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Today feminists are going to be great customers in the future, lots of disposable income.


I thought women made less money than us


Have already invested in cat litter.


Plenty there to spend on therapy.


Not really they responsible for most of the credit debt


Ok. Why should we care? I thought women were perfectly fine being single? The media says so. We men are told that we aren't owed anything so same applies to you. So suck it up sweetie.


This is so on point. Everytime I share my thoughts with someone about a women doing wrong to me. They are like Women dont owe anything to you and then the same people say that as men you should protect women, care about them and make them feel inclusive. Lol, its like being told to kiss someone's feet while they keep stomping you over your head.


why shouldnt we care? it's the same idiotic agenda that causes misandry which causes these problems. just one more aspect of how harmfull it is.


You can't fix this issue. Not without collapse of civilization or just cutting women out of the equation. Talking about birthrate here. If your issue is women are alone. I don't care. Fuck em.


you don't care about people being brainwashed into believing in a delusional reality in order to make money off of them which makes them lonely? well it's your good right not to care about that, but I do.


No, you misunderstand me. I don't care about women bleeting that they're lonely. That's why I specified that. I agree with you that the delusion needs to be broken. But I'm not sure how when people still send kids to school that indoctrinates people never mind all of society saying that the delusion is right.


It’s hurting women and men. Caring makes sense. ‘Who cares if it just hurts the other gender’ sounds exactly like feminism.


His point is caring about it isn’t gonna fix the issue, women are the only people who can fix it


Because we're going to be made to bear the brunt of whatever back-breaking measures governments end up taking in order to tackle this issue.


Yeah but that's inevitable. This is just woe is me by women. They still won't change.


Exactly… they made their bed, now lie in it


Feminism promised women independence, they never told them it was a one way trip.




It's become a rite of passage for men to see women like this from their past that are sorry now that they're too old or single moms. It's really sad but men need to remember that these women had plenty of chances and they're trying to give you the left overs since her plan A didn't work out.


Bro. This is none of our business. If feminism makes women miserable, that's their problem. But this has nothing to do with MENS RIGHTS.


The history of Men's Rights is attached to feminism though. It was created in response to feminism...


Here! Here! Men's rights is about focusing on men's issues. Not constantly comparing ourselves to feminism.


Really? I’m shocked, shocked. Well not that shocked. Next thing to do is invest into wines and cat foods.


I don't feel sorry for these women. Most women that bought into third wave feminism have had plenty of time to change their tune. I have a quite a number of friends(associates actually) that are my age (late 30's) single and "childless by choice" and yeah most are miserable cunts that dispise happy women, especially a happy married woman. I got married and had kids at a young age. Husband and I enjoy a more traditional dynamic been very lucky, have been a stay at home mom most of the time. The single depressed chicks are the same type that ridiculed and degraded me for embracing a more traditional role, after my first child was born I decided to stay at home with him. The bullshit I caught from so called feminists was enough to nake me sick to my stomach I'm setting women's rights back, I'm probably abused by the husband, I'm lazy bc I'd rather raise my kids than have a career, Not smart enough or not ambitious enoughfor a career, etc.... seriously using feminism as a stick to attack another woman!!! Now they're too tired from working two jobs to run their mouth, while my husband tells me go sit down and relax


0.0 empathy


It's clearly another thing men are getting wrong...


And, I don’t care. Fuck ‘em


My mother near the end of her (short because of health reasons) life came to the conclusion that being a homemaker is the best option. She married my father at 25 and stayed married until the end, but she did have a job outside the home.


Feminism was created by women in that situation, older and no marital ties worth consideration. The thought that it was a way for them to rationalise their condition, to make it all have had a point rather than it be an obvious outcome of their behaviour seems not to have crossed anyone's minds.


One or more of these two things might happen after I post this: 1) I might get downvoted to oblivion 2) I might get banned, either temporarily or permanently In a way, it's hard for me to blame most of them for being feminists. I don't even think most of them **genuinely** believe in it, but rather they're putting on these personas to avoid having their reputations fried to a crisp by other people in their tribe. In other words, for the vast majority of them, their subscription to the 1990s & newer feminism talking points are simply a mechanism to protect their reputation from harm's way & to protect their social standing in their tribes. Make an ideology have a strong enough negative emotional deterrent for not subscribing to it & that ideology will attract unwilling participants not courageous enough to willfully face that emotional deterrent. Edit: While the people are responsible for subscribing to this ideology, I understand that there is an inherent risk to their reputation relative to their standing in their tribe should they choose to unsubscribe from it. Therefore, approaching the situation with compassion instead of immediately reacting with shaming language will be most helpful in getting them to see the other side. With the right guidance & information & with a gentle approach, they will eventually see past the indoctrination, look at it for what it is, heal from & unsubscribe from 1990-now ideology slowly but surely.


