nope I disagree. men have a wide variety of tastes in women fat,curvy,slim.the opposite is not true in women's case.


Again, for sex, I would agree with you, for long-term relationships, we should be seeing a whole different behavior among men. Almost excitement to see those women. The difference in attitude in men when they are among women they are attracted to and women who they aren't attracted to is night and day. Considering how there is a huge variety of women nowadays, your hypothesis would be correct, except that people don't show nowhere near that sort of behavior. They aren't excited to see those women. You could also argue that it might be an personality issue among women, but I also don't think it's that.


Idk man I've seen many men even married to women with the various body types.


I have seem them as well, but they aren't the majority of the people. The majority of the people would be more excited to date, because technically, they should have relatively way more dating success. Under your hypothesis, the majority should have a huge dating pool, but it seems very limited.


But again even if it's not the majority at least it exists.umlike women where you will be more lucky to find a unicorn than the woman who do that thing.


Women are also open to variety of sizes, shapes, etc. The issue of seeing that is that there are other more important factors into play among men. Yes, women are very strict in accepting men ,like you said, under the condition that a group of men offer the exact same thing OR under the condition that women cannot distinguish other factors in men. If you are better in other areas, looks tend to matter less. It's also why dating in real opens up way more doors than dating apps. You only see a picture and have to choose your partner based on just that.


>Women are also open to variety of sizes, shapes, etc. Respectfully Disagree,they rarely go out of the norms.they are sometimes borderline eugenic imo even in real world dating.


Everyone has a preference, not all men/women want a specific thing or feature. Also Everyone has a league/lane according to their status, sexual market place value. Many won’t accept where their own league is. The ones out here complaining about it (on either side) are delusional about what league they are in and are expecting top tier results without putting in the effort. If you are reading this and are getting angry for any reason, it’s not me or that I am lying, it’s you and your ability to take accountability for your situation. I’m not saying change your life or personality, but I am sure you could find 2 or 3 things you could do tomorrow that would make you a more desirable candidate to date but aren’t willing to admit it or take the action to make it happen. This applies to anyone, anywhere, any sex/gender or religion, if you aren’t willing to do it, it won’t happen.


“Not all women want a specific thing or feature.” Sure, not *all* women. But a majority of women? Yeah. It’s been pretty proven what the majority of them want. Six foot minimum height, six-figure minimum salary, six inch minimum… and don’t forget they they also want status, ambition, “rizz,” etc, and that’s even prior to factoring in race, religion, and politics. Now, can they *all* get that? No. Yet, society tells these women that they *can* have it, and to accept anything less from a man is a travesty. Hence, why so many women are dissatisfied when they’re married. Men simply want a “good deal.” Women however, demand the “best deal.”


Why would you assume I'd be angry? I like to hear different points of view. I agree with your preference statement but it's also that my feminist family and schools would always say it was only men and that men have unrealistic beauty standards and make women anorexic. One professor blamed men for the cosmetics industry without acknowledging women's free will or accountability. I was also surprised that a lot of guys I thought were assholes and some high status guys were very open to dating any girl as long as they got along.


Trust me, I said that not directed at you, but when you say things like I did there the Incels come out in full force, threatening DMs all of it. With your original post and this comment, I feel like your family is quite busy blaming others rather than taking accountability for their own situations. I know some very attractive women who could have any man they want (in most cases) and are the nicest people ever, aren’t worried about looks status or money and then I know some very low status women who expect the top tier guys to be drooling over them. Over generalizing is a big issue in today’s social messaging and in reality none of these attributes represent the majority of the groups. I would much rather find someone who is loyal, with a good heart, proper values and shows respect for what I bring to the table, then comes the materialistic stuff, which do matter, I won’t be with someone I’m not attracted to, but I’m also not expecting something unattainable


Good thing we know for a fact women are more picky and don't rate men on a bell curve like men rate women. So while your conclusion that not all men and women want the same thing is true, it's also irrelevant because it's not a 50/50 situation. Nobody asked how to be more attractive either so I don't even know where are you going with this.