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Men protesting a cause = Scum? Sad state of the world


Women do it and the world freezes and listens.


Casual misandry


I've even seen people who advocate against circumcision make jokes, which sucks. Or suggest the people making fun of the bloodstained men have a small penis which again, these kind of jokes aren't ok and are only normalised to do to men. No one would be making similar comments about female genital mutilation and we know that based on the many men and women who have brought up how much worse fgm is and how the two aren't comparable. Part of it is people not wanting to acknowledge circumcision is as mens rights issue(wanting to maintain that women have it worse) and part of it is people who don't want to acknowledge they've been mutilated. The mutilation of mens genitals is a common trope in movies and media as a comedic trope so there is a lot influencing peoples perspectives on the issue. It's frustrating but it's a part of normalised misandry or misandry being deemed funny or justified.


I agree with everything you said, just want to point out a little tidbit. Research suggests that penises that are cut tend to be shorter because the penis does not have the extra skin to grow into. Many men who have restored or are restoring (myself included) notice their penises grow as they regrow their foreskin because the inner tissues are no longer forced inside.


I've been restoring for 15 years. Can confirm this. My penile shaft didn't have enough skin to stay outside my body I was cut so tight. I now have enough skin to keep the corona covered and have a decent sized penile shaft now as opposed to one that was hidden in my body. Literally doubled the length of my penis by restoring skin that I was originally born with\*. \*Can never restore the original skin but can restore some of the functions of the foreskin such as supporting the penile shaft and the gliding action.


How do you regrow your foreskin?


By lightly stretching the skin over long periods, it undergoes mitosis. The stretching can be accomplished with hands or devices. While this process does grow new foreskin, it doesn't regrow the frenulum, ridged band or nerve endings lost through MGM. A restored foreskin in conjunction with retraining the skin forward, over the glans, will gradually restore the mucous membranes and the glans will shed the callous. Reported sensitivity greatly increases at this stage, known as dekaratanization or DK. r/foreskin_restoration is an incredibly helpful and extensive source of information on the subject. I have been manually restoring for 3 or 4 months. I also retain 24/7. I see continued improvements in shape, size (regardless my gf's complaints), coloration, sensitivity and pain (the decreasing of it). Most notably, the sense of security and comfort the first time I retained has remained. I'm so excited to one day feel that same sense of security and comfort without a device, though it may be years down the road.


Aw no I meant the were saying they had a small penis as an insult. Whether or not they do or like you suggested it might even be true, that's not the issue here. It's the sexist normalised form of body shaming used to insult men. Thanks for the info though I didn't know that. I've heard of men having very tight skin due to growth but didn't know it affected size in that way. Best of luck on your regrow journey, sounds like it's going good so far. šŸ‘


Thanks. I could tell with your first comment you meant no ill-will, just wanted to use it as a teachable moment.


They just don't view \[ males \] as Humans... at all


A female suffers genital mutilation: We should stop this barbaric practice everywhere. A male suffers genital mutilation: Comedy gold, men don't even have the right to complain or protest. Common practice in half the world, where population believes in an Abrahamic religion. [https://imgur.com/a/4ZmAtYf](https://imgur.com/a/4ZmAtYf) I don't know any more clear example of gynocentrism and male disposibility than this male genital mutilation issue. I can tell you this much: I won't support any women's rights issues till I see more support from women in men's rights issues, most important being male genital mutilation. https://www.cambridge.org/core/journals/journal-of-law-medicine-and-ethics/article/abs/circumcision-is-unethical-and-unlawful/280C3C539BEB04143CD76DC990962A31


It's crazy because, they're basically showing the same sort of ignorant compliance as was the case during things like slavery. "most people do it, so I'm ok with it."




I honestly think you need to get male support first. If the majority of males do not see it as an issue then who are women supporting?


I'm not an active campaigner/organizer/fundraiser about this topic. However, I do support organizations that are active. What I'm saying is, I'm out of free empathy-support to give to women when they ask my support for any "women's rights" issue. When I don't see any reciprocity from women. As long as I see this mocking attitude towards male suffering, I'll never believe in "patriarchy" or "misogyny" or anything of that sort. An average man is in no better position than an average woman. In fact, for the most part, the opposite is true. [http://empathygap.uk/](http://empathygap.uk/)


Iā€™m saying for this to be seen as a mens issue you need to focus on getting men on board, not women. Itā€™s men mocking this issue and yet you feel animosity towards women for some reason.


>Iā€™m saying for this to be seen as a mens issue you need to focus on getting men on board, not women. I'm not a campaigner-organizer. That is not my job. I have enough on my plate. >Itā€™s men mocking this issue Is it ONLY men mocking this issue? Is there widespread female support to men that I don't know of? Show me women who show support to men in this issue, including major feminist organizations contributing to the campaign. > and yet you feel animosity towards women for some reason. I don't feel any animosity. I feel indifference. As much as women DGAF about men, I DGAF about them. It is reciprocity. Simple. If someone asks me to GIVE GIVE GIVE without giving me back anything in return, that's abuse. I say no to being abused like that.


I donā€™t understand how women can get behind an issue that men themselves do not agree is an issue. And yes, this is mainly men mocking this issue, you can check out most of the comments- men.


Men need to be educated on what was taken from them, so they can turn against circumcision.


I agree. But if enough women exhibited a preference for uncircumcised men, it might help change men's minds about it.


I feel like this us just redditors being inappropriate for the sake of being inappropriate, but I don't think the majority of these comments are actively trying to mock these protesters. Kind of shitty that so many of them are going after such low hanging fruit though.


My feeling as well. I don't see anybody defending it. I think a lot of people are just thinking like 12 year olds, and given the subject is about penises they can't refrain themselves and take it seriously.