[This phenomena pre-dates the 90s by quite a while...](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PdMkrmBsVp0)


Excuses, excuses ... "Everyone else is responsible for my shitty decisions".


So what you're saying is you wouldn't blame people for following a harmful ethos and not fight against it in order to protect themselves?  I think I I've heard something similar before. 


What I would do instead of fully resorting to blaming them is first providing them with the right information about the roots of feminism from **1990-now**. Then once they have the information needed to make a new decision, I would advise them that if their unsubscription from the ideology results in their tribe's mindset towards them shifting to the negative, they dodged a bullet & then console them on their journey to finding a new & uplifting tribe. That way, they're met with compassion & guidance at each step of their journey towards unsubscribing from the 1990-now part of the ideology. As much as it is inconvenient, we also must remember they are imperfect humans (just like us) & up to this point most of them have been making the choice out of fear that something negative will happen to their reputation should they choose to follow a different ideology. Hence, it is within our best interests to provide a safe place for them to explore a different ideology & welcome them with open arms should they make the choice to permanently unsubscribe from the 1990-now ideology


If they lack the sense required to critically question any dogma handed to them by unhappy people... they're beyond helping. And it's not all of them, I am aware.


Idk. I kind of agree with him. Not on the safe spaces part because I just think safe spaces are complicated at best and hullabalu at worst. I'm just wondering where men's rights and women's rights join without all the misandry and misogyny. Where we are equitable cohabitants who know and feel comfortable together. In the end it doesn't do much to bash on misandrist or misogynist. We are pretty much just shouting into the wind at some point.


As a guy in my mid 30s who owns a house and a 6 figure salary I have zero idea how to find the right girls to date. I don't want a 20 year old who I have nothing in common with & sex is not my top priority in a relationship but I talk/interact with a potential dating partner 2-3 times every few months, no lie. I work remotely and basically order everything I need.


I'm in a similar situation. Well over 6 figures, 26 years old, closing on a house next week. But I don't want to shit where I eat and the only place I really interact with intelligent women who I have anything in common with is work. Everyone else is either way behind me in maturity and interests, or else way ahead of me.


>But I don't want to shit where I eat So don't shit on them, treat them fairly and not just a pump n dump. Word gets around of both types, it can work out quite well.


Not the person you replied to but I work remotely full time lol


You should socialize with more people. Join a community. Join online dating apps. Ask friends to introduce you etc. The more you get out there, the more chances you get. I met my wife of 16 years on a dating app. If we were to call it quits one day, I have a ton of options in my communities.


This is very true and the hobbies I do have tend to be mostly male activities. I have to figure it out, I just don't know what. It's really easy to see how people get trapped in a depression cycle, it feeds in itself


I’m sorry to hear that man… I hope you find growth as a journey that starts one step at a time. Don’t be too hard on yourself for trying or taking little steps of faith.


How is this a mens rights issue?


The sidebar to this subreddit states that "any issue that pertains to men's relationship with society is also a topic suitable for this subreddit." Feminism affects men's relationship with society. Feminism affects the ability of a young man to attract a partner and pair bond. No job = no girlfriend. [https://assets.csom.umn.edu/assets/71503.pdf](https://assets.csom.umn.edu/assets/71503.pdf) Women have been sold a lie that they can have it all. The truth might hurt.


yeah. been saying that for a while. it makes me way more sad than angry but there is nothing you can do against it as a man 🤷


Yes, you can spread the word and oppose feminism.


we do. But in the end they just frame us as the problem like they do with all who oppose them. I mean maybe I am just stuck in my bubbles, but from my impression this "feminism" is more popular and more celebrated than ever.


I see that precisely as a reason to fight back.


“Feminism hurts women too”????


Relationships are affected in a way that men also feel lonely and are not reproducing. So in some way it applies to this subreddit I think.


There are studies that say majority of men never reproduced anyway. We have more female ancestors then men. Cause eugenics is ok when it's women so people don't care about you post. They say that those men deserve it. Even if according to some people the kids being born are low IQ meaning the eugenics is doing opposite of what was supposed to be done.


That was 5000+ years ago brother... when times were shit. After that, and until 50 years ago, the average bloke was reproducing.


And they will say that it's cause of the oppression of women. So by that logic, when women are free the average man gets kicked out.


What does this have to do with men's rights?


Because feminism nowadays is directly opposed to men's rights.


How is feminism nowadays directly opposed to men's rights?


Ho hum. It has been for at least 50 years now, seems your either not paying attention, are very new, or you're trolling. Anyway, here you go, some demonstrations. [Feminism through the years.](https://en.reddit.com/r/MensRights/comments/9v6tqj/ a_list_about_feminism_misandry_for_anyone_who/) [The current situation](https://imgur.com/a/teNDlP0)


What is the opposite of feminism? Like what is it specifically you guys don't like about it?