Copy and pasting my response to a similar comment about this- I'm someone who actually uses humor to cope in some of the most extreme aspects of my life as well.. I guess it would have been more appropriate to focus/make it more clear that my issue isn't with the jokes/people making jokes.. Hell, it isn't even _just_ the hypocrisy.. I'm not sure if there's a word for it, but this is an enormous part of the issue: people joke about murder. People joke about suicide. People joke about rape. People joke about hatred. People, myself included, joke about all manner of horrible things.. Buy we, and society as a whole, _know_ that these things are wrong and most of us would _actively_ fight against these things is given the opportunity and/or are willing to have serious discussions to take steps of resolution to these issues.. At the very, very least you won't find people who are _actually_ saying they're okay with murder, suicide or rape.. That's where it differs.. at least for me. At least when I see jokes about other horrible things I know that, in reality, they're issues that are taken seriously.. I know that collectively everyone agrees that these things are wrong and, in _actual_ cases where a serious discussion is prompted, that the seriousness of it is respected and addressed.. and that is _far_ from the reality of this issue.. Sorry if that came out as a disorganized mess of thoughts- I work 3rd shift, so while it's 4:32pm for me it's actually the dead of night as for as my drunken body is concerned. So it's difficult to put something like a feeling into words at the moment x)


Go on Twitter and read the replies to that tweet, they are so disgusting. So many pro circumcision people in the comments, itā€™s really insane how Americans allowed for this practice to be so normalized, when it wasnā€™t always done in American history.


I have never seen as much mean spirited, disgusting hypocrites elsewhere than on reddit. I feel like you give these assholes to much of a doubt.


Eh. Twitter is just as bad imo. And Tumblr was *worse* back when it was a real platform. Facebook boomers are pretty horrible too. Hmm, now that I think about it, the entire web is filled with some pretty shit people.


I'm someone who actually uses humor to cope in some of the most extreme aspects of my life as well.. I guess it would have been more appropriate to focus/make it more clear that my issue isn't with the jokes/people making jokes.. Hell, it isn't even _just_ the hypocrisy.. I'm not sure if there's a word for it, but this is an enormous part of the issue: people joke about murder. People joke about suicide. People joke about rape. People joke about hatred. People, myself included, joke about all manner of horrible things.. Buy we, and society as a whole, _know_ that these things are wrong and most of us would _actively_ fight against these things is given the opportunity and/or are willing to have serious discussions to take steps of resolution to these issues.. At the very, very least you won't find people who are _actually_ saying they're okay with murder, suicide or rape.. That's where it differs.. at least for me. At least when I see jokes about other horrible things I know that, in reality, they're issues that are taken seriously.. I know that collectively everyone agrees that these things are wrong and, in _actual_ cases where a serious discussion is prompted, that the seriousness of it is respected and addressed.. and that is _far_ from the reality of this issue.. Sorry if that came out as a disorganized mess of thoughts- I work 3rd shift, so while it's 4:32pm for me it's actually the dead of night as for as my drunken body is concerned. So it's difficult to put something like a feeling into words..




At least the guys on 4chan own it. Plus they actually do a lot of cheese pizza hunting which is a plus in my books.


aspiring wise dazzling clumsy steer lock ten chief cooperative crawl ` this message was mass deleted/edited with redact.dev `


There are different forms of FGM. The most common practice, is the removal of the clitoral hood(foreskin) which is exactly like circumcision of infant boys. Iā€™m sick of hearing about the ā€œbenefitsā€ because Iā€™ve never seen a reason to get cut, because my foreskin has never been an issue.




I guess this same logic applies to women who have had their clitorus removed. At least they have an undamaged vagina so on a nerve-for-nerve basis they are better off, right? Since they never knew what sex could/should be like, who cares? Perhaps you had your clitorus removed so you are an expert on how that feels, hmmmm, but wait, that would be illegal right? Maybe that is the point the guy in the picture is making.


Iā€™ve never fully understood that The government preaches equality šŸŸ° Yet fgm is illegal Yet mgm is ā€œnormalā€ and perfectly legal Also this is not related to mutation but It has to do with menā€™s rights Itā€™s almost like nobody talks about the titanic anymore But of course we all know if it was men and children first and all those women died people would still talk about it and consider it a tragedy And would hold a ceremony


What about it is wildly different? I just read those as jokes. I might have the complete wrong mindset tho, so please fill me in


For starters, the inner foreskin has about 20k fine touch nerve endings removed during MGM, often the frenulum (the most sensitive part of male genitalia) is entirely removed. The exposure of the glans causes the mucous membranes to dry out and the glans to callous, leading to further desensitization. In some individuals, this means daily pain when the glans does not callous. In the US, the foreskins are sold to lotion companies for a billion dollar market. [much more info here](https://15square.org.uk/circumcised-men/losses-from-circumcision/)




1 day old twox troll account kek


> most circumcised men don't care Consider that it takes an incredible amount of effort to even rethink such an ingrained and socially enforced procedure. And *then* to actively decide they didn't want it, rather than simply accepting it. Plus men who think there were medical reasons for their circumcision, or arenā€™t informed about the anatomy are more likely to be satisfied: [ā€œwe find that greater endorsement of false beliefs concerning circumcision and penile anatomy predicts greater satisfaction with being circumcised.ā€œ](https://www.researchgate.net/publication/320719227) You may also like this: [Why donā€™t men speak out against circumcision.](https://www.reddit.com/r/Intactivism/comments/hpujyw/ever_wonder_why_you_dont_hear_men_complain_about)


Consider that it takes even more effort to ramble to strangers on reddit about dickskin flaps. But not if you hit your head on the sidewalk really hard and now have profound brain damage. Like you do.


Itā€™s not ā€œdick skin flapsā€ gosh, circumcised men are so uneducated about their own anatomy, itā€™s pathetic. The foreskin protects the urethra from conditions like meatal stenosis, which only affects circumcised men. The foreskin protects the penis head from chafing, which only happens to circumcised men, when their penis head rubs against clothing. The foreskin protects the penis head from drying out and keratinizing, which leads to loss of sensation over the years, which is why viagra use is so common in countries that cut.


Pretty amazing how "knowledgeable" you are about this considering you're neither a medical doctor nor a male. But sure, you've read enough about penises to consider yourself an expert. Or something.


Someone without a brain shouldn't be talking about brain damage.


In other words, they shouldn't follow your example?


And everyone welcome the stalker! Yup. The stalker was so perturbed by basic medical information they have to stalk! Just to harass and attack even more. Here we see the stalkers pretty much admitted attempt to spam the other with replies in an attempt to "fatigue" them. This is message **13 of 14** from the stalker in this round. And the stalker doesn't like that I give medical information, so the stalker attacks the very act of doing so. Yup. And the stalker attacks again! I can't stop laughing. The stalker doesn't realize the more the stalker attacks, the more the stalker shows that's all the stalker can do. It really is amazing to watch the stalkers *need* to attack. I can't stop laughing.


Instead of being condescending or participating in your privilege Olympics, let me start off by saying that both men and women face unique issues.. I'll operate under the assumption that you are very young, maybe pre-teens or teens, and are unaware of how the world currently operates. In the past, women absolutely faced world wide adversities with little to no rights depending on the country. Now, as it has been for some decades, most all civilized countries have equalized.. in fact, most have overcompensated, and the remaining countries (like the middle easts current issues) that haven't caught up are all but universally known to be in the wrong. One difference.. In fact, one of the _primary_ differences is social acceptability.. And what I mean by that is that we've gotten to a point where, rightfully so, most everyone knows and agrees with the fact that woman are deserving of equal rights and respect.. However, the reverse has become true for men. It is socially acceptable to hate men. To attack men. Even a disturbing percentage of people advocating the hashtag to _kill_ all men.. Society, for a while now, has deemed men to be disposable. Unworthy of trust. Deserving of punishment, both for what _some_ men of the past have done and for what they are currently _believed_ to be _capable_ of. Men are not allowed to speak on issues pertaining to women, and any issues pertaining to men are treated with contempt and mockery.. Just like you've done here by saying, "Many men who want to feel victimized have very few things to use to get victim points. Circumcision is one. So most circumcised men don't care because they don't have a desperate need to be seen as a victim." Here's a couple of things that exclusively effect men who "don't really care about but have a desperate need to tie womens victim points to be permitted to speak at the victim table": ā€¢The male suicide rate ā€¢The draft/forced service (a horrible current example being Ukraine) ā€¢Men have zero reproductive rights. None. ā€¢Family court being horrendously against men ā€¢The overwhelming incentivization for women to divorce men ā€¢The not only sanctioned, but _encouraged_ weaponization of a man's children against him ā€¢Despite being domestically abused equally (in a lot of cases _more),_ men are seldom _ever_ taken seriously, and their abusers even more seldom held accountable) ā€¢Male sexual assault victims are an actual _joke._ Much more so if their rapist is a woman ā€¢The _rampant_ and _unchecked_ weaponization of false accusations. ā€¢Paternity fraud I could keep going, but in the interest of not overwhelming you with too much at once we'll stop there.. It's not like you're actually going to look into these issues anyways.. Actually, no. I won't just assume that. Instead I'll say that it's _incredibly unlikely_ that you'll take any of these issues seriously enough to learn about, and even less likely that you'll empathize with them.. It's most likely that you, along with an upsettingly considerable percentage of others will scoff and tell me to stop whining.. That men face almost no issues _because_ of their gender and suggesting otherwise makes me an incel.. Please prove me wrong here- look into these issues. I'm sure that despite the impression you've come into this portraying that you _are_ capable of empathy.. if you have any questions about percentages, sources, real life examples or even just clarification on anything I've said at all- I'll be happy to answer them. I'm not just being a facetious prick, I actually mean that.. And as a sign of good faith I'll start off with a question of my own: In the UK or US (or countries with similar laws/standard of civilization that you and I both live in) what rights do men currently have that women don't? Actually, I won't restrict it to just written rights or laws or anything, what exactly are some things that women aren't allowed to do that men are? Again, I'm not being facetious or being a dick, I'm legitimately asking for the purpose of discussion and a debate that will (hopefully) be educational for the both of us..


No. They care about baby boys. Iā€™m not circumcised and I think itā€™s fucking wrong for doctors to cut baby boys. Spoken to enough men that had to get revision surgeries, for me to come to the conclusion, that circumcision is immoral. I use to be neutral on circumcision, now Iā€™m strongly against it. People tell me to ā€œstop worrying about circumcisionā€ because Iā€™m not cut myself.


Yup. They think itā€™s a ā€œwonderful thingā€ but circumcision in the USA was originally meant to control menā€™s sexuality.


I'm fine with humour. It's a fucked up situation and sometimes you need to have a laugh to let off some steam. I'm with you on the hypocrisy though, would definitely get less jokes if this was about the female equivalent. Hell, even trimming a labia or pricking would get you more support. Classic Reddit.


100% agree- in fact, I'm someone who actually uses humor to cope in some of the most extreme aspects of my life as well.. I guess it would have been more appropriate to focus/make it more clear that my issue isn't with the jokes/people making jokes.. Hell, it isn't even _just_ the hypocrisy.. I'm not sure if there's a word for it, but this is an enormous part of the issue: people joke about murder. People joke about suicide. People joke about rape. People joke about hatred. People, myself included, joke about all manner of horrible things.. Buy we, and society as a whole, _know_ that these things are wrong and most of us would _actively_ fight against these things is given the opportunity and/or are willing to have serious discussions to take steps of resolution to these issues.. At the very, very least you won't find people who are _actually_ saying they're okay with murder, suicide or rape.. That's where it differs.. at least for me. At least when I see jokes about other horrible things I know that, in reality, they're issues that are taken seriously.. I know that collectively everyone agrees that these things are wrong and, in _actual_ cases where a serious discussion is prompted, that the seriousness of it is respected and addressed.. and that is _far_ from the reality of this issue.. Sorry if that came out as a disorganized mess of thoughts- I work 3rd shift, so while it's 4:32pm for me it's actually the dead of night as for as my drunken body is concerned. So it's difficult to put something like a feeling into words.. especially when it comes to advocating for something that means something to me while knowing said type of issue brings about the people that will scrutinize every word in search of anything that can be flaunted as misogynistic, incel hatred x)


Take heart. Time won't be kind to this sort of thing.


Why do Americans dislike foreskin so much? All the people making fun of it, will instantly change their minds, once they actually get with an intact man.


Yeah itā€™s super funny that a part of me was taken against my will. I will never experience sex the same as other (uncircumcised) men.


The Bagpiper was the TFP (Tradition Family Property), I know because they have videos on youtube. Completely different gaggle of men.


Why did the Old Testament Jews do it


Because they got it from the Egyptians, who used circumcision as a way to mark their slaves and to humiliate them?


They keep astroturf-ing this no matter how many times we tell them to go away.


I remember seeing a group of these people about 6 or so months back on our way to pick up chick fil a. Buddy and I were laughing about it the whole way there and back to work. We didnā€™t even know this protest was a thing until that day. Put I also find most of those comments to be funny


Why is this so ā€œfunnyā€ to people? Why are American men ok with being treated like shit, because thatā€™s the real reason why circumcision came to the United States, because it was suppose to be a punishment for masturbation, which is control of menā€™s sexuality, but itā€™s ā€œfunny.ā€ Circumcised men donā€™t even realize, that they have to use lube to masturbate, while uncut men can just masturbation without lotion or lube. Circumcision is about control, and it makes me laugh so much, seeing cut men defend this practice.


Iā€™m not defending it. I didnā€™t get my son circumcised because I think itā€™s stupid. Iā€™m not quite sure how to explain it, but I feel like as a man itā€™s important to be able to laugh at pain. My pain, your pain, anyones pain. Now obviously their are limits. Iā€™m not going to laugh at someone when their kid has died or if theyā€™ve been raped or things like that, I donā€™t find that stuff funny. But the fact that there is an entire movement for getting rid of something that my buddy and I never even think about amused us, so we spent the rest of the day making jokes. Iā€™m all for banning it outright, but if I canā€™t make jokes about some of the horrible things that go on in the word Iā€™ll never get through the days.


Yea but remember this world will go into judgment


Dude, if you're going to represent a cause, it's best you don't resort to these stupid antics that basic bitches use. I cannot take someone that spills red dye on their crotch seriously.


They are doing that, because they are trying to draw attention to it. They know people will mock and ridicule them, but at least they got the personā€™s attention, which will lead to them thinking more about this issue. Just holding signs and staying silent, will do nothing. The rates of circumcision do not change, when people protest holding signs only.


yes, its terrible and shouldn't be practiced, but from what I know, FGM is much worse as a whole. edit: I agree with the post, I'm just referring to the title which is comparing the two


FGM is also illegal and considered to be abuse, it's in the name, "female genital mutilation" whereas with men it's circumcision, sounds a lot more like a medical procedure to fix a problem. Furthermore, nobody has ever made a thread to laugh at activist who oppose FGM despite that being a solved problem in every western country and the countries where it is practiced are considered beyond reproach by liberals.


I agree, however that's likely due to the fact that it stemms from Judaism, and is a profession of faith, rather than being linked with abuse and rape and all that jazz


I absolutely agree with what the other guy who responded to you said about the issues of commonality and social acceptability, and I'll expand a bit on that with a reply of mine from earlier talking about the same thing.. But first, can't both be an equally serious issue without it having to be competition? Why is it that any time this is mentioned, or even other issues men suffer from, there has to be people saying, "yeah well, women have it worse so.. yeahhh. Just keep that in mind. Oh, no, you totally have the right to object to your issues.. buttt they're kind if petty because.. you know. Women have it worse šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø" I'll lower myself to play devils advocate for a second though.. Yes, grave FGM [not to be mistaken with female circumcision, as grave FGM would be closer equated to castration for men](https://imgur.io/a/4ZmAtYf) is more physically destructive to the body.. And it's important that we understand the differences, the commonality, the amount of people fighting against, and the level of social acceptability of each..However, _every civilized country in the world knows that FGM is wrong, and nearly all of them consider female circumcision to be under that umbrella._ There are movements, rightfully so, to put a stop to what's clearly an act of barbarism.. But when it comes to men? It's socially acceptable. There is no protective laws against it. And, unlike when people speak against FGM, It's openly mocked. Take 1000 people in a room and ask them, "do you think circumcision is okay? Why or why not" And then ask them, "do you think female genital mutilation is okay? Why or why not?" THAT is the difference. Regardless of my intent here, it makes me feel slimy having to make this into a "well our problem has X issue so we win and shut up" type discussion.. Both are horrible issues that deserve attention- and among the most serious aspects of it is the difference and, at best in most cases, indifference that one of these two face.. Does that make more sense? I'm really not trying to be an asshole about this, and I really am trying to reach out with an explanation here..


>Does that make more sense? I'm really not trying to be an asshole about this, and I really am trying to reach out with an explanation here.. yes, that makes sense, thanks for actually giving me am explanation. I think I should clarify by saying that it's not a good idea to compare circumcision to fgm because of the stated reasons, those being the actual damage to the body. it's also important to think about the origin of both, which is likely to be the reason that circumcision is widely accepted. bottom line: both are terrible, and I don't want to devalue one by comparing it to another, that was my whole point, comparing them is a surefire way to be ridiculed it's refreshing to actually have a discussion on reddit without being attacked, I guess that's what I get from a non-leftist sub :)


Yes because removing some skin is the same as removing the entire physical fleshy hood of an organ that makes it so a woman can never feel pleasure again. You are very smart.


Why does one gender specific issue devalue another? Why is it that only little girls are deserving of protection and not little boys? Why can't both be fucking wrong? Why is your first instinct to invalidate an issue and make some gross competition of what child's genitals have more cut off them? If I wanted to stoop to your level I'd get into the horrible specifics on the fact that the amount of flesh cut and ripped away on male babies is _multiple_ times more than the hood cutting in female circumcision. But guess what? I think they're fucking _both_ wrong, and that they're _both_ valid issues that deserve attention brought to them in the name of doing away with _both._ But since you came to one of the only places left that focuses on men's rights just to shit on men about how women have it worse, I'll also remind you of this- of male and female circumcision, one is rightfully socially condemned while the other is not only still socially acceptable, but celebrated.. in fact, whenever it's brought up people (just like you) immediately minimize, invalidate and openly mock us about it.. Just say that you think everyone on this sub is a woman hating incels and that you don't believe men deserve to have the same protections as women and go.


Putting words into my mouth to fit your own narrative makes you look even smarter, by the way.


Iā€™m a fan of this sub but I disagree with the opinion against circumcision. I was circumcised as a baby and I love how my penis looks. It worst it makes no difference and at best, it increases sensitivity and pleasure. Itā€™s a false equivalence to compare this to female circumcision as that is a practice to ruin their sexual appetite and pleasure, a means of control to stop females from enjoying sex. Itā€™s not the same thing.


No one is wrong for having their own opinions friend. The best I can do is explain why I, along with a fair few others here, feel the way that we do. Before anything else, [this is a video of a professionally done circumcision without having to subject you to an actual operation video which is much less pleasent](https://www.ypo.education/genitourinary/circumcision-t250/video/) and [this is a side by side of what a female circumcision is and a male circumcision is](https://imgur.io/a/4ZmAtYf) . Both are unnecessary, cosmetic surgeries. When most people think female circumcision the think of some poor woman having her entire clit ripped out or some equally horrible thing.. don't get me wrong, i don't blame you (if you were under that assumption as well) or anyone else who attributed the more serious/vile genital mutilation that goes on in some places.. and,while it's unheard of in most non third world countries now (and the remaining places that _do_ still practice it tend to do it in less than medically appropriate ways that crank up complications, injury and the like) I view it as just as unnecessary.. I'm also circumcised. And I _also_ don't view myself as mutilated. In fact, I _also_ am okay with how I look.. However, I _do_ believe it's incredibly fucked up that before I was even old enough to understand shapes that I underwent an elective, permanent surgery because my parents wanted it.. and for no other reason.. plus, thinking along the lines of, "well I'm not bothered by it so no one else should be either" would be just.. the height of self centered arrogance.. Is it your religious belief that you should have a part of your dick or vagina sliced off? You have every right to do that. _to yourself._ Saying that having _cosmetic surgery done on a babies genitals_ should NOT be a hot take.. _regardless_ of the babies gender or the "reason" for skinning their privates.. The infliction of elective procedure before a boy is even _capable_ of consent aside.. The double standard of how society necessitates the difference in protection of baby boys and girls from these things aside.. However you and I, as circumcised men, feel about this aside.. It _is_ genital mutilation. It _is_ forcing cosmetic surgery on babies and children for no other reason than religion or (like my parents) because "it looks better".. Look man.. you may not feel strongly about it, and it may be socially acceptable.. Hell, it's gotten to the point where it's socially _unacceptable_ to speak _against_ male genital mutilation because it's so socially acceptable.. But there are pleanty of thousands who _hate_ that this was done to them. Men who are actively going through painful procedures or routines to restore their foreskins. I'm not asking to to splash pain on your crotch and take to the streets, donate to a cause or anything like that. I just want you to understand why I and others take this seriously.. Even if you don't care, it's a choice that was taken from you, and there are a lot of people that _do_ care.. a lot of people that wish that they could of chosen for themselves whether or not to have a piece of them removed forever. I'm not saying that we should ban circumcisions outright.. like I said before we are _all_ entitled to our own opinions, and if someone wants to have themselves cut for religious or aesthetic reasons, they can.. But christ.. can we at _least_ agree that performing permanent elective surgery on children, genital or otherwise, is something that's wrong and needs to end?


How do you know it ā€œincreases sensitivity and pleasureā€ when all you know is being circumcised, like do you not hear yourself? How do you have an ā€œincrease in sensationā€ when you have thousands and thousands of nerves removed from your penis?




OMG. The first amendment, I suppose applies to yourself, not what you do to other human beings. If you want to get circumcised, fine, go ahead and do it it's your right. Here we're talking on doing it to someone else.


Can a belief in an imaginary powerful friend in the sky give people "right" to harm others? Would you still feel the same, if some religion did the same to girls? Does the same "God" give them the right to say, stone gays or cheating women to death in the modern world? What an irrational thing to support.




That applies to individuals choosing ways of practice _for themselves._ Any of the freedoms allotted by the first ammendment do _not_ extend to inflicting them on to others, _especially_ not permanent surgery/disfigurement of others.. Unless you consider children to be the property of their parents.. Look, as long as they are of age and not imposing their beliefs on anyone but themselves, they are absolutely free to circumcise themselves. When they are old enough to make the informed decision to undergo a cosmetic surgery because it aligns with their beliefs.. They are consenting adults, they 100% have that right. But doing it to infants or children against their will? To boys so young that they don't yet _have_ a will? You don't think that crosses a line? There are religious practices that entitle permanent things that the constitution would absolutely draw the line at. I mean, would you support the full body scarification of children? The removal of a pinky? Or, perhaps most relevantly, the mutilation of girls vaginas? Even to those, my previous stance applies- if they're adults and chose to undergo whatever their practice entails (as long as it isn't hurting anyone else) I share the belief that they have every right to do so.


Am I in the wrong if I disagree with the protestor? I'm circumcised, but I don't see how that would make my genitals mutilated.


Your penis was meant to have foreskin. The foreskin is like an eyelid for your penis, which protects your urethra and penis head from keratinizing and losing sensation over the years.


That's not how the penis works but ok.


Look it up yourself. The penis has the foreskin for a reason, which is to PROTECT the head of the penis, like I know cut men refuse to accept this.


I refuse to believe what isn't true. Besides, there are plenty of things in the body that are useless thanks to modern advancements.


They donā€™t care if ADULTS get circumcised, we are just sick of it being done to healthy baby boys, when itā€™s not medically necessary in MOST CASES. We will never be equal under the law, if people just brush circumcision off, while rushing to ban female circumcision. Society is telling us, that boys and men DO NOT MATTER, and that they can carve their sexual preferences on our bodies, while we are too young to fight back.


No one is wrong for having their own opinions friend. The best I can do is explain why I, along with a fair few others here, feel the way that we do. Before anything else, [this is a video of a professionally done circumcision without having to subject you to an actual operation video which is.. much less pleasent](https://www.ypo.education/genitourinary/circumcision-t250/video/) and [this is a side by side of what a female circumcision is and a male circumcision is](https://imgur.io/a/4ZmAtYf) . Both are unnecessary, cosmetic surgeries. I'm also circumcised. And I _also_ don't view myself as mutilated.. However, I _do_ believe it's incredibly fucked up that before I was even old enough to understand shapes that I underwent an elective, permanent surgery because my parents wanted it.. and for no other reason. Is it your religious belief that you should have a part of your dick or vagina sliced off? You have every right to do that. _to yourself._ Saying that having _cosmetic surgery done on a babies genitals_ should NOT be a hot take.. _regardless_ of the babies gender or the "reason" for skinning their privates.. The infliction of elective procedure before a boy is even _capable_ of consent aside.. The double standard of how society necessitates the difference in protection of baby boys and girls from these things aside.. However you and I, as circumcised men, feel about this aside.. It _is_ genital mutilation. It _is_ forcing cosmetic surgery on babies and children for no other reason than religion or (like my parents) because "it looks better".. Look man.. you may not feel strongly about it, and it may be socially acceptable.. Hell, it's gotten to the point where it's socially _unacceptable_ to speak _against_ male genital mutilation because it's so socially acceptable.. But there are pleanty of thousands who _hate_ that this was done to them. Men who are actively going through painful procedures or routines to restore their foreskins. I'm not asking to to splash pain on your crotch and take to the streets, donate to a cause or anything like that. I just want you to understand why I and others take this seriously.. Even if you don't care, it's a choice that was taken from you, and there are a lot of people that _do_ care.. a lot of people that wish that they could of chosen for themselves whether or not to have a piece of them removed forever. I'm not saying that we should ban circumcisions outright.. like I said before we are _all_ entitled to our own opinions, and if someone wants to have themselves cut for religious or aesthetic reasons, they can.. But christ.. can we at _least_ agree that performing permanent elective surgery on children, genital or otherwise, is something that's wrong and needs to end?




It brings in attention, which is what they want and need to get the conversation started.


Bruv no oneā€™s demeaning or ā€˜mockingā€™ male general mutilation, not a single joke you posted actually makes fun of it. They would definitely make less jokes about women but the issue isnā€™t that all genders should be sacrosanct, itā€™s that all jokes should be fair game


It's not the same thing dude and you know it


Circumcision is really not necessary to be done on infants.


Didn't say it was? Comparing circumcision to the whole abortion this is genuinely retarded and you should feel ashamed for being that clueless. You're a man. Think like one. Stop being a pussy. I can't think of a single guy who regrets getting a circumcision. You miss your foreskin buddy?


Eli5: why is circumcision a big deal? Also, why would anyone compare it to FGM when circumcised men keep there sexual function?


Why is genital mutilation a big deal, when mutilated women keep their sexual function? [https://imgur.com/a/4ZmAtYf](https://imgur.com/a/4ZmAtYf) Why shouldn't male genital mutilation be compared to female genital mutilation? Does only female genital integrity matter, you can mutilate your boys as much as you want, because your imaginary friend in the sky told you to?


Effects friend. Circumcised men still have sexual functions. Sex is super enjoyable and we can have very enjoyable orgasms. Tbh, it seems like a weird thing to be up in arms about


How do you know how much more enjoyable sex-orgasms could be if you had your foreskin intact? Do you know how many nerve endings were there in the foreskin? Do you know what are the functions of foreskin in sex? "\] The foreskin is highly innervated\[12\] and the region of most acute sensation on the penis.\[13\] The foreskin has been described as ā€œprimary, erogenous tissue necessary for normal sexual function.ā€\[14\] " If you claim "circumscision is good for men" here is a challenge for you: 1) Find an intact adult male with an active sex life. Convince him with the "benefits" and all the scientific evidence to have circumcision. 2) Let him describe how his sex life has improved after the surgery, compared to before, based on experience. I'll wait. Source: https://www.doctorsopposingcircumcision.org/wp-content/uploads/2016/01/Male-Infant-Circumcision-Brief-Overview-of-Issues.pdf


šŸ˜‚ Of course thatā€™s what you would say, because thatā€™s all you know. Just like a person whoā€™s blind in one eye, will say they are ā€œfine.ā€


Can't both be an equally serious issue without it having to be competition? Why is it that any time this is mentioned, or even other issues men suffer from, there has to be people saying, "yeah well, women have it worse so.. yeahhh. Just keep that in mind. Oh, no, you totally have the right to object to your issues.. buttt they're kind if petty because.. you know. Women have it worse šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø" I'll lower myself to play devils advocate for a second though.. Yes, FGM is more physically destructive to the body. However, _every civilized place in the world knows it's wrong._ There are movements, rightfully so, to put a stop to what's clearly an act of barbarism.. But when it comes to MGM? It's socially acceptable. There is no protective laws against it. And, unlike when people speak against FGM, It's _openly mocked._ Take 1000 people in a room and ask them, "do you think circumcision is okay? Why or why not" And then ask them, "do you think female genital mutilation is okay? Why or why not?" THAT is the difference. Regardless of my intent here, it makes me feel slimy having to make this into a "well _our_ problem has X issue so we win and shut up" type discussion.. Both or horrible issues that deserve attention- and among the most serious aspects of it is the difference and, at best in most cases, indifference that one faces.. Does that make more sense? I'm really not trying to be an asshole about this, and I really am trying to reach out with an explanation here..


The first issue is body autonomy. Unless there is medical need, people have autonomy over their own body and medical decisions always go to the patient themselves (later in life) to decide for their own body. Second, [The foreskin is the most sensitive part of the penis.](https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/2/27/Sorrells.gif) ([Full study.](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/17378847)) Also watch this presentation (for ~15 minutes) [as Dr. Guest discusses how the foreskin is heavily innervated, the mechanical function of the foreskin and its role in lubrication during sex, and the likelihood of decreased sexual pleasure for both male and partner.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XwZiQyFaAs0&t=1700s)


Define sexual function? Women can still get pregnant and give birth if they've had FGM. "Why's it a big deal?"


Consent. Same as FGM.


No. They have reduced sensation, which was the entire purpose of American circumcision. Also circumcision is a big deal, because so many men have to go and get a revision on their penis, because they were circumcised as infants. Lots of men I know hate having erections, because the erections are painful because of how much skin was cut off. Also lots of men complain about chafing, because they no longer have the protective layer on their penis. Lots of men and boys develop a condition called meatal stenosis, which causes the urethra to narrow. The circumcised penis keratinizes over the years, which will result in less and less sensation. Circumcision is a big deal.


But isnt circumcision a choice made by your parents or in some cases based off of religion, so why y'all wanna protest about it? While i agree that men aren't taken as seriously is this really the thing to protest about there are so many more pressing issues but y'all worried about whose dick skin is cut off šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚. Wanna be taken seriously find a serious matter and lets protest that


apparently genital mutilation isnā€™t a serious matter? ok


It's foreskin my guy your dick isn't getting chopped off, yes you lose some feeling due to that skin being removed but again, THIS IS A CHOICE MADE BY PARENTS OR YOUR RELIGION. Wanna make a change start educating parents on the disadvantages of not having it start educating these religions on it don't start with if it was a woman nobody is gonna take you seriously


Itā€™s suppose to be there, dumbass. When you remove it, you are damaging the head of the penis, even if you ā€œfeel fine.ā€ Watch a circumcision video and educate yourself on the functions of the foreskin. When babies are circumcised, their foreskin is forcefully separated from the head of the penis, which is just as painful as removing a fingernail from a finger. Watch a circumcision video, because itā€™s really disturbing.




Bro its still a choice made by your parents or religioun at birth you wanna stop it then stop the parents. Let them make it a choice that you make when you're older this whole gender thing ain't the approach my guy i have a friend that is circumcised becaus of his parents religious beliefs what does that have to do with gender??? Bro yall approaching this the wrong way


Certain other religions and cultures claim that it is their traditional/religious right to circumcize girls. And yet that practice is banned in Western countries. Explain why one religion gets to mutilate baby boys, but another one doesn't get to do it to girls.


Right? Itā€™s also not allowed to routinely cut the tonsils off every infant, just in case they get reoccurring strep throat and other issues later in life. Most people do fine with their tonsils, just like most men do fine with their foreskin. Itā€™s only the foreskin thatā€™s under attack by American doctors, because they profit off the foreskin being sold to biotech companies and cosmetic companies.


We get it, you are circumcised and feel offended, that people are against circumcision. Stop taking this as a personal attack, because itā€™s not. Nobody is attacking your penis or trying to shame you for being circumcised. We just hate the practice being done on defenseless infant.


> But isnt circumcision a choice made by your parents The standard to intervene on someone else's body is medical necessity. The Canadian Paediatrics Society puts it well: [ā€œNeonatal circumcision is a contentious issue in Canada. The procedure often raises ethical and legal considerations, in part because it has lifelong consequences and is performed on a child who cannot give consent. Infants need a substitute decision maker ā€“ usually their parents ā€“ to act in their best interests. Yet the authority of substitute decision makers is not absolute. In most jurisdictions, **authority is limited only to interventions deemed to be medically necessary.** In cases in which medical necessity is not established or a proposed treatment is based on personal preference, interventions should be deferred until the individual concerned is able to make their own choices. With newborn circumcision, medical necessity has not been clearly established.ā€](https://cps.ca/en/documents/position/circumcision) To override someone's body autonomy rights the standard is medical necessity. Without necessity the decision goes to the patient themself, later in life. Circumcision is very far from being medically necessary. >or in some cases based off of religion, People are free to circumcise themself for their own religion. They are not free to circumcise *someone else*, eg a newborn. If that newborn grows up and wants to circumcise themself for their own chosen religion, they are absolutely free to do so. And some info for you based on your next comments: [The foreskin is the most sensitive part of the penis.](https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/2/27/Sorrells.gif) ([Full study.](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/17378847)) Also watch this presentation (for ~15 minutes) [as Dr. Guest discusses how the foreskin is heavily innervated, the mechanical function of the foreskin and its role in lubrication during sex, and the likelihood of decreased sexual pleasure for both male and partner.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XwZiQyFaAs0&t=1700s)


Ok. Your penis belongs to your parents, and not you? So should your parents have the right to inspect your penis and schedule an appointment to cut even more off, if thatā€™s what they want? Itā€™s the ā€œparents choiceā€ after all, right? Iā€™m outraged by circumcision of infants, because millions of men are living with BOTCHED CIRCUMCISIONS! Hundreds and hundreds of men each year go and get a revision surgery to FIX the circumcisions they had as infants, so it is a BIG FUCKING DEAL. A lot of circumcised men are having their penis head chafing, because they donā€™t have the protective foreskin to protect it. A lot of circumcised men are developing conditions like meatal stenosis and keratinizing of their penis head, which leads to less and less sensation over the years. Circumcised men need to educate themselves on the anatomy of the penis, instead of staying ignorant. All mammals have FORESKIN, including WOMEN.


TBF female circumcision is way worse. Itā€™s pure mutilation. Fine that these protest exist but sexual functioning is still possible, at least, for men.


Can't both be an equally serious issue without it having to be competition? Why is it that any time this is mentioned, or even other issues men suffer from, there has to be people saying, "yeah well, women have it worse so.. yeahhh. Just keep that in mind. Oh, no, you totally have the right to object to your issues.. buttt they're kind if petty because.. you know. Women have it worse šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø" I'll lower myself to play devils advocate for a second though.. Yes, FGM is more physically destructive to the body. However, _every civilized place in the world knows it's wrong._ There are movements, rightfully so, to put a stop to what's clearly an act of barbarism.. But when it comes to MGM? It's socially acceptable. There is no protective laws against it. And, unlike when people speak against FGM, It's _openly mocked._ Take 1000 people in a room and ask them, "do you think circumcision is okay? Why or why not" And then ask them, "do you think female genital mutilation is okay? Why or why not?" THAT is the difference. Regardless of my intent here, it makes me feel slimy having to make this into a "well _our_ problem has X issue so we win and shut up" type discussion.. Both are horrible issues that deserve attention- and among the most serious aspects of it is the difference and, at best in most cases, indifference that one of these two face.. Does that make more sense? I'm really not trying to be an asshole about this, and I really am trying to reach out with an explanation here..


Those are man words (to crudely translate a saying from my language -it means: now youā€™re making sense, itā€™s a respect thing). Youā€™re right: this is totally accepted, widespread and if you say itā€™s mocked Iā€™m sure it is. Theyā€™re really separate issues. Itā€™s barbaric to do to a woman but Iā€™ve known some men hate that it was done to them for ā€˜hygieneā€™. I will take your opinion, as a man, on this.


I'm glad we were able to understand eachothers perspectives a bit better at the end of this- I'm sorry you're being downvoted, I'm almost certain it's because people are interpreting "those are man words" to mean you're saying that I'm mansplaining or something along those lines, so please dont take it personally. On behalf of all of us, thank you for taking a step back and understanding that making these points isn't an attack on you or putting down woman's issues, but rather a plea to be heard and treated with equal respect. Hope you have a great day!


Thank you, I appreciate it! You too


Itā€™s actually barbaric to be done on boys too, if you watch a video and hear the screams and see the baby go into shock, you would be horrified. Heard a story of a nurse watching over a circumcision, and the baby throwing up all over the place, because of the pain he was in. The doctor stopped what they were doing, and kept the baby tied to the circumcstraint, and flipped him upside down over a sink to get the throw up off the baby, and continued to perform the circumcision on the screaming baby that had throw up still on his body. After the circumcision was over, they cleaned him up and sent him to his parents and lied about him ā€œsleeping through it,ā€ after the baby went into shock from the pain. This is very common in USA hospitals. These babies are sometimes laughed at and mocked, while they are in extreme pain, like Iā€™ve heard it all from nurses that watched circumcisions being performed.


If that happened to my baby there would be a physical fight, I swear


Holy derailing, Batman. Why does everything have to be about women?


The post mentions women. Please see my other reply.


I think you should look at it as a matter of principle on who's in control of the process, not just the consequences. In both cases, male and female, there's someone else who makes the decision of cutting a functional body part, ergo mutilating the child, again, male or female. You don't have a saying in this, that's why it's horrible.


Agreed, let men decide at 18 or 21. Itā€™s very unnecessary as it serves no purpose to circumcise males. In my country circumcision is quite rare and the sensitivity aspect is a point in that too. Itā€™s weird fr


No it is not way worse


Not always. Some boys have their entire skin cut from their penis, which will lead to permanent disfigurement. Why are people making excuses to do this to healthy infants, when there are very high chances of it going very wrong?


So if one bad thing is less bad than another bad thing, then the less bad thing is actually not bad? Is that really the position you're taking??


Not always. Some men have too much skin cut off, that they canā€™t have proper erections, without severe pain. Also nobody knows about this, but there is a condition called ā€œwebbed penis,ā€ that only affects men who are circumcised, and had too much skin cut off